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Like the original, Wen Zhong invited Zhao Gongming down the mountain.

Then, the God of Sea beads of Zhao Gongming were dropped by Xiao Sheng Cao Bao ’s landing money and fell into the hands of Shapanless Dipankara.

In desperation, Zhao Gongming had to borrow from Three Xiao Fairies.

Both Jinjiao Scissors and Hundred Yuan Jindou can be used.

In the end, he borrowed Jin Jiao Scissors.

These things were still said when Bi Xiao came to Xiao Long boasting.

As soon as Xiao Long heard it, he immediately turned pale with fright!

“What? Zhao Gongming went to the battle of the gods? How long did he go?”

Although Xiao Long is a section discipline of Section Cult, its network is not extensive.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Gongming participated in the battle of the gods at this time!

You know, Zhao Gongming is going to be nailed to the 7th by land pressure!

“It’s been 4 days!”

Bi Xiao sat on the mahjong table, knocking melon seeds, and said casually.

In her view, with the golden jiao scissors in hand, Cultivation Base reached Zhao Gongming of the Great Principal Golden Immortal, which is absolutely invincible on the battlefield!

So, I am not worried about Zhao Gongming at all!

Xiao Long really wanted to say that after 3 days, Zhao Gongming is dead, you know that weep!

He said this to Impossible to Bi Xiao.

Mainly, Xiao Long did not want Bi Xiao to participate in the feast of God.

Because if three of them have entered the war, no one can tell whether they will be the end of the original.

What’s more, even if you tell the truth to Bi Xiao, Bi Xiao may not believe it or not, and may cause some trouble to Xiao Long.

“Is the Hundred Yuan Golden Fight not on you?”

Xiao Long took Zhu Xian Sword from home and was preparing to go to the battlefield by himself to give Zhao Gongming, the future “Big Uncle”, when he came back.

Suddenly remembered Hunyuan Jindou.

If there is a Hundred Dollar Gold Fight, it must be 10000 without loss.

So he turned around and asked Bi Xiao.

“At the big sister!”

Bi Xiao answered seriously.

Ever since Bi Xiao took the lead to lend Jin Jiao Scissors to Zhao Gongming.

Yun Xiao hid the Hundred Yuan Jindou to death, Qiong Xiao didn’t know where.

Hearing this answer from Bi Xiao, Xiao Long knew that it was impossible to borrow money from the money.

Because Yun Xiao is the most sensible among the 3 people.

Borrowing Jin Jiao to Zhao Gongming is already the bottom line.

In borrowing money from the Hundred Yuan, it is basically impossible.

It’s not that Yun Xiao is stingy, but Yun Xiao hopes that the people of Section Cult will follow Heavenspan Cult Master’s teachings, obediently and honestly stay in Section Cult Cultivation, and don’t participate in the deed of God.

The main purpose of using Zhao Gongming Jinjiao to cut away the gods is to fix the God of Sea beads, not to show them.

And everyone knows what the result is. Dipankara’s goods were simply delivered by Supreme Treasure like God of Sea Beads.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming was also eliminated by joint land pressure.

Xiao Long left alone, not at all making waves in Section Cult.

After all, Xiao Long is alone and they are used to it.

The commercial army camp at this time was lifeless.

Because the fairy who came to help them can be said to have suffered heavy casualties.

Of those ten Sky Monarchs, there are 8 now!

Zhao Gongming from the great divine prestige a few days ago seems to be no good.

Chen 7 Gong who went to Zhou Chao Qishan to steal the nail head 9 arrow book, Yao Shaoji was also killed.

Zhao Gongming has already confirmed his fate, and has arranged something for the future.

At this time, a sergeant heard the voice of the fairy coming.

Zhao Gongming was very puzzled and didn’t know who came at this time, but he still went to watch it. 10000 is a great character when he comes?

At first sight, it was actually a Master Uncle Xiao Long with an excellent relationship with their Third Sister!

“Master Uncle, can my three Younger Sisters ever arrive?”

Zhao Gongming immediately frowned upon seeing Xiao Long!

In his view, since Xiao Long arrived, then his three Younger Sisters should also be here!

If his three Younger Sisters arrive, then he will be fine!

The strength of his 3 Younger Sister, but he knows it clearly!

“3 Martial Nephew not at all!”

Xiao Long also understood what Zhao Gongming thought.

However, if he didn’t arrive, he didn’t arrive, and he was very helpless!

When Zhao Gongming heard it, his eyes that were still shining brightened again.

“Master Uncle!”

At this time, Wen Zhong and the remaining two Wang Yi and Zhang Shao from the ten Sky Monarch also performed a Junior gift to Xiao Long.

“You are more polite!”

Xiao Long waved his hand indifferently, beckoning them to be more polite.

Then, speak to Zhao Gongming.

“Kung Ming, I came here today to help you through this tribulation, even my Zhu Xian Sword has brought it!”

Xiao Long’s thumb pressed Zhu Xian Sword’s hilt, which made Zhu Xian Sword a little bit out.

Although Zhu Xian Sword only shows an inch of sword body.

But the baleful qi on his body was enough to make everyone present to be unable to bear.

“Kung Ming many thanks Master Uncle!”

At this time, Zhao Gongming only remembered that Xiao Long, the little Master Uncle, had a sword of the same quality as his Master Heavenspan Cult Master.

I added a bit of color to my heart at once.

“Wen Zhong Martial Nephew, let’s go to Zhou Jun to write a book! I will go and meet them for a while!”

Xiao Long opened the mouth and said to Wen Zhong.

He will begin to pretend to force today, it is best to grab two important generals of Zhou Jun, in this case, he will certainly be able to exchange Zhao Gongming arrow book.

In this case, Zhao Gongming will surely be protected from death!

It is rare that he ran to Qishan to steal.

Moreover, there are a lot of talents in Zhou Jun, and the Golden Immortal has basically arrived.

Moreover, there are people like Lu Shi who are very mysterious.

If you go, do n’t say if you can steal the nail head 7 arrow book.

Whether you can come back alive is a problem.

“it is good!”

Seeing that another strongman came to sit, Wen Zhong naturally smiled.

After all, he is the coach of Zhou Jun, and if he is defeated by Zhou Jun, his face is dull.

So, he is very concerned about this!

“Can Gongming Martial Nephew lend Jin Jiao Scissors to me? In this way, I will have greater confidence tomorrow, and I will catch a few Zhou Jun generals tomorrow, so that maybe I can exchange the nail head 7 arrows!

Xiao Long turned his head, facing Zhao Gongming opened the mouth and said.

“This is natural. Master Uncle and my 3 sisters are neighbors. The 3 girls also praise Master Uncle very well. I believe that the 3 girls are also willing to lend Jin Jiao Scissors to Master Uncle.”

Zhao Gongming heard that Xiao Long was going to borrow Jinjiao Scissors, considering her big sister and 2 sisters said that the relationship between Third Sister and Master Uncle seemed a bit abnormal.

At this point alone, he would lend Jin Jiao Scissors to Xiao Long.

After all, the reason why he can borrow Jin Jiao Scissors from Yun Xiao is mainly because of the help of Bi Xiao.

After hearing a sentence behind Xiao Long, of course, I will not refuse it!

“It’s really good baby. I thought Bi Xiao would borrow me for a one-day trial. It really made me put it down. Now I finally have the opportunity to show it!”

Jin Jiao cut in hand, Xiao Long also couldn’t bear to admire.

He also secretly asked Bi Xiao to play with Jin Jiao Scissors, and Bi Xiao would not refuse.

It’s really fascinating for Xiao Long, but it is someone else’s thing.

Now he has the opportunity to perform again, but he is still a little excited.

After Zhao Gongming heard this sentence, he felt no burden to borrow Xiao Long Jinjiao scissors without permission.

After all, the owner of Jin Jiao Scissors lent Xiao Long.

So, it means that Three Xiao Fairies also believe in Xiao Long very much.

And lending Jin Jiao Scissors to Xiao Long for one use, there is no problem compared.

Considering that Xiao Long used the gold jiao shears, then he must be able to completely release the formidable power of the gold jiao shears.

In this way, his chances of being rescued will be greater.

Zhao Gongming’s eyes gradually became more colorful.

Fourth, everyone voted for the new book! Guiqiu!

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