Even Wu Zhen himself did not know why he had come to a huge courtyard that was even bigger than the entire Wu Clan. Wu Zhen was even more unsure as to how he had become that man's "daughter".

Every evening, that man would come to stay with her, eat with her, and make fun of her.

Wu Zhen felt that his previous eighteen years of life had been rather tiring. Now, he was sitting in the courtyard day after day, admiring the flowers and staring into space. Waiting for the man to come and stay with her was extremely satisfying. Some happiness …

After all, that man was so good to her, better than everyone in the Wu family. She looked at the guards here and saw that they were all just acting. She wanted to escape, but she didn't want to.

She wanted to stay here and be his "Jane."

"Let Wu Zhen of the Wu family die in the hands of the world's enemies. I want to live my own life for the rest of my life." Wu Zhen thought absent-mindedly as he quietly sat under the tree.

Even if she didn't ask, it didn't mean that she didn't know. The servants called that man the 'crown prince', but that man was really the crown prince. Such an unreachable person was currently accompanying her day and night.

"Jane, your eyes really shine like pearls." Every time she was happy in bed, the Crown Prince would hug her affectionately and kiss her eyes over and over again.

"Jane, you are the woman I love the most in my life. I love you very much." Every day when he left, the Crown Prince would hold her hand and happily promise her something.

"Jane, I'll tell my father about our marriage in a few days."

Gradually, Wu Zhen discovered that her mentality had changed. She was no longer the 'Jin`er' who only hoped to be with the crown prince at dusk. She started to believe in the crown prince's words, believing that she was his most beloved woman, and that the crown prince would soon marry her into the palace.

She began to care about the love the crown prince had for her. She cared about the crown prince.

She began to feel uneasy because the crown prince hadn't come to her courtyard for several days. She missed him, but didn't know where to go to find him.

"I heard that the Crown Prince had gotten to know a devastatingly beautiful beauty during his outdoor outing. Not only was that beauty extremely beautiful, but she also had an incomparably charming temperament and when men looked at her, they couldn't help but feel their souls leave their bodies. This time, the Crown Prince must have fallen in love with her, because the dozens of beauties in the palace have all been dismissed for the sake of making her laugh."

"Yes, I've also heard that those who haven't been sent to the palace and have been placed there, the Crown Prince is too lazy to dismiss them and has allowed them to fend for themselves. Isn't that so? This master of ours is really pitiful, waiting for the Crown Prince to come and hang out with her."

More and more people were discussing about how the crown prince was on good terms with that beauty in front of her, and how he was captivated by her beauty and obeyed her orders.

In just a few days, the servants spread rumors that the crown prince was overjoyed today and had extravagantly and extravagantly married that beauty. After all, that beauty's origins were unknown, and the old emperor had once truly gone on a rampage.

The old emperor didn't think it was a bad thing for the crown prince to play with women. However, once he stirred up his true feelings and made a woman with no background become the crown prince's consort, the old emperor disapproved.

But in the end, the old emperor still couldn't win against the crown prince. The crown prince threatened him with death, saying that if he couldn't take the beauty as his wife, he might as well just die like this.

Since ancient times, I have never been able to fight against my son. Thus, on this day, the Crown Prince finally married that beauty with great dignity.

It was said that the red carpet had been spread all over the city, and that the beautiful woman's wedding dress had been made entirely of gold thread. The Crown Prince had deliberately sought out the ten best masters in the country, and had spent ten days and nights embroidering it, all because the Crown Prince wanted to marry the beautiful woman as soon as possible.

The wedding ceremony was indeed as grand as the crown prince had anticipated. All the young and old people in the city gathered on the street to celebrate the wedding.

That beauty was quite unscrupulous. He was not stingy with his beauty. On the day of the wedding, he did not wear a red veil. Instead, he sat in the bridal sedan in a very charming manner and smiled at the crowd. His smile was very alluring.

Amongst the commoners, the men all looked as if they had lost their souls. It was simply too beautiful …

Wu Zhen also hid among the crowd. She indifferently looked at the crown prince's happy marriage and carefully looked after that beauty. That beauty seemed to be captivating a man without restraint.

On the surface, Wu Zhen was as calm as water, but inside, his heart felt as if it was being stabbed by a knife. She suddenly realized that she was still Wu Zhen.

In the end, Wu Zhen silently returned to the courtyard and sat there for the entire night. The next day, when the sun rose, she seemed to have understood that she shouldn't have asked for too much.

It was because she wanted too much … It shouldn't have been like this...

The servants still liked to talk about the daily affairs of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. It was all about how extravagant and luxurious they were. The Crown Prince's love for the Crown Prince's wife was beyond compare. It was truly amazing.

It seemed that the Crown Prince had put aside everything except his favor for the Crown Princess. The court, the government, and the Crown Prince didn't have the heart to deal with it.

On the other hand, Wu Zhen calmed down a lot. He just waited for the Crown Prince in silence, quietly listening to the gossip of the Crown Prince without commenting or saying anything. He was just occasionally drunk.

The servants, however, acted as if they couldn't see him, allowing him to sleep alone in the dewy courtyard after getting drunk.

The calm days slipped away silently like water. Within a year, the daughter of the Crown Prince and his wife was born. It was said that she was also a beautiful child that was rarely seen.

That day, Wu Zhen was drunk again as he blurrily sat in the courtyard until daybreak. It had been a year since the crown prince had come, so he might as well wait for another year …

Year after year, two years, three years, four years, a whole five years had passed. Wu Zhen had not been able to wait for the crown prince to come and find her, but instead, he had waited for news of the princess' disappearance.

That night, Wu Zhen meticulously tidied himself up and quietly sat in his room as he waited. He was thinking, "Would the crown prince come and find me tonight?"

She didn't know how many times she had seen the sunrise, but Wu Zhen was feeling tired. The long wait had made her incredibly tired.

However, something seemed to have happened in the Residence of Sun. For some reason, it became chaotic so early in the morning. The servants began to pack up their things, preparing to flee. The steward did not stop them and packed up as well.

Wu was really confused, but he quickly stopped someone to ask.

The man said anxiously. General Chu has rebelled, now that he has breached Shangjing City, the old Emperor is dead, and this Shangjing City is going to change. We, the people from the previous dynasty, should hurry and protect ourselves!

Wu Xin was astonished and quickly asked, "What about the crown prince?"

"The crown prince has long been imprisoned in the Sky Prison awaiting interrogation. I think the odds are against him." After he finished speaking, the person anxiously carried his backpack and fled.

Without saying anything further, Wu Zhen turned around and returned to her room. She fished out a treasured sword that she had hidden under her bed — the Martial Sword.

Yes, she became Wu Zhen, that valiant and valiant Wu Zhen.

With an aura of invincibility, Wu Zhen broke into the Sky Prison by himself. Facing the heavy encirclement, his brows were just slightly furrowed. He did not tire himself out as he fought multiple rounds before he finally saved the Crown Prince.

"Jane?" After being rescued from the prison, the Crown Prince finally saw who it was. He called out to her, feeling both anxious and happy.

This was the first time they saw each other after so many years, but Wu Zhen was still in such a miserable state. He was even more miserable than when they first met, and even suffered a heavier injury.

Wu Zhen laughed as he wiped away the blood on his face with some difficulty, trying to look better. Wu Zhen looked at the crown prince with a joyful smile and said, "Crown Prince, you are still as good-looking as ever." Wu Zhen did not have the strength to speak. He could only think like this in his heart.

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