Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 332: Call the person you like, even if she is also holding a concert!

"Did you bring your cell phones?"

He asked suddenly. Many people were still a little confused, but they still answered subconsciously:


"I definitely brought it!"

"You're telling me, can I live without it?"

"Who doesn't go out with a mobile phone these days..."

"take it out……"

This answer must have been expected, so Gu Huaian smiled and shook the phone in his hand. With that touching melody filling the entire scene, he said:


"The person you like."

The slight pause and the smile when saying "the person you like" inexplicably made some viewers feel very emotional.


The voice at the scene began to gradually become stronger.

No one at any time can resist this extremely romantic scene!

He said let them call...the person they like!

The most terrible thing is that he also said:

"I sang "Tenderness" to him."


Although, at this moment, the stage does not have the kind of chorus like "Sunny Day" and "Reverse War" before, nor is it as exciting as the new songs "Suddenly Miss You" and "So What if You Lose or Win the World", it is very quiet. , even a little peaceful...


Everyone still couldn't help but get goosebumps.

It’s really… very touching!

When everyone listens to a song, they will have their own story and resonance, and the "male (female) protagonist" in their story will probably be their elusive but distant dream in many cases. , or maybe it’s the regrets of the past...

We always have so many words that we are ashamed to say because of face, making everything in the past turn into regrets. We can only recall them many years later after dinner, when we are drunk, or during sleepless nights, and we regret it.

In fact, sometimes, it is as simple as you mustering up the courage to open your mouth and make a phone call.

And today...

Gu Huaian just asked them to make a phone call!

Call the person you want to call the most, whether it's the person you like, the person you love, or your family, it doesn't matter!

"Wow this..."

Because this plot is really romantic, many people were touched by it.


Probably infected by the atmosphere at the scene, many people actually picked up their mobile phones and called the person with whom they most wanted to share this song "Tenderness"...

"Who should I call?"

The young woman Yao in the audience looked at her phone list, and she didn't think about who to call for a long time.

He had no choice but to turn his attention to Xilin beside him and asked:

"Do you want to fight?"

Xilin held the mobile phone in her hand, but her eyes were just looking at Gu Huaian on the stage. She smiled and shook her head and said:

"I beat him. It would be boring for him to arrange this session."

Xilin knew very well that the "heroine" in this "phone call" session was not her. She knew this when she watched Gu Huai'an come up with a mobile phone.

Although she also knew very well that if Gu Huaian's cell phone rang on stage at this time and the caller was her name, the live show would be very effective, but unfortunately, her sister still did not want to join in the fun.

She is still willing to watch from the side...

at the same time.

on the stage.

Seeing many people taking out their mobile phones to make calls, Gu Huaian grinned and waited patiently for them to get through.

"Dong dong..."

Fortunately, the melody I compiled in advance is long enough, otherwise I don’t know whether I can sing it later.

Seeing those people talking on the phone, to be honest, Gu Huaian was a little envious. He looked down at his cell phone, and finally shook his head and stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

Then, he held his hands and looked at everyone silently.

Because the camera on the big screen was always focused on him, many people still noticed even the subtle movements just now...

"Aren't you going to fight?"

In the audience, some audience members were shouting:

"Don't you want to call the person you like?"

"You fight too!"

I don’t know if the “herd effect” is causing the problem. When one person shouts, many people start shouting.

At first it was just people shouting in the infield, but then the sound spread to the outfield, and then the whole place started shouting!

"You fight too!"

"Call Pei Jingshu!"

The sounds became more numerous and louder.


They all have people they want to call, and they all have their own regrets, so why not Gu Huaian?

To say that everyone knows today, the person who may have the greatest regret is probably Gu Huaian!

Who doesn't know that he and Pei Jingshu have not reconciled yet!

"Hit me!!!"

Pei Jingshu, the white-eyed female fan in the front row who had been shouted at by Gu Huaian many times, suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs. The voice was so loud and abrupt that it even broke her voice!



It makes everyone around you happy. I mean, girl, does your throat really not hurt? !

This phrase "Fight you" has also successfully brought back some people's memories. Speaking of which, everyone is really helpless towards Gu Huaian, a stinky straight man. During the New Year's Eve some time ago, the whole audience shouted "Fight you", and now it's "Fight" again. "Just hit me." Isn't it really okay?

This picture is extremely familiar.

Some viewers also commented harshly on Gu Huaian, saying:

"Gu Huaian... encourages us to be brave, but he is very shy."

He asks everyone to call the person he likes, but he doesn't dare to call him. Why should he ask others to do something that he doesn't dare to take the lead in doing?

And as if he was aware of this, Gu Huaian took out his mobile phone from his pocket again.

He was holding the microphone in one hand and his mobile phone in the other, staring at the phone with a look of helplessness on his face...

"If I hit her, she might not be able to catch it," he said.

Everyone knew who he was going to call, whom he would call, and they even knew whether she could answer the call.


Until this moment, many people suddenly realized that even if Gu Huaian called, Pei Jingshu would not be able to answer the call.

Because at the same time, she was also holding a concert in Su Zhou, and it was during the performance period in full swing. How could she have time to answer the phone?

The mobile phone must be held by the staff. They would not think that Pei Jingshu happened to be taking a break at halftime.

"You fight first!"

Someone at the scene wanted to say that it's her business whether she accepts it or not, and whether you hit her or not, that's your business!

At the same time, there was a big brother shouting in the infield:

"My girlfriend was at Pei Jingshu's concert, and I asked her to tell Pei Jingshu!"

As soon as the words fell!


"real or fake?!"

"Can it still be done like this?!"

This "Tianxiu" operation suddenly showed off to many people, and some people who like to cause trouble shouted next to them:

"Who did your girlfriend go with?"

As soon as these words came out...

"Ha ha……"

It amused the people around me all at once. Although it was not very polite, there was nothing wrong with the question.

You said that if a boyfriend and a girlfriend don't go to the same concert together, why should they be separated?

"This... you can't say it like that..."

Gu Huaian now acted as a "peacemaker" and helped his eldest brother, otherwise it would be a big problem if there was a fight.

The eldest brother has a good attitude and even explained to the people around him that he wanted to watch Gu Huai'an's concert and his girlfriend wanted to watch Pei Jingshu's concert, so they could only watch each other.

He didn't know how enviable these words were. Not just anyone could grab Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu's concert tickets!

It’s good to grab one side, but I got both sides!

You must have spent a lot of money on scalpers!

It is worth mentioning that there do seem to be many friends on Pei Jingshu’s side at the scene...

Su Zhou was so old, so many people came to the concert together, so it was not surprising to have friends at each other's concerts.

Maybe it was because the eldest brother took the lead, but many people started shouting, saying they could call that friend or something.

"No...we agreed that you would call the person you like?"

Gu Huai'an was so happy, why did this become his "special show" after such a fuss for so long?

"it does not matter!"

"She won't answer anyway!"

"Help you!"

Everyone was quite kind-hearted, but Gu Huaian seemed a little shy if he didn't fight at this time.

"Dong dong..."

It is worth mentioning that, as if the atmosphere of the scene had reached a certain level, the band teacher’s keyboard also played harder and crisper.

It was also like assisting Gu Huaian.

"Then I'll fight..."

Gu Huaian was a little nervous and dialed Pei Jingshu's phone number.

Speaking of which, this seemed to be the first time Gu Huaian called Pei Jingshu after the breakup. He was quite unsure whether he could get through. He was really afraid that she would block him and no one answered him for the time being. That would be embarrassing...

"This kid..."

Many viewers were amused when they saw Gu Huaian on the stage. It was obvious that from the beginning to the present, Gu Huaian was a capable singer with full stage experience, steady style, and perfect control of the stage. It felt like he had everything under control... …

Why is it that when I call Pei Jingshu now, she seems like a completely different person?


The place was really quiet, as if everyone was waiting for him to make a call.

And Gu Huaian's anxious heart finally calmed down a bit with the sound of dialing and ringing.

It turned out that she had never blocked Gu Huaian's phone number.

It's just that Gu Huaian has never been beaten before.

"It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep most..."

"It turns out that love and we were once so close..."

Compared with Gu Huaian's concert, the scale of Pei Jingshu's concert is not that big, with nearly ten thousand people in attendance.

This year she is very tired, has a lot of performances, and has emotional problems, so she has been in poor condition. Fortunately, her face is not broken, otherwise fans will really want to care about Huaian offline.

Different from the wrap-around stage design of Gu Huaian's concert, Pei Jingshu's stage is designed in the center of the stadium. The 360-degree stage design allows the audience to appreciate her delicate and pretty face in all directions without blind spots.

After all, she returned to her hometown to hold a concert. Even though her recent state has never been at its peak, Pei Jingshu still showed all her sincerity. Now, except for the time to change clothes, she almost spends all her time singing and interacting with everyone. There is absolutely no choice in stage design or singing...

Even, "Little Lucky" was sung!

After the breakup, it seems that Pei Jingshu has always deliberately avoided things related to Gu Huaian, especially not singing several of his masterpieces "Little Lucky", "Meeting", "Together No matter how far away" he wrote to her... …

But tonight, she sang "Little Lucky".

Some people say that maybe she is relieved?

Are you kidding...

Look at the tears in Pei Jingshu's eyes when she sang "Little Lucky". She didn't look like she was relieved!

Once, when she handed the microphone to Gu Huaian in the singing competition of "Time Singer", she always asked him to sing "It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep most". She even couldn't bear to sing any unsatisfactory line to Gu Huaian. sweet lyrics;

But now, her focus seems to be on "it turns out we were so close to love."

Of course, the audience does not deny that they may have acted on their own behalf, but those feelings cannot be deceiving...

"come on!"

"Come on, Sister Pei!"

"Forget about that scumbag!"

"He doesn't deserve it!"

It is almost a consensus that Pei Jingshu's fans will always be the most viscous and most combative in the entire domestic entertainment industry.

So you can see that her fans are wholeheartedly doing her best and supporting him wholeheartedly at all times.

What's the buzz on the Internet right now?

Everyone is calling Sister Pei to get back together with Gu Laolu!

And only fans of Pei Jingshu's family would shout, saying that scumbag is unworthy. He made you like this, and why are you getting back together? Compound a chicken feather!

God knows how unprotected all the fans were when they saw Pei Jingshu's short hair, and how much they wanted to give it to Gu Huaian offline!

Some time ago, someone actually sent knives to the hotel where Gu Huaian was staying!


"thank you all."

Pei Jingshu always raises her head. She is currently wearing a light-colored blue tutu with a tube top. Because it is a performance costume, it will be a little exaggerated. To a certain extent, it will be more popular than attending an event. The blanket is even more exaggerated.

This is quite normal for singers. After all, the concert performance is live, and some changes will always be made for the sake of performing arts. If you want to bring an impressive performance to the audience and express the central idea of ​​the song, naturally you need to The blessing of clothing.


No matter how low the temperature is in winter in the south, it is not the season to bare your skin after all!

Pei Jingshu, wearing a tube top dress with bare shoulders, although she is very beautiful and fairy-like, her superior head-to-neck ratio and head-to-shoulder ratio have always amazed countless audiences on the big screen...

But it’s also really cold!

In itself, Pei Jingshu's coldness makes people feel pity for her. With her short hair, it makes people feel bad to see her, not to mention that it is such a cold day and she is still so far away from me...



Not to mention that on such a cold day, she still had her shoulders exposed.

It may be entertaining, but it will also make everyone feel more sorry for her.

"so cold……"

Pei Jingshu herself forced a smile and said:

"Sorry, I might have to change clothes again."

Sometimes Pei Jingshu feels helpless. She is actually the type who changes clothes frequently during concerts. There is no way. Many singers do not rely on their faces to make a living, but rely on their voices. But she relies on her voice and face to make a living together. …

The audience at the scene was not only fans, but also fans and spectators. Not everyone came to listen to the songs, but some came to enjoy the stage.

She has such a pretty face that is known as "the beauty of domestic entertainment" and a good figure. If she doesn't dress well and change her looks a few times, it doesn't seem to be suitable for some viewers in terms of viewing.


"we will wait for you!"

The audience at the scene was quite supportive, because they felt sorry for her, so no one would blame her at all.

But just when Pei Jingshu was planning to walk to the lift platform, lower herself, and change her clothes...

"Sister Pei!!"

Several spectators in the infield who were relatively close to the stage suddenly shouted!


"Answer the phone!"

"Lao 6 is singing "Tenderness"!"

"Answer the phone!"


Many people at the scene were confused and had questions on their faces after hearing these words. What were those people shouting? What phone number?

Pei Jingshu, who had planned to go down to change clothes on the stage, also stopped and turned her eyes strangely...

The venue was actually quite noisy, with people talking about anything, and the sound was very loud. I didn’t even know if Pei Jingshu could sing well without wearing earphones...

Even just now, someone shouted to her "pick up the phone" very hard and she didn't hear it clearly.

However, she was in the crowd and accurately heard someone shouting "Lao Liu is singing "Tenderness"".

It was this sentence that attracted her attention, causing her to stop and turn around...

But just by turning around, it was out of control!

It seems that those few people just told the people around them that Gu Huaian called Pei Jingshu from a distance at his concert and sang "Tenderness"...

Then many people's eyes lit up, they became excited, and they shouted together:


"Sister Pei, answer the phone!"

"Old No. 6 is calling you!"

In the stadium, more and more people began to shout!

Probably because the venue itself is not a super big stadium, and the stage design of Pei Jingshu is 360 degrees open, so when everyone shouts, Pei Jingshu can hear the "response" from all directions. Telephone"!


In that scene, many spectators were shouting and felt a little excited.

If you were watching, you would definitely get goosebumps all over your body!

Pei Jingshu was stunned, and a dull look flashed across her delicate and pretty face. She subconsciously raised her slender jade hands and took off the ear plugs on her ears, hoping to listen more carefully to what everyone said.

After a while, she also heard some reasons for answering the phone from some fragments of words, but...

She couldn't believe it.

Would that guy really call himself at a time like this?

Doing this? !

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