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“Gu’er, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart. Rest assured, I will tell you everything later!”

Xiao Long turned his head, facing Xiao Gu’s faint said with a smile.

He was very satisfied with Xiao Gu’s performance.

At least, the character temperament, absolutely no problem!

This made Xiao Long very fortunate that he had made such a decision.

Xiao Gu smiled bitterly.

He doesn’t say whether Xiao Long is his father first.

But Xiao Long means letting yourself deal with these people.

But how can he handle it alone?

“Gu’er, don’t worry, you already have a powerful Bloodline, but it was sealed by me. Now, I will help you to unlock the seal and let you restore your original strength!”

Xiao Long signaled Xiao Gu to rest assured.

Then, point to Xiao Long.

A ray of light hit Xiao Gu’s eyebrows.

Immediately after that, Xiao Long only felt that his whole Bloodline was boiling!

It’s like a fire is burning!

The cultivation techniques of Xiao Long and Xiao Xun’er Cultivation are based on Huo Yin Attribute Cultivation Art.

Therefore, in Xiao Gu’s Bloodline, the power of flame is also the main one.

And thanks to the injection of 3 Doudi Bloodline, Xiao Gu’s within the body seems to be born a fire!

This was not born from Heaven and Earth, but derived from Xiao Gu’s Bloodline. Extremely powerful! Can threaten Dou Saint powerhouse!

Soon, Xiao Gu’s strength reached Primal Saint directly!

However, this not at all stopped.

Primal Saint Middle Stage, Late Stage, Lesser Extreme Stage, Median Extreme Stage, Greater Extreme Stage …

All the way to Primal Saint Great Perfection!

Xiao Gu, in full view, actually reached Primal Saint Great Perfection directly from Primal Venerable Great Perfection!

Reached the pinnacle of Sky Origin Continent!

“This this……”

Xiao Gu looked at himself blankly.

He really could not imagine that the power that made him unreachable was actually possessed by him.

At this moment, Ma Rong regretted it.

She could not think of a poor fellow she looked down upon, which actually had such a large background.

In addition to having a powerful father.

His own strength also reached Primal Saint Great Perfection.

Can compete with Sky Origin Continent’s current Number One Person.

And she looked at Song Jiji beside her.

It’s really more and more waste.

At this moment, Ma Rong made up his mind and made a decision!

“Gu’er, go, let those who have humiliated you pay a heavy price, don’t worry, support you for your father, the sky falls, it’s all right!”

Xiao Long gasped Xiao Gu.

Although Xiao Gu now has strong power.

But after all, his knowledge is not very high, and Xiao Long is a little worried about his fear.

So, just encourage him!

“it is good!”

Xiao Gu gave Xiao Long a deep look, and then made up his mind.

“Zhao Hao, here is your most noisy, come on, let me see your strength, don’t let me look down on you, fight me!”

What Xiao Gu is at Primal Venerable is that he is not being bullied by Zhao Hao, the Lord of Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Now that he is finally strong, he has to repay all humiliation!

“I, I, I…”

Zhao Hao is now scared speechless.

If the joke is still a Primal Venerable.

He still has the courage to fight Xiao Gu.

However, Xiao Gu is now an expert of Primal Saint Great Perfection!

3 smaller Realm than him.

Coupled with the battle strength of Goes Against The Heavens by Xiao Gu, let alone him, even Sky Origin Continent Number One Powerhouse Song Zhe is not his opponent!

What’s the difference between going to his own duel with death?

However, he still could not make the decision.

He didn’t duel with Xiao Gu, wouldn’t Xiao Gu fight against himself?

Or, does he have the courage to commit suicide?

At this time, Zhao Hao regretted it.

I regret why I chose to lie down on the muddy water because of Song Zhe’s bewilderment. As a result, I encountered the situation of today’s death.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hao was angry.

He glanced at Song Jiji fiercely.

He couldn’t treat Song Zhe.

However, Song Zhe’s only son, who can’t make it, can really clean up!

What’s more, this dog thing has always been calling him like a minion, and he is also angry in his heart.

Now, since you are dying, let’s clean up this Song Jiji before we die to understand our grievances!

“Xiao Gu, I admit defeat, I did accept Song Zhe’s bewitching, I know I will die today, but before I die, I hope you can give me a chance, I want to kill Song Jiji by myself, good Let go of my hatred! “

Zhao Hao prayed to Xiao Gu.

“What? Zhao Hao, you dog thing, dog minion, do you want to betray my father? My father will kill you!”

Song Jiji was furious when he heard Zhao Hao’s words.

Zhao Hao, who has always been regarded as an obedient dog minion, is going to kill himself today?

It’s crazy!

Song Jiji’s innate talent is very weak, and he can’t feel Xiao Gu’s realm at all.

I don’t know how terrible Xiao Long is.

In his view, his father is invincible.

He is also invincible at Sky Origin Continent, he does whatever he wants.

All those who marry him must be damn!

Xiao Gu looked at Zhao Hao and Song Jiji again. There was no expression on his face. He spoke after a while and said, “Song Jiji’s life is mine!”

Zhao Hao listened to it, although there were some regrets, he still didn’t say anything.

Xiao Gu’s words, he understood.

Song Jiji, he cannot kill.

However, you can pack him up!

Zhao Hao is not polite and moves toward Song Jiji in a murderous-looking manner.

At this time, Song Jiji was still kneeling on the ground. Without Xiao Long’s permission, he could not stand up anyway.

And Zhao Hao, because Xiao Long also wants to watch a good show of dog biting dogs, it is allowed.

“Zhao Hao, Zhao Hao, what are you going to do? I tell you, don’t mess up, otherwise my father, my father, ah …”

Seeing Zhao Hao coming to him step by step, Song Jiji’s heart beat faster by little.

After Zhao Hao walked in front of him, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

Moved out the name of his “invincible” father.

Unfortunately, this time, his father’s name seems to be useless.

Zhao Hao’s iron fist hit ruthlessly on his face.

The face that was not handsome in the first place became uglier …

“Ahhh, Rao Ming! Senior Zhao, Big Brother Zhao, Uncle Zhao, Rao Ming, I will never dare again, I will never dare …”

After being abolished by Zhao Hao, Song Jiji couldn’t be arrogant anymore.

Facing Zhao Hao, begging hard.

Those present were all despising Song Jiji.

It was really shameful.

And Ma Rong? The more I look at Song Jiji, the more uncomfortable it is.

He looked at Xiao Gu with a demented look.

I do n’t know why. How does she feel that the more she looks at Xiao Gu, the more handsome Xiao Gu, the more pleasing to the eye?

She started to think of Xiao Gu again.

I thought, must have a good life with Xiao Gu in the future.

Xiao Gu big brother treats her so well, and will forgive her for sure, and will treat her as well as her life.

Hey, that’s what Innocent & charming girl is like, and it won’t give up until the last minute.

No, at the end, she will not give up.

at first, can be said to feel proud proudly.

But at the end? Kneeling and licking are all possible!

When I saw Song Jiji, I was beaten by myself.

Zhao Hao also seemed angry, standing on the spot, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the evening, there is a chapter to add more to the monthly pass.

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