After Nangong Waner heard what the little girl said, he was stunned. Miss Qin? Could it be Qin Ruxue?

Was Chu Xiuhan really going to marry Qin Ruxue? Nangong Waner felt smoke rising from the top of his head, flames rising up to the heavens!

"Good, good, good!" Nangong Waner said three good words in succession, "Now, the Duke Palaces are owned by Qin Ruxue?"

"Yeah." The little girl answered respectfully.

"Good, good, good. Then where did Liu Hong and Ju Xiang go? "

"I've never seen these two before, but I heard that before I entered the palace, they were chased out by the prince."

Nangong Waner almost vomited blood. Damn you, Chu Xiuhan, if you cross the river, you will destroy the bridge.

Nangong Waner firmly believed that it wasn't long after he left that Chu Xiuhan married Qin Ruxue and his Duke Palaces turned into heaven in an instant, even driving Nangong Waner's trusted aides out of the Palace.

No wonder when she woke up, she felt that someone was murdering her. Did they dislike her taking over the Duke Palaces?

Thinking about it here, Nangong Waner became even angrier, all the courageous people said, "Fine, I won't hesitate to stay in this crappy place, hmph."

Nangong Waner returned to his room with a thump as he took out his luggage and started to pack up.

Nangong Waner angrily packed his things as he glanced at the valuable things in the room. He kept wondering in his heart if he should exchange Chu Xiuhan's things for money.

No, I also want face. Since they abandoned you, how can you be so unyielding?

It was time! After all, these things were so expensive, so good-looking, and so valuable!

"Yes, yes, yes, whatever they did was wrong. The fault lay with Chu Xiuhan, that wolf-hearted dog. Nangong Waner then started to clean up.

After cleaning up in a mess, Nangong Waner rolled a few bags and carried them onto his shoulders.

"Aiyo!" Nangong Waner didn't think that his recently recovered body would be so powerless, "Screw it, I'm going to die."

Even if he had to crush himself to death, Nangong Waner did not plan to leave these treasures in Prince Zhan's Mansion.

Nangong Waner really walked with heavy steps towards the door.

Creaak." Nangong Wan'er was about to open the door when someone suddenly opened it from the outside.

"Thank you!" Nangong Waner was really about to thank him out of instinct, but she didn't expect that the person thanking him would be Qin Ruxue.

Nangong Waner rolled his eyes at Qin Ruxue, then continued to walk outside while lowering his head and carrying the bags.

It was only until Nangong Waner had walked a few large steps away did he finally wake up with a pale and flushed face, "Nan … Nangong Waner is actually awake? " Qin Ruxue gritted his teeth silently in his heart.

The servant girl she had just arranged to do business with was severely injured. Zhang Huang had panicked and told her that Nangong Waner had woken up, but Qin Ruxue still found it hard to believe.

But now, she saw with her own eyes how the living dead man appeared in front of her, completely unharmed.

Qin Ruxue was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Wait …" "Where are you going?" Qin Ruxue stood straight where he was, not knowing what kind of tricks Nangong Waner was playing, and looked at the many things on Nangong Waner's body, as if he was about to leave the Duke's Palace.

"What, now that you're the home of this palace, even I can take care of it? I'm not selling it to the Prince Zhan's Mansion, it's my freedom wherever I go. " Nangong Waner tried to make sense of the situation with a glance at Qin Ruxue, but from start to finish he did not look right into Qin Ruxue's eyes.

"You want to leave the residence?" Qin Ruxue looked like she was about to leave the Prince Zhan's Mansion when she had just woken up. It was very obvious that she was very angry because she was in charge of his house.

Qin Ruxue snickered in his heart. It seemed that begging the empress dowager to come live with him while crying was truly a wise decision. Qin Ruxue secretly glanced at the bundle on Nangong Waner's shoulder. It seemed that he really wasn't going to come back.

"That's not true. It's just that I don't know how I should explain it to Big Brother Han when he returns. After all, I'm the one in charge of managing the affairs of the palace. If it's because I don't have enough hospitality …" Qin Ruxue spoke in a gentle and generous manner, with the attitude of someone in charge.

"There's no need to explain. Just say that I'm going to divorce him and look for a new partner."

Qin Ruxue opened his eyes wide in shock. This Nangong Waner really had no rules or orders when she spoke.

"You … "You …" Qin Ruxue didn't know what to say either.

Nangong Waner kept the bags on his shoulders again, "You can't be so stingy, if you don't give me some compensation, how will I find my next home?"

Qin Ruxue was speechless, this Nangong Waner was too good at messing around, but that was good, it had suited her well. If she had known earlier that Nangong Waner was so easy to deal with, she wouldn't have needed to find someone to beat him up repeatedly.

"How could that be? I heard that the wanhua tavern in the streets have been activated again, the man inside is really very good at getting girls' love. Wan Er doesn't have to be sad, the old can't go and get new ones, right?" Qin Ruxue laughed... Nangong Waner felt that this was really a treacherous look.

Forget it, since I'm going to live here in the future, I might as well enjoy myself now. "I'm leaving. There's no need to send me off." Nangong Waner waved his hands as he carried a few bags and left the Duke Palace.

Nangong Waner felt that he had already died once, what man was worth thinking about and unable to be let go?

Although he still felt a bit sad …

But when he saw that the treasures she stole from the Prince Zhan's Mansion were all exchanged for white silver, all the sadness instantly disappeared.

However, when Nangong Waner reappeared in the pawnshop carrying several bags of treasures, the pawnshop assistant and boss were extremely shocked, "Didn't they say that the wangfei has turned into a living corpse? How did you come to be the prince's thing again? "

The owner of the pawnshop quickly took out all of the silver and banknotes in the shop and smilingly placed them in front of Nangong Waner, "Look … Is this okay? "

Nangong Waner looked very satisfied, "It's done, it's done!" Nangong Waner was ecstatic. He took the money and ran off.

The pawnshop assistant was stunned once again. This wangfei really had some personality. "Shopkeeper, why do you think wangfei came to be part of the prince's things and argued again?"

"Whether or not it's your fault or not, you actually dare to discuss the matter of the prince. Be careful of that head above your head, quickly go to the prince's mansion to deliver a letter. The wangfei is back to being a servant." The shopkeeper scolded the shop assistant.

"Shopkeeper, that's all the money in our shop. Why did you give it all to Princess Hua-Yang?"

"What do you know? Your highness is so deep in love with your highness, wouldn't you take the money to redeem your things like last time? This is just a play between a couple."

The shop owner said confidently.

The pawnshop assistant truly began to admire the shopkeeper. This was a way of getting along with a husband and wife!

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