"Gu Laolu, you kid... I'm so..."

After hanging up the phone and video, Gu Huaian's side was full of curses again. This old man didn't let them listen even after his death. He still whispered on the phone. Why the hell didn't he treat the audience as a human being? !

"You (beep beep beep beep beep)..."

A "baby nanny battle" is taking place at Gu Huaian's concert.

In comparison, Pei Jingshu's side seems much more lively...


"We're back together!"


"Ha ha……"

Because "Pei Ban takes care of CP" reunited after a long absence, many people in the audience were booing. The funny thing was that someone actually shouted "congratulations", which caused a burst of laughter. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely good.

Pei Jingshu is always thin-skinned. Being teased by so many people will inevitably make her blush. Occasionally, when the camera is on her, she can be seen avoiding the camera.

"Dong dong..."

Fortunately, the accompanist teacher gave her face and played the melody of the next song at this time, which seemed to help Pei Jingshu out of trouble.

But what is surprising is that after hearing the melody, Pei Jingshu, who was in the center of the stage, took the microphone and said to the band teacher:

"Let's change the song."


The accompaniment stopped abruptly, and the accompaniment teacher looked at Pei Jingshu in confusion. His eyes seemed to say, are you serious about changing songs at the last minute? !

Usually the song list for a concert is arranged in advance, and Gu Huaian was delayed a lot. Now it's really easy to get fined for overtime when changing songs!


Many viewers in the audience also had questions, and had no idea what Pei Jingshu meant.

But just when Pei Jingshu said the changed song title...

Everyone couldn't help but get excited again!

At that time, the big screen camera was given to Pei Jingshu, and she might not have Gu Huaian accompanying her in the camera, but her face could hold up the scene no matter what.

She was a little shy after being teased by the audience, her pretty face was slightly red, and there seemed to be some dried tears in the corners of her eyes, but Pei Jingshu's condition seemed much better than before. It was very cold, and she was wearing very thin clothes, but she still squeezed in as much as possible. Put on a smile and say to the band teacher, the camera, and all the audience:

"Let's sing "Meet"."

The words just fell...



The entire audience immediately entered the scene of "crying ghosts and howling wolves"!

"No, Sister Pei..."

"Hey, hey, we just got back together and we should sing something sweet, right?!"

"Good guy, if I had known better, I wouldn't have let you two get back together!"

"Speaking of which, this doesn't mean we won't get back together if we don't let them get back together!"

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, the fear that was once dominated by Tang Tang, who said "Pei Ban takes care of CP", enveloped everyone again!

As soon as we get back together, we need to sprinkle some sugar!

Is this true? !

Especially this candy, it was sprinkled from Pei Jingshu!

You know, after the breakup, Pei Jingshu deliberately avoided singing songs related to Gu Huaian in public, especially some famous songs such as "Little Lucky", "Meeting", "Together No matter how far away".

The other two songs are occasionally sung. After all, these two songs are named on some occasions. They are indeed Pei Jingshu's masterpieces, but "Meet" is a song that no one has seen Pei Jingshu sing once since the breakup. !

In fact, it's normal when you think about it. After all, the other two songs are also a bit bitter. It's normal to sing bitter songs after a breakup. I'm just afraid that I'll sing sweet songs after a breakup...

"Meeting" was, after all, a work produced by Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian when they were in love!

How could you ask Pei Jingshu to sing "Meet" in such a state!

Because she didn't know in advance that Gu Huaian had arranged such a "surprise" for her, Pei Jingshu didn't put "Meet" into the playlist at all when she arranged the concert playlist.

She had no intention of singing "Meet".

But now...

Isn't this, they all announced their "reunion" in a high-profile manner in front of 30 to 40 thousand people at the scene!

In such an atmosphere now, why is it inappropriate to sing a song "Meet"?

When mentioning this matter, Pei Jingshu couldn't help but want to complain about her sister and her assistant. She asked why her sister and her assistant strongly suggested that she add "Meet" to the playlist when they decided on the concert playlist some time ago. , I have been making trouble for a long time just waiting here...

At that time, they said it was because the song was very popular and fans liked to listen to it, but now that they think about it, it was all to cover for Gu Huaian!

Pei Jingshu still hasn't figured out how Gu Huaian, the old man, instigated rebellion against her sister and the rest of her team...

"Dong dong..."

Although "Meeting" was not arranged in advance, if you say that the band teacher at Pei Jingshu's concert can't play this song, you are really farting.

"Meet" is a famous song, comparable to "Sunny Day". In preparation for Pei Jingshu's concert, who wouldn't practice this song?


At this moment, the atmosphere at Pei Jingshu's concert reached a climax!

Everyone waved their cyan glow sticks and shouted excitedly...

No one knows how much goosebumps arose on their bodies when the prelude to "Meet" came together!

Speaking of which, Gu Huaian just came as a "guest" for several songs, singing "Tenderness", "Light Chaser", "Don't Think of Me", and "Want to See You" ", so the atmosphere here is actually a bit heated up by Gu Huaian.

In this case, if the quality of the next song Pei Jingshu sings is not so high, it will easily fail to catch the spotlight.

And Pei Jingshu is very smart. She knows very well that among her many works, probably only the song "Meeting" written by that guy for her has the ability to attract all fans and fans as soon as the prelude is played. The ability to pull her back.


She smiled bitterly, sighed, and shook her head slightly.

With slender hands, she held the earrings and put them on her ears. Listening to the melody of "Meet", her eyes sparkled.

in the end……

Still can't escape that enemy.

Gu Huaian's side.

"Gu Huaian, you uncle! You (beep beep beep beep beep)..."

There was still a lot of swearing everywhere.

"Oh, okay, okay, don't even scream..."

Gu Huaian couldn't hold himself any longer, rolled his eyes and said:

"I won't sing anymore if I scold you!"

"Ha ha……"

The audience then laughed and gave him some face.

"Band teacher, should we consider changing the song?"

At this moment, Gu Huaian glanced at the band teacher.

At that time, the camera showed several band teachers, and the audience would find "confused" written all over their faces!

There was a music director among them, named Jiang Zhuo. This teacher rolled his eyes and shouted at Gu Huaian:

"How many songs have you changed?"

To be honest, Gu Huaian really changed songs impromptu a lot this time, especially when connecting with Pei Jingshu. "Light Chaser" and "Tenderness" were arranged, but "Don't Think of Me" and "Want to See You" is not the case!

The band doesn't care, after all, if Gu Huaian doesn't go with the arrangement, then let him perform the piano solo by himself...

But now he is discussing with the band teacher. To put it bluntly, he just wants the band to cooperate.

But the problem is that the song he changed has most likely not been rehearsed by the band. If you ask someone to come in at last minute, isn't this going to cause trouble? !

"Ah ha ha……"

Many in the audience went crazy with joy, but they didn't expect that the band would complain so much about Gu Huaian.

What’s even more funny is that Gu Huaian didn’t even say a word of nonsense. He just said:

"If you do this, I'll pay more!"


However, the music director Jiang Zhuo, who was angry just now, suddenly became silent and asked:

"How much more?"


"a ha ha ha……"

Many spectators who heard the conversation between the two in the field went crazy with laughter. If there was a barrage at this time, there would be a very classic sentence:

"Band teacher: We don't want this either, mainly because he gives too much!"

"Ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter in the venue, and Gu Huaian didn't talk nonsense and just said that everyone should be given a big red envelope.

It’s just to create a show effect, so the band teacher naturally won’t go too far. Teacher Jiang Zhuo asked:

"What song?"

Gu Huaian said nothing and put his hand directly on the piano...

At that time, many people thought that Gu Huaian was not satisfied with the next song arranged in advance and wanted to temporarily change to another song in his own work, and they also speculated...

But to be honest, many people didn't guess it. The main reason was that the concert entered the second half and it was almost the end of the last few songs. Gu Huaian basically sang all the songs that should be sung.

The rest is nothing more than "A Diao", "Together No matter how far away", "The name engraved in my heart", "Stranded", "Are you still afraid of heavy rain" and a few new songs.

In fact, these songs, except for "Together No matter how far away", are not suitable for the next show.

So it's actually not easy to guess. Many viewers also guessed "Together No matter how far away".

The audience at the scene basically chose from Gu Huaian's works, so it can be regarded as a framework, framed...

They easily ignored the fact that among the songs written by Gu Huaian, there were also some songs for others!

"Dong dong dong..."

While everyone was guessing, Gu Huaian had already gently played a few notes and a melody.

That melody is extremely smooth, just like many of the works of "Prelude Killer" Gu Huaian. It is very recognizable, but it is not Gu Huaian who really made this song famous.



At the scene, when Gu Huaian's melody played, it immediately exploded, okay?


"Good guy!"

"You boy!"

"You know how to choose songs!"

"No, can you sing this song?!"

"Nonsense, what he wrote must have copyright!"

"Besides, will Pei Jingshu ask for the copyright from him?"


Yes, he could play the melody of "Meet".

Someone shouted:

"You two really have a tacit understanding!"

Someone at the scene had not hung up the call with Pei Jingshu next door, so they actually knew that Pei Jingshu's next song was "Meeting".

The two of them just happened to choose the song "Meet" at the same time without any discussion.

"Huh? Really?"

Gu Huaian was quite surprised. It was just a whim. He never thought that Pei Jingshu would also sing "Meet"...

However, this seems to be just right.

"You two... Ouch!"

The word spread, and many people in the venue knew that Pei Jingshu was also singing "Meet". To be honest, everyone thought that the two of them were part of the script. MD, what a coincidence!

Or is it that the tacit understanding between the two of them is so strong? !

Hey hey...

It can’t be this sweet!

"Ha ha……"

Gu Huaian grinned, the band teacher looked helpless, and the music director Jiang Zhuo's mouth twitched and said with a heart, "Look back, your red envelope is too small, do you think we can let you go?"

The band really wants to kill Gu Huaian. You said that this old man would just change the song on the spot. He could just change it to his own song, but he has to sing someone else's song!


That’s Pei Jingshu’s song!

She changed the song temporarily, because it was her own song and the band teacher had prepared it in advance, so it was not a big problem.

But this is not Gu Huaian's song. His band is not prepared and can only cooperate temporarily!

Aren't you being rude? !

They can only bite the bullet!

At that time, the director may have thought it was coke, so the camera showed the band, and you can see that the expressions of the drummer, keyboardist, and guitarist were all not very good-looking.

There was a knife hidden in Gu Huai'an's eyes!

"a ha ha ha……"

The audience laughed like crazy, thinking that Gu Huaian was really capable of seeking death!

In the midst of laughter...

Gu Huaian played and sang.

Pei Jingshu on the other side also sang with a group of backup dancers.

"I heard winter leaving..."

"I woke up in a certain month of a certain year."

"I think, I wait, I look forward to..."

"The future cannot be arranged because of this..."

Before the first album was released and became a hit, before "Sunny Day" came out, people often said that Gu Huaian gave his best creations to Pei Jingshu.

At that time, the "A Diao" and "Want to See You" he sang were not as good as the "Little Lucky" written for Pei Jingshu, but just the song "Little Lucky" brought huge influence to Pei Jingshu. Commercial value and industry status.

Later, even though he had "Sunny Day", he still wrote "Meeting" to Pei Jingshu...

Who dares to say that Gu Huaian is not good to Pei Jingshu?

Who dares to say that all the sweets that have been sprinkled in "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP" are all fake and scripted? !

Now, when they sing the song "Meeting" written by Gu Huaian and sung by Pei Jingshu together, that feeling becomes even more profound!

"On a cloudy day, in the evening, outside the car window..."

"There is a person waiting for you in the future..."

"Left, right, look ahead!"

"Love has to turn a few corners before it comes..."

As an original singer, Pei Jingshu's nasal resonance characteristics can always interpret the song "Meet" vividly, and this song really suits her and Gu Huaian at this moment...

No matter it is cloudy or evening, whether it is windy or raining, thundering or snowing, there will always be someone waiting for you there in the future.

Along the winding road, that love may take many turns, but in the end, it will come.

Even if it goes far away, it will still come back.

As they sang:

"Whoever I meet, what kind of dialogue will there be..."

"The person I'm waiting for, how far in the future is he..."

"I hear the wind, coming from the subway and the sea of ​​people!"

"I stood in line, holding the number plate of love."


Thirty to forty thousand people at the concerts on both sides sang and shouted along, and all the goosebumps arose because of Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian on the stage.

Because it is the original song, Pei Jingshu’s side feels very authentic and everyone feels comfortable listening to it. Pei Jingshu doesn’t like to show off her skills or change her tune. She always sits there quietly and uses her face and Her voice conquers everyone...

In comparison, Gu Huaian is like another contrast. This kid always likes to show off his skills and change the key when singing some songs...

In itself, because it was his first time as a creator to sing "Meet", many viewers were very excited about it. If he changed his tune and showed off his skills, the feeling would be even stronger!

But there is one thing to say...

His singing is really good too!

Although the song "Meet" is very popular, it doesn't have a high key, and it's not difficult to sing, but there really aren't many covers.

The main reason is that Pei Jingshu's voice is so unique, and she has performed this song to a very high level. Her emotional resonance is not something that ordinary people can imitate.

This kind of popular golden song is okay if you sing it well, but if you sing it poorly it will really ruin your reputation.

The original song is really an insurmountable mountain!

It is obvious that as the creator, Gu Huaian understands this song as well as Pei Jingshu, and his voice recognition, timbre, and singing skills are no less than Pei Jingshu.

So when he sings with a voice that sounds good in everything he sings, coupled with the freshness of singing for the first time, and the blessing of the story of "Pei Ban takes care of CP" who just got back together, many viewers will find it amazing!

all in all!

Although the scenes on both sides were not connected, the atmosphere was full because of the song "Meet"!

Many people's voices became hoarse, but they were sung to tears again. They cried and laughed at other times. They were also tortured quite a lot!

Such an atmosphere will also affect Gu Huaian as a singer...

Some time ago, Gu Huaian always came across some videos that were said to be "the end of novels", such as the quiet depths of the jungle, tree-lined paths, wheat fields...


It just has a great atmosphere.

But you want Gu Huaian to say, what does he think the "end of the novel" is?

That's probably the scene in front of me.

It was him and Pei Jingshu singing "Meet" at the same time.

It's every note of the piano played by his fingertips!

It was their concerts on both sides, with a combined total of 30,000 to 40,000 people’s blazing eyes, hoarse shouts, and crazy waving light sticks...

Also next are the lyrics they sang at their respective concerts:

"I fly forward, flying across a sea of ​​time..."

"We have also been hurt in love..."

"I looked at the road, and the entrance to the dream was a little narrow!"

"it's a beautiful accident, that I met you……"

"One day..."

"My answer..."

"It will... reveal... open."

"Dong dong dong..."

Don’t get me wrong, the piano outro is the end of the novel.

Don’t get me wrong, the story of “Pei Ban taking care of CP” is not over yet! ! !

Sprinkling sugar is just the beginning!

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