Seeing the fan flying towards Chu Xiuhan's head, Chu Xiuhan only frowned slightly.

"Sword!" Chu Xiuhan bellowed, and a small sword flew over from an unknown place, and just as Shi Xuan's fan was about to hit Chu Xiuhan's head, the sword clashed with the fan.

The corner of Chu Xiuhan's mouth hooked up, causing the deity's confidence to surge up.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Shi Xuan waved his sleeves and kept the fan.

The cyan colored small sword seemed to have its own spirit energy, it went around to Chu Xiuhan's side and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shi Xuan had been cultivating in the underworld for many years, although he was not familiar with the matters of the world, and rarely walked around the Immortal World. He did not know much, but he could recognize that small cyan sword that flew out of Chu Xiuhan's body.

"Broken Cloud?" Shi Xuan was shocked, "Why do you have the Cloud Breaking Sword?"

Shi Xuan was in disbelief. He had thought that Chu Xiuhan was a very capable and wild god. Shi Xuan thought that it would be a fortuitous opportunity for a mortal to achieve Immortal Ascension.

However … Chu Xiuhan had actually taken out the Cloud Breaking Sword …

"You do have a bit of insight." Chu Xiuhan's tone of voice was light, but the underlying meaning of his words was, he did not deny it.

It was said that the Cloud Breaking Sword was a treasure of the Qingqiu Secret Realm, and was once used by the s of the Qingqiu Secret Realm. One thousand and two hundred years ago, during the Great War of Gods and Demons, the s of the time even used it to fight an old Neither Monarch whose underworld had become demonic.

And then, no one had ever seen it again. Everyone thought that Poyun had disappeared along with the death of the.

But today, Chu Xiuhan had actually used Broken Cloud.

"You are someone from the Qingqiu Secret Realm?" Shi Xuan's expression was a little ugly as he asked. Not knowing why, Shi Xuan had a bad premonition that he might lose Xing Yin forever.

Not sixty years in the mortal world, but the lifetimes of the God Realm...

"So what?" Chu Xiuhan said indifferently, "Just who is your underworld working for, and whether or not you have a grudge with me? You don't even know who I am, yet you want to put me to death; are you not afraid that I will go to the Ninth Heaven to complain to the Heavenly Monarch?"

Chu Xiuhan immediately followed up, "I actually forgot, your underworld received a contract, so you can't step into the mortal realm no matter what."

Shi Xuan's face was a little pale. His underworld had been protected by his Heaven Realm for more than a thousand years, and he had also signed a contract.

However, Shi Xuan was not someone who would show weakness. On the surface, he had a bad expression, but on the surface, he was extremely stubborn, "That's right, I don't know who you are, I thought you were a Prince Zhan in the mortal world, I accidentally met Su … Su Xiangxiang? I admire her wholeheartedly, but she didn't have any feelings for me at all. All of her thoughts were placed on you, so I had no choice but to kill you.

Shi Xuan's words were somewhat touching at the end, his serious expression making anyone who saw it feel like it was real.

Chu Xiuhan seriously sized up Shi Xuan a few times, then said indifferently, "It's not Su Xiangxiang."

"It's not Su Xiangxiang." Chu Xiuhan was very sure.

Shi Xuan was speechless.

"Su Xiangxiang is just a mortal who has learned a few bewitching arts. A Neither Monarch has entered the mortal world many times just for her, and she didn't even hesitate to use up her own cultivation to kill me."

Chu Xiuhan had been observing Shi Xuan's expression the entire time, "Neither Monarch must be doing this for a person, a person that you like?!"

"You … This Neither Monarch doesn't know what you are talking about. " Shi Xuan was a little anxious, all the foxes that said their Qingqiu Secret Realm were all cunning, seeing them today, they really deserved their reputation.

Shi Xuan decided not to say anymore. A single sentence from him would give Chu Xiuhan more clues. Shi Xuan felt a headache coming on, as he hadn't figured out who Yue Yang was yet. However, Yue Yang had been digging holes for him the entire time.

"You won't …" Chu Xiuhan enunciated each word slowly, his eyes shining brightly.

"I... "What about me?" Shi Xuan's expression could not help but turn anxious and anxious.

"Who do you like?" Chu Xiuhan calmly explained.

"Who?" Who? "Who do I like?" Shi Xuan's mind was a little dizzy, he immediately denied it without any reason.

"You like Wan Er?" Chu Xiuhan analyzed it, what Shi Xuan said was somewhat true, for Su Xiangxiang, it must be false, but for the sake of the people that he likes, they must be true if they want him to die, then it would only be Nangong Waner, the two of them being in love, it was extremely loving for Su Xiangxiang.

"I... I... How could I like Nangong Waner? What's worth liking, I... I don't like her. If I like her, can I have a thunderstorm? " Shi Xuan was a little incoherent.

"Rumble ~ ~ ~" A bolt of lightning struck down beside Shi Xuan.

Chu Xiuhan: "Heh heh."

Chu Xiuhan was jealous for a moment. He suddenly felt that Nangong Waner had some sort of fortuitous encounter with her that made him like her so much, could it be that she also liked Shi Xuan before?

When she looked at Shi Xuan again, because she was deeply afraid that Chu Xiuhan would see through her, she had kept her face turned to the side, and did not dare to take another glance at Chu Xiuhan. She had also forgotten that not long ago, she had arrived in an overbearing manner, and had intended to hack Chu Xiuhan to death.

Shi Xuan kept turning his head to the side, unwilling to let Chu Xiuhan see his eyes anyways. Everyone knew that those with high Qingqiu Secret Realm could see through their soul and could even read their heart.

The more Chu Xiuhan thought about it, the more he felt that it was not that simple. Eh, it's not that simple either. Nangong Waner, a beautiful and intelligent mortal woman, was actually able to captivate Shi Xuan to such an extent. [I don't think it is possible for a normal encounter, is it?]

"Could it be?" Chu Xiuhan was really deep in thought. After carefully deliberating for a while, he asked Shi Xuan a question.

"Could it be?" Could it be something? " Shi Xuan thought that Chu Xiuhan had already guessed Nangong Waner's identity. Although it was impossible, he was also unsure how powerful the mental reading skills of Qingqiu Secret Realm was.

"Did Wan Er also save your life? Is that so? Wan Er is also your savior? " Chu Xiuhan seriously asked Shi Xuan.

"Oh, but you saw through it. Nangong Waner had once saved this Neither Monarch's life, and at that time, this Neither Monarch swore to the heavens that he would betroth his body to Nangong Waner and marry her as his wife, yet you suddenly appeared, entangled with Nangong Waner and obstructed this Neither Monarch's plan to repay the kindness. This Neither Monarch can only use his fingers and eliminate you."

Chu Xiuhan looked at Shi Xuan indifferently, "No, I didn't save your life." However, he only said a few words, and nothing more.

Shi Xuan felt like vomiting blood from Chu Xiuhan's anger, "Chu Xiuhan, what's wrong with you? Did you use your Qingqiu Secret Realm's Mind Reading to tell me everything? "Don't you feel ashamed?" As Shi Xuan spoke, he was about to throw out his own fan. The more he looked at Chu Xiuhan's calm appearance, the more agitated he became.

"Mind Reading? It's just a legend, Qingqiu Secret Realm doesn't have that kind of evil technique. " Chu Xiuhan calmly denied.

"Then …" Chu Xiuhan introduced herself lightly, "I am Godly Monarch Ye Bai from Qingqiu Secret Realm, not a person like you." Chu Xiuhan's lips curled up, looking completely unfriendly.

The of the Qingqiu Secret Realm?!

Ye Bai?!

After Shi Xuan heard his words, his head buzzed. He did not forget that when he first heard the words of the Neither Prison Officer, he took the opportunity to sneak attack him while he was flying up, causing Ye Bai to be severely injured.

Shi Xuan turned around and wanted to leave immediately. What a terrible fate! What was going on? What was going on? What was going on? What was going on?

He, Ye Bai and Xing Yin …

But just as Shi Xuan was about to turn around and leave, something unexpected happened. Right above where they were standing, the clouds suddenly gathered densely, and the weather suddenly changed.

"Run!" It's lightning! " Chu Xiuhan shouted.

Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~" Six bolts of heavenly lightning struck towards Chu Xiuhan and the dead profound practitioner.

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