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Seeing Zhao Hao staying where he was, Xiao Gu asked lightly.

“Okay, come on!”

Zhao Hao thought about it and finally chose to face it calmly.

In any case, die, or die decently!

Since Zhao Hao said so, Xiao Gu will not be nonsense.

He is not a Holy Mother bitch, and will be soft-hearted because of Zhao Hao’s remorse before his death.

How did Zhao Hao embarrass him before, but he remembered clearly.

What’s more, this guy just wanted to embarrass his Mother just now!

At this point, it has been determined that Zhao Hao will die!

The fire of Xiao Gu within the body came out with his heart and contaminated Zhao Hao.

There are 3 flames derived from Bloodline, the formidable power is not terrifying!

Zhao Hao, who had no resistance, was transformed into nothingness under the burning of this heart fire, or the flame of Flame Emperor’s prototype.

“Song Jiji, it’s your turn.”

After finishing Zhao Hao, Xiao Gu came to Song Jiji again.

2 Without further ado, give Song Jiji this guy a tiptoe.

To be honest, he wanted to beat this guy long ago.

When did it start? It was when he was in and out of Zhong Prefecture that Cultivation Base was Primal Venerable Initial Stage.

The first time this guy saw two of them, he made an attempt to his “Ronger”.

At that time Xiao Gu wanted to beat him, but the bodyguards of several Primal Venerable Great Perfection behind Song Jiji made him helpless.

Finally, he broke through the Primal Venerable Middle Stage in time, and he can fight the martial artist of Primal Venerable Great Perfection.

Only that crisis was resolved in a timely manner.

But just like that, he was stared by Song Jiji.

Song Jiji believes that there is a big secret in Xiao Gu.

So he started from Ma Rong, intending to get the secret through her.

Then there is a series of money smashing Ma Rong, and finally there is the present ending.

This scene is similar to how Xiao Gu met Song Jiji for the first time.

It’s just that the positions of both parties have changed that’s all.

“Gu big brother, Grandpa Gu, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to do the right thing with you again, I will never dare to grab your woman again, she is still in perfect condition, I have not moved her If you have a lot of adults, just let me go! “

Song Jiji saw Zhao Hao at the Primal Saint Lesser Extreme Stage and was killed by Xiao Gu.

The fear of Xiao Gu in my heart was no weaker than that of Zhao Hao who had just beaten him, and he begged Xiao Gu quickly.

Ma Rong followed Song Jiji’s words, squinting his lips and pretending to be very pitiful, hoping to be forgiven by Xiao Gu.

Then he flew up on his own to become Phoenix.

It is a pity that Xiao Gu doesn’t even look at her now.

“Oh, my woman, who? Is this guy next to you? He he he, sorry, the past is over, what she caused me, I will naturally return her, now, what I want to solve is you.”

Xiao Gu coldly smiled.

Since seeing Ma Rong’s face, he has no thoughts about this woman.

The only thing he regrets now is that he had rejected so many good women who pursued him for Ma Rong, a cheap woman.

Fortunately, it was not too late to see Ma Rong’s true face in time.

After solving today’s problems, I went to find those confidantes and found them all, and took them home.

“No, Gu Ge, Gu Ge …”

Song Jiji panicked, he didn’t think that Xiao Gu would choose a beat 2 for a woman who was very loving before this one hour!

It’s just that he didn’t have much time to think about it, he had slept forever and would never wake up again.

Xiao Gu does not torture people, so he said that he would avenge himself by killing them.

This is not a certainty.

After turning Song Jiji into a gray fly, Xiao Gu turned to others.

As for Ma Rong, he wants to stay till the end and make good preparations.

Xiao Long also understood his attempt.

However, he also has to add a little difficulty to Xiao Gu.

Otherwise, what does it mean to play like this?

He restrained his Diwei.

The person kneeling on the ground immediately regained freedom.

After restoring their freedom, those people glanced at each other.

Then, some people’s faces flashed an angry look.

Since this matter is not good today, then, just pull a back cushion!

They attack Xiao Gu frantically.

Although they know that such an attack does little harm to Xiao Gu.

However, at least they can be made to die decently! Die with some dignity!

They died because of fighting!

“hmph! ”

Xiao Gu sneered at the attack.

Manipulating his strength within the body to form a very strong protective cover.

Then, those attacks hit the shield without causing any damage.

However, the attack did not dissipate.

“Not good !”

This is the last thought in the minds of those who attacked, and then they also went with the previous 2 people.

Their attack was rebounded by Xiao Gu, and they died under their fame!

Some of the remaining people chose to escape at this time.

There was a trace of hope in my heart to be able to run away.

However, this is in vain.

Primal Venerable Cultivation Base, how could they slip away in the hands of Primal Saint Great Perfection powerhouse?

In the sky, one body after another fell to the ground.

In the end, within the range of a few 10 li, there are only 4 silhouettes left.

“Xiao Gu big brother, Rong Er, Rong Er is also confused for a while, Xiao Gu big brother forgive Rong Er, Rong Er will never make such mistakes again.”

After seeing Xiao Gu’s current methods, Ma Rong was very happy.

The stronger Xiao Gu is, the more beautiful she is to follow Xiao Gu?

She never thought that Xiao Gu would refuse her, because before Xiao Gu held her in her hands, she was afraid of falling, and she was afraid of falling in her mouth. Even if she wanted the moon in the sky, Xiao Gu would give her away Pick.

Of course, the scheming bitch also knew that he had to pretend to be innocent and cheated, so that he could win Xiao Gu’s sympathy.

Before that, what she wanted, as long as she made such an expression, Xiao Gu would definitely agree with it.

Try it out!

So, she is very confident.

However, this time, in exchange for Xiao Gu’s sneer, and a very ruthless voice.

“Oh, I don’t have such a big face. I’m a big brother for you. Please ask a brilliant again!”

Xiao Gu is not a fool. How could he not know what Ma Rong was trying to thank?

It’s just that Song Jiji fell, and he was developed again, and then came back and posted that’s all.

“Xiao Gu big brother, Rong’er is really confused! I’m wrong. Xiao Gu big brother can punish Rong’er, don’t ignore Rong’er, okay? Really anything.”

Ma Rong looked at Xiao Gu with blurred eyes, his face fascinated.

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