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After the banquet ended that day, God Realm was restored to its former peace.

Ye Xishui is Rank 1 God and still has rights in God Realm.

So, Long Xiaoyao, Mu En, Yan Shaozhe with her help.

Both got God Position inheritance and became Spiritual God.

However, Divine Spark is not high, there is no Rank 1 God.

So, in their families, women are strong and men are weak.

This made Long Xiaoyao smile bitterly.

But he said nothing.

Even if his Divine Spark is higher than Ye Xishui, he will listen to Ye Xishui.

The reason is not explained.

Ju’zi and Zhou Yi also did the same, got Divine Spark, and became gods one after another.

Huo Yuhao finally flew to God Realm and became a member of God Realm.

Tang Ya was the only one who followed him.

It seems that in the final battle, Huo Yuhao won.

As for that Beibei, either rely on his ability to become a god. Either it will turn into dead bone.

But now it seems that the latter kind of probability is bigger.

I have to say that fate is still amazing.

With Xiao Long’s intervention, although Huo Yuhao didn’t get Tang San’s daughter.

But he still got the Tang Family descendants.

It ’s all Tang Family, it sounds like it ’s not too bad …

With such a layer of relationships, Tang San takes care of him too.

Tang Ya was also assigned to God Position.

Together with Huo Yuhao, fly together!

The Golden Dragon King died completely.

The Divine Beast family is no longer threatened.

Therefore, people in the Divine Beast family are not being imprisoned.

God Position is opened.

Among the Lower Bounds, many Soul Beast became gods.

Di Tian and Bi Ji are all among them.

Because they are qualified to become gods, but they don’t have that opportunity that’s all.

When the opportunity comes, the god is where water flows, a canal is formed.

In just one year of God Realm, there are nearly 300 Spiritual Gods.

Don’t look at this data is exaggerated, but it is quite reasonable.

After all, God Realm one day, Lower Bounds one year.

God Realm One year, Lower Bounds has passed more than 300 years.

For more than 300 years, in so many worlds within the realm, more than 300 Spiritual Gods have soared.

This data can only be said to be very general.

Thank you to Xiao Long.

His Avatar has soared more than 20!

Although it is common Level 3 Spiritual God, Level 2 Spiritual God.

However, if they are merged, Xiao Long is confident that he can achieve the Great Ruler Realm comparable to Great Thousand World!

However, to achieve the Great Ruler Realm is not the goal of Xiao Long.

He wants to reach the world!

Therefore, we must continue lurking and wait for more Avatar to arrive.

And these Avatar also bring a lot of materials from the Lower Bounds, Xiao Long can also make some other things.

“It’s over, father will definitely kill me!”

In Xiao Long’s mansion, a large bed can accommodate a dozen people.

Tang Wutong, who was naked, quickly broke free from the cover.

Without any worries, he began to search for his clothes.

After all, except for her, there was only one big wolf in her mouth.

However, after seeing the pieces of clothing shattered into one place, Tang Wutong glared Xiao Long with an unable to bear.

All this is a masterpiece of this shameless bastard!

Due to God Realm’s safe expansion of 3 times the area, Tang San’s frustration with Xiao Long certainly disappeared completely.

So he let Tang Wutong continue to contact Xiao Long.

Under the routine of Xiao Long, Tang Wutong little by little landed.

For example, today, Tang Wutong is at Xiao Long:

“Let’s go in and sit down!” “We only have a little wine” “I just want to hug you” “I just want to touch” “I just kiss you a little bit” “I just rubbed outside, absolutely Not going in “” I just … “

After waiting for a series of lies, Xiao Long was stripped away.

Next, everything is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Tang Wutong finally realized what is the routine …

But it paid a “blood” price!

Tang Wutong was planning to blame Xiao Long for not having tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, but found Xiao Long looking at himself with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, I felt annoyed.

This guy is still like that bastard!

He did something bad, but he did what he deserved

It’s really owed to owe to clean up!

So, Tang Wutong wanted to tidy up.

However, Xiao Long took the lead and shot under him again.

Started a morning exercise.

Finally, Tang Wutong said that after this family, Xiao Long was the boss, and after she must obediently obey, Xiao Long let her go.

Then she was prepared a beautiful set of clothes as a guilt.

This matter passed like this.

After Xiao Long sent Tang Wutong home.

Walking alone in God Realm, although it seems to be walking.

But in the world, they are meeting with their own Avatar, and then take away what they need.

After doing everything, he returned to his own courtyard indifferently.

Lock yourself up and start to tinker with something.

Recently, due to the expansion of God Realm, things are significant.

The Master of God of Wickedness, which is the previous time God of Wickedness, has also returned to God Realm.

Of course, his wife’s previous generation, Goddess of Kindness, came back with him.

God of Wickedness and Goddess of Kindness are one of the ancient gods that are not weaker than God of Destruction, Goddess of Life.

Under the combined strength of the husband and wife, I am afraid that only the God of Destruction and Goddess of Life can match.

Tang San and his wife are not opponents.

With the support of their Master.

This makes the self-confidence of the new generation of God of Wickedness bullied by Xiao Long so much!

In front of Xiao Long, a lot of bad things were said.

This made the attitude of the older generation of God of Wickedness and Goddess of Kindness towards Xiao Long worse.

After all, one is their discipline, and the other is Xiao Long who is not recognized.

Coupled with their evidence from the left, they discovered that the overwhelming majority was similar to their discipline. So Xiao Long is very unsightly! Everywhere against Xiao Long.

Tang San has been blessed by 2 of them, so it is not good to help Xiao Long.

He chose neutrality.

The God of Destruction does not know how to do it, and his relationship with Tang San is reconciled.

Then, naturally, Xiao Long will not be helped.

What’s more, when God Realm expanded, the God of Destruction felt that he was still suspected of being used by Xiao Long.

So, it would be nice without hitting a person when he’s down, how could it help Xiao Long?

As for Goddess of Life, cough cough cough, it seems that there has always been a little misunderstanding about Xiao Long.

Fortunately, for her undisputed personality, Xiao Long was not targeted by him.

However, it currently appears that Xiao Long has been targeted by at least four main gods.

Some were unable to do so, so they had to stay in their small courtyard.

However, this does not mean that Xiao Long is afraid of them.

No, it’s just getting ready to do things.

After tinkering for a long time, I finally tinkered with a decent thing.

A plant named Yuexinlan.

As for what is unique, I won’t say much.

Anyway, it is very mysterious, so God of Wickedness can drink a pot.

So, how to send this thing to God of Wickedness?

It ’s definitely not possible to give God of Wickedness directly. In that case, it will probably be mocked by the hypocrite of God of Wickedness bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.

Xiao Long couldn’t hold the old face.

If you let your ministry go down, I’m afraid it will be laughed at by God of Wickedness.

Xiao Long did not have the heart to let his subordinates be humiliated.

If you let someone who does n’t want to control Xiao Long go, I ’m afraid it will be treated as a lack of sincerity and will never be sent to God of Wickedness.

Then the problem is coming.

Who is it going to be?

After thinking about it, Xiao Long finally found a suitable candidate.

That is the wife of God of Wickedness, Goddess of Kindness.

If you borrow Goddess of Kindness’s hand and give it to God of Wickedness.

God of Wickedness is hindered by his wife’s face, certainly not much to say.

Therefore, Goddess of Kindness is the best candidate for Xiao Long!

Then, let your Avatars keep a close eye on Goddess of Kindness.

Finally, one day, Xiao Long had the opportunity to contact her.

Goddess of Kindness went to the Forest of Life of Goddess of Life, and after saying something to Goddess of Life, he left the Forest of Life.

Then, I met Xiao Long who had been waiting for her for a long time.

Xiao Long looked at Goddess of Kindness and not only sighed.

What a cute girl!

Goddess of Kindness is the kind of Mengmeng, not Loli, but it is better than Loli, with a very gentle character, soft and cute, and great lethality to men!

Even Xiao Long had to admire God of Wickedness, so blessed!

When Goddess of Kindness came, he called her.

“Mushen, what’s the matter?”

Although Xiao Long inherits the God of Sea God Position, the people of God Realm are still used to calling him the God of Wood.

After all, God of Sea has always called Tang San before.

It’s really not easy to change the language at this time.

Plus Xiao Long usually does not appear in front of the gods.

So the gods directly called him the wood god.

Husband God of Wickedness of Goddess of Kindness is very dissatisfied with Xiao Long.

All day long to say Xiao Long is not.

This makes Goddess of Kindness have some resistance to Xiao Long.

Therefore, the tone is very cold, and there is a feeling of refusing to be beyond a thousand li.

“This is the case, good Goddess. I may have some misunderstandings with the evil brethren. It was indeed wrong before me, so I said that I planned to pay him a punishment, but it was not good to visit the door. My friends searched for a divine plant, which was intended as a gift for indemnification. I also hope Goddess can help me pass it to the evil brother. After the evil brother died, I went to the door personally and asked for sin! “

Xiao Long did not pay attention to this, and said it very sincerely.

At the same time, Yue Xinlan was also taken out.

Goddess of Kindness looked at Yuexinlan.

Found that it is indeed a god grass, at least million years!

In God Realm, it is also extremely precious!

“It’s not very good, I will just tell him a word, Mushen doesn’t have to be polite, take it back!

Goddess of Kindness is kind-hearted, how could it be possible to receive Xiao Long’s gift.

If Xiao Long wants to indemnify God of Wickedness, she tells her Husband directly.

Although God Realm is one day, Lower Bounds is one year.

However, the year of the plant, in God Realm, a day is a day. It will not become a year.

The new generation of Goddess of Kindness has not been in the realm of God Realm for 100 years.

How could you ever see a million years of plants?

Among Lower Bounds, millions of years of plants are rare in 10000 years.

It can be said that Goddess of Kindness has never seen anything so cherished!

Although she was a bit curious, she didn’t want it, not hers.

“Why don’t you accept it, good Goddess? If you don’t accept it, I’m upset!”

Xiao Long pretends to be displeased and forcibly sends Yue Xinlan to Goddess of Kindness.

Of course, it is also “accidentally” a little bit oily.

The soft and boneless feeling makes Xiao Long really linger.

Goddess of Kindness did not pay attention to this detail.

After all, she was already fascinated by Xiao Long’s enthusiasm.

In her view, Xiao Long should sincerely apologize.

After all, Xiao Long’s acting skills are a few Realm higher than the film emperor.

How can a soft girl like Goddess of Kindness, who seems to be not involved in the world, see what kind of black heart is hidden under his sincere smile?

It is a little inadequate to describe Xiao Long with a knife in a smile.

Xiao Long’s “sincerity” made Goddess of Kindness disappointed without a trace.

After all, she has no bad feelings for Xiao Long herself, but she is influenced by her Husband.

Now, the misunderstanding has been lifted, and any contradiction will disappear.

In the end, the kindness was difficult, Goddess of Kindness still accepted Yue Xinlan given by Xiao Long.

Goddess of Kindness, after repeatedly guaranteeing that he will go back, will definitely talk to God of Wickedness.

Xiao Long watched Goddess of Kindness leave with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

That month Xinlan is not really a plant for millions of years.

Million years of plants have never been seen by Xiao Long. How could Goddess of Kindness be given?

It was nothing but a better plant that’s all catalyzed by the Divine Spark.

It looks like it is in millions of years now, but in a few years, he will wither and show the prototype.

However, at that time, Xiao Long had already arrived at Peak of this World, and this Venerable of Great Thousand World was integrated.

How could he put a God of Wickedness in his eyes at that time?

However, there is no revenge, but Xiao Long’s revenge is not to rely on his own strength of This Venerable to bully the weak.

Pack up a God of Wickedness, he has a way.

Before long, God of Wickedness will pay a terrible price!

This chapter has close to 4000 words, plus the previous 5000 chapters close to 2 words, adding up to more than 8000 words, close to 9000 words, this is today’s limit, sorry …

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