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That woman is very beautiful.

There was an elegant and poised breath on his body.

Typical milf young woman!

The man is a scholar.

tsk tsk tsk, this combination!

Xiao Long has to admire his Avatar’s good luck!

Actually found such a top grade girl.

You know, Xiao Long hasn’t met a few of these top grades!

So far, only Nuwa can beat her!

I do n’t know who are you.

But what did that say?

Yours is mine, mine, or mine.

Yes, everything in Avatar is This Venerable, and everything in This Venerable is This Venerable.

So, after seeing this beautiful woman for the first time, Xiao Long decided to requisition her.

Therefore, he strode over meteorically.

“It’s you!”

Xiao Long couldn’t think of it. After he showed his face, the beautiful woman recognized him.

“En? Do you know me?”

This time Xiao Long wondered.

Why doesn’t he remember seeing this beauty?

For the beautiful women, Xiao Long is definitely impressed. If you are very beautiful, you can basically remember it at a glance.

But the person in front of him, he really did not impress.

“Oh, are the medicines stolen in my Kunlun Fairy Mountains used up?”

This beautiful woman coldly smiled.

Xiao Long immediately sweated his back …

He guessed the identity of the woman.

Could it be, Queen Mother of the West?

You know, Queen Mother of the West, but a quasi-saint!

“He he he, Senior seems to be wrong …”

Xiao Long is not afraid of boiling water and continues to quibble.

“Hmph! I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to come to your door, then you can atone for this! Come to my Kunlun Fairy Mountains to watch the Medicine Garden for 100 years!”

Queen Mother of the West is not nonsense with Xiao Long.

Instead, he forced himself.

It is about to suppress Xiao Long on the spot!

Xiao Long wants to resist, but the gap is too big!

He has only one idea now.

He really regrets it. He regrets why he did n’t go to Bi Xiao when he left.

Ask her to cut the Jin Jiao, or the Hunyuan Jindou to cheat and play for 2 days.

Otherwise, it’s not so sad, there’s no resistance …

“Senior must have made a mistake. I am a section of Section Cult’s recipe and a biography of Heavenspan Cult Master. How can I steal Senior’s medicine?

Xiao Long quickly moved out his backstage.

See if you can use this to suppress the Queen Mother of the West.

However, Queen Mother of the West did not buy Xiao Long’s account at all.

“I know that you are the discipline of Heavenspan Cult Master, so I said that it would only suppress you for 100 years, otherwise, you would only be a fertilizer for the fairy grass I planted!”

Queen Mother of the West sneered.

The title of Heavenspan Cult Master is rich, but how do you say it in one sentence?

The authorities are obsessed with bystanders, but she sees the current situation clearly. After all, she is also a female number one who has been a Heavenly Court.

How could the city palace not be deep?

Therefore, at this time, she was not afraid of Heavenspan Cult Master at all.

What’s more, if she doesn’t leave Kunlun Mountain, Heavenspan Cult Master can’t really drop her!

So, it was a tragedy, Xiao Long was captured like this!

“Well, Wanjin (It is said that the Queen Mother of the West’s real name is Yang Wanjin), what’s going on?”

At this time, Xiao Long’s Avatar quickly stood up and asked.

To be honest, Xiao Long really feels ashamed of himself and grandma’s house.

As this Venerable gangster, you also need your own Avatar to help yourself speak …

“Master Xiao, don’t worry, this guy is a little thief. I stole my things. I just punish him that’s all, it won’t kill him.”

Yang Wanjin explained to Xiao Long’s Avatar.

“Oh, so that’s how it is …”

Avatar showed a sudden realization.

Then there is no more then.

Xiao Long was brought back to the Kunlun Fairy Mountains by the cheating couple, sealed the Culture Base, and thrown into the Medicine Garden as a boy.

After Queen Mother of the West left, Xiao Long obediently and honestly stayed.

Finally, after Avatar came.

swallowed him without the slightest hesitation.

True Immortal Realm, plus Xiao Long, some 10000 years before Earth Core Fire.

It can help Xiao Long breakthrough to Golden Immortal.

In the words of breakthrough Golden Immortal, Queen Mother of the West left a seal on Xiao Long, which is naturally useless.

“Not good, this little thief, afraid to run away!”

When Xiao Long broke the seal of Queen Mother of the West, Queen Mother of the West felt it.

She quickly went to Medicine Garden.

Found that Xiao Long has no silhouette.

Fortunately, the medicinal herb is still there.

This is natural, anyway, Xiao Long’s Avatar has already become a pretty boy of Queen Mother of the West.

These things, fear is not his?

To be honest, Xiao Long hasn’t really been a pretty boy.

But now, there is finally a chance.

After integrating his own Avatar and reaching the Golden Immortal realm, Xiao Long also understood why his own Avatar got involved with this Queen Mother of the West.

It turned out that this Avatar had become a copywriter, copying all the poems and songs on Earth.

Run to the Kunlun Fairy Mountains and start pretending.

And Queen Mother of the West? He was alone for many years.

Coupled with the Shang Dynasty, where are the poems and songs?

So, I was immediately attracted by Xiao Long’s Avatar.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of encounters, and finally, everything.

In this plot, Xiao Long, who is dog-blooded, is really speechless!

Isn’t this Old Ox eating tender grass?

Those young women, really like pretty boy!

However, it happened that Xiao Long was very interested in this mature woman with the realm can be counted on one’s fingers!

He doesn’t mind being eaten by Old Ox for a while!

So, he becomes his own Avatar, and then hides his Culture Base.

The Queen Mother of the West, who pretended to inadvertently return from the Medicine Garden, ran into it.

Then, take the opportunity to hug the Queen Mother of the West.

“Wanwan, what’s wrong with this?”

Xiao Long looked at the Queen Mother of the West Yang Wanjin and asked with emotion.

“Master Xiao, the little thief ran away!”

Queen Mother of the West bit her lip, angrily.

Of course, this anger is facing Xiao Long.

Xiao Long’s heart suddenly has 5 miscellaneous bottles.

He was really hit by his Avatar at this time.

However, I have to say that the expression of Queen Mother of the West looks very angry.

But in fact, she is coquetting Xiao Long and wants Xiao Long to comfort her.

For the old driver Xiao Long, this is straightforward.

This is a good opportunity.

So, he said softly: “Run, just run! Wanjin You are angry for her, it is really not worth it.”


Queen Mother of the West nodded: Like a little girl.

I have to say that if the Queen Mother of the West is not the attractiveness index, Xiao Long will really be unable to bear to slap her.

motherfucker!, tell you to pretend to be pure! Tell you to pretend!

However, the attractiveness index is good, everything is easy to say!

Xiao Long 2 said nothing, just kissed her thin lips directly at the Queen Mother of the West.

Directly completed the gorgeous transformation of pretty boy to overbearing president!

Queen Mother of the West was completely unprepared by Xiao Long’s attack this time.

After gently patting Xiao Long’s back a few times, after no avail, he leaned on him.

Divine Immortal is not without sex.

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