Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 573: You take me, you take yours

  Just said a few words, and Ji Ling left. This is the gate of the financial department. Although it was dark and no one heard the two of them talking, Ji Ke still wanted to save face and didn't dare to make it too ugly.

  She chased after a few steps, and found that Ji Ling had already opened the car door and sat in. She took a few more steps and arrived in front of the car.

   "Ji Ling, if you take my things, I will take yours. You owe me this."

   Ji Ling glanced at her as calmly as water, as if talking about crazy.

   With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

  Watching the car leave, Ji Ke's figure stood alone on the spot.

  She couldn't understand why Ji Ling wasn't angry?

   This gave her the illusion of punching the cotton, and she couldn't exert all her strength.

   But of course Ji Ling was angry. After Zhu Weiyue broke up with her family because of the antiques, she felt guilty all the time, thinking it was because of her.

   Now Ji Ling's words confirmed her guess that Ji Ke came after her, and Zhu Weiyue was just a victim.

  While returning home with many worries, Ji Ling sensed that the atmosphere in the house was not right. In the past, when she entered the house, she would see grandma waiting for her in the living room with Niu Niu, and the smell of vegetables wafted from the kitchen.

  Today, there is no one in the huge living room, and there is no sound of my daughter's laughter and running, let alone other people.

She hung up her bag, changed her shoes and entered the room. At this time, the door of the study was pushed open. Zhu Yaowu came out from inside. Seeing Ji Ling, he was stunned for a moment, and he called "Sister-in-law", and then closed the door behind him. .

  He moved quickly, but Ji Ling still saw the situation in the study through the gap. Zhu Weiyue was kneeling with his back to the door, his upper body was naked, and his back was covered with whip marks from being beaten.

  Ji Ling looked at Zhu Yaowu, and asked him what happened?

  Zhu Yaowu raised his chin to signal to the second floor and said, go to the second floor first, and Ji Ling will follow.

  There is also a small study on the second floor, which is usually used as a living room. The Zhu brothers used to gather here to talk and play.

"Wei Yue's goods couldn't be sold, so he ran home and questioned that his father had greeted him behind his back, and he didn't talk back to his father, and even made his mother cry, and his father beat him." Zhu Yaowu said angrily, "Sister-in-law Leave him alone, he asked for it. Dad just called outside to ask people not to sell to him in the future, and he didn't say not to let him sell, how could he cheat him? "

  Ji Ling sighed, "Ji Ling did it, Ji Ke found me when I was off work, and said it himself, just to get revenge on me."

  Zhu Yaowu didn't get angry with Ji Ling. He was so angry that he cursed, "I knew it was her, but she is not a good person. She pretends to be pitiful on the surface, and she is full of bad water."

   "I'll go and talk to Wei Yue." Ji Ling turned and left.

  Zhu Yaowu followed.

  Knocked on the study door, and heard her father-in-law shouting in, Ji Ling opened the door and went in. She called Dad first.

   Then she told Ji Ke to find herself when she was off work, and what she said, she felt guilty.

   "Dad, it's all because of me that Wei Yue was fooled. It's my fault."

   "Did you borrow money from outside?" Zhu Chuang didn't answer his daughter-in-law's words, but asked his son who was kneeling on the ground.

  Zhu Weiyue pursed his lips and hummed.

Zhu Chuangdao, "I have been in business all my life, and I only listened to people wanting to know me to make some money. I never thought that one day I would hear my son go out to borrow money. Well, I am capable and can earn money by myself. The money owed You can go on your own."

   This tone is obviously ruthless from anger, so let it go.

  Ji Ling stood there awkwardly, "Dad, it's not because of Wei Yue, it's because of me."

  Zhu Chuang interrupted her, "Xiaoling, you don't need to worry about this matter, even if it's because of you, it's because of his own stupidity, and it has nothing to do with you."

  Everyone present was taken aback when they heard this.

  After Ji Ling married into Zhu's family, it was the first time that Zhu Chuang was dissatisfied with Ji Ling, his daughter-in-law.

  Even if it is not as straightforward as what I said, it still means this.

   Zhu Weiyue, who was originally head down and stubborn, suddenly raised his head, "Dad, it's my own fault, and it has nothing to do with my sister-in-law."

  Ji Ling didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and she couldn't complain, it was because of her, she bowed her head and let her father-in-law reprimand her.

  The four brothers of the Zhu family looked at their mother for help, but saw that their mother was also looking at the ground with half-dozen eyelids, not intending to talk too much.

  The tense atmosphere, and Zhu Weiyue's tense face, "Dad, I was wrong, I will solve this matter myself."

Zhu Chuang didn't look at him, but only stared at Ji Ling who was standing beside him, "Xiaoling, you can also tell him at Ji Ke's side that she plotted against Zhu's family, and she hit the wall by herself, so don't hurt me." Blame anyone."

   "Dad, I wrote it down."

   "Let's all go out." Zhu Chuang didn't say any more.

  As soon as Zhu Yaowu and the three got the words, they set up Zhu Weiyue as if fleeing, and then pulled Ji Ling, and rushed out of the living room.

   A few of them were not in the living room on the first floor, but went to the study on the second floor in one breath, and then angrily threw Zhu Weiyue into the sofa, and the three of them went to comfort Ji Ling.

   "Sister-in-law, dad is in a bad mood, not for you."

   "It's all Ji Ke's business, it has nothing to do with you."

   "If you want to blame, you can blame the third child. He caused you to be told by your father."

  Zhu Weiyue who wants to admit his mistake:

  Zhu Heping simply picked up the phone and called Zhu Weidong. When several people in the room found out, the call was connected.

   "Brother, Dad scolded sister-in-law because of third brother."

  Everyone: .

  Zhu Yaowu grabbed the phone and hung up, "Zhu Heping, you have a big mouth."

   "My sister-in-law was scolded, what I need most now is the comfort of my elder brother, that is the man of my sister-in-law."

  Zhu Yaowu: Unable to refute.

  Ring ring, the phone rang.

  Zhu Yaowu glared at him, as if saying that he saw what you did.

  Ji Ling walked over, "I'll pick it up."

   When the phone was picked up, it was Zhu Weidong who called, probably asking what was going on, and Ji Ling talked about the family affairs.

   "It's okay, I'll call you later in the evening, don't call your parents." Ji Ling told her, and hung up the phone.

  She turned her head and said to Zhu Yaowu and the others, "Treat Wei Yue's injuries, and I'll go get things."

   "Sister-in-law, let him stand up, who told him to scold you." Zhu Yaowu crossed his arms angrily, and looked at Zhu Weiyue coldly.

  Zhu Weiyue was so angry that he was half dead, "Zhu Yaowu, you are endless, aren't you?"

   Just saw his sister-in-law being scolded, he was already very guilty, he already knew he was wrong, what else could he do?

  Zhu Weiyue's grievances were on his face, so there was still no stubbornness and arrogance in the past.

  He said angrily, "I admit that I was impulsive just after I got home, so I said those words. I have already been punished. Dad blamed my sister-in-law. I didn't expect it to be my fault. I also admit it. What else do you want?"

At the end, Zhu Weiyue's voice was choked up, "I like to make money, and I like antiques. Others make antiques and sell them to overseas Chinese. I made fake ones and sold them to them. I really kept them. They are our country's. thing."

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