Just as the modern Xu Xiaoxiao was living her days and giving up on transmigration to the Tian Sheng, Xu Xiaoxiao suddenly transmigrated!

Xu Xiaoxiao had teleported back to the Tian Sheng and changed into Nangong Waner.

The sleeping Xu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe. After struggling in pain for a moment, she returned to the land of primal chaos.

Xu Xiaoxiao had once again encountered the underworld Ghost Magistrate who had gone into the Primal Chaos Grounds to look into the situation — the Lord of the Life and Death Division.

The Lord of the Life and Death Division was truly shocked when he saw Nangong Waner, "You … You... Why did you come back? "

"Didn't I send you to another space?" Naturally, the Division for Life and Death did not dare to ask this question. They could only mutter in their hearts.

In order to prevent him from escaping once again, Nangong Waner stepped forward and grabbed the Master of the Division of Life and Death, "You, underworld Immortal, please explain to me clearly the question I asked you last time. What is the relationship between me and Nangong Waner, why do I have the memories from before she was five years old, and why is my soul shuttling back and forth between the two sides?"

The Lord of the Life and Death Division helplessly closed his eyes, but he carefully opened them. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Xiaoxiao or Nangong Waner staring at him with wide eyes.

"You and that Nangong Waner were the same person in the first place, it was my negligence in underworld. When Nangong Waner was five years old and met with water, he almost died. En … "Well, it's an oversight."

When Xu Xiaoxiao heard that, she felt that there was something wrong, "That's not right. Why isn't that Nangong Waner dead yet? Why is he still alive?"

"En..." Yes... It's because she's lucky. A strand of her soul is hanging right there, hanging right there. " At this moment, the head of the Division for Palms and Life and Death was sweating profusely. However, Xu Xiaoxiao was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't notice anything amiss.

"So that means that Nangong Waner and I are really the same person, no wonder I have this inexplicable feeling of closeness to Nangong Waner's family."

"Then …" Xu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of something and asked the Lord of the Division for Life and Death.

"Then... "Then what?"

"For a period of time, there have always been illusionary dreams. I have always felt that the dream was real, but it was not the affairs of the mortal world. But I am a mortal!"

The Lord of the Life and Death Division was shocked, did this Godly Monarch Xing Yin remember something? She sealed his divine power and memories, could it be that by some coincidence, his divine power and memories broke through the forbidden technique?

"Then... What did you remember? " The Lord of the Division for Life and Death asked somewhat cautiously, but it was actually to probe.

"I forgot it when I woke up. It was very blurry, I can't remember."

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

"What's good? "Why is it good?" Xu Xiaoxiao frowned and asked in puzzlement.

"Oh, oh, no problem. I guess you must be dreaming, dreaming too much." At this moment, the Division of Life and Death was relieved, and its demeanor became much more relaxed.

"But …"

This time, you have returned because Nangong Waner is in danger and your body is begging for protection, hence, you summoned back your soul. If you do not go over, Nangong Waner will not be able to protect her, furthermore, you will not be able to return to Xu Xiaoxiao's place. This is the last time, so Xu Xiaoxiao must be dead by now.

Hearing the words of the Master of the Division of Life and Death, Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the direction in reluctance. From now on, she was Nangong Waner, and there was no longer any Xu Xiaoxiao in the world.

The Lord of the Life and Death Division heaved a deep sigh. Neither Monarch could be considered to be destined to be anything after all, but with's willful descent into the mortal world, he had found himself a fated marriage.

Even though she allowed the Neither Monarch to strip off his consciousness and split him in half, she was still unable to stop the Godly Monarch from falling in love with another person in the mortal world.

It was unknown whether it was fated between Xing Yin and her, or whether Xing Yin's consciousness was too strong, and even after his underworld had been stripped away from her, it was still unavoidable for her consciousness to be attracted to each other, and fuse together into one.

In short, their Neither Monarch would probably have a headache and be hurt again.

That Chu Xiuhan from the mortal world did not seem to be a simple person either. It was clearly written in the underworld's life and death manual that he should already be a dead man …

Forget it, forget it, I will not get involved with such important matters between Godly Monarch.

The lord of the Life and Death Division thought for a second and then disappeared from the Bedlam Lands …

Nangong Waner could only feel that his throat was dry and it was difficult for him to breathe. She kept coughing and gasping, trying to get more breathing space.

But all she could see was darkness, and the air was thin, and she struggled.

Gradually, both her legs and legs were being used up. She struggled with all her might, and when she struggled, she seemed to discover that someone was beside her.

Nangong Waner's mind recovered a little. It should be because someone had covered her head with a blanket that she had difficulty breathing.

Thinking about that, Nangong Waner extended his leg out, found the right direction, and kicked out.

"Bang ~ ~ Bang ~ ~ ~" Nangong Waner's kick was rather shocking, it actually kicked the person out of the house, he suffered a heavy injury, and immediately fainted.

"Phew — — Phew —" Nangong Waner finally regained the freedom to breathe, and gasped for air in large gulps with great ease.

Nangong Waner then slowly sat up, and looked around, this was her previous home in Prince Zhan's Mansion, but, why was there no one by her side?

Nangong Waner raised his eyes and looked at the courtyard. Nangong Waner made some calculations in his heart, he had stayed in the modern world for quite a while, yet he couldn't tell how much time had passed by this place, as if he had also left for a very long time.

However, he was not in the mood to think about all these, just the cold courtyard alone was enough to make Nangong Waner feel uncomfortable.

It was said that when newbies laughed, how could they hear old people crying? Those words were completely true. How long had it been since she left? Why did it feel like she had been beaten into a cold palace?

"Ju Xiang? Liu Hong? I'm thirsty, I want to drink water! " Nangong Waner finally came back to life, his entire body was still weak, and he wanted to call Ju Xiang and Liu Hong over to serve him.

But, even after shouting for half a day and seeing that no one came to serve him, Nangong Waner was extremely furious in his heart!

It was really cold when people left …

Nangong Waner was helpless, he walked out of the courtyard and called for someone, "Is there anyone here?" However, just as she walked out of the courtyard, she seemed to recall something. When she just woke up, someone had used a blanket to cover her. Where had she kicked that person? Why was there no one around?

Nangong Waner really thought that he had seen an illusion.

"Ah — —" Hearing Nangong Waner's shout, a timid little girl walked into the courtyard. The little girl looked like she didn't know Nangong Waner, but she obviously didn't know him either. Looking at Nangong Waner, she couldn't help but scream in fear.

"Who are you?" Nangong Waner asked.

"I am... I am... Miss Qin has recruited a servant girl who has entered the Duke's Mansion. " The girl was panicking as she answered.

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