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Soon, the shadow was separated from Fiend God.

At this moment in Fiend God, there is only one skeleton left.

Moreover, this skeleton is also bleak.

It seems that even the essence in skeleton has not been able to escape the swallowing of blackheads.

Obviously dead, can’t die anymore!

Great Thousand World’s biggest villain has finally become a thing of the past.

“Ah ~ I feel really wonderful. The strength of this Monarch has returned to the world! My obsidian demon finally returned!”

After swallowing Fiend God, the black shadow let out a free vent.

Xiao Long heard his confession, and then he knew the identity of the person in front of him.

Obsidian Demon King!

Devil, what kind of Realm Xiao Long does not know.

However, he knew that the person in front of him was a world powerhouse!

World is higher than Great Ruler Realm!

He is one level higher than Xiao Long!

“Boy, I want to thank you, if not for you, this Monarch may not be able to recover so quickly!”

After confessing, Obsidian Demon faced Xiao Long and said something that puzzled Xiao Long.

When did he help Obsidian?

“I know, you should be very confused, I will tell you, let you understand! I am the obsidian demon, but the 4th Demon Domain, the emperor of the Mozhai emperor, but accidentally offended 9th The son of Emperor Monarch Eastflower of Layer Heaven Realm, Emperor Monarch Eastflower’s first apprentice Tianxin Shenjun chased me, I met the person of Heavenly Demon Great World at the last moment: After devouring that World, I found that Heavenly Demon Great World actually The development system invented by Genesis Gu Domain, which is the one you own, I used the power of the devil to transform the function of that thing: put a trace of Divine Soul in this Monarch in it, avoid it, and then borrow it to get I have deducted countless points and finally rebuilt a body, but today I still have to thank you for hurting the ants, otherwise I would not dare to come out

Obsidian Demon explained to Xiao Long.

It seems that Xiao Long is going to be a ghost.

Xiao Long was deeply disdainful about this.

The longer the time, the more powerful he is!

Although Xiao Long felt unclear about what was said in the mouth of Obsidian Devil.

However, he still understood some.

That 4 square Demon Domain, Genesis Gu Domain should be a World.

Emperor Mo Di is the boss of Obsidian Demon King.

The guy in front of him now has a great loss of strength!

Moreover, he was also chased down!

Of course, the origin of the system is also understood.

“Okay, boy, it’s your turn now. When my blood sacrifices this arrogant universe, it will definitely let me return to the position of the devil!”

Rory, for so long, Obsidian Demon also intends to do the right thing!

“Oh, you are too happy!”

Xiao Long coldly smiled.

After he entered Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign, he has always felt a sense of uneasiness.

He at first thought that feeling came from Fiend God.

But only now does he know that the person in front of him is the system to remind himself!

Fortunately, he still has a hand!

If the obsidian devil is really a genuine devil.

Of course he will admit his fate.

After all, this is a fierce man who can directly devour even the world.

But, obviously, he is not now.

Since this is the case, Xiao Long has a chance of winning!

“Oh? Boy, are you planning to fight? In the end, don’t dream, rest assured, Ru wife and daughter, I raise them, you don’t worry! Hahaha!

Obsidian Demon laughed loudly.

Let Xiao Long almost spit out old blood.

This guy can actually say such classic words?

How much has he done to kill his husband and dominate his wife!

It is really a scum among the scum!

Xiao Long thought that he was bad enough, but compared with this guy in front of him, it was like a little witch!

“Really? It’s just a pity that you are disappointed!”

There is no slight smile on Xiao Long’s face.

If he laughed at this time, that would be a strange thing.

“7 Avatar, get me back!”

With Xiao Long’s order, there were 7 silhouettes appeared beside Xiao Long.

Among them, Nine Coloured Heaven Swallowing Python is the earliest.

Because he is the closest to Xiao Long.






The people of Great Thousand World all exclaimed after seeing the seven silhouettes around Xiao Long.

They are all Half-Great Ruler Realm!

People in Great Thousand World don’t know, when there are so many powerhouses in Great Thousand World!

“Oh? Do you think they can beat me in the exam? It’s really naive. I’m so lucky to kill you!”

Obsidian Demon King was somewhat surprised after seeing Xiao Long’s 7 Incarnation.

But not at all takes it too seriously.

Half-Great Ruler Realm is an enemy that Saint Rank Heavenly Sovereign may not be able to cope with.

But for people in the world, it is not enough.

“Really? That’s it!”

Xiao Long mysterious smiled.

Then, in the shocking eyes of the world, the 7 Incarnations all fit into Xiao Long’s body.

“How is this possible? They are all Xiao Tian’s Incarnation?”

“Isn’t Qi Transforms Three Purity only able to divide 2 Incarnations?”

No one in Great Thousand World is surprised by Xiao Long’s handwriting.

Peerless powerhouse born from Great Thousand World, I can’t think of Xiao Long’s Incarnation!

This is incredible!

However, at this juncture, the stronger Xiao Long is, the more excited they are.

Because, in this way, they have a chance to live!

With the sacrifice of the 7 Incarnation one after another, it became a part of Xiao Long and completely became the past.

Xiao Long only feels that his strength is growing wildly!

Finally, after Demon Emperor Incarnation was also absorbed by Xiao Long.

Xiao Long only felt that he stepped into a new Realm!

“This, is it World?”

Xiao Long unable to bear underestimated.

If it is the Great Ruler Realm borrowed from the will of the World.

Xiao Long now feels that his words and deeds can affect this World.

Give him a little time, he can even transform this World’s Cultivation system.

Bring down all people, even those of Great Ruler Realm, and let them re-Cultivation!

Because the system changes, it will conflict with the product of the old system.

They either go with the old system or choose to compromise.

This is the World realm, detached from the existence of World.

“I can’t think of it! I really can’t think of it! You are under my eyelids and you have become a World!”

The expression of Obsidian Demon is serious.

He has been sleeping in the system all the time and transformed the system of the system. When Xiao Long’s exchange points are sufficient, the system will automatically buy him what he needs.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Long actually has such a means!

“There are more things you can’t think of, maybe you will never think that you might die here today!”

Reached the World level, Xiao Long’s energy is also sufficient.

Facing the Obsidian Demon King in the world, he has no fear.

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