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“You, why are you so bad!”

After the cloud rain, the Queen Mother of the West pointed at Xiao Long and blamed.

She didn’t know what was wrong, and her head was hot, so that this man, who seemed to her like a niche, was eating thoroughly.

Moreover, all kinds of shame happened in endlessly.

Make her feel really shameful!

She really didn’t know, how could a pampered young master who looks handsome, like an old driver, know so much!

However, it feels really good!

The last time she felt, she was about to forget.

However, no matter the previous few times, compared with this time, it is still far away.

Yang Wanjin could not even imagine that this man who looked weak and could not help but wind was actually there, so fierce in bed.

“I’m bad? Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?”

Xiao Long was also surprised.

He couldn’t think of Queen Mother of the West Yang Wanjin knowing nothing on the bed, but, after digging, it really broke out.

These women who don’t know how many years without that, burst out, really, crazy!

“What are you doing! Early in the morning!”

Yang Wanjin hit Xiao Long’s blaming hand and blamed.

“Ha ha!”

Xiao Long also gave up and took back his hand.

Then, put on your own clothes.

Then, in the next period of time, Xiao Long began to get tired of this Queen Mother of the West.

Fiercely tuned Queen Mother of the West.

Finally learned that Innate Supreme Treasure Kunlun Mirror has broken.

In the hands of Queen Mother of the West, there are only a few fragments.

This is why Hao Tian left her and chose Yao Chi.

Just because there is no Queen Mother of the West of Kunlun Mirror, it is already inferior to Yao Chi in value.

The news surprised Xiao Long.

Innate Supreme Treasure like Kunlun Mirror will have a broken day?

It’s really unbelievable.

However, Xiao Long also cheeked up and asked Queen Mother of the West for a small piece of Kunlun Mirror.

See if you can suppress the baleful qi of Zhu Xian Sword.

Among the Kunlun Mountains, Xiao Long stayed all year long!

Finally, Xiao Long estimated that it was almost time.

He could not continue to wave here.

So, I plan to resign to Queen Mother of the West.

However, Xiao Long can see that Queen Mother of the West is very affectionate!

How to say goodbye to her at this time, the ghost knows what will happen …

After all, it is said that Queen Mother of the West was abandoned once.

Moreover, it was abandoned by the owner of Heavenly Court …

Although the woman who slept in the Jade Emperor was very cool.

However, there are also costs.

However, Xiao Long is always impossible, right?

This is not the way to go, neither to go nor to make Xiao Long’s head big!

In the end, I still plan to confess to Queen Mother of the West.

Although I said that sentence, I confessed to being wide, wearing a plinth, resisting strictness, and going home for the New Year.

But Xiao Long didn’t seem to do anything bad, nor was he afraid to go to jail.

So, he found a time to tell this matter to Queen Mother of the West.

After listening to the Queen Mother of the West, the two thin lips squeezed tightly together.

This shows how terrified she was in her heart.

Yes, it was panic.

She has been abandoned once, so she is very sensitive in her heart.

“Wanjin, I really have very important things to do, I have to leave, I’m really sorry, I will come back to find you after the god is over, I swear!

Xiao Long raised his palm to the sky.

Started his oath of poison.

After all, Queen Mother of the West is different.

If she is determined, she will not leave Xiao Long, even if she can only get Xiao Long, she will stay if she can’t get his heart.

Xiao Long also has no choice.

“Don’t, I believe you!”

The next plot did not surprise Xiao Long.

Upon hearing Xiao Long swear, Queen Mother of the West quickly held Xiao Long’s hand down.

She finally chose to believe in Xiao Long. After all, Queen Mother of the West also heard from Xiao Long’s breakup that there was still someone in Xiao Long’s family.

What’s more, she also knows that the War of Gods is about to begin, and that the dynasty will be replaced.

So, she agreed with Xiao Long to go back and protect her family.

Not to mention, did Xiao Long say it too? Will return after the battle of the gods.

To be honest, Xiao Long is really much more aware of this kind of plot.

“Master Xiao, I believe you …”

Queen Mother of the West said to Xiao Long, and said to Xiao Long deeply.

“Wanjin …”

Xiao Long was moved to death.

These are really routines!

“You, let’s go tomorrow!”

Before Xiao Long finished speaking, Queen Mother of the West answered the call.

Xiao Long is blind.

It seems that he is afraid to leave with his legs tomorrow …

And the facts are not true.

On 2nd day, Xiao Long’s face was thin and skinny. He took a lot of tonic from Queen Mother of the West and left in the affectionate gaze and reluctant call of Queen Mother of the West.

The ancients said: “There is no cultivated land, only a dead cow!”

This sentence is really reasonable!

“It’s too scary!”

Last night, when Xiao Long was going to exhibit his great Divine Ability.

Queen Mother of the West also said that if Xiao Long was transformed, she would also be transformed.

Almost on the spot Xiao Long withered.

After all, there are legends, but Queen Mother of the West is not so pretty …

In desperation, he had to put away his Great Divine Ability.

Finally, the Queen Mother of the West is evenly divided …

However, the resilience of women is unimaginable by men.

On the 2nd day, it is clear that Xiao Long has fallen.

Fortunately, Queen Mother of the West gave a lot of tonic, he can quickly recover his vitality.

Xiao Long returned to the Cave Mansion where he created Avatar. The tonics given by Queen Mother of the West Yang Wanjin were all taken out and boiled into soup.

Then take it all, and the vitality recovers instantly!

“Hey, it’s no wonder that Hao Tian children have to share with Yang Wanjin. I’m afraid it’s because of this reason!”

The restored Xiao Long not only started to figure out why Hao Tian had to dump Queen Mother of the West and chose Yao Chi.

I ’m afraid it ’s for the sake of consolidating my throne. There ’s a reason for this …

However, he did not think so much.

Queen Mother of the West before he left, also gave a defensive magic weapon made from the fragments of Kunlun Mirror.

Xiao Long was thinking that he had the magic weapon given by Queen Mother of the West on defense and Magical Powers of 3 baby, and on the attack, under the special effect of lotus, he should be able to master Zhu Xian Sword, right?

When the time comes, he can attack and defend, under Saint, who can be the enemy?

Especially after having a small bottle gourd, don’t be too invincible!

Thinking of this, Xiao Long’s heart is elated.

It seems that sex life is away from him already not far!

Thinking of this, Xiao Long was sitting in a daydream again.

Thinking about it, there seems to be nothing to do.

Let’s go back to Section Cult earlier!

Just when he walked out of the cave where he was, he saw a man walking towards Kunlun Mountain.

This man looks like a woodcutter, an Orion! Because he had both an axe and a bow on his back. It looks very ordinary, no different from ordinary Orion.

But the feeling he gave Xiao Long was, deep and unmeasurable!

Although the clothes are ordinary, the temperament is not like what a woodman should have!

Anyway, temperament can’t be concealed!

Just like Xiao Long, the obscene and lustful temperament is indispensable …

Of course, the seriousness of his pretense still paralyzed many people.

Xiao Long saw him, and the first person he thought of was, among Journey to the West, he directed Sun Wukong to find the woodcutter at the 3-Star Cave!

Could it be that the 3-Star hole is here?

But it should n’t be. Should n’t 3-Star Cave be in Xihe Luzhou?

But how can Kunlun Mountain not be connected with Luzhou!

But why is there such a deep and unmeasurable woodman here?

Could this be the home of Bodhi Sect Founder?

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