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Because the World environment is not the same as the Great Ruler Realm.

Even if it is 100 Great Ruler Realm powerhouse, holding 100 pieces of Peerless Sacred Armament, attacking the world powerhouse, World will not be in the slightest danger!

The Fleshy body in the world can only be broken by Taoism.

Taoism is a weapon higher than Peerless Sacred Armament, and Peerless Sacred Armament is simply one heaven one earth. No comparability.

The Obsidian Demon King seems to have no Taoism.

Plus, they are both World Stage Initial Stage.

It is almost impossible to want to win or lose!

What’s more, this is Great Thousand World, Xiao Long has the advantage!

He is now, simply not afraid of Obsidian Demon King!

“You must think that you can fight against me when you have reached the World Realm? I tell you, you are too naive! When you were in Peak, you were in the realm of the devil, and you have lived 100,000 years. The accumulated experience, Magical Powers? Is it a frog in well that you can compare? Exactly, after killing you, this Monarch must be able to reach the World Middle Stage, die! “

Obsidian Demon King hated and immediately attacked Xiao Long.

Xiao Long doesn’t take seriously this kind of painless and itchy attack.

Xiao Long, holding a Peerless Sacred Armament, started the hard battle with the Obsidian Demon King!

After a long confrontation, Xiao Long discovered that even if he was holding Peerless Sacred Armament, he still could not cause any harm to Obsidian Demon King.

The same is true for Obsidian Demon King.

Over time, Obsidian Demon King couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Let you teach and teach, the 1000 demon-breaking gods created by Emperor Mo Di!”

Obsidian Demon growled.

Then, it erupted directly in front of Xiao Long.

Started a crazy thump on Xiao Long.

Ignoring all Xiao Long’s attacks, the ignorance of the attack is like a demon.

One punch, two punches, three punches …

Up to 1000 punches

This caused Xiao Long to be spitting blood directly.

The Peerless Sacred Armament was also shattered.

Did this obsidian demon eat Wei, brother? Why suddenly became so powerful?

But he looked at Obsidian Demon King.

Fortunately, Obsidian Devil also suffered a lot of injuries.

It seems that this move of Obsidian Demon King is also a move to kill the enemy 1000 and damage 800.

“Are you able to do this? If so, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Xiao Long can now be said to be the master of Great Thousand World.

You can replenish yourself by absorbing the power of Great Thousand World all the time.

It can be said that if the stalemate with the Obsidian Demon King continues like this.

Xiao Long can fight for a long time until the day when the Obsidian Demon King is consumed.

Unless Obsidian Demon King can persist until the day when Great Thousand World is absorbed by him.

But obviously, this is impossible.

“Oh? I want to see, how can you treat me!”

There was a hint of curiosity on Obsidian Demon’s face.

He is not a member of this World, so the spirit of Great Thousand World is certainly impossible to restore him.

Therefore, his injury recovered slowly.

Therefore, he at first did not intend to use this trick.

Because if he was injured, he was afraid that he would fall into a disadvantage.

However, if not used, he can’t win Xiao Long.

Now that it is used, there is no way.

He wanted to see what Xiao Long was capable of hurting him.

Without Daoqi, there is absolutely no way to treat him!

Xiao Long has absolutely no Taoism!

Because he modified the system, Xiao Long can’t buy anything used in the world!

“Although I don’t have a Taoist weapon, I do have a avenue!”

Xiao Long smiled confidently.

“Three Thousand Great Dao, different routes to the same destination, 10000 in one, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth! Obsidian Demon King, suppress me!”

Xiao Long did all he could to bring together the natural power of Heaven and Earth from Great Thousand World.

Whether it is the main force of Five Elements, or some rare thunder, wind and snow, etc., have been brought together by Xiao Long.

At this moment, the Great Thousand World, and countless World, have riots.

The entire World’s Power of Flame, the power of the ocean, and even the Power of Earth are all drawn.

The lava inside the flame gradually solidified and darkened, and the ocean kept surging.

Even the earth has become soft and broken.

This is where their Source Power was taken.

It means that their souls were taken away.

Everyone knows what a person would become without a soul.

There is no way to deal with big bosses like Obsidian Demon King. Xiao Long can only take things that are out of luck.

He dared not use these forces to attack.

Because after the attack, those forces will dissipate.

When the time comes, those worlds that have been stripped away are really going to be destroyed.

So, he chose the seal.

If the seal is successful, he can spend some time slowly preparing the Obsidian Demon King.

If the seal fails, these forces will naturally return to their original place.

“What? Is there such an operation?”

Obsidian Demon suddenly turned pale with fright!

He comes from the Hongmeng-level Universe 4 Demon Domain, theoretically also a Great Thousand World.

But it is countless times stronger than the Great Thousand World where Xiao Long is located!

Even where he usually goes, the weakest is level 6 Gu Domain.

Never been to a Level 4 universe like Great Thousand World.

After all, there are too many Level 4 universes, and I do n’t know how many of them are in Primal Chaos Space.

Level 4 The strongest in the universe is generally the Great Ruler, and rarely has a World.

The world environment is unique to the Fifth Level universe.

So, he never saw that man can borrow the power of a universe!

Because the universe he saw was too powerful, even his master Mo Di Emperor could not do it.

This hand Xiao Long made him extremely lose one’s head out of fear!

The power of a Level 4 universe can definitely threaten the world!

After all, killing a person is much easier than making a person out!

“Abominable! Abominable!”

Obsidian Demon growled flustered and exasperated.

He was really taken by the Force of Myriad Daos of Great Thousand World!

“Boy, since that’s the case, then let’s compare, who is more crazy! Fiendgod Life and Death Tribulation!”

Obsidian Demon begins to burn his own destiny in a cage sealed by Xiao Long with the power of World’s All Living Things.

This is an extremely powerful Divine Ability.

He can forcibly promote a person and a little Realm!

But afterwards, Cultivation Base has to lower a Realm.

“Boy, I will kill you at the cost of falling a realm!”

After the Magical Powers show.

The strength of Obsidian Demon King has more than doubled!

Reached the World Middle Stage directly!

And the seal formed by the power of World 10000 things attracted by Xiao Long.

Also defeated by Obsidian Demon King!

10000 The power of things returns to its place.

“Boy, go die for me!”

Obsidian Demon King’s eyes were red, and all the red blood vessels hidden in the pupils of the eyes burst open, bleeding.

The blood vessels of the other parts of Obsidian Devil are also inflated, as if they must burst at any time.

This is the price of his forbidden technique!

After Xiao Long brace oneself and Obsidian Demon punched a punch, he was shocked to retreat a few 10 li.

The internal organs all seem to have shifted.

At this time, he only realized that there is a small Realm gap in the world.

It’s no wonder, not to mention Xiao Long, even Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, these Heaven’s Chosen Child may not do better than him.

Because the two of them were in Half-Great Ruler Realm, they had nothing to do with Great Ruler Realm, and Fiend God who was still blood.

What’s more, this is a more powerful World environment than Great Ruler Realm?

“What should I do? Do I really want to die here?”

Xiao Long was whispered in his heart.

He thought he could pretend to go all the way with the system.

After all, the Protagonist who owns the system is like this.

However, his luck may not be enough, and he was hit by such an incompetent system.

And he is now scrapped.

This makes him play ass!

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