Midnight driving the carriage, he rushed to Prince Zhan's Mansion day and night. On the way, he was travel worn, and did not stop for a few days and nights.

When Prince Zhan's carriage stopped in front of the Duke Palace's entrance, the servants of the Duke Palace evidently did not expect this.

Shocked and fearful.

Ju Xiang heard the wind and ran over first. He looked at Prince Zhan and did not dare to say a word. Then, he looked at Zi Ye's exhausted face.

Prince Zhan's face was pale, it was unknown whether it was because he was tired from the journey or because he was injured.

When the carriage stopped, Prince Zhan lifted the curtain and jumped down.

When Prince Zhan saw Ju Xiang, the first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Where's Wan Er?"

Ju Xiang did not speak.

Ju Xiang saw Zi Ye, and it seemed like the worry and worry in his heart that he had gone through so much trouble to find an exit.

She wanted to comfort Ju Xiang, but she didn't know how to handle it. She raised her hand, wanting to pat Ju Xiang's shoulder, but she didn't seem to feel that it was appropriate. She gently put it back, and then, she lifted and let go of Ju Xiang's shoulder.

Prince Zhan did not have the heart to wait for Ju Xiang to cry, and seeing that Ju Xiang could not even say a word, he could only cry.

Prince Zhan stepped into the Duke Palace with a few strides, and with a few steps, he went to Nangong Waner's room.

Zi Ye and Ju Xiang didn't have enough time to deal with him and sigh with emotion before they hurriedly followed him.

Prince Zhan was anxious and nervous, but he still pushed open the door to Nangong Waner's room.

As the Prince Zhan opened the door, the sunlight shined down onto the room. The beam of light was very long and reached the bed within the room.

Nangong Waner was sleeping soundly, his breathing was steady as he laid there. When he heard the sound of the Prince Zhan coming back, he did not make any unusual movements.

Prince Zhan went against the light and walked towards it step by step. With every step, his heart became heavier.

"Wan Er..." The Prince Zhan's voice was somewhat complicated.

Prince Zhan reached out a hand, carefully touched Nangong Waner's face, and then, Nangong Waner's face …

"Wan Er..." Prince Zhan whispered softly between his lips, his voice choked with emotion.

Just then, Zi Ye and Ju Xiang had rushed over, and Liu Hong who had just went out to fetch water. Usually, at this point, Liu Hong would go and get water for Nangong Waner to wash up, in order to let his body feel a little better.

"Your Highness …" "Let this servant clean up the wangfei. In this weather, wangfei's body will feel a bit more refreshed." Liu Hong carried a basin of water, gritted his teeth, and went up to persuade the Prince Zhan.

"Scram!" Prince Zhan instantly overturned the water basin with a wave of his hand, and roared angrily, "Men, drag Ju Xiang, who was protecting the Lord out!"

The basin of hot water fell to the ground, splashing hot water everywhere.

"My prince —" Ju Xiang and Liu Hong did not try to defend themselves as they kneeled on the ground.

The butler of the palace had followed the Prince Zhan for many years. The prince had always been indifferent and was not interested in anything, but he had always been in control of everything, so when had he ever seen the prince like this.

"Your Highness, after the wangfei fainted, she gave Ju Xiang and Liu Hong the indenture contract and let them go, but the two of them refused to leave. Every day, they would carefully wait upon the wangfei." The steward of the manor was quite afraid of the prince's current appearance, but he still followed his heart and helped to explain.

"What is the use of this kind of servant coming here? I didn't discover Master's abnormality in time, nor did I inform you about Wan Er's situation in time. Even if you inform me sooner, I would have rushed over to meet Wan Er in time … "One side …" The Prince Zhan grabbed Nangong Waner's hand unwillingly and sat in front of the bed. She placed Nangong Waner's hand on the side of her face and kissed him again and again.

Before she fainted, she had already told me and Ju Xiang that she was hiding things from her. She said that in front of the great and the people of the country, she wanted you to choose the righteousness of the country, and that she didn't want her matters to affect you. "It's too bitter." Liu Hong gritted his teeth as he spoke, his face filled with tears.

"Wan Er, she... Before Coma... what they did. " Prince Zhan was choked with sobs, his eyes turning red from anger.

"Royal Consort … She thought of the prince and how he would cry. The wangfei calculated the time and wrote a letter in advance. Every day, she would send a servant to send one to the border. She also wanted to write a few more letters, but … "Princess Hua-Yang couldn't write it anymore …" Liu Hong could not finish his words as he sobbed.

Prince Zhan sat at the head of Nangong Waner's bed with his back to the crowd and a tear fell onto the back of his hand.

"Why?" Prince Zhan did not finish, why couldn't he write anymore?

Liu Hong became stronger, and endured his sorrow, stabilising his emotions, he said again, "Actually, on the day that the Duke left, the Princess's body wasn't very well, and she couldn't see anything clearly with her eyes, and she sometimes couldn't hear anything clearly, and her body was also gradually not listening to his orders. In the last few days, the Princess had completely lost control of her body, and suddenly fell asleep."

Looking at Ju Xiang, who had been crying, how could he still have a clear mind to explain anything?

"The day I left … "Then I won't be able to see it …" Prince Zhan thought back to what happened that day. According to Nangong Waner's personality in the past, how could he not get up to send him off, but that day, he was unwilling to do so. It was likely that he saw that something was wrong with her body.

Prince Zhan felt pain in his heart and he gently stroked his chest. He actually didn't have time to care about the sweet and fishy taste in his throat.

"Your Highness, this is the last letter written by the wangfei. I am ordered to wait until Your Highness returns before I take it to see you." As he said that, Liu Hong gently took out a letter from a box. It was obvious that Liu Hong was very careful and paid a lot of attention to writing a letter.

Prince Zhan took the letter, but was in no hurry to open it.

"Did the wangfei leave any words for me?" Prince Zhan lowered his eyes and said hoarsely.

"Royal Consort … The Princess said … She really misses you... Wish I could... Wish I could... Wish I could marry you... "What a pity …" Liu Hong did not finish his sentence, he raised his sleeves and covered his face as he cried.

Prince Zhan raised his face slightly, blinked his eyes, and said as if to stop his tears, "Go down, I don't want to see you. Since the wangfei has let you go, you should leave the palace." Prince Zhan's attitude was firm and his tone was fierce.

Ju Xiang kneeled there and wanted to beg for forgiveness, but Liu Hong and Zi Ye had advised him otherwise. The prince was still angry, but his heart was hurt, so he decided to leave the house.

Ju Xiang did not return to the Assistant Minister’s Residence. Like Liu Hong, he found a random place to stay near the Duke Palaces.

If Nangong Waner knew about this, he probably wouldn't have the heart to lie down anymore.

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