Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 298 Everything has its traces: I don’t believe in love anymore!


Ever since Pei Jingshu's Weibo was posted, the reactions of countless netizens and fans have been like the above string of question marks...


Because it was really shocking and unbelievable, and they couldn't imagine why Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian suddenly broke up, so many people didn't even know how to ask "why" for a while.

Just confused.

And after reacting...

"No, this..."


"what happened?"

"Sister Pei, are you sure you didn't send it wrong?!"

"I once suspected that I had seen the wrong person, but this is really Sister Pei!"

"?? Is this horse riding real?!"

Unbelievable, unbelievable, incredible...

No one expected that Pei Jingshu would suddenly announce her breakup with Gu Huaian at this time.

To know!

They, "Pei Ban takes care of CP", are recognized as the sweetest and strongest couple on the Internet, and they are also the reason why countless netizens still believe in love!

Obviously less than half a month ago, they were still spreading sweets on the "Hello Life Partner" program, eating together, going to the sea together, and singing "You Will Marry Me Today" together. I wish I could give it to you. All the teeth are missing;

Obviously just a few days ago, Gu Huaian had just been in a car accident. The news that Pei Jingshu burst into tears at the airport that day was on the hot search. She even rushed to Guangzhou overnight to visit him...

All this is still vivid in my mind!

In the eyes of many people, Pei Jingshu should be taking care of the injured Gu Huaian in the hospital now, and the two of them should be loving each other.

No one can imagine how these two people could suddenly announce...

separate? !

At first, many people even suspected that Pei Jingshu sent it by mistake. I don’t know how many fans immediately @Pei Jingshu in the comment area, or directly sent her private messages to ask her if she sent it by mistake.

Some even said:

"Sister Pei, have you been threatened by someone? If you are threatened, just blink!"

They tried their best to make Pei Jingshu say that this incident was false, that it was an unfounded incident, and even...

Some netizens would rather it was "Pei Ban taking care of CP", Gu Huai'an and Pei Jingshu, who have recently become less popular, for the sake of publicity, rather than believe that it is true!


The noise gets bigger and bigger!

Just like the wind blowing in Guangzhou Hospital that day, you always feel that it is strong enough, and you always hope that it will stop...

But not only will it not stop, it will get bigger and bigger, blowing sand everywhere, and making the visibility of the air low... no matter how low it is!

" # Pei Jingshu unilaterally announced her breakup with Gu Huaian! # "

Just when the popularity of Gu Huaian's car accident was beginning to subside, Pei Jingshu unilaterally announced the news of her breakup with Gu Huaian, which became a hot search topic.

It landed directly on the top of the hot search lists on major platforms.

On this day, no one, no star, or the popularity of any entertainment event can crush this matter.


More and more people are paying attention to this matter, and more and more people are confused and have questions.

Some people started scolding Pei Jingshu...

"No, he just had a car accident and you're announcing your breakup now?"

"Even if there are problems, we can't break up at this time..."

I don’t blame people for not understanding. The main reason is that Gu Huaian had a car accident a few days ago and the matter was quite big. Everyone on the Internet knows that Gu Huaian’s reputation has always been excellent. Everyone thinks that even if they break up, it won’t be a moral issue. , so even if you want to announce your breakup, you can’t announce it at this time...

Announcing it now is like riding on the heat of Gu Huai'an's car accident.

The main reason is that Gu Huaian is still lying in the hospital. Even if the relationship breaks up, if you announce it at this time, you can't get over it no matter what, right? !

Don’t you consider the patient’s feelings? !

This feels very uncomfortable.

The fans of Pei Jingshu's family are very competitive and have always been the leading presence in domestic entertainment. They will never accept anyone slandering Pei Jingshu.

But this time, what was rare was that they didn't even speak for Pei Jingshu for a while.

Mainly because she felt that the time when she announced her breakup was really... inappropriate.

But at the same time...

There are also many people speculating on why Pei Jingshu suddenly announced her breakup with Gu Huaian.

There is no reason!

It shouldn’t be!

So Pei Jingshu was still crying at the airport the night he had the car accident. How come it was like this after two or three days? !

What happened in the middle?

Or did Pei Jingshu see something that she shouldn't have seen in the past few days?


Some rumors started to appear.

"Do you think it has anything to do with Siren?"

"Yeah! I think it's possible, it's possible that Pei Jingshu saw Gu Huaian and Xilin in the hospital..."

"During "Crystal Love Season", I felt that Gu Huaian and Xilin were unusual."

"The two of them were filming together in Yunnan recently. A friend of mine was also on the set and said that everyone knew that they were a couple on the set."

"Zun Du Fake Du?!"

Rumors are spread with just one mouth. Some people spread rumors with no real purpose, just to appear awesome and pretend to be awesome in front of netizens.

But these rumors will become more and more evil!

Gu Huaian was with Xilin when he had a car accident. At that time, many people photographed them riding in the same car, and many people photographed Xilin smashing the paparazzi's car...

But because the news about Gu Huaian's life and death in a car accident was so overwhelming, the heat on this matter was suppressed.

But just because the popularity is suppressed, it doesn’t mean that no one pays attention.

Now, Pei Jingshu unilaterally announced her breakup with Gu Huaian, and netizens naturally revealed what happened before...

From this, all kinds of rumors started to spread!

Talking about Gu Huaian and Xilin's husband and wife...

What did Gu Huaian and Xilin do in the hospital that Pei Jingshu discovered...

Talking about Gu Huaian and Xilin...

In short, there is anything to say.

Reduce them to nothing.

Said them to be a couple... a man and a woman?

It's quite ugly to say that the classic saying "It's so chaotic in your circle" has resurfaced again.

The funniest thing is that some people started to attack Xilin, saying that they had long disliked her and so on...

You will find a very funny thing, that is, an artist is usually full of compliments. Once something goes wrong, a large group of dogs will appear in the comment area and say, "I have seen what happened to him."

There is no doubt that they are all sailors, each one counts as one.

They also have a purpose in doing this. Just like smearing Shang Zhuoyan before, if they push her down, her resources will naturally be dispersed to others.

As a red carpet goddess, the resources that Xilin has access to are the type that truly make countless female celebrities in the domestic entertainment industry jealous!

The matter continued to ferment. Without any evidence, a group of people spread rumors on the Internet. Slowly, the "war" spread to the actor Su.

Someone below the comment section of Su Yuntang’s Weibo said:

"Brother, I feel so sorry for you!"

"The boulevard you long for is already muddy!"

Everyone on the Internet knows that the best actor Su Yuntang likes Xilin, so now that Xilin has been rumored and has done so many things, naturally many people will "feel sorry" for Su Yuntang.

In the past, actor Su has never responded to similar news, even if he was said to be ntr during "Crystal Love Season".

On the one hand, he doesn’t pay much attention to online news. He is a professional actor and likes to keep the actor’s mystery and preserve himself;

On the other hand, it is also because he knows that it is useless to say many things by himself. In today's world where "the navy controls everything", it is useless to say more.

But this time...

Seeing the news spreading rumors about Xilin and Gu Huaian, Su Yuntang really couldn't hold it back.

He rarely sent a text update, saying:

"I know who Siren is, better than any of you. I don't need you to tell me who she is."

Although there is no emotion in this sentence just by reading the words, anyone can feel the anger of the actor Su.

Many fans are naturally supportive, but even so, they still can't stop those dogs who "talk without responsibility".

They did not argue with the actor Su, but said:

"You know who Xilin is. Does that mean you don't know who Gu Huaian is?"

"So brother, are you hinting at something?"

"I have long said that Gu Huaian is not upright..."

Facts have proved that celebrities really cannot talk nonsense. As long as they cannot be "tight-tight", they should not make any remarks.

Isn’t this?

One sentence of the best actor Su was successfully "misinterpreted" by others.

He only said that he knew Xilin, but did not say that he knew Gu Huaian, so he was said to be "hinting", and then many people began to turn the war on Gu Huaian, who was still lying in the hospital, for the first time in a real sense.


Su Yuntang was dumbfounded at that time. What was this? How could it be that he was leading the war to Gu Huaian? !

He originally wanted to post another update to explain, but the agency called him and said that the matter was hotly searched, so he had better not speak for now. This is when public opinion is at its peak, and anything you say can easily be criticized. Misinterpretation.

If the meaning is distorted again, you will really be trapped and unable to get out...

Don't mess with other people's affairs for a long time and drag you, a pure deer person, into trouble.


Su Yuntang sighed and thought silently that he really felt sorry for Gu Huaian this time.

What he didn't expect was that his failure to respond would intensify the group's attack on Gu Huaian.

Everyone was saying that Su Yuntang was hinting at what Gu Huaian was doing. If Su Yuntang didn't respond, some people said that he acquiesced, and then some people started to "repeat old scores"!

He said that Gu Huaian had no quality in the past. He used to participate in programs that were nothing but fried cow dung and badly displayed...

At one point they were all pulled out!

The matter became so heated that Xilin's agency and studio issued statements to clarify the situation, and warned some people not to speak nonsense again.

But the "statement" of the entertainment industry (juan) is so silly, haha, it has no credibility for a long time.

It can almost be said to be "fart".

"Statements" are always meant to slap someone in the face.

So netizens didn’t believe it at all and continued to spread rumors...

Under such circumstances, Xilin seemed to be very sensible. She found some black fan leaders and some people who were buying trolls, and directly asked the company to go through legal procedures and take them to court.


This is not as simple as handing Green Corpse Han a warning, but a court summons in the true sense.

In fact, many of the so-called lawyer's letters are just to scare people. Many people are very happy to see them posted on the Internet. It is clear that he is just spreading rumors.

Didn't a certain old artist say that?

"The person who wronged you knows better than you how wronged you are!"

Under normal circumstances, artists don't want to go to great lengths to litigate, so naturally they just send out green corpses to scare people.

But Xilin did not do this. She directly chose to go through the legal process. She was not afraid of any trouble. She must make those who spread rumors pay the price.

Come out next...

The voices of those who spread rumors gradually became quieter.

And it was at this time that Xilin's fans seemed to have finally been "released". In the comment areas of various videos and entries, some people began to make comments...

"I just said that Xilin is not such a person!"

"Always believe in solutions!"

There is a terrible thing called "control and evaluation".

In the comment area of ​​a certain short video software, boys and girls can see different comments.

Not to mention the trend in the comment area when asking questions...

This era is scary. It’s scary because it can brainwash you and influence your thoughts. You can think whatever you want to think...

So people should still have some ability to think independently.

Otherwise, you don’t want to be a wallflower. If you become weak, you will be blown around with a hair dryer.

Although Xilin took Heizi to court and temporarily calmed down some of the tension between her and Gu Huaian, there are still endless theories about the "reason for the breakup" of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu.

Although there are many things to say, the interesting thing is that almost everyone subconsciously feels that Gu Huaian is sorry for Pei Jingshu. There is no way, because the image of Pei Jingshu's "love brain" is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

She has never been the type to be suspected.

And just when Xilin's rhythm had just calmed down...

Another shocking news has been revealed on the Internet!

someone said……

"The reason why Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu broke up may be because of Shang Zhuoyan."

There is no airtight wall in the world. Some people will always see some clues about Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan, some people will fabricate it, and some people will truly find it...


About five or six days after Pei Jingshu unilaterally announced her breakup with Gu Huaian, and just when Xilin's lawsuit against Heizi in court had calmed down a bit...

Paparazzi broke the news that Gu Huaian had a private meeting with Charlene in the hotel at the beginning of this year!

That's right...

This matter can be traced back to the original incident of "exposing a certain three-character man as a top star".

At the end of the new year, there were paparazzi who were going to expose information about Gu Huaian, and they all warned me.

But then he was slapped in the face. Gu Huaian came out of the hotel with a male friend, which caused a burst of laughter. Everyone didn't take it seriously and even went to laugh at the paparazzi studio.

But then...

The paparazzi who took the lead felt that something was not right, so he later checked the celebrities who were in Quancheng during that time.

The city where Gu Huaian's hometown is located is a second- and third-tier city, so there are not many celebrities who usually go there, especially during the New Year period. Most celebrities are concentrated in some first-tier cities with New Year's Eve celebrations and rarely come here. .

Then check it out a little bit...

Didn’t you find Shang Zhuoyan? !

During that time, she was probably the only young top artist who did not attend New Year's Eve and various parties. The hotel has her check-in record, and the most important thing is...

Her IP address at that time was in Quancheng, okay!

It is true that the paparazzi did not take any photos of her and Gu Huaian together at that time, and Gu Huaian was quite wary...

But rumors never need proof!

Just releasing these materials is enough for everyone to believe it, right?

During the Chinese New Year, this studio was slapped in the face for trying to expose information about Gu Huaian, and was ridiculed by peers and netizens for half a year...

This is a direct two-level reversal!

They were crazy about Gu Huaian's information, and they were crazy about Gu Huaian being with Shang Zhuoyan at that time!

As for why it’s released now…

Because now is the right time!

This is the case with many paparazzi entertainment studios. Even if they capture material, they often won't release it immediately because it has little value and won't cause much of a sensation.

Only when something happens to this artist and is released at that time can it attract more attention.

Then now is naturally the best time...


The enthusiastic "melon-eating people" began to transfer the "war" from Xilin to Shang Zhuoyan.

I don’t know how many people started saying in the comment areas of various related videos:

"I think the relationship between Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan is quite unusual..."

"Could it be that Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian broke up because of Shang Zhuoyan?"

"It must be, why do you need to ask?"

"I have a friend who works in the hospital where Guangzhou Gu Huaian lives. She saw Shang Zhuoyan going to the hospital that day!"

"Zun Du Fake Du?!"

Someone began to discuss the topic of Shang Zhuoyan's appearance on the day Gu Huaian was hospitalized in a car accident.

In fact, so far, no one has talked about Shang Zhuoyan's appearance in the hospital, and this matter is not a secret. The paparazzi have very good noses. After Gu Huaian's accident, he immediately appeared near the hospital to take photos. It was the paparazzi. Although Shang Zhuoyan was covered up tightly when she went there, she was too anxious, so naturally someone would take a picture of her and recognize her...

Because everyone's focus was not on Shang Zhuoyan before, this matter didn't get heated much...

Now that the war has spread...


Everyone focused their attention on Shang Zhuoyan!

Focus on what happened that day!

Some people began to say that Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan had always been close, but they had never been embarrassed to say it, especially on the show. They felt they were a bit too close.

Some program clips began to be mentioned, such as Shang Zhuoyan saying in the car that she hated the song "The Name Engraved in My Heart" by Gu Huaian; also such as the connotation of her saying "I don't want to be an artist anymore" at that time; and even more such as her because The thing about Gu Huaian jumping into the sea and breaking the defense...

These were all taken out as evidence that her relationship with Gu Huaian was unclear.

Some people also began to say that Gu Huaian had always been in two boats, and this time he was discovered by Pei Jingshu accidentally.


The overwhelming "curses" began to drown Gu Huaian.


In the true sense, it’s a storm!

You see, how can I be round? I can't be round all day long, and I can't be round. What's the repeater?

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