Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 333 She is still using the ringtone of

Chapter 333 She is still using the ringtone of "Want to See You": Can I still...sing you a song?


"Answer the phone!"

On this 360-degree open stage, voices came from almost all directions calling Pei Jingshu to answer the phone.

Although it was shocking, strange, and unbelievable, for some reason, Pei Jingshu, who was very tired just now, actually forgot about the fatigue and coldness in her body.

"Electric... phone..."

At that time, Pei Jingshu was still in a daze, still in a daze, and she didn't know whether she should call her staff to give her her mobile phone at this time.

She did know that the ringing time of the phone would not be very long. Maybe it would stop ringing if she didn't answer the phone right now, but she still didn't shout...

It wasn't that she was entangled, it was mainly because things happened so suddenly, and she was on stage again, so her brain was really shut down.

Later, some netizens took a screenshot of Pei Jingshu's face on the big screen and joked, "Sister Pei's brain is frozen." They even made an emoticon that went viral on the Internet, making a group of people laugh like crazy.

"Answer the phone!"

Seeing her dazed look on the stage, many people became anxious. The ringing sound passed immediately!

If you don't pick up, you won't be able to pick up again!

And just when Pei Jingshu was finally urged, she was about to call the staff to bring her mobile phone...

Her assistant, who had already run away, rushed up to her with her mobile phone!

Pei Jingshu's mobile phone is wrapped in a white mobile phone case. It is very simple and elegant, and there are no fancy decorations. There is only a hanging pendant, which is quite in line with her temperament.


Although her brain was a little confused at the time, Pei Jingshu couldn't help but frowned as she looked at the assistant who ran up to hand over the phone, with a question mark on her face.

When she performs on stage, her cell phone is usually kept on mute. Not to mention her assistant, even her manager sister Pei Ya is not qualified to look at her cell phone. This is personal privacy and should be respected.

Therefore, during performances, mobile phones are usually thrown aside.

The backstage was far away and she didn't take the initiative to ask for it. Even if the audience called her to answer the phone, the assistant should not have brought her the phone so quickly.

Why does this look a bit like...premeditated?

Pei Jingshu couldn't help but recall the rehearsals a few days ago. Every day, her sister and an assistant would stay for a while, saying that they had some sponsor issues to discuss. At that time, she didn't ask much or think too much. Now I suddenly feel like, have they done something without telling me?

Of course, that thought was just fleeting at this moment...

Because the next moment, the assistant had already rushed to her and handed her her mobile phone.

"Ding dong dong..."

It is worth mentioning that the ringtone of Pei Jingshu's mobile phone is actually the theme song originally written by Gu Huaian for "Crystal Love Season". It is also the most famous and representative promotional song "Want to See You" of "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP" Prelude!


At first, the mobile phone was far away, so many people did not hear it. When Pei Jingshu held the mobile phone in her hand, because it was very close to the microphone, the melody was accurately transmitted to every audience member through the microphone. In my ears!

At that moment, many people really couldn't help but get goosebumps and were a little moved...

It turns out that more than half a year after the breakup, Pei Jingshu is still using the intro to "Want to See You".

It turns out that more than half a year after the breakup, Pei Jingshu was still reluctant to block Gu Huaian, and she could still answer his phone calls...

Just sensing these details, many viewers couldn't help but break their defenses.

Of course, the audience breaks the defense, and Pei Jingshu on the stage not only did not do this, but her pretty face turned a little red...

When the camera was filming her, her eyes evaded for a rare moment, and then she immediately raised her phone and pressed the lock screen button to mute her phone. She looked a little panicked, as if she was afraid that everyone would know that she was still using "Want to See You" as a Ringtones.


"Sister Pei!"


Many people at the scene began to boo. The look of Pei Jingshu was indeed a bit different. She seemed to be two different people from the cold beauty on the stage in the past.

Of course, this also made the blush on Pei Jingshu's pretty face become more obvious. She was indeed ashamed, but it was not shame, but shame!

At this moment, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. She cursed in her heart why she was always so soft-hearted and couldn't bear to change the ringtone of her cell phone...

I changed it a long time ago, how could I be so embarrassed today? !


The phone was vibrating and the flashlight was flashing. Pei Jingshu stared at the caller notes on the phone. Looking at the caller who hadn't called in more than half a year, she looked at the name that was a bit unfamiliar...

My mood started to get a little complicated.

That guy...

Why do you like to create these sensational scenes?

Is it true that only when there are many people around can he have the confidence to say things that he dare not say in private?

"pick up!"

"Hurry up and pick it up!"

It is worth mentioning that the audience and fans who had been shouting that Gu Huaian was a scumbag and Pei Jingshu should never pay attention to him again were now shouting for him to take over.

Of course, not everyone is calling for a pick-up. There are many people who have always looked down on Gu Huai'an, and even more so after the breakup...

But under the "big trend", that little voice was quickly drowned out.

Out of 10,000 people, only a few hundred people shouted not to pick up the call, while the rest were all calling for Pei Jingshu to pick up the call. Should Pei Jingshu pick up the call or not?

Of course, the audience has never been able to influence Pei Jingshu's thoughts.


She didn't hesitate for long, because she didn't know how long the phone had been ringing, let alone whether it would stop ringing in the next second, so she took a deep breath and answered it.

No reason for hesitation is like tossing a coin, you already know the answer the moment you toss it.

Now that you know the answer, there is no reason to hesitate.


What's funny is that Pei Jingshu took a breath and answered the phone, but the audience breathed a deep sigh of relief the moment she answered the phone.

Finally picked it up.

Finally, everything went well.


Pei Jingshu is not someone who likes to make their conversations public, so even when she answered the phone, she did not turn on the speakerphone, nor did she turn the phone to the phone...

Instead, he answered it silently.

There was no music, and everyone was talking and staring at Pei Jingshu, who looked a little weak standing alone on the stage. However, Pei Jingshu's attention was all focused on the man opposite the mobile phone.

What made people speechless was that for more than ten seconds after the call was connected, Gu Laoliu on the other side of the phone didn't say anything. All he could hear on the phone was the noisy music on his end.

Just when Pei Jingshu finally couldn't hold it any longer and planned to ask Gu Huaian if he called just now just to say nothing...

On the other end of the phone, Gu Huaian's voice rang suddenly:

"Can I also...sing you a song?"


that moment.

Pei Jingshu was stunned for a moment.

A lot of dullness flashed across that delicate and pretty face known as the "beautiful face", and the next moment, she felt a strong sadness welling up in her heart.

That kind of sadness can spread to the brain and make people unable to help crying.

She thought about what Gu Huaian would say on the phone, but she never thought that he would be so humble and say such a thing.

"What did they say?"

"Why does Sister Pei look like she's about to cry?"

"No, if you dare to hurt her heart again, I will chop you up!"

People at the scene didn’t know what happened. Pei Jingshu didn’t turn on the speakerphone or answer the phone. No one could hear what they said. They could only see Pei Jingshu’s face on the big screen, and they could only see that she seemed to be listening. When Gu Huaian said something, his eyebrows furrowed, the tip of his nose wrinkled slightly, his eyes gradually became moist, and his delicate body trembled slightly...

At that time, many fans of Pei Jingshu were about to break their guard. Ever since Pei Jingshu started the "short hair mode", fans really wanted to protect her. No one could make Pei Jingshu cry at this time, especially Gu Huaian!

Some people at the scene who happened to be "connected" to Gu Huaian's concert next door shouted on the phone:

"Then what did Old Sixth say? Did he say something ugly again? Help me throw a knife at him!"

Just when everyone was talking about it...

Just when the sounds of distress and curses gradually filled the entire stadium!


With a sound, everyone in the stadium was surprised to find that on the large surround screen on the central stage of the stadium, the screen turned and split into two parts. In addition to Pei Jingshu's face on the stage,...

What's the scene at Gu Huaian's concert? !



At that time, everyone at the scene was confused!



"Oh my God!"


"What's going on?!"

"Is this popular now?!"


Completely confused!

The audience never expected that the big screen at Pei Jingshu's concert would actually show the scene of Gu Huaian's concert!

Don't talk about it here...

Even next door, at Gu Huaian's concert, the scene immediately exploded, right?



"You old man, you've been holding it in for a long time, haven't you?!"

"Hey, what's going on?!"

To be honest, Gu Huaian has already started singing in the second half. Maybe it’s because the first half was so explosive. The audience is always curious about how Gu Huaian will wrap up the second half and how he will end it...

What a great song, I sang it all in the first half.

But don’t drive high and go low...

But probably until this moment, many people realized belatedly that the second half seemed to be the most exciting and eye-catching scene of the entire show!

When Pei Jingshu's face and the scene from her concert appeared on the big screen at Gu Huaian's concert stage, the entire audience at Gu Huaian's side really screamed crazy!

The infield looked a little more reserved, and the nice spectators in the outfield bleachers were shouting at the top of their lungs. Some even stood up and waved light sticks while shouting.

It is worth mentioning that Pei Jingshu’s face on the stage is really beautiful...

Perhaps because of the official performance, her makeup is very delicate, she has a good foundation, and her body and skin are beautiful. After the makeup and facial features are refined, the facial features captured by the camera are like that of a legendary elf.

Once you take a look at it, you will be stunned by its beauty!

This face really seems to be born for the camera. It is not without reason that various field control teachers like to give the camera to Pei Jingshu during intermissions or cold breaks at various events. This is really She is a female star whose face can arouse cheers from the audience!

Not to mention, at this time, she was still wearing that very beautiful and elegant tube top dress, exposing her snow-white shoulders!

Even if you have short hair, it still feels great after being specially styled, okay!

It was a surprise to see Pei Jingshu at Gu Huaian's concert, not to mention that she was so exquisite and appeared on the stage at the same time as Gu Huaian's face.

Occasionally, some viewers can't help but complain and say:

"Sometimes I think they should stop getting back together. This old man is really not worthy of Sister Pei!"

Compared with Pei Jingshu, Gu Huaian, who had just changed his clothes after being caught in the rain and wore the gray "old actor" hat, seemed really not worthy of Pei Jingshu.

"Ah ha ha……"

The rest of the audience laughed when they heard similar words. Fortunately, no one actually shouted out, otherwise Gu Huaian would definitely have broken through.

Of course, Gu Huaian now has no time to break the defense with them...

"Dong dong..."

The accompanist teacher was waiting impatiently. In order to wait for Gu Huaian to call, MD had to loop the intro several times. If Gu Huaian hadn't choreographed it well and could play back and forth, he would have really lost his mind, right?

"Can I also...sing you a song?"

After saying these words, Gu Huaian waited for a long time. At this time, he was staring at the big screen. On the big screen was Pei Jingshu's face, her short hair, and her exposed shoulders in the winter. …

All of this makes people have the urge to protect her.

When he said this, Gu Huaian did not turn on the speakerphone, nor did he speak to the audience. He just spoke to Pei Jingshu alone.


Pei Jingshu did not answer, but kept covering the lower half of her face below her nose with the hand holding the microphone, trying not to let others see her uneasy expression.

It's a pity that the increasingly moist and red eyes still betrayed her.

To be honest, she didn't really want Gu Huaian to see her expression, but she couldn't help it. Her team seemed to have been "collectively betrayed" by her sister Pei Ya. It seemed that everyone knew that they were going to connect to Gu Huaian today. She alone doesn't know...

Her mood was so complicated at this moment that she really couldn't give Gu Huaian any answer for a while. She just looked touched and touched, not knowing whether to be sad or happy, a strange look...

She won't speak...

Gu Huaian took it as her acquiescence.


When the next accompaniment was coming to the main song of "Tenderness", Gu Huaian began to sing to Pei Jingshu's face on the big screen...

"Walking in the wind, the sun suddenly feels so gentle today..."

"The gentleness of heaven and the gentleness of earth are like you holding me..."

"Then I find your change in the lonely future..."

"If it's cold, how should I spend it..."

Pei Jingshu was not very disgusted that Gu Huaian started singing without her consent. She tried her best not to let herself cry, and she would never make a fuss. She just used the hand holding the microphone and the hand making the phone call to keep the phone attached. Put it on your ears and listen to him singing to yourself...

Because of the connection, the live speakers could actually hear Gu Huaian's voice, so many people would unconsciously sing along. After all, this song "Tenderness" has been really popular recently.

Of course, Pei Jingshu could hear the sounds at the scene, but at this moment, her ears did not have the luxurious audio equipment at the scene. She could only hear the voice from Gu Huaian on her mobile phone. The sound quality was not good.

They always seem to have a tacit understanding of each other. Gu Huaian is also holding the phone to his ear, and Pei Jingshu is also holding the phone to her ear. You can see their faces and eyes on the big screen at both concerts. each other's figures.


Just realizing this makes many people extremely excited!

"The scenery in the sky and the scenery around me are not in your eyes..."

"I've never understood what's hidden in your eyes..."

"It doesn't matter if your world is yours..."

"Don't bother, it's mine, gentle."

Compared with the original version, the key of this version of "Telephone Version" is much lower and much more relaxed. The melody is very gentle, and Gu Huaian sings softly, as if he is telling something.

Standing on the stage, he no longer had the restlessness he had before, and he no longer wandered around like a hot dog, but just stood there holding his mobile phone and staring at the big screen and singing...

And when he sang the phrase "Not disturbing is my gentleness" that has been regarded as copywriting by countless people recently and has become popular all over the Internet, many people really couldn't help but get goosebumps...

No one knows how "gentle" he and Pei Jingshu are singing this song "Tenderness" in the same frame!

"come together……"

Before the chorus, during the interlude, Gu Huaian smiled, taking care of every audience member on both sides of the concert.

next moment!

The total audience for both concerts was about 30,000 to 40,000, and they actually sang the chorus of "Tenderness" together!

"I don't know why I don't want heart!"

"Obviously I want to get closer..."

"But alone until dawn!"

"I don't know why I don't want heart!"

"The beauty of love..."

"Always alone!"

"Give you my best love again!"

This side of Gu Huaian's concert is the Red Sea, and the other side of Pei Jingshu's concert is Qinghai. Various fluorescent sticks are constantly waving in the two-color stadium, and countless audiences are singing along. The camera scans every audience, and they all sing. very loud!

Looking at their faces on the big screen and their expressions looking at each other, everyone seemed to be able to recall all the stories of "Pei Ban taking care of CP" along the way.

I want to get every bit of their young love in "Crystal Love Season"; I want to get Pei Gu, who was in a long-distance relationship when they met and hugged each other and cried with joy; I also want to get the depressed state of the two of them after the breakup until now!

Although they listened and sang the lyrics in Gu Huaian's "Tenderness" "Not disturbing is my gentleness", but no matter what, they did not hope that the "gentleness" of "Pei Ban taking care of CP" would be "not disturbing" ah!

No matter how loud they scold, no one wants the ending of "Pei Ban taking care of CP" to be!

no way!

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