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Xiao Long is very curious about his identity.

So he stayed here, waiting for the woodman.

Look at him, it should be up the mountain.

After all, he had nothing but weapons.

It doesn’t look like going home, but going up the mountain to find prey.

Suddenly, Xiao Long regretted why he left the Kunlun Fairy Mountains so early.

Wouldn’t it be better to stay longer?

However, this is not bad, and he met him.

Therefore, Xiao Long intends to guard here.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis came.

Xiao Long suddenly turned pale with fright, quickly flashed out of place.

“who are you?!”

Xiao Long was just attacked at the forefoot as soon as he left.

The man who attacked him was a man in luxurious clothes.

Cultivation Base actually makes Xiao Long hard to see!

However, compared to the woodcutter before, even more so!

May have reached the state of Great Principal Golden Immortal!

You know, Great Principal Golden Immortal, in Section Cult, Xiao Long has only seen a few people who can be counted on one’s fingers!

Later became Daoist Abundant Treasures, and 3 Senior Apprentice Sister.

Among the 2nd generation disciplines, only Zhao Gongming has reached the Great Principal Golden Immortal!

So far these 5 people!

Oh, there is one who has n’t even seen Xiao Luoxuan, and it should be Great Principal Golden Immortal.

But I can’t think of it. In this wild mountain and wilderness, I will also encounter a Great Principal Golden Immortal!

When was Great Principal Golden Immortal so worthless?

Xiao Long began to figure out the identity of the person in front of him.

Could it be that land pressure failed?

After all, regardless of the land pressure from that legend, the land pressure should be an extremely noble person, and the Culture Base is also very terrifying, and Zhao Gongming was nailed to death with one shot.

“The person who wants your life!”

This man not at all explained to Xiao Long, and shot again.

The shot was extremely vicious, looking for someone’s life.

Xiao Long is not verbose, and started to run the great baby’s great Divine Ability.

Make the body extra huge.

“Hmph! Since you don’t say it, don’t blame me!”

Xiao Long clings to Jade Ruyi in one hand, and holds a magic weapon drawn from the 100 treasure kits obtained from the azure snake essence in one hand, and a huge iron halberd.

This iron halberd was particularly fancy by Xiao Long and was recast.

The level reaches the Acquired Median Level, and the Acquired Top Level can be reached in one step.

“hmph! such insignificant ability !”

The man was disdainful to see what Xiao Long did.

If the Great Principal Golden Immortal will be defeated by such means, it is really strange!

Sure enough, even if Xiao Long exhibited Samadhi True Fire and then blessed with Jade Ruyi, there was no way to treat the man in front of him.


Seeing Xiao Long as a poor donkey, Huagui men are not continuing to linger with him.

I intend to understand Xiao Long’s life.

“Hao Tian, ​​leave me!”

At this time, a very angry female voice came from Kunlun Mountain.

That sound made Xiao Long very familiar, not Queen Mother of the West Yang Wanjin or who?

However, Yang Wanjin’s words made Xiao Long wonder.

Could it be that this guy in front of him could not be Hao Tian, ​​the Jade Emperor?

But should n’t Hao Tian be in Heavenly Court? When can Jade Emperor get involved in the world?

“Wanjin, why are you here?”

Hao Tian saw a kind smile on his face immediately after seeing Yang Wanjin.

This makes Xiao Long really prostrate oneself in admiration.

This Hao Tian is really not an ordinary character!

Another hypocritical hypocrite!

“Hao Tian, ​​I hope you speak politely, we are not familiar!”

Yang Wanjin responded coldly to Hao Tian.

Why didn’t she know Hao Tian’s thoughts?

Hao Tian finally chose to control Heavenly Court with Yao Chi, but he was not willing to give up Queen Mother of the West.

So, that is the typical pedal 2 boats!

Queen Mother of the West certainly despised him even more.

What’s more, Hao Tian is now shooting her Husband, how could she just ignore it?

“Wanjin, how can we be unfamiliar with a couple?”

The smile on Hao Tian’s face froze for a while and then changed back to the same.

“Hao Tian, ​​I will only tell you once, get out! Otherwise, do n’t blame me, ruin your corpse, so that you can never be holy!

Yang Wanjin did not talk nonsense with Hao Tian, ​​but spoke coldly.

When Hao Tian heard it, his face was completely without a smile.

“Yang Wanjin, can I ask, what does this man have to do with you?”

Hao Tian pointed to Xiao Long and asked expressionlessly.

The reason why he started Xiao Long was because Xiao Long had been alone in Kunlun Mountain for too long, which puzzled him.

Finally, with the idea of ​​killing 3000 by mistake instead of letting go of one, Xiao Long was started.

“Does this have anything to do with you?”

Yang Wanjin smiled contemptuously.

“Oh, I see, Yang Wanjin, you really disappointed me!”

Looking at the expression of Yang Wanjin, if Hao Tian doesn’t know the relationship between them yet.

So, he can really go to death.

He was so angry in his heart that he vowed to kill Xiao Long.

Let Xiao Long know that the green hat of his Lord Heavenly Court is not so easy to wear!

“Oh, it seems that you did not take my words seriously, then, today, you will leave me here forever!”

Insulted by Hao Tian, ​​Yang Wanjin is also extremely angry and laughs back.

She didn’t know where Hao Tian’s qualifications mocked her.

But this is just right, she has long been troubled by Hao Tian.

Since he is coming to touch her mold today, then she is welcome!

He wants Hao Tian to be completely sanctified!

Hao Tian is taking the road of sanctification of Severing The Three Corpses, this is the corpse he cut off, and he has been left on Kunlun Mountain to monitor himself.

Yang Wanjin had previously worried that Hao Tian also had some relationship with her. He was already the master of Heavenly Court, not to be trifled with, so he did n’t care about him.

But now, it’s different!

Because Hao Tian angered her completely!

If his corpse is beheaded, then the holy base of Hao Tian will be destroyed, and there is no possibility of sanctification!

“Yang Wanjin, you dare!”

When I saw Yang Wanjin, he dared to attack him.

Hao Tian is furious!

His corpse, but absolutely can’t miss anything!

Otherwise, his lifetime achievements can only be limited to times!

“You dare not dare!”

On Kunlun Mountain, Yang Wanjin is the Great Ruler.

It’s like being in Huoyun Cave, the 3 emperors are Great Ruler!

She has Saint strength in Kunlun Mountain, how could she be afraid of a little Hao Tian!

“Good! Yang Wanjin, this account, after the gods are sealed, I will definitely settle with you!”

Hao Tian can also be sure that Yang Wanjin is not a joke.

He had to retreat.

Heavenly Court is not strong now, and many positions are vacant.

However, after the god is sealed, it is different.

After Heavenly Court is strong, he will definitely find Yang Wanjin, take revenge and wipe out grudge!

New book: “I am not such a person” for collection and recommendation!

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