Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 575: make an appointment

  After two phone calls, Ji Ling also made more phone calls.

  First, Zhu Yaowu said that he had transferred the money to her card, but he didn’t say what the money was for, only that he had saved it over the years.

   Followed by Zhu Heping and Zhu Weiming.

  Ji Ling couldn't laugh or cry when she heard that all three of them transferred money to her card.

  Last night she didn't say that she wanted to get the money herself, but these people thought of it wisely, and they couldn't hide it from them at all.

  Ji Ling didn't say much on the phone, thinking that after the processing was over, they would transfer the money back to them. If they didn't want it, they would send it back as gifts when they got married.

   After receiving so many calls at once, colleagues in the department also made fun of her.

  In the department, there are ten people including Ji Ling, but Ji Ling and Huang Man are the youngest, they are the same age, and the other nine people have worked here for at least five or six years.

  Huang Man has always been dissatisfied with Ji Ling, and said sour words between the lines. Ji Ling knew from Rong Junjie that Huang Man was the daughter of Director Huang, and she kept targeting Ji Ling because she liked Rong Junjie.

  Rong Junjie and Ji Ling talked about this because he was causing trouble to Ji Ling, and he was afraid that Ji Ling would suffer a secret loss, so he said it.

  Ji Ling smiled and said that Rong Junjie must treat her to a big meal, after all, it is because of him that others dislike him.

   Today, Ji Ling hung up the phone, and Huang Man's cloudy and strange voice sounded again.

   "Chief, Corey can't live without you, even at home. The phone is busier than usual at work."

  Ji Ling put down the pen in her hand, and said with a smile, "It's true that you can't do without me. We are the same age. I am very envious that you have nothing to do at ordinary times."

  Huang Man froze for a moment, her face sank for a moment.

  Usually she would say some accusations, but Ji Ling just smiled and never refuted. Huang Man was not prepared for today's abnormal behavior, so she couldn't come back for a while.

  The main reason is that the words are too targeted, Ji Ling is usually too indulgent, which makes her feel that Ji Ling is easy to bully.

  Cheng Zhongze came out with a smile to smooth things over, "The section chief is capable, and if he is capable, he will take on more responsibility. Xiao Huang is not married yet, but he is playful. When you get married in the future, you will be motivated."

  Being impartial, Cheng Zhongze is such a kind person in the department.

  Ji Ling smiled, "Comrade Cheng said so."

  As the chief of the section, naturally she won't haggle over every detail. Usually, she doesn't haggle with Huang Man, she just treats her as a clown. Who made her feel unhappy today? Huang Man didn't wink at her.

  Huang Man sat down with a blushing face.

  It was quiet in the department until after get off work.

  After get off work in the evening, Ji Ling found Zhu Yaowu and asked him to drive back, and told him about going out for dinner with Zhou Yuanbin.

  Zhu Yaowu already knew from Zhu Weiyue that Miao Man had looked for him, so he knew that his sister-in-law met Zhou Yuanbin because of Zhu Weiyue.

   Outside the unit, Ji Ling got into Zhou Yuanbin's car, "How long have you been waiting?"

  Zhou Yuanbin raised his chin, motioned Ji Ling to look out, "Is that woman your colleague?"

  Ji Ling looked, and saw Huang Man staring here, "It's from my department."

  Zhou Yuanbin asked with a smile, "Are you offending someone? The look in your eyes is not kind."

   "Kid, don't worry about it."

   "As long as you know what's in your mind."

  The two drove all the way to a western restaurant.

  After sitting down, she ordered another meal, and when the waiter left, Ji Ling said, "Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

   "I can't ask you out for dinner if I have nothing to do?" Zhou Yuanbin smiled, but he still got to the point, "Xu Li doesn't answer my phone calls. Am I asking for help? I can only offer some favors first, and then open my mouth."

  Ji Ling smiled, "Call Zhu Weidong."

   "Engineer Zhu is always on the construction site, and I haven't found anyone after calling for a week."

  Ji Ling's face remained the same, she thought she would not, she had talked with Zhu Weidong on the phone last night, and she didn't hear him talk about going to the construction site, after all, the two talked on the phone every day.

   Zhou Yuanbin couldn't possibly lie, it was Zhu Weidong who helped Xu Li.

  Ji Ling asked, "Why did you mess with Xu Li?"

   "I just asked her on the phone when I would meet my parents, and she got angry and said that I forced her to get married." Zhou Yuanbin smiled wryly, "I really didn't mean to force her to get married."

   "Then just wait. When she calms down, she will answer your call naturally. If you have something to say, I can ask Zhu Weidong to bring it to her." Ji Ling was too embarrassed to eat for nothing.

"No need, I want you to help spread the word, and it will also make it difficult for you and Engineer Zhu to be caught in the middle." Zhou Yuanbin saw that the meal was served, took the napkin and put it on his lap, "Try the craftsmanship here, it has not long been opened, and the taste is delicious. Authentic."

   "Very authentic?"

   "Well, sometimes I go to Guangzhou, and my parents will eat Western food."

  Guangzhou is developing rapidly, and the western food is indeed authentic.

  Ji Ling didn't eat Western food much in her previous life, but she nodded with satisfaction after eating a steak.

   "The matter between you and Xu Li can't be like this, let's sit down and have a good talk." After a moment of silence, Ji Ling took the initiative to talk.

   "Talk about it, I thought it was a real break before, but I didn't expect her to find me again." Zhou Yuanbin drank his red wine, "It's because I came to work to find you last time."

  Ji Ling asked, "Isn't it because she was afraid that I would misunderstand, so she got back together with you? If so, then the fault is on me."

   Being with someone you don't like is also a pain.

  It's hard to say this kind of thing, Zhou Yuanbin is a smart person, and he understands Ji Ling even if he doesn't say it directly.

  He smiled wryly, "So I was thinking, should I let go."

   "Can you put it down?"

   "What should I do if I can't let go? I don't want her to be so painful."

  Ji Ling is not good at giving him advice, "I still have to figure out the relationship issue by myself."

  Zhou Yuanbin nodded, with a sad expression on his handsome face.

  Ji Ling persuaded him, "Maybe it's not what you think, Xu Li chooses to get back together with you, it's not that you don't have you in her heart, it's just that she needs to adjust."

"Maybe." Zhou Yuanbin didn't continue this topic, and talked about Miaoman asking him to get money during the day, "She asked me to prepare two hundred thousand as soon as she asked, and I almost vomited blood. When I opened a bank, I opened my mouth." Just two hundred thousand."

  Ji Ling felt guilty, "What does she want so much money for?"

   "It is said that it is a company operation, and the outside market is in great demand, so I will give it to me in a few days."

   She lied to her for this reason, and Ji Ling felt guilty again, "I heard her say that she is engaged in the market these days."

"How can I have such a large sum of money in my hand? I called your parents, and they confirmed twice that I was sure that nothing happened." Zhou Yuanbin was happy after speaking, "I have not been in business with my family all these years. When I asked for money, my parents offered me the offer and I refused, so I don’t blame them for being weird.”

  Ji Ling laughed dryly, "Then you are still pretty good, and you have today's career by yourself."

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