Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ Rumble ~ ~ ~" Chu Xiuhan and Xian Xuan were shocked to see the six bolts of lightning. What kind of formation was this? There were actually six bolts of lightning!

"Run!" Chu Xiuhan dodged the attack of the heavenly thunder and was about to escape, but he was helpless as the lightning bolts were so concentrated and their power was so strong, Chu Xiuhan had no chance to escape at all.

"Damn it, what's going on? How could there be six bolts of heavenly lightning? Ye Bai, you have done too many heinous things, and even brought me down with you!" Shi Xuan had already taken out his magical equipment, and had struggled extremely hard to dodge the heavenly thunder. However, Shi Xuan was already quite injured, and after fighting with Chu Xiuhan earlier, he had lost a lot of his cultivation, so he was not able to take the divine lightning head on.

"Ah — —" Another bolt of heavenly lightning missed and struck Shi Xuan, causing his back to immediately burn.

"Eh, you've been struck by lightning again …" Chu Xiuhan had an opinion of Shi Xuan when he thought that he liked him. Seeing Shi Xuan being struck by lightning, he could not help but take pleasure in Nangong Waner's misfortune.

"Rumble ~ ~" Just as Chu Xiuhan finished laughing at Shi Xuan, he was also struck by lightning.

Chu Xiuhan was speechless, he could feel pain all over his body, and it felt like his bones were about to crack.

However, he didn't have time to think about where he was in pain. Chu Xiuhan struggled to escape outside of the thunder barrier, but he was in a worse situation.

Suddenly, the two bolts of heavenly lightning that were entangling Shi Xuan, started to intertwine together.

"This is bad!" When Chu Xiuhan was trying to escape, he was also shocked when he saw it.

"Quickly run!" Chu Xiuhan shouted as he escaped outside.

How could Shi Xuan not know that the situation was critical? He helplessly looked on as the two bolts of heavenly lightning merged together, making him even more powerful.

However, just as he was about to escape, another two bolts of heavenly lightning struck him.

Just as Shi Xuan was struggling to avoid one bolt of heavenly lightning, the merged bolt of heavenly lightning came crashing towards him.

Seeing that Shi Xuan was unable to dodge, Chu Xiuhan frowned and flew out.

BOOM! With a loud noise, the bolt of heavenly lightning struck towards Shi Xuan.

Chu Xiuhan was determined to escape from this place. After escaping from the lightning array, Chu Xiuhan would turn around and go back to check on him. However, he didn't see anything.

It was unknown whether Shi Xuan was struck by lightning to the point of death or if he was like the time he ascended to the top, where his primordial spirit was preserved and only his physical body was damaged.

Chu Xiuhan did not waste too much time thinking about it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

One day later, they had returned to Wencheng.

Wencheng had gradually recovered its former vitality after Wen Guang and Zi Ye had cleaned up the city. After the war between Feng and A Qi Nation had failed that day, they had quickly retreated.

Now, Wencheng had returned under the control of the Prince Zhan.

After this battle, Wind Nation and Qi Nation had lost a lot of troops, and for a long time, they probably wouldn't be able to lift any big waves anymore. The Wind Nation's king regretted his actions back then, and regretted his actions on Su Xiangxiang's ship.

However, there was a rumor circulating among the people that the empress and the eldest prince of the Windy Nation had found someone to kill them and changed their testamentary edict while they were exhausted. When the eldest prince ascended the throne, the empress became the empress dowager. After the First Prince ascended the throne, he adopted a cordial policy towards the Tian Sheng.

As for Ah Qi, perhaps it was because the Imperial Advisor of Ah Qi was too disappointed with the new Emperor, he left for his hometown shortly after losing the war. As the Emperor of Ah Qi didn't have the ability to govern his country and didn't have the ability to employ others, in the past twenty years, he once again instigated a war, at that time, the Prince Zhan took up arms and killed him with one breath, and swallowed him up.

From then on, Tian Sheng was truly peaceful, and after a long time, there were no longer any intruders.

On top of that, even though they had experienced some twists and turns and were delayed for some time, the result of this war was still very good. It was clean and efficient, without any future troubles.

On the day of the city wall's destruction, the Prince Zhan suddenly disappeared from the city wall. Zi Ye and Wen Guang did not ask any further, nor did they pursue the matter, as if it was a common occurrence.

Zi Ye and Wen Guang sent the news of their victory to Shangjing City. The emperor was overjoyed, and the emperor suddenly remembered that the Prince Zhan was still a step away from marrying the princess.

On the eighth day of the next month, Prince Zhan married Nangong Waner as his consort.

However, the eunuch who went to deliver the letter brought back shocking news.

Nangong Waner was severely ill, and had already been unconscious for more than a month...

The Emperor was shocked and quickly sent a secret letter to the Prince Zhan. He rushed back eight hundred kilometers and urged the Prince Zhan to hurry back to Shangjing City.

The Emperor suddenly felt guilty. Chu Xiuhan had done so much for the Tian Sheng, but he didn't allow him to marry Nangong Waner earlier.

Prince Zhan was very busy after returning to the Wen City, and couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart. After all, it had been a month since Nangong Waner last wrote him a letter.

"Little girl, see how I'll deal with you when we get back." Prince Zhan had finished all of his work and just when he had some spare time, he couldn't help but miss Nangong Waner.

The yearning surged like the tide, surging and surging, the Prince Zhan intensified her treatment every day, just thinking about how early she could return to Shangjing City and enjoy time with Nangong Waner.

But who would've thought that at this moment, he would receive a secret letter from the Emperor.

Nangong Waner was unconscious for more than a month!

Prince Zhan panicked, but then what happened to the letters before? One day, after another, they were delivered into his hands, each of them filled with emotion. Even more so, it was filled with reluctance!

Yes, it was full of reluctance, full of sighs. Prince Zhan was a bit upset, could it be that Wan Er already knew about her body condition from the moment he parted with her, that's why …

The more Prince Zhan thought about it, the more painful it became. It was as if a hand was pressing down on his chest, causing him to feel a little bit of pain, a little bit of tiredness, and a little bit of pain.

Prince Zhan's eyes darkened, he was about to fall down while feeling dizzy. Wen Guang and Zi Ye saw everything clearly, and immediately went forward to support him.

"Your Highness! Are you alright? " asked Midnight, very worried.

"If there's nothing else, after Wen Guang recovers, Zi Ye will follow me back to Shangjing City." The Prince Zhan paused, then said, "I need someone to drive the carriage for me." Prince Zhan knew clearly that his body was severely injured, and he was just barely holding on.

Zi Ye quickly followed Prince Zhan back to Shangjing City, and never stopped for a day. Zi Ye saw that Prince Zhan's expression was not good, and asked him a few times, "Your highness, should we find a place to rest?"

"No need. Let's hurry." Prince Zhan's tone was light and indifferent, her voice seemed to have become a lot softer, just that her voice contained too much apprehension, and also too much sadness.

Zi Ye did not say anything more. Even if Zi Ye was extremely tired, he could only drive the carriage towards Shangjing City without rest.

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