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After Goddess of Kindness returned home.

Tell God of Wickedness what Xiao Long told her on the road.

God of Wickedness is of course to disdain as beneath contempt.

Goddess of Kindness also said good things to Xiao Long, and took out Yuexinlan.

After seeing Yue Xinlan, God of Wickedness was a little stunned.

Obviously, he has never seen a divine object with a million years level like Yue Xinlan.

After all, Soul Beast for millions of years is already very rare, and the ordinary Continent may not be born at all.

Million years of divine medicine are even rarer.

God of Wickedness does not believe that Xiao Long is so kind.

Called his Master.

The previous generation of God of Wickedness and Goddess of Kindness took a good look at Yue Xinlan.

They are different from their own discipline.

million years of divine medicine, they still used it.

After all, in the Lower Bounds, they are more than a million years old.

However, after seeing Yue Xinlan, they were also slightly surprised.

After watching it for a while, I found nothing wrong.

“Disciple, for the teacher not at all, I found something wrong in Xinlan this month, it should be no problem, that Xiao Long should be afraid of you and compromise with you, of course, it does not rule out that he has a different kind of Thought, otherwise, look at Goddess of Life to see, maybe she will have a different view. “

The previous generation of God of Wickedness pointed to his own discipline suggested.

“Hahaha, Master has said so, so it must be so, you don’t need to find Goddess of Life.”

God of Wickedness laughed, expressed his admiration for his Master.


Although the previous generation of God of Wickedness didn’t say anything, it was still very useful to flattery inadvertently for its own discipline.

Although he suggested that Goddess of Life should have a look, Goddess of Life really should have a stronger perception of plants than himself.

However, if his discipline really went, he would still be a bit uncomfortable.

But obviously, his discipline did not do so.

“Disciple, since Xiao Long has admitted, then we have no need to stay in God Realm, so say, you know!”

The evil of the previous generation squeezed his brows at his wife, and then said seriously to his discipline.

“Well, well, the discipline is here to wish Master Master Mother a happy time!”

God of Wickedness also knows how urinary his Master is.

Too lazy, I must go to Lower Bounds to be lazy again.

So, they did not stop them.

The last generation of evil was nodded with relief, and then left with his wife.

After his Master Master Mother had gone, God of Wickedness turned his attention to his wife, Goddess of Kindness.

The harboring malicious intentions, with aggressive eyes, made Goddess of Kindness blush, and then lowered his head.

Obviously she knew what her Husband was going to do.

“Lady, let’s go to rest too! I heard that Tang Xiao’s Lady Xiao Wu seems to be pregnant again. Why don’t we have one now, can’t we fall behind them too!

God of Wickedness said very seriously.

As if it was really for Goddess of Kindness.


Goddess of Kindness is just saying so, the body is still at the mercy of its own Husband.

After all, he is his own Husband. It’s reasonable to do such a thing.

Just when God of Wickedness was so trivial that he was going to strip his wife to a slack.

Suddenly his head tilted, and he fell directly to the ground.

“Husband, what’s wrong with you, husband …”

Goddess of Kindness was immediately scared.

Quickly squatted down, intending to see what happened to God of Wickedness.

However, just crouching down, I felt my head was groggy, as if I was not under my control.

The whole person fell forward.

She not at all fell to the ground, but fell to 2 “pillars”.

Before she could see who it was, she was hugged.

Only then did she see who was holding her up.

I met Xiao Long on the road today and gave her Xiaoxin Lan!

“What are you doing? Let me go …”

At this time, Goddess of Kindness only felt that he was powerless, unable to even exert his strength.

The only thing that can be done is to speak slightly.

Xiao Long didn’t say anything: take her to the bed.

Every step closer to bed, Goddess of Kindness’s heart beats by one point.

“Please, don’t do this …”

Goddess of Kindness, no matter how stupid and cute, can be understood as what Xiao Long is going to do.

But Xiao Long did not answer.

After putting her on the bed, she began to take off Goddess of Kindness’ clothes one by one.

At this time: he can be said to speak.

“Kind Goddess: You are so beautiful!”

Goddess of Kindness was shocked, but she knew that this person was harboring malicious intentions, so she said that there was no sense of joy in the praise of Xiao Long, but she became more desperate.

“Please do n’t do this. I already have a Husband, no way …”

“Oh, do you mean, you can do without Husband? Well, I’m going to get rid of God of Wickedness now, and then come and have a good relationship with you.”

Xiao Long seems to have discovered something interesting, and intends to do away with God of Wickedness first.

“no, do not want!”

Goddess of Kindness turn pale with fright.

Now, God of Wickedness can be described as there’s no resistance.

Xiao Long’s strength is enough to kill Golden Dragon King. It is too simple to kill God of Wickedness.

Goddess of Kindness certainly does not think that Xiao Long will not treat God of Wickedness.

“Oh, what do you mean?”

Xiao Long didn’t mean to kill God of Wickedness. He did it, but he committed that’s all than Goddess of Kindness.

After all, the appearance of Goddess of Kindness is similar to the young woman of Liang Family.

And he is a bully! A bully who wants to dominate the young woman!

He wanted to see what the young woman wanted to resist but couldn’t resist.

Goddess of Kindness shut up.

Of course, she knew what Xiao Long meant.

It is nothing more than that, if you promised Xiao Long to bully her, Xiao Long would not treat her Husband.

However, if he does not agree, Xiao Long will kill his own Husband. Then, in the future, he will always occupy himself.

Goddess of Kindness didn’t know what to do at once. I had to choose silence.

“How about you? My dear Lord Goddess?”

Seeing that Goddess of Kindness didn’t speak, Xiao Long knew that this thing was done.

However, he is not satisfied with this.

He wanted Goddess of Kindness to tell himself.

Goddess of Kindness kept her silent with shame.

“Well, it seems that I’m going to get rid of that waste and come again!”

Xiao Long turned around and pretended to go.


Goddess of Kindness quickly stopped.

“My Lord Goddess, tell me your decision, I will not say the fourth time!”

Xiao Long narrowed his eyes and asked slightly coldly.

“I, I promise you!”

Goddess of Kindness endured shame and said the words that made her difficult to tell.

Xiao Long smiled proudly at the corner of his mouth after hearing it.

Then, hug the Goddess of Kindness that has been stripped away.

Goddess of Kindness’s weak, boneless, tender and slight body, and the fragrance that exuded from time to time, made Xiao Long blood boiling.

He put Goddess of Kindness in the prepared bathtub.

Then, learn the appearance of ancient people.

Sprinkled with some bright roses.

I do n’t know why, Goddess of Kindness feels that his eyes are getting more and more blurred, and the whole mind is confused.

She only saw a strong man who was approaching herself.

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