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“Master Uncle, pay attention, look at Jindou!”

Qiong Xiao kindly reminded Xiao Long.

I do n’t know why, how does Xiao Long think this sentence is so familiar …

He just raised Zhu Xian Sword.

But I don’t know why, a golden light struck.

Xiao Long felt his body was out of control.

Then at once, he was sucked into the golden bucket.

It didn’t take long for Xiao Long to tie up a rope.

Appeared in front of Three Xiao Fairies.

“Hehe, Master Uncle, who do you think is awesome this time?”

Bi Xiao came to Xiao Long.

Then, the little hand began to knead above Xiao Long’s face.

It seems to be taking revenge just as Xiao Long pinched her.

The smile on his face was as proud as ever.

“Fuck, what a big formidable power, formidable power?”

Xiao Long really feels wrong.

He thought that his Zhu Xian Sword could fight against the Hundred Dollar Fight, but he couldn’t think of it.

He was collected by the Hundred Dollar Fighter in one round.

It seems that he still overestimates the formidable power of Zhu Xian Sword.

After all, Heavenspan Cult Master has 4 Zhu Xian Swords that are still invincible. Not to mention Zhu Xian Sword.

However, having said that, what is such awesome thing in this bullshit?

“Just ask you still refuse to accept!”

Bi Xiao took out the other hand and kneaded Xiao Long’s face.

Put your hands together and have fun.

“I served, let me go!”

Xiao Long this time admit defeat.

It seems that if there is no small bottle gourd, or if your own Culture Base does not reach the Great Principal Golden Immortal, I am afraid that you will not be able to deal with it.

Now, the situation is different, he still has to know each other!

Otherwise, the ghost knows how this Bi Xiao will clean up himself.

“You count!”

Bi Xiao laughed proudly.

She regretted that she should have taken out the Hundred Yuan gold bucket just now, instead of choosing Jin Jiao Scissors.

In this case, wouldn’t it be necessary to kill this indecent Master Uncle in one round?

It seems that the best magic weapon in their hands is Hunyuan Jindou!

But regret to regret, but Bi Xiao still released Xiao Long.

“Sister Qiong Xiao, it seems that you are awesome!”

Xiao Long confronted Qiong Xiao said with a bitter smile.

At first, he thought that how to hold Three Xiao Fairies together would be able to treat him.

But now it seems that he is thinking too much.

“Master Uncle is wrong, this is because the magic weapon is so powerful …”

I do n’t know why. Now Qiong Xiao feels a little excited when facing Xiao Long.

Even, there is a little bit of shyness in my heart …

It seems that it should be because Bi Xiao was just teased by Xiao Long and Qiong Xiao was implicated. Until now, there is no reason to come back to his senses.

Three Xiao Fairies Although it is said that greatly showing divine might be among the gods, or even the whole gods, no one in the discipline can join forces with the three of them!

No record is better than them.

In the end, three of them died, also in the hands of two Saints.

It stands to reason that the three of them are even stronger than Zhun Sheng.

However, their mana is not very high, mainly because the Hundred Yuan Jindou and Jinjiao Scissors are indeed very good.

Of course, and their attainments in Formation are absolutely first-class.

Xiao Long can clearly sense that there are many extremely powerful arrays arranged in these 3 immortal islands!

These Formulations, Xiao Long, which is only half-hanging on Formulation, can’t be understood at all …

Well, this is too absolute, at least, the overwhelming majority ca n’t understand …

“The magic weapon is also a part of strength, and it is also a godsness that 3 Martial Nephew can get it!”

Xiao Long praised without reservation.

The real connotation is not much to say.

Weasel pays New Year to the chicken

I mainly want to have a good relationship with Qiong Xiao and Yun Xiao, and see if I can borrow the Hundred Yuan Fighter when I need it in the future.

Well, the real reason is to see if I can become a family with Three Xiao Fairies in the future.

In this case, the Hundred Yuan Gold Fight has become a magic weapon for Xiao Long.

There is even a golden jiao scissors and three beautiful sisters …

“Master Uncle is really ridiculous.”

Qiong Xiao was really rushed.

This was the first time she encountered this situation.

Xiao Long saw this girl Face is red.

Suddenly wondered, what’s the matter?

What did he do? Doesn’t seem to be playing with Qiong Xiao?

It’s really unbelievable.

In his heart, Qiong Xiao, a little girl with little contact, has been labeled as shy.

The competition is over.

In the days to come, Xiao Long will live in 3 immortal island.

It wasn’t until a year later that Heavenspan Cult Master created the Zhu Xian Sword scabbard, and Xiao Long reluctantly moved back to his 3 Shengdao.

Heavenspan Cult Master’s craftsmanship does not say that after the baleful qi awe-inspiring Zhu Xian Sword is put on the scabbard, it suddenly becomes not much different from the ordinary sword.

It seems that this Heavenspan Cult Master is very experienced with scabbard!

It ’s no wonder, how to say that Heavenspan Cult Master has 4 swords that are no worse than Zhu Long ’s Zhu Xian Sword.

They definitely need a scabbard.

In the following days, there will be some boring.

After all, there is nothing to do.

The battle of the gods was not opened.

What else do you say to do?

Although the days are boring, Xiao Long’s understanding of the 4-volume Heavenly Book is getting deeper and deeper.

In other words, his mastery of Zhu Xian Sword is getting stronger and stronger.

Now, just wait for his lotus root Avatar to grow up and be swallowed by Xiao Long, and then take full control of Zhu Xian Sword.

In the end, the Battle of Gods, or the original class, started.

Xiao Long is also fortunate that Nuwa still sent Da Ji to punish King Wang.

Instead of sending out his wife, Medusa, who is not worse than Da Ji.

Otherwise, Xiao Long will definitely run away!

However, having said that, Da Ji is really beautiful.

At the first sight of Da Ji, Xiao Long decided that he wanted to be the King’s national teacher!

Hehehe, there were no brokers in ancient times, so let ’s be a national teacher!

he he he, talking and playing.

He is not so stupid, if you really become the king’s national teacher, no matter what your identity, in the end will not have any good ending.

Xiao Long doesn’t want to fill in the eye of the North Sea!

However, to some extent it is not impossible to help the king.

However, his help also needs to pay a little price.

At this small price, King Xu, the human emperor, would not let it come.

Just let his wife pay it.

Feng Shen at first is Shen Gongbao, Da Ji’s struggle with Jiang Ziya.

At this point, Xiao Long does not want to join in the fun.

Then, Jiang Ziya’s mistakes quickly began to grow. Yang Jian, Nezha, Thunderclap Seed and so on, joined Jiang Ziya’s camp.

This is the Primeval Lord of Heaven, the cultivation that I said they can’t intervene in the world!

Xiao Long really didn’t want to say much.

No. 3, friends with recommendation tickets will vote for the new book. Do n’t blame the author Jun Tai Long, the main reason is that the new book really needs it!

In order to thank you for your support, there is one more change in the evening, and today there are 4 chapters with 10000 words updated!

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