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“Senior Brother, then Wen Zhong is coming to the war!”

Jiang Ziya came in from outside the account and reported to Dipankara who was watching God of Sea beads.

After the arrival of Dipankara, the chief commander of Zhou Jun has been changed from Jiang Ziya to Dipankara.

“Oh, so, let’s go check it out!”

Dipankara put away the God of Sea beads and answered indifferently.

In his view, it was Zhang Shao and Wang Yi who were invited to fight.

These two people, in the current Zhou Jun camp, do not know how many people can easily pack them up.

How could Dipankara be afraid of these 2 guys?

Dipankara has ordered, then the rest of the Sect people in Zhou Jun’s camp followed the army and came to the front to confront the merchant.

But the result disappointed them.

The opponent they expected was not Zhang Shao and Wang Yi.

Because those 2 guys are fighting behind.

Standing at the forefront of the merchant army is a delicate and pretty man holding a long sword, just like a Sword Immortal, a surviving and independent man!

“Who are you? Why do you want to interfere with the gods privately: Can Master Uncle tell you the importance of gods?”

Dipankara questioned Xiao Long as soon as he came.

“Oh, I’m curious, why explain the Sect people, one generation of disciplines, two generations of disciplines, and three generations of disciplines all come down the mountain to join Zhou Jun? This Dipankara director, can you explain it to me?”

Xiao Long chuckled.

To be honest, the current Zhou Jun lineup is definitely the strongest.

Because, more than 90% of the educators are here!

On the other hand, Section Cult has only a handful of people.

Besides these people, except Zhao Gongming and Wen Zhong, they are soy sauce bottles.

This is still a fart!

It ’s strange not to be beaten to death by the crowd!

“We all joined because of your Section Cult, so we joined!”

The Dipankara Taoist face is also hot, but after thinking about it, he still insists on his mouth.

“Oh, now the ten Sky Monarchs have already killed 8 people, and Zhao Gongming is also seriously injured and unable to fight back. So why are Guang Chengzi, Cihang, Purdue, Huanglong, Taiyi, etc. 2 Golden Immortal still there! “

Xiao Long said with a sneer.

It’s strange that he believes this kind of nonsense!

Dipankara was speechless for a while.

Indeed, most of the people in Section Cult have been killed, but the people who educated them are not going to leave.

“Besides, I Section Cult Zhao Gongming, you Dipankara snatched the treasure, and the gold jiao shears are also for returning treasure, you Dipankara, why not only return the treasure of the God of Sea, but also join the land pressure and desire Kill it! This kind of murdering to seize the treasures, you can really do a good job of explaining! “

Seeing Dipankara speechless, Xiao Long continued to question.

This time, not just Dipankara, the other people’s faces are dim and dull.

“Hugh is here to talk nonsense! I dare to insult me ​​Section Cult, today I will talk about you beheaded here, let you into the Investiture of the Gods, who will take him to me!”

Dipankara knows that if Xiao Long is allowed to continue this way.

His prestige will definitely be trampled by Xiao Long for nothing!

Therefore, quickly opening up prevented Xiao Long.

Be about to beheaded!

“Sir, let me move!”

A “child” dressed like a little child in a few years old, dressed in a red apron, asked Dipankara!

“Okay! Right!”

Nozha is also a first-class expert with few enemies after the removal of Golden Immortal, and his strength is also Golden Immortal Middle Stage.

And there are many magic weapons in his hand, let him deal with a little-known Xiao Long, very suitable!

“Noh! Don’t lose the power of my golden light hole!”

At this time, Daoist, the master of Noza, reminded Noza.

“Relax! Master! I must take off his head!”

Noah lightly said with a smile.

He simply did not take Xiao Long in his eyes.

“Hey! Who’s coming, I’m Xiqi General Noza, don’t kill the unnamed under the gun!”

Nozha held his fire-pointed gun in his hand and pointed at Xiao Long to drink.

Xiao Long also looked at Nozha at this time.

At this time, Nozha may be stronger than in the original book.

After all, Xiao Long took away the lotus root in the Daoist cave in Taiyi.

But Tai Yi Daoist still brought out the lotus fleshy body of Nozha.

It should be the old dog of Primeval Lord of Heaven.

And since Primeval Lord of Heaven shot, then things are better said than Taio Daoist.

Xiao Long couldn’t think of it, but he accidentally fulfilled his chance by accidentally!

However, Xiao Long not at all put Noza in his eyes.

Bi Xiao with finger gold jiao can pass through the slaver all sides, so that the masters of Nozha’s master generation are all well-organized.

So, Xiao Long, who has both Jin Jiao Scissors and Zhu Xian Sword, if you do n’t shit Nozha, Xiao Long ’s name is written backwards!

Therefore, he moved his lips and said a lip.

“Damn it, die!”

Nozha looked at Xiao Long’s lips and heard what Xiao Long was saying.

Xiao Long said that the two words are-spicy chicken!

This is undoubtedly a great insult to Nozha who showed off one’s military strength along the way!

How can he stand it!

The fire-pointed gun pierced Xiao Long directly.

Xiao Long could not have imagined that he could actually play against Nozha.

You know, in Journey to the West, Nozha is not much weaker than Sun Wukong.

If he beat Noza today, do n’t want it.

So, is it equivalent to that, he can put Sun Wukong …

Hehehe, imagination is exciting!

Xiao Long did not rush to use Zhu Xian Sword, nor did he rush to use Jinjiao scissors.

He would follow Noza and have a good time.

Although Nozha’s fire-pointed gun is very extraordinary, but it is just a top level magic weapon.

And it’s not the kind of Peak. I don’t know how much worse it is than the Jinjiao scissors!

And Xiao Long Jin Jiao Scissors is not afraid, how could he be afraid of a small fire-pointed gun?

“Hahaha, this is the strength of your Xiqi Pioneer General? Merely this! It really disappointed me!”

Xiao Long has been evading, and Nozha has been attacking.

However, what puzzled Xiao Long was that Nozha never hit him once.

He at first thought he would use his baby armor.

But now it seems that it is not necessary!

This Nozha, a little bit more waste than he thought …

The people on Xiqi’s face looked so mad when Xiao Long was so rampant.

Especially, Nozha ’s Master Tai Yi Daoist has a dull face!

“Damn, come for die for me!”

Nozia also knew that Spear Art was his shortcoming, because he didn’t practice guns very much.

Now, since the fire-pointed gun can’t solve the other party, then it has to use the other.

“Mixed in the sky!”

Nozha stepped back a few steps, and then took out another of his box magic.

Fuck in the sky, not the 2 magic weapon to tie people!

Unfortunately, Xiao Long is not afraid!

“Samadhi True Fire!”

Xiao Long is the flame Paragon. As his Culture Base reaches Golden Immortal, his Samadhi True Fire is enough to threaten Golden Immortal.

And Nozia’s mixed-day Aya can’t even get Xiao Long’s body close!

“Qiankun Circle, Wind-Fire Wheel!”

Seeing Hundian Aya can’t clean up Xiao Long.

Nozha hurriedly exhibited two other magic weapons.

Xiao Long laughed disdainfully.

Then, split Zhu Xian Sword and Zhu Xian Sword, which didn’t come out of the sheath, into the three small circles that flew twice.

These 2 small circles were hacked to nowhere …

“Boy, now, it’s my turn!”

Xiao Long put away Zhu Xian Sword, and then took out an acquired Median Level magic long spear from the 100 treasures.

“Now, let this seat teach you how to play guns!”

No surprise, today is 4 more, I hope everyone can support

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