Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 574: one word amazing

  Chapter 574 is amazing

  Ji Ling felt that Zhu Weiyue might as well not say anything. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she said this.

   "Are you selling fakes?" Zhu Heping also jumped up in shock, "You're done, wait until Dad breaks your leg."

  Zhu Weiming's always lazy expression also subsided, and he looked at Zhu Weiyue in disapproval.

  Zhu Yaowu's sharp eyes fell on him, wishing to poke two holes in him with that posture.

  Ji Ling caressed her chest, and suppressed her palpitations, "Does Ji know that you did this?"

"have no idea."

That's good.

  Ji Ling's tense heart relaxed, "The goods you are pressing in your hands are all fake? Where did you get them? Does anyone know?"

   "I can't trust outsiders. I did it in the ghost market. I wore a wig when I went there. No one should recognize it."

   "Those goods are at Ji Ke's place, right?" Ji Ling asked.

  Zhu Weiyue nodded.

Ji Ling has already made a decision in her heart, "Listen well, I will find someone to buy the goods tomorrow, and then I will bring someone to appraise them and point out that those are lies. You have to bite back and say that Ji Ke transferred your goods. Do you remember?"

  Zhu Weiyue was taken aback.

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Ji Ke is my parents' daughter after all. Although I cheated her, I won't make her go in. Then you just need to make a fuss and let Ji Ke pay you. With such a large amount of money, Ji Ke will definitely ask for it at home in the end."

   "I'll return the money to my sister-in-law when she gives me the money." Zhu Weiyue was moved, and his sister-in-law didn't blame him, but stood by his side.

   "No, this is what Ji Ke deserves, and you can't take responsibility." Ji Ling has already interrupted herself to make up for it with money.

   Anyway, Ji is here for her.

   It's just that she didn't say these words. If she said it, it would be even more impossible for Zhu Weiyue to accept the money.

   "Do as sister-in-law says." Zhu Weiming said.

  Zhu Weiyue pursed his lips and lowered his head.

   "You guys help Wei Yue treat the wound, and I'll cook." Ji Ling sorted out her mood, stopped mentioning the matter, and asked about grandma and Niuniu, and when she heard that grandma took Niuniu out for dinner, she went out.

  In the study, as soon as Ji Ling left, Zhu Yaowu and the three found a place to sit down, but no one paid any attention to Zhu Weiyue.

  Zhu Weiyue also bowed his head guiltyly, his back was burning and uncomfortable, he endured it and did not move.

  Zhu Yaowu hadn't let out the tone in his heart, but he got annoyed when he saw him, so he simply got up and left.

  Zhu Heping was very worried when he saw it, "Third brother, second brother is very sad. He kept stopping you back then, but you just didn't listen, as if you were in a daze."

  Zhu Weiyue didn't speak.

  Zhu Weiming said, "Third brother, you have your own ideas and want to do things by yourself. We won't stop you, but you have to be able to handle it."

   Now that the matter is not covered, everyone will be implicated. This is an immature move.

   Zhu Weiyue:

  Going downstairs, Ji Ling was about to call her mother-in-law and father-in-law for dinner after cooking, when she saw her mother-in-law come in.

   "Xiao Ling, blame your father-in-law?" Kong Siya asked with a smile.

   "Mom, don't complain." Ji Ling really didn't complain.

   "Wei Yue has never admitted his mistakes. Your father has no choice but to use this method to force him to bow his head. Fortunately, that kid has a conscience and knows to protect you as a sister-in-law."

   "Mom, I guessed it."

  The family is protecting her, and she has to deal with this matter well.

  Kong Siya saw that her daughter-in-law was a sensible person, so she didn't say any more.

  In the evening, Zhu Weiyue didn’t dare to show his temper when he ate over-cooked noodles with salted cucumber. He sat shirtless and ate. Zhu Chuang didn’t scold him again, but he didn’t even give him a look.

  Mr. Zhu and his wife came back with Niu Niu at night. Because Zhu Weiyue was upstairs, he didn't know what happened at home.

  The next day, Ji Ling went to work and called Miao Man directly. This matter could not be discussed on the phone. She made an appointment to have a meal together at noon, and met in person.

   At noon, the two met in the small restaurant outside Ji Ling's work unit, and Ji Ling told about what happened at home these days.

   "Now that the company has just been established, you have created a big problem for me. How can you spend such a large amount of money?" Miao Man frowned worriedly.

  Ji Ling, "Look for Zhou Yuanbin, you take it from him first, I called my elder brother in the morning, and he said he will call me the money in two days, and I will transfer it to you."

   "It stands to reason that you and Zhou Yuanbin are closer, why don't you go to him directly?"

   "He is Xu Li's object. Now Xu Li and Zhu Weidong are in the northwest. I always contact him in private, which is not good for people to see."

   "Then I'm single, it's not good to have more contact with him." Miao Man looked at her, "Tell me the truth, did Zhou Yuanbin do something in private? Otherwise, why would you avoid him?"

Ji Ling froze for a moment, then smiled, "How can I avoid him? I don't get in touch with him, and it has something to do with Xu Li. In order to get rid of him, Xu Li made so many rumors with Zhu Weidong, looking at Zhou Yuanbin I'm always embarrassed."

   Miao Man smiled, "What am I supposed to do, so it's this."

   "You don't think it's a big deal, but I always feel embarrassed."

   "By the way, these days, who do you think always asks me out for dinner?" Miao Man blinked.

   "How can I guess."

   "We all know each other."

  Ji Ling thought for a while, "Meng Wenbin?"

   "Hey, how did you guess that?"

   "Meng Wenwu has been arguing for you about what Hua Xiaoyu did, so I can guess it. When did he have feelings for you?"

   "I didn't ask, anyway, I just told him that we are not suitable, and you have seen his attitude towards women. You only look for him if you have a sick mind."

Ji Ling couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of it in detail, Meng Wenbin's family factory is now his own, and it has become famous. It can be regarded as a small well-known enterprise. As far as women are concerned, it used to be quite nonsense. Since the breakup, , I didn’t hear that he was dating a girlfriend again, so it’s a reformation, right?”

   Miao Man just had to cover her mouth, "Stop talking, once you say it, there will be no bad people."

  Ji Ling smiled and shook her head, "I leave the matter to you, you can do it today, and find someone who is not good enough to talk to Ji Ke. As for how to contact her, you can call Zhu Weiyue."

  Ji Ling took a piece of paper from her bag, which was Zhu Weiyue's phone number she had written down a long time ago.

  Miao Man called directly with her mobile phone. After the phone was picked up there, Miao Man directly asked where he was, and the two made an appointment to meet, then hung up the phone.

  Because of Ji Ling's relationship, Miao Man and the Zhu family are also familiar.

  In the afternoon, Ji Ling returned to work, and she was relieved to leave the matter to Miao Man, but when it was time to get off work, she accidentally received a call from Zhou Yuanbin.

  Zhou Yuanbin said that he was waiting for her in the car outside Ji Ling's work unit, and asked her if she had time at night to meet her.

   As for the meeting, I didn't say anything, I only said to talk about it after the meeting.

Ji Ling thought it had something to do with Miao Man asking him to get the money, so she agreed, and after hanging up the phone, she called home, Niuniu answered the call, Ji Ling talked to her daughter, and the call was answered by Mrs. Zhu In the past, Ji Ling said that she would not go back for dinner at night, but Mrs. Zhu didn't ask why she was going, but only told her to be safe.

  (end of this chapter)

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