With Xia Xiong's death, the rebel army was like a deflated balloon. Rebels were complicated to begin with. There were also some from the previous dynasty's restoration team. There were also some from the original Xia Xiong's group.

Originally, everyone had acknowledged Xia Xiong as the commander. But now that Xia Xiong had died, the army's morale had plummeted. No one had any intention of fighting as they either fled or fell.

Prince Zhan led his army and attacked all the way to the city gates of Wencheng, but Wencheng was completely guarded by the armies of Feng and A Qi.

Zi Ye and Wen Guang charged ferociously forward as the morale of the Prince Zhan's army rose and Wencheng was taken down.

Prince Zhan led people to exterminate the remaining forces in the city.

A battle did not end in a spectacular fashion. Wind Nation, Qi Guo and the other countries all sent people to hand in their proposals for surrender.

The strangling and killing of the former reigning powers had begun once again in various places over a long period of time.

I heard that someone found Su Xiangxiang somewhere in the Tian Sheng later on, but that person wasn't too sure either, because that Su Xiangxiang only had a bit of charm to him, but his skin looked a lot older, with a full face of wrinkles and a head full of white hair.

Legend has it that people who are not in the Qingqiu Secret Realm will need to use the protection of the Qingqiu Secret Realm to forcibly use bewitching arts, otherwise they would age faster …

However, this was all a story in the future.

At this time, the Prince Zhan led the army and searched the Wen City for a long time. After they did not find Su Xiangxiang's figure, they ordered them to dig three feet into the ground to catch him and bring him to the heavenly prison.

Just as Prince Zhan was patrolling on top of the city walls, a strange scene appeared in the sky above Wencheng.

The black clouds rapidly rolled over and gradually gathered together. The sky suddenly turned dark again.

The oppressive atmosphere suddenly intensified, as if the sky would collapse and smash into people if they were even a foot closer.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew until Prince Zhan's robes made a buzzing sound.

Prince Zhan stood straight as always, facing the wind.

After a while, Shi Xuan stepped on the wind and came over. Prince Zhan looked at Shi Xuan very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Prince Zhan squinted her eyes, her face had a cool and indifferent expression, this should be the immortal behind Su Xiangxiang, she never thought that Su Xiangxiang had such great ability, other than someone from Qingqiu Secret Realm, she actually knew another immortal.

The Immortal World was never allowed to disrupt the order of the mortal world, but this Immortal actually did it over and over again. It was unknown if this Immortal actually despised him for having too deep of a cultivation base, and wanted to start over from the beginning, or if he truly considered himself an immortal enough to be struck by lightning to return to the Three Realms and be reincarnated.

"Who are you?" Prince Zhan looked at Shi Xuan coldly and asked. Prince Zhan saw that Shi Xuan was dressed entirely in black, with a pale face, it was extremely easy to see his male and female facial features …

Qingqiu Secret Realm had always been spread. Aside from men with Qingqiu Secret Realm, in these three realms, the only person who could be considered good-looking was the Neither Monarch of underworld, Shi Xuan!

"You are Neither Monarch Shi Xuan from the underworld?" Prince Zhan's tone was light.

Shi Xuan was shocked, he could not figure out what was going on with Prince Zhan, was he a human or a ghost, how could he guess his identity?

"Who are you? How do you know that I am Shi Xuan from underworld? " Shi Xuan's tone was cold and filled with hostility.

"Heh, I was just guessing. Looks like I guessed right. You don't need to know who I am. " Prince Zhan's tone was indifferent, and he slightly raised his eyebrows, as though he was looking down on Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan was furious, he did not know where this fellow came from, but he actually dared to speak to him like that!

"How dare you!" Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that! " On this day, the number of people who dared to be so disrespectful to him could be counted on one's fingers. Yet today, he actually met such an unreasonable person in the mortal world.

"Don't I already know who you are?" Prince Zhan raised his eyebrows, and Shi Xuan became even more furious when he saw Prince Zhan's indifferent, calm and somewhat mocking expression.

"You …" Shi Xuan fumed again. Shi Xuan truly felt that this fellow's aura was similar to Xing Yin's, when he thought of Xing Yin, he became even more furious, he would definitely get rid of this person today!

"What's wrong, Neither Monarch is cowering and trying to make a move, didn't you want to get rid of me a long time ago?" Chu Xiuhan was still standing there, facing the wind and the clouds.

Above the city walls, it was unknown when Chu Xiuhan was the only one left. The remaining people had gone off to who knows where, and actually disappeared without a trace.

"Let's go!" Shi Xuan also knew to avoid mortals, with a shake of his robes, he disappeared.

The corner of Chu Xiuhan's mouth hooked up. Although he was injured, the Neither Monarch would not be any better off after being struck by the heavenly lightning, "I'll go meet you instead." Chu Xiuhan also turned and flew into the air, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

When Chu Xiuhan and Shi Xuan both disappeared, the wind stopped blowing and the sun shined warmly back in.

Zi Ye and Wen Guang climbed up the city wall to search for a while, but were unable to find the Prince Zhan. Thinking that the Prince Zhan was unfathomable, the two of them were not too worried, after splitting up the work, they went back to take care of the aftermath.

Furthermore, Chu Xiuhan and Shi Xuan's fight was extremely heated. Shi Xuan had wanted to get rid of Chu Xiuhan because of the incident, so he was already injured all over, and having received three bolts of heavenly lightning, it was extremely strenuous for him to cultivate. Every time he used his cultivation, it would cause his old wounds to hurt a little.

He was too careless, he never thought that Chu Xiuhan was not an ordinary person, and he had no idea where this immortal came from, his cultivation was even so high …

Although Chu Xiuhan's expression was faint, the truth was that his body had also endured quite a bit of pain.

Facing the lightning bolt that Shi Xuan threw over, Chu Xiuhan flung his sleeves far away. Unfortunately, his strength didn't match his heart …

Chu Xiuhan was still hit one point!

"Ah — —" Chu Xiuhan was forced to retreat two steps.

Chu Xiuhan quietly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I didn't think that you would kill me just because of Su Xiangxiang's cultivation."

"Su Xiangxiang?" Shi Xuan didn't react for a moment. Who was Su Xiangxiang?

Chu Xiuhan's expression immediately became better, "So you were not doing this for Su Xiangxiang, then why are you always going against me? What is your intention? "

Shi Xuan felt that Chu Xiuhan's Wild God words were extremely slippery. Every single word he said was a test, yet every single word of his had hit the mark.

"For Su Xiangxiang!" Shi Xuan laughed sinisterly, it was cold, "Because I like Su Xiangxiang, so you have to die!" With that, Shi Xuan took out a fan from his waist, the fan was made of cold jade and drew the dark scene of underworld, the fan flew straight at Chu Xiuhan!

Chu Xiuhan did not dare to be careless, he continuously changed hand gestures and formed a hand seal, causing his entire body to be enveloped, the fan heavily smashed towards the bell barrier surrounding Chu Xiuhan.

Shi Xuan also made a few hand signs, and continued to pour spirit power into the fan, causing the fan to instantly double in size, and heavily smashing onto the bell cover.

"Crack! Crack!" Cracks continuously appeared on the surface of the bell, and it seemed as though the bell wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer!

"Hehe, let's see how capable you are. Break it for me!" Shi Xuan continued to turn his hands, increasing the power of the fan.

"Crack crack crack ~ ~" The bell barrier around Chu Xiuhan broke at an even faster speed, and then with a "Pa ~ ~" sound, Chu Xiuhan's technique was completely broken, the surrounding protective barrier was broken and instantly disappeared.

Right at this moment, Shi Xuan ordered the fan to smash towards Chu Xiuhan's head.

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