
When Pei Jingshu said with a blushing face, "You can see me if you want," God knows what the crowd of melon-eaters and wolf friends at the scene were shouting!

They wish they could shout at the top of their lungs!

At any time, no one can refuse the shy picture of a woman like Pei Jingshu. Just one picture can make people excited and excited, right?

"Hey hey hey..."

Gu Laolu on the other side was smiling so cheaply that the audience wanted to take off their shoes and throw him away.

But when he said the next sentence, he couldn't help but get excited.

Gu Huaian said to Pei Jingshu:

"Shall we sing a song together?"


Many people on both sides of the scene began to boo again.

There is one thing to say, Gu Huaian knows how to "extend an inch". Although Pei Jingshu's attitude has been obvious so far, she has not told him that she is sure to get back together, but this old lady wants to sing a song with her...

Isn't it enough to push the envelope? !

But then again, from the audience's perspective, they really want to see "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP" singing together!

After all, their previous films "Under the Flying Clouds" and "Today You Will Marry Me" also hit the screens of major social platforms.

"What do you want to sing?"

Pei Jingshu stood on the stage wearing that white coat, with a band teacher and backup dancers beside her. Her stage design was not big, so it looked compact and more secure.


Standing in the center of the stage, she always gives people the feeling of a thin back.

Especially that short hair, it is still so distressing to this day.


Gu Huaian pressed the brim of the hat on his head, cleared his throat, and instead of rapping directly, he put his hand on the piano...

"Dong dong dong..."

A few notes popped out softly.

A familiar melody, as if imprinted in the DNA of "Pei Ban takes care of CP fans", spread to everyone's ears.


At the beginning, the scenes on both sides were quite quiet.

But soon!



"Gu Huaian is a good boy!"

"You know what we want to hear!"

"As expected of you!"

The scene on both sides was boiling. The few notes played by Gu Huaian were like water being poured into a frying pan, making the whole frying pan boil completely!

Why, you ask?

Because those few notes he played were the melody of "Want to See You"!

"Want to See You", the theme song of "Crystal Love Season", the marketing song of "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP", was also the first song Gu Huaian wrote to Pei Jingshu.

This song has also created many famous scenes unique to Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu.

To this day, many people can still recall that cloudy day, that evening, in that crystal courtyard mixed with the scent of tea and toilet water, the scene when Gu Huaian sang "Want to See You" for the first time in "Crystal Love Season";

I even remember that he went to "Singer of the Times" to help Pei Jingshu sing, and during the canvassing session he sang this song while spreading sugar in front of everyone, and at the end, Pei Jingshu secretly sang the three words with the microphone:

"I do."


It’s been a long time.

I have experienced so many things and changes...

"Pei Ban takes care of CP" who made a high-profile announcement at the concert of both parties to reunite and sang "Want to See You" again. Just thinking of that scene made many people excited!

Not to mention...

Gu Huaian just told Pei Jingshu and asked her when they could meet!

And what Pei Jingshu just said was "I can meet you if you want"? !

Neither of them has ever said these three words "I want to see you" completely, but their eyes, words, and tone always tell each other "I want to see you"!

With so many stories, backgrounds, and plot foreshadowings, when Gu Huaian plays the melody of "Want to See You", the impact on everyone will be so strong, the effect of the live program will be so good, and everyone will be so excited!


Tonight, the fluorescent sticks in many people's hands were broken by shaking them. Such a hard stick, how many times did it take to shake it, and how hard did it take to break it?

Gu Huaian's side is actually pretty good. After all, Gu Huaian has been exciting them so far. They seem to be taking stimulants all the time...

On Pei Jingshu's side, many viewers really couldn't bear the impact!

The audience is still like this...

Pei Jingshu on the stage got goosebumps even more when she heard the smooth melody of "Want to See You" played by Gu Huaian.

The tears that I had just managed to control were showing signs of incontinence again.

But this time it's not sad, but touching...

She couldn't help but raise her hand to cover her mouth, turned her head away, and avoided the camera.

At that time, the big screen showed her back, which was slender and graceful. The design of the cheongsam was relatively traditional and not very revealing, but it outlined her figure very well.

The raised jade hands and shoulder-length short hair show her weakness all the time.


"Sister Pei!"

Many people at the scene were also moved and infected. At this moment, they seemed to also feel the touch of Pei Jingshu. Everyone was so excited. How could Pei Jingshu be exempted from the vulgarity at this time?

She is the heroine after all!

"Dong dong dong..."

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian did not even wait for Pei Jingshu to answer, let alone her consent, and played the melody of "Want to See You".

While Pei Jingshu was carrying her back, he was playing and singing...

"When love becomes a relic..."

"Use pictograms to depict memories..."

"Thinking about it for centuries is what will last forever."

When Gu Huaian sang this, Pei Jingshu had actually sorted out many of her emotions. When she turned around to face the camera, Gu Huaian, who was playing the piano, had a free hand and made a "please" gesture.

So Pei Jingshu picked up the microphone and led everyone to sing together:

"If we could go back to the Ice Age..."

"I want to hold you tight and handle you..."

"Your smile is so healing and makes life come alive."

There is a tacit understanding between singers. Strictly speaking, it cannot be said to be between singers. It is usually a tacit understanding in KTV. That is, when singing, the chorus is only one person and four lines.

So as soon as Gu Huaian made that gesture, Pei Jingshu immediately understood it. Of course, it may not be because of this. If you ask the fans, they are more willing to believe that this is the tacit understanding of "Pei Ban taking care of CP"!

"Ah! Sister Pei sings beautifully!"

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time Pei Jingshu has sung "Want to See You". After all, she is a capable singer. Even though she has not rehearsed before, she has never sung this song once, but when she sang, Pei Jingshu opened her mouth, and her outstanding timbre and solid singing skills captured many people in the first place!


Even on Gu Huaian's side, the 20 to 30 thousand people present all had goosebumps.

Some people really can't sing some songs, because they will really amaze the listeners to death, okay!

It is worth mentioning that the melody of "Want to See You" is a bit brisk, so when singing, the atmosphere on both sides was very good.

As for Gu Huaian, the old man, when Pei Jingshu sang the phrase "Your smile is so healing, it makes life come alive." He grinned with a swishy smile. At that time, many viewers wanted to slap him. , too cheap, okay!

Pei Jingshu also gave him an angry look, but just that look made many people howl like wolves...

The scenes at the scene were so funny, some were stunning, some were angry, and some were even scolding!

Gu Huaian ignored all this...

He played and sang the next line. The line before the chorus, the common sense is "chorus", so Pei Jingshu also sang with him, and the two of them sang at the same time:

"Losing your scenery is like a ruin, like a lost civilization..."

"Can a miracle give us a glimmer of hope?"

"Can we meet again..."


Can't get off!

I can't get goosebumps at all!

Many audience members shouted hoarsely, but they still tried their best to wave the light sticks and squeeze out the sound!

no way……

The stage effect of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu singing together at the same time is really amazing!

The vocals of "Pei Ban Guan" have always matched well. From "Under the Flying Clouds" to "Today You Will Marry Me", no matter when the two of them sing together, you can really feel a kind of "harp music". "harmony" feeling.

They both have such aggressive voices, and they are obviously talented singers who can be completely crushed by others when singing with other singers. But when the two of them come together, their voices are like a match made in heaven. From what I heard at the scene Sometimes, you can feel two very beautiful voices intermingling and intersecting, like the two most beautiful threads in the world intertwined, recirculating and surrounding your ears!

That is the sound that will make your whole being sublime!

They are the ones who truly resonate with people's hearts, okay!

"Dong dong..."

Just when this foreshadowing was brewing to its extreme, Gu Huaian played an interlude and at the same time shouted in a very happy tone:

"come together!"


All the audiences at Gu Huaian's concert can vouch for his personality. This chorus is definitely the happiest Gu Huaian has ever had!

Not only because Gu Huaian laughed happily and shouted loudly, but also because there was Pei Jingshu in the chorus this time!

On the big screen, there is Pei Jingshu's face. At any time, that face is worthy of the title of "divine face" and is so beautiful that it cannot be compared.

It's probably because she hasn't practiced "Want to See You" before, or maybe it's because many people at the scene shouted too loudly. Pei Jingshu pressed her ear with one hand and held the microphone with the other. There was an inexplicable feeling of weakness in her movement. , which makes people feel pity.

next moment!

Everyone sang together:

"I want to see you, I just want to see you, the future has passed, I just want to see you!"

"We have traveled through thousands of times, in the timeline, and in the sea of ​​people, we are dependent on each other!"

"Exhausted logic and scheming to reason about love, the most difficult mystery!"

"Will you also..."

"same as me!"

"Waiting for a word..."

Gu Huaian is a very old man, which was fully reflected when he sang the chorus of "Want to See You".

You can see that he sang very high, hard and with great feeling. Every pitch and technique was used very appropriately and skillfully. While singing, he often stared at Pei Jingshu's face on the big screen. , even the scene was full of that kind of "sugar-spreading" atmosphere!


When singing the last line!

When everyone is immersed in the "Chorus" and forgets the connotation of the lyrics!

This old 6 doesn’t sing anymore!

He stretched out his hand!

At that time, many people did not know that he had arranged this session. Even Pei Jingshu did not expect that everyone would subconsciously sing the last three words along with his piano melody:

"I do!!!"

Sing very loudly!



"Gu Lao 6!"

"You boy!"

"You're doing this, aren't you?!"

"What the hell!"

Many spectators couldn't help but complain. Some spectators in the infield couldn't take off their shoes and threw the soles of their shoes at Gu Huaian's face!


Good guy!

After a long time of fussing, the reason why this old man sang "Want to See You" was because he was waiting here!

Even Pei Jingshu on the other side raised her jade hand to cover the lower half of her face with a look of "disgust" after realizing this, and gave Gu Huaian a helpless look.

Everyone knows that there is a relatively classic section in "Want to See You" of "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP", which is the chorus sung by Gu Huaian and the phrase "I do" sung by Pei Jingshu.

Now, Gu Huaian has successfully recreated this scene, and took Pei Jingshu into the pit when she wasn't paying attention.

The same "I do" was sung from Pei Jingshu's mouth twice, but it had different meanings.

They were in the ambiguous period at the beginning, and the "I do" at that time was more like I would like to be your girlfriend;

Now they are in the reconciliation period, and the "I do" at this time is more like Pei Jingshu saying I am willing to forgive you.

It’s a bit of a routine!

"Smelly straight man!"

Someone at the scene called Gu Huaian like this, except for the word "stench"!

Sometimes, some straight men just have certain points in their hearts that they must get over, and Gu Huaian is a typical example of them!

The audience all wanted to say that this is the kind of person who should be caught as a model. It would not be an exaggeration to kill him!

"Ha ha……"

The funny thing is that Gu Huaian, the old man, is smiling quite happily. Under the brim of his gray hat, his face also has a smile that many viewers are familiar with.

Perhaps it was true that many people were scolding him just now, but seeing him smiling so happily, many viewers also laughed helplessly.

It’s been half a year...

"Pei Ban takes care of CP" has been more than half a year since the "breakup incident" began.

In the past six months or so, Pei Jingshu has had her hair cut short and left the country. She has been in poor condition. She was already very thin and almost skinny. The voices of passers-by were filled with distress.

Gu Huaian was even worse. Although he had completely withdrawn from the audience's sight, it was clear that no one was planning to let him go. From the beginning of the incident, he was scolded until the New Year's Eve some time ago. He was unable to attend his friend's wedding. In the first few months, he even had a family I didn’t dare to go back, and I would be scolded if I went out to have dinner with friends.

In this way, they torture each other and the entire audience.


When "Pei Ban takes care of CP" gets back together, when they sing together on the stage again, when their faces appear on the big screen at the same time again...

Everyone sincerely wishes them well.

At the moment when I sang "Want to See You", and at the end when everyone except Gu Huaian sang "I do", it would actually be good if it ended like this.

The moment the picture is frozen, it lasts forever.

"Aren't our hours up yet?"

It is worth mentioning that after singing "Want to See You", it was probably a deliberate attempt to create a show effect, and it seemed like a true portrayal. Gu Huaian asked the staff in the audience and said:

"Hey, I don't want to sing anymore. I can't stay here for a second anymore..."

He acted like he was "in a hurry to leave", as if he was about to rush off the stage and ask someone to drive to Pei Jingshu.


Many viewers laughed. Of course, the "many viewers" here refer more to Pei Jingshu.

Gu Huaian's side...

"You boy!"

"Good guy, you're going to abandon your brothers when you're done with them, right?!"

"6, as expected of you!"

"Go away and eat everything inside and outside!"


Now you guys are not used to Gu Huaian at all, and they will scold you whenever you want. MD paid for the tickets to come to your concert. Is it okay if you want to leave early? !

Both sides, polarized!

The harder Gu Huaian scolded, the louder Pei Jingshu laughed next door.

"No...can you give me some face?"

Gu Huaian couldn't hold himself any longer and couldn't help but say:

"You ask people across the street to listen to what you are talking about, and you still have fans..."

At this time, a big brother in the audience said:

"I treat you as a brother, but you didn't even tell your brothers what you whispered just now!"

As soon as these words came out...



The whole audience burst into laughter again.

To be honest, the audience who bought Gu Huaian's infield tickets tonight were really value for money, because the performance of the infield show was really dense. The venue where his concert was held was very large, and many of the audience outside were confused. I can't hear what's being said here.

Of course, it’s not that many outfield spectators can’t afford the money, but they really can’t get infield tickets!

"Hang up..."

Pei Jingshu's face was red, but her eyes were not so red anymore. She said to Gu Huaian on the big screen:

“Watch out for overtime fines.”

As soon as this statement came out...

Gu Huaian: "(¬_¬) aim"

Old Liu’s face darkened.

"Ah ha ha……"

The audience laughed.

someone said:

"Sister Pei is so real!"

The reason she asked Gu Huaian to hang up the video call was because she was afraid that he would be fined for overtime.

Of course some people say:

"She knows how to run a household and is a good wife and mother!"

These words were said by Pei Jingshu, who was in the audience. Pei Jingshu was not a girl who could listen to such words. Within a few seconds after hearing these words, her pretty face turned red. The same as the red apple.

"Wait for me. I'll come over as soon as this is over."

Gu Huaian didn't speak into the microphone, but into the mobile phone.


Pei Jingshu nodded lightly and hummed softly.

Some tenderness, a lot.

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