Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 299 Breaking up should be decent, no one should say goodbye

Chapter 299 Breaking up should be decent, no one should say goodbye...

Shang Zhuoyan has been in quite a miserable state recently...

Because he was involved in the breakup incident between Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, he received a series of crazy abuses from the "Pei Ban takes care of" CP fans!

Probably everyone thought that it was her becoming the third party that caused Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu to break up.


Her company and team did not give any decent explanation at all during the few days that the incident unfolded.

Not even a symbolic statement.

It seems that I want to... treat it coldly.

It's quite normal. In today's fast-paced society, things related to celebrities and artists will be forgotten in a short time. It would be better not to talk about it, like the actor Su Yuntang, but it will be self-defeating.

Just this matter...

It seems that it can't be solved by just treating it coldly.

The group that had not brought down Charlene Shang before had seized the opportunity this time, adding fuel to the madness and driving Charlene Shang to a crazy pace. As a result, several recent endorsements by Charlene Shang had to be temporarily postponed.

Correspondingly, other aspects of work have also been affected. Among them, the broadcast of a variety show this week was forced to be delayed, and online rumors said that all her clips would be cut and re-broadcast.

This makes Shang Zhuoyan, who finally got over last year's turmoil, at risk of falling back again.

Normally, Gu Huaian would probably care about her, but now Gu Huaian has no time for him to care about her.

At the beginning of the turmoil, Gu Huaian was still stable. After all, he had always had a good reputation and his works were popular, so his work was basically not affected.

But as the storm gets bigger and bigger...

Some manufacturers have also begun to contact and say that they want to postpone or temporarily suspend cooperation, etc.

Originally, some partners had a wait-and-see attitude, wanting to see how Gu Huaian and his company planned to handle this matter. If it was handled well, everyone would be happy. If it was not handled well, the cooperation would be terminated depending on the situation.

After all, Gu Huaian's boss is famous for his public relations skills.

But who knows...

When faced with this matter, when the public opinion was fermenting extremely crazy, and even under the hot search for nearly half a month, Gu Huaian, his team, his agency, his boss... and everyone!

There is no explanation!

Even like Shang Zhuoyan, there is no symbolic "statement" to the outside world!

Nothing at all……

Cold treatment?


In short, at present, Gu Huaian gave them all the feeling that they should handle this matter coldly.

This directly led to some partners who had a wait-and-see attitude. Seeing Gu Huaian's "building collapse", they could no longer afford to take the risk and chose to negotiate with Gu Huaian to terminate the contract.

Just a few days after that, many website logos, shopping mall pictures, photos, etc. that were originally endorsed by Gu Huaian were basically downloaded.

This matter has even been on the hot search. No one expected that Gu Huaian's house collapsed, and it collapsed...

So thorough.

Do you think there are any who have not terminated their contracts?

There are too...

Several well-known brands did not choose to terminate their contracts with Gu Huaian, and some even wanted to renew their contracts. After all, Gu Huaian's matter was simply a relationship issue, and he had not committed any principled issues, and he would not be banned. Such a talented original singer will be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

They are more discerning...

But in fact, even Gu Huaian himself doesn't know if he can make a comeback, or...

When can we make a comeback?

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian lost followers. For example, Douyin's platform account originally had more than 8 million followers, but it lost nearly 400,000 followers in half a month.

Did you lose a lot?

Not much actually...

But many of them are active fans!

One thing that must be mentioned here is that many of the followers of celebrity artists on various platforms are zombie fans. For example, Gu Huaian, who has seven to eight million followers, is only able to fight and is willing to fight. Come to ten thousand.

Don’t underestimate this ratio, it’s already very good. If you look at those Internet celebrities, there are very few who claim to have tens of millions of fans following them in their live broadcast rooms.

The vast majority of people pay attention with the mentality of just eating melons and passers-by.

And when the house collapsed, it fell...

Can! All! yes! real! pink! ah!

Those people are the kind who will really speak to you and do anything for you without hesitation when you need them.

If you really rely on fans to make a living, you must not offend them, let alone say nonsense like "you can't afford it and you have to blame yourself".

Don't fall in love with someone you shouldn't date.

Otherwise the consequences will be really serious.

Gu Huaian has already figured it out. He has a lot of fans, most of whom are fans and CP fans "taken care of by Pei Ban".

In fact, most of this wave of fans are "CP fans", which is self-evident.

Did you say that anyone spoke for Gu Huaian?

There are also.


There will also be fans of Gu Huaian who will comment on Pei Jingshu’s posts and just want to say...

"Can't we break up with dignity? It has to be like this?"

They didn't know it, so they naturally felt sorry for Gu Huaian. However, this situation was reversed again with a hot search at the end of the month.

“ # Pei Jingshu has short hair! # ”

The storm has been fermenting for nearly half a month, and new ingredients are exposed every day, and there are new melons to eat every day.

However, Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian, the real owners, did not respond to Pei Jingshu's Weibo post and almost never appeared.

So when many people look back on the past half month, they feel that the fuss was too big. It was obviously just a breakup news, and the owner didn't say anything. How come both parties were attacked like this?

The comments on the Internet are somewhat exaggerated and contain rumors.

But when Pei Jingshu appeared at the Shanghai airport that day with short hair...

Many people have really broken their defenses.

To be honest, Pei Jingshu was really distressed. She felt that she was already dressed simply enough and no longer looked like a female star in any way. She even wore a piece from her assistant that she bought on a certain store. Very cheap clothes.

I also wore a mask, sunglasses, and a hat...

Even when I went to the airport, I was separated from my sister and assistant.

The purpose is not to let others recognize her.

But I don’t know why, it’s always...always!

Someone will always recognize her!

People will recognize you wherever you go!

No matter what she wears, someone will recognize her!

Even with short hair, people can recognize it!

That was the first time that she felt that being good-looking was a very distressing thing.

The storm had been brewing for more than half a month. After attacking Xilin, a group of people attacked Shang Zhuoyan, then Gu Huaian, and even the actor Su was implicated...

Occasionally, someone always says, is it really appropriate for Pei Jingshu to take up so many public resources by herself?

Did she also... make too much of a fuss?

Isn't it just a breakup? Your "Pei Ban takes care of CP" is known to the whole Internet. It was so sweet at the beginning. No matter what, the breakup should at least be decent, right?

Look at the people who were attacked and implicated. Many of them are innocent.

All the things that have happened in the past half month have made many fans unable to stand it.


When they saw Pei Jingshu, who had a short haircut, a haggard face, and red and swollen circles around her eyes, it looked like she had just cried.

The words of complaint were never said out loud after all.

And when they saw her, whether they saw her live at the airport or through videos and pictures online, almost everyone felt a sense of...

Sincerely sad and distressed.

It makes the tip of my nose sore and makes me want to cry.

Since her debut, Pei Jingshu has left an indelible image of Bai Yueguang in the hearts of many viewers with her beautiful black hair. The hair is of good quality, and with Pei Jingshu's temperament and that picture, it can be called " Her pretty face goes well with her. No one has ever seen Pei Jingshu permed or dyed, and she has never been seen wearing exaggerated looks even on grand occasions...

Marketing accounts often say that Pei Jingshu spends several hours maintaining her hair when she goes to a beauty salon.

And such a beautiful head of hair is now cut off at the waist...

Just looking at the "disappearing hair" makes many people feel distressed enough.

From her debut to now, no one has ever seen Pei Jingshu with "short hair", but now she has just cut her hair short.

Not to mention, she looked haggard and her eyes were red and swollen...

Even though she is like that, she is still incredibly beautiful; but she makes people feel weak, distressed, and...


Some people say that there is no light in Pei Jingshu's eyes.

Her watery eyes seem to be always shining, especially during the relationship, you will feel that her whole person is in good condition, as if she is being nourished.

But now, those eyes seemed to have completely dimmed, and she would occasionally be in a daze. She occasionally couldn't hear the staff calling her, and she looked particularly dull.

She looks really sad!

In fact, it's not just her eyes that have no light, many people who believe in love because of them also have no light in their eyes.

Someone said at the beginning that "Pei Ban takes care of CP" is the only reason for them to believe in love. But now that they have broken up, in their eyes, there is no real love in the entertainment industry, and it will not exist in this world. any form of…

In love.

"Woo...Sister Pei..."

When seeing Pei Jingshu like this, even those who wanted to say that her breakup was dishonorable were unable to speak anyway.

Pei Jingshu's look seemed to explain to everyone how bruised she was in this relationship.

She is just an ordinary girl who was hurt and haggard due to a breakup...

Everyone knows that she has a soft heart, and everyone knows that she has a love brain. If she wasn't really hurt, how could she be willing to hurt so many people?

Speaking of love brain, in recent days there has been a group of people on the Internet making articles about "love brain" and saying...

Love brains have never had a good ending since ancient times...

Look at how many years Baochuan has been digging wild vegetables...

I told you a long time ago that you are in love but you didn’t listen...

In short, they are a group of people who hate iron but cannot make steel.

Said that Pei Jingshu should have listened to them long ago.

Of course, most of all, she felt "heartbroken" for Pei Jingshu.

Also because of their distress, more and more people began to scold Gu Huaian...

Because he did not respond to the news about Shang Zhuoyan, the rumors about Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan became more and more fierce. In addition, Pei Jingshu's haggard appearance made people more certain that the breakup was Gu Huaian's responsibility.


Gu Huaian has been very aggressive recently.

Some even scolded him and said:

"Get out of the entertainment industry!"

"You don't deserve to be a star!"

Half a month ago, Gu Huaian, a superstar, was worried by the whole network because he had a car accident;

Half a month later, Gu Huaian was a treacherous villain whom everyone called a loser. He had to sneak out with an ambulance in the middle of the night, otherwise he would be surrounded by entertainment reporters downstairs. He was a celebrity.

That's right...

Gu Huaian lay in the hospital for half a month.

In fact, just lying down for half a month is definitely not enough. Although his arm fracture is not serious, he hit his head and suffered a concussion. He needs to be observed for a month before deciding what to do.

But Gu Huaian really couldn't wait any longer...

Downstairs of the hospital, there are all kinds of entertainment reporters, paparazzi, squatting photographers, proxy photographers, fans, deer people... and other people surrounding it every day. Gu Huaian doesn't need to go down, but the assistant can go out to buy things. I was surrounded and asked, which was very troublesome.

Every day in the ward, the curtains must be closed. The reason is very simple. Just like what Gu Huaian told Gu's mother that day, there are really people holding SLRs on the mountains in the distance to secretly take photos of Gu Huaian. Some of them climbed up the tree. Just to take a picture of Gu Huaian...

Gu Huaian couldn't bear the feeling of being "surveilled" all the time, not to mention that he was not usually a person who could take time off, so he decisively chose to leave the hospital without feeling too dizzy.

Of course, the reason why he was discharged from the hospital was not just because he couldn't stay any longer, but also because...

If he is not discharged from the hospital, the company will be in trouble.

In fact, the company has been in trouble for a long time. Ever since the incident with Shang Zhuoyan came to light a week ago, the company has been anxious to have a meeting with Gu Huaian. Some senior officials planned to come directly to discuss countermeasures with Gu Huaian in the ward. .

Fortunately, Ma Jiang stopped all this, otherwise it would be really difficult for Gu Huaian to take a break these days...

Speaking of Jiang's mother, she is also quite busy. Gu Huaian can't go, but the program "Hello Life Partner" will continue. Jiang's mother is always very busy when she is with the group. How can she have time to stay there every day? Gu Huaian here?

But she still resolutely resisted the pressure on Gu Huaian and refused to let the company bother him...

Gu Huaian has received this love, but he really can't go on like this. In the past half month, the companies that compensated him for the termination fees for many endorsements and advertisements have been a headache. Maybe the compensation is not that much compared to the profit, but which capital company Can you accept losing money?

Everyone wants to make money, who wants to lose money?

So after being discharged from the hospital and sending Gu's mother back, Gu Huaian packed up and went to the capital.

Speaking of Gu's mother, she has been taking care of her son for the past half month. She often read news on the Internet before. At first, she was emotional and wanted to question Gu Huaian, but considering that he was still lying in the hospital bed, she felt distressed. Didn't ask.

However, when she was on the phone with Gu Huaian that day, the voice of Shang Zhuoyan she heard still bothered her.

In the past half month, she would occasionally check the Internet for news related to Shang Zhuoyan.

To be honest, Mother Gu doesn’t like Shang Zhuoyan very much. The elders are more conservative. A girl like Shang Zhuoyan, with a bold personality and hot clothes, is not the type that the elders will like. Pei Jingshu’s gentle oriental femininity That's what the elders appreciate the most.

So in fact, she occasionally wanted to scold Gu Huaian. How could she cause problems with Shang Zhuoyan and Pei Jingshu?


He had a thousand words to say, but when he saw Gu Huaian who was occasionally in a daze, the mother finally didn't ask.

In fact, Gu Huaian's condition was average during this period. Although it didn't seem like anything, a mother would always notice the weirdness of her son. With so much pressure from online public opinion and various unsatisfactory work conditions, you bet Gu Huaian was really interested. Was it so easy when you went up to argue with her?

Farewell. Mother Gu just patted Gu Huaian on the shoulder and said that she would quit working in the worst case and come back. Anyway, the money you make is enough for our family to eat and drink for the rest of our lives.

Gu Huaian smiled and said yes, and left in the car downstairs without even coming to the door.

It's not that Gu Huaian doesn't want to stay longer, but there are some photographers and proxy photographers near his home. Many neighbors and relatives will come to visit him soon if they hear that he is back.

He didn't want to cause trouble to his family.

It is said that Gu Zhun has been having conflicts with people in school recently. Some people said bad things about Gu Huaian and he couldn't stand it, so he started to quarrel with his classmates...

Fortunately, summer vacation was about to begin. Gu Huaian told him to go out less during summer vacation and stop pretending to be with his classmates, otherwise it would be easy for problems to arise again.

Even at his family's fried skewers shop, Gu Huaian told Ma Gu to stay away and avoid the limelight recently.

In short, Gu Huaian realized for the first time the headaches of being an artist.

I also understood what Shang Zhuoyan said in "Hello Life Partner":

"I don't want to be an artist anymore..."

When Gu Huaian arrived in the capital, it was almost the end of June or the beginning of July.

Summer vacation is approaching, and the recent weather can't be said to be particularly hot. It's not as hot as the dog days of summer. Even if you wear short-sleeved clothes and walk on the street to bask in the sun, you will still sweat.


As soon as Gu Huaian arrived at the company, he was invited to the conference room. After arriving, there was a loud noise. People were talking about everything, some were criticizing, some were trying to find solutions, and some were complaining...

It seemed that Mother Jiang's flight was delayed, so she arrived a little late. After arriving, she took a lot of pressure off Gu Huaian. Most people complained to Mother Jiang, asking her why she didn't make a statement for Gu Huaian and why she didn't explain. Why not do public relations, why not wash? !

At least it's okay to give a symbolic response, and it won't cause a commotion like now, with everyone pushing down the wall!

at this point……

Gu Huaian doesn't understand either.

But I can vaguely guess something...

And Gu Huaian estimated that Jiang Ma should have countermeasures.

But to be honest, Gu Huaian doesn't know yet. Apart from treating it coldly, finding a low-key place to avoid the limelight, spending this time, and waiting for everyone to forget about it before going out for marketing...

What other countermeasures are there?

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