Path to the God

Chapter 582

Liu Xing has caught up with the master easily. Liu Xing is not polite, raises the chicken a hammer to smash.

That guy is always the master of the day after tomorrow. His reaction is not generally fast. He hides and dodges on the left. He can always make Liu Xing's attack invisible.

"Lying trough, this thing can't be cleaned up, what to do?"

Smashing to smash, always consumed Liu Xing's strength, no effect at all. The master is also looking for opportunities, he is just looking for his life, planning to wait for Liu Xing's true Qi almost exhausted, and then turn back to clean up Liu Xing.

Liu Xing can't hit each other, but he can only put the chicken away with a hammer. After thinking about it, he still can't find any way. Liu Xing is a bit anxious. Although he can't waste much real Qi in flying the imperial sword, he can't solve the other party, which always makes him headache.

After some distance, Liu Xing has already chased out of South Korea and entered the territory of North Korea.

"It's no way to catch up like this!"

Liu Xing is a little crazy. He flies the imperial sword. He is much faster than the master, but even if he catches up, he doesn't have any Assassin's mace. The long sword he swept out from Hengjie was used to make people and swords in one. It was not as flexible as the flying sword and could not hurt the other side at all.

If he flies to the opponent's back and stops, he attacks the opponent with the combination of flying swordsman and sword, but the wind control skill is not as fast as the other party's lightness skill, and can't catch up with him. Other people fly in the sky, his divine sense blink can only be fixed-point blink, but also have a support point, not a little help.

Liu Xing's forehead is sweating, so chase down, he does not know when to kill each other, there is a ri Chuan Mu ban, that how?

Liu Xing frowned to chase down, while chasing while thinking of a way, but always keep a distance of about five meters with the master in front. But Liu Xing is always in the heart, did not notice in front of the escape master mouth raised a dangerous smile.

The master saw that Liu Xing was just chasing after him. He no longer attacked him. He quietly took out something from his arms, like a piece of small rope, which was white and translucent.

Then hold that thing in your hand, run internal force, and inject it into it.

Now is the critical moment, internal power can not be consumed at will, in case of failure of internal force, Liu Xingyi, that master can not easily escape. But the master risked his life to inject internal force into that thing, which shows how important it is.

Liu Xing was thinking about everything, but his divine sense didn't pay attention to the master's every move. The master had been using his internal power to urge his lightness skill to escape, so he didn't find anything wrong with the master.

He is the ultimate bodyguard of the emperor, and he is also a famous master of dayuanman in the later period of the day after tomorrow. How can he not have some Assassin's mace? Liu Xing's negligence almost killed him!

Two minutes later, the expert's mouth was the same, while he was running for his life, he turned around and smashed Liu Xing with a ball of thin rope in his hand.

"Trough, what?"

Liu Xing saw that the other party suddenly turned around and threw something at him. He just exclaimed in surprise. Before he could Dodge, the thing had already flew to his eyes. With a bang, it exploded into a big net, which directly wrapped the flying sword and him, tightly netted it into a circle.

Liu Xing felt that his whole body was reduced a lot. He was short of breath and was very painful. Even the flying sword couldn't cut the net. He was compressed more and more.

"I flash!"

Liu Xing's body couldn't move. He fell down to the ground quickly. He was shocked and quickly wrapped his body with divine consciousness to enter the eternal world. But Liu Xing was disappointed. The net seemed to be able to isolate the divine consciousness, which he could not sweep out, let alone wrap his body.

"Bang ~ ~"

Liu Xing, like a fiery red meteorite, fell down faster and faster, but he had no way. Below is a newly built seven story building, uninhabited. Liu Xing directly hit down, smashed through the five floor to stop, hit the whole building shaking.

Fortunately, he had soft armor in his body. Liu Xing only felt pain all over his body, and his head was buzzing. He almost couldn't help spitting blood. However, the net still trapped him to death and couldn't move.

"Boy, don't you understand? You are looking for death! Fortunately, I have an ancestral trapped God net, or I can't cure you! "

The master then flew in from the window and spoke to Liu Xing in Japanese.

"Sinister villain!"

Liu Xing couldn't understand what the other side said and scolded him. Now he was extremely calm. The net rope that wrapped him was very thin, only as thick as a matchstick, all white and translucent, extremely tough. He wanted to control the flying sword as if to break through the net, but it had no effect.

Liu Xing found that the net can not only isolate his divine sense, but also his true Qi. He can't even play a wind control skill or escape from the earth. But the only thing that can't be cut off from the net is his mind, and it works.

Liu Xing's idea then moved, offering a sacrifice to the fire, wrapping himself up, and turning himself into a man of fire. He controlled the fire and went to burn and melt the net without hurting a hair of himself.But after a while, there was no effect. The strange fire sent to him means that the net can melt, but it is not a matter of a day.

Seeing Liu Xing struggling there, the master laughed and continued to say in Japanese: "boy, I don't think you have many means, but don't waste your strength. This net can't be burned down. But you are really full of treasure. Before that, the chicken had a good hammer, the white sword was good, the defense soft armor on your body was good, and the Millennium flame was also good. Maybe there was something good about it

After a pause, the master continued to say in Japanese: "I still wonder why song Taiqing and richuan Muban are all looking to kill you. Maybe it's because of these treasures."

"Old man, fuck your mother. Don't talk about the birdsong. Talk about the Chinese language. I can't understand your language!"

Liu Xing pretended to be angry and scolded. He kept trying to find out if there was any way to break the net. As long as the net can be broken, people and swords can be combined to attack continuously, and the master is not given the opportunity to fly away. He believes that he can successfully solve the other party.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Boy, I don't want to gossip with you. All the treasures in you belong to me. It's worthwhile for me to come all the way. Don't worry, I will send you to heaven

"The tortoise is cutting furiously!"

The master laughed, but he still spoke Japanese. When he said it, he held the broadsword above his head, ran his internal power, and used his forward move to cut Liu Xing's head.

Liu Xing's face changed greatly. He was trapped by the net. He couldn't move. He watched the master's knife cut at his head. For the first time, he felt that he was so close to death. Although he felt that the power of the master's knife was not so powerful, it was enough to kill him

Liu Xing secretly said: do I want to lose my life here today? I'm not willing to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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