"Jin`er, I was once the crown prince of this dynasty and the world is mine. But now, I can only live in this small courtyard." After the Crown Prince was saved by Wu Zhen, he was always unhappy and depressed.

"Jane, I still want to become my crown prince." The Crown Prince spoke to Wu Zhen over and over. Every time he spoke, the hope in his eyes was clear.

"Alright." Wu Zhen looked at the crown prince and said solemnly.

"Jane, how will you help me become the crown prince?" the Crown Prince asked excitedly.

"The other way around." Wu Zhen calmly said one word.

When the Crown Prince heard Wu Zhen's words, he was overjoyed. "Jane'er, you are the most beloved woman in my life." The crown prince smiled happily. Wu Zhen seemed to have aged a lot after experiencing these few years with the crown prince. However, in her heart, the crown prince would forever be that day when he had beaten her up in the countryside and then turned around and walked toward her with a smile on his face.

In just a few years, she had relied on her own talent in handling affairs and her superior martial arts to secretly establish the former dynasty's revival organization, the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion. The Hundred Fragrance Pavilion was developing rapidly, openly engaged in the flesh business, and privately engaged in the murder, plundering, and subverting the imperial court.

Although she was reluctant, she still sent the crown prince to the border for safety reasons. She won over many of the forces there to protect the crown prince. However, Shangjing City was different. Shangjing was overseeing something, and it was unfathomable. She was worried about the crown prince's safety, so she could only send him to the border.

However, she did not know that she had toiled hard for dozens of years before being able to return to the crown prince's current carefree and happy state. The crown prince had raised countless beauties at the border, and he used the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion's endless amount of money to carve them out every night.

"Jane, you are the woman I love the most in my life."

"Jane, your eyes are always shining like pearls, I miss you so much, when will I be able to return to Shangjing?"

The crown prince would send her letters every few days, asking her when she could overturn the rules of the Tian Sheng and when he could return to being the crown prince.

As for Su Xiangxiang, she was indeed the daughter of the previous crown prince, and was about 80 to 80% similar to her mother. She had a seductive body and a face, it was just like the rumors said, ordinary men would feel their blood pumping just by looking at her.

Wu Zhen had always treated Su Xiangxiang as a good chess piece, a chess piece that could topple Prince Zhan with a single step.

Which man wasn't lustful, so what if it was the Prince Zhan? After returning to the Shangjing City, he quickly became Su Xiangxiang's guest, and would often sleep in Su Xiangxiang's room.

She had secretly tried to probe the Prince Zhan, and it was indeed as the spies in the Prince Zhan's Mansion had said. Chu Xiuhan was unfathomable, she did not dare act rashly, and very carefully, she played chess with Su Xiangxiang.

It was just that Su Xiangxiang didn't know who she was, only her brain was full of grass, and couldn't even put any thought to it, she thought that she was extremely beautiful, with an extremely high and fake personality, and wished that she was the most beautiful person in the world, living a comfortable life, living a comfortable life with everything, and that no one would take notice of her.

"What a f * cking idiot, he could even lose the man he got." The mother of the Hundred Incense Pavilion's manager recalled for a while, then thought of Su Xiangxiang, and could not help but mutter in a low voice.

On the surface, she was the mother of the Hundred Incense Pavilion's manager. Secretly, she was the pavilion master of the Hundred Incense Pavilion who had overturned the imperial government. As for Wu Zhen, let him die in the long river of history. She couldn't care so much anymore. She could only not disappoint the crown prince, but she couldn't care so much anymore.

manager's mother had a serious expression on her face. After all, assassinating Prince Zhan was not a good idea, she had to think it over carefully. She decided to talk to Su Xiangxiang again.

"Yo, Young Master Wen came to celebrate with our Hundred Aroma Pavilion disciples again, Magpie. Bring Young Master Wen a pot of good tea, I'll treat you to dinner." When manager's mother opened the door, she immediately changed back to her usual cordial look, coaxing the frequent customers of the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion into a happy mood.

Not long after, manager's mother went to Su Xiangxiang's room. Hearing Su Xiangxiang hitting her again in the room, manager's mother was very displeased and immediately opened the door.

"Look at you, what do you look like!" manager's mother slammed the table with all her might, making a loud noise instantly. Su Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment and immediately stopped moving his hands.

Mother manager looked at the servants in the room with bruises all over their faces. She could not bear to watch them getting beaten up, but she still endured it, "Seems like you've heard about the matter of Nangong Waner from Assistant Minister’s Residence staying in the Prince Zhan's room. I believe you know very well, how long has it been since Prince Zhan came to look for you."

manager's mother was not in the mood to beat around the bush with Su Xiangxiang, so she went straight to the point.

The expression on Su Xiangxiang's face, which had been intimidated by manager's mother's palm, instantly twisted as he shouted in a deranged tone, "Impossible, impossible, I have seen that Nangong Waner before. It's not even a tenth of my beauty, it's all rumors.

"F * ck!" manager's mother saw Su Xiangxiang's expression and couldn't help but criticize in her heart. The Hundred Aroma Pavilion was just using her to seduce Chu Xiuhan, and was only playing a move to subvert the Tian Sheng's power, but Su Xiangxiang actually took it for real and fell deeply in love with him. He even thought that his love for Chu Xiuhan was over the moon, but in reality, Chu Xiuhan had casually thrown it away.

Thinking about how handsome the crown prince was, how could he have such a crappy daughter, manager's mother couldn't help but think that for the sake of the crown prince, she would still continue to endure Su Xiangxiang.

"Alright, just now, our spy who was buried in the mansion came to personally report on this matter. There's no doubt about it, you have to keep it in mind as soon as possible, even if I told you earlier, you would still have to pretend to be gentle and gentle. You just don't want to listen, do you think that no one outside will know about the dirty things you do in the Hundred Fragrance Pavilion every day? If I let you restrain your emotions, I'm guessing that Chu Xiuhan will be like the emperor's decree for the marriage in a few days, the imperial edict for the marriage with Nangong Waner. "

manager's mother saw that Su Xiangxiang was slightly shocked by her, and focused on listening to her speech, her tone slowly became more gentle, "Men are all flowery, it's normal to fall in love with one person, and forget one person. With your current identity, it's not suitable for you to officially marry and become a wangfei, so it's a good thing if it's Nangong Waner who becomes the wangfei from Assistant Minister’s Residence, and if you let the Prime Minister succeed, you won't be able to win against her even if you enter the Prince's Mansion. After a few days, if the emperor bestowed an order on the Prince Zhan, you should go up to speak with him yourself."

Su Xiangxiang seemed to have been moved by her words, she naturally did not think that the Prince Zhan had changed her mind. She only thought that her identity as the number one of Hundred Aroma Pavilion, had always obstructed her from entering the Duke Palace, if it was with Nangong Waner, that talkative consort, she could have become a side wife, after all, the Nangong Waner before her was just a pretty beautiful girl, and she, Su Xiangxiang, had already learnt the art of bedtime, so wouldn't the grace of the Prince Zhan be easily captured by her?

"I know." Thinking about it like that, Su Xiangxiang's mood immediately became a lot better, and the way he replied manager's mother became a lot more gentle and respectful.

manager's mother saw that Su Xiangxiang had become more obedient and thought that Su Xiangxiang had taken her words into his mouth, so she became a little satisfied. Although her expression was still cold, she exhorted Su Xiangxiang a few more things before turning around and leaving.

On the other hand, he did not have a plan to tell Su Xiangxiang that he was only fit to be a pawn of the Hundred Aroma Pavilion.

"She's just a dog slave. She's been ordering me around all day. Who gave her the authority?" As soon as manager's mother left, Su Xiangxiang rolled his eyes, wishing that he could spit at the back of manager's mother.

The servants in the room all fiercely lowered their heads, not daring to say anything else.

"Alright, I'm in a good mood right now. All of you should go down and clean up your faces. Don't wait for me to marry into the prince's mansion and become a secondary wife. If you look so ugly, make me lose face." Su Xiangxiang was in a good mood as he continued to kill the other Peonies and Bamboo Peaches.

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