Path to the God

Chapter 583

See that master a knife to chop, Liu Xing has fallen into despair, what have no time to think.

"Bang ~"

"Dang ~"

seeing that the master's broadsword had already cut into Liu Xing's forehead, a pocket tripod suddenly appeared on Liu Xing's forehead, which emerged from the grid of the net. When the master attacked, he directly bounced the master's broadsword out.

As soon as the master's face changed, he turned and ran away. The pocket tripod suddenly appeared bigger and bigger. Although there was no terrible smell coming from it, it had already scared him.

His Jinshen net is really handed down from his ancestors. It is said that it was acquired by his ancestors in the Dragon stand in China, and it is his biggest killer mace. As long as you inject internal power into it, you can easily get trapped by, even the peak of the late congenital period. However, each time you need too much internal power, your current strength can only be stimulated once, but you can't do it twice in a row.

The pocket tripod can easily emerge from the trapped God net, doesn't it mean that the pocket tripod is more powerful than dayuanman master in the later days of Tianjie? So he had to choose to escape immediately.

"Master, please help me catch him!"

Liu Xing was lucky to survive. He saw that the pocket tripod came out and grew bigger and bigger. He knew that it was the spirit of the eight dragon melting day stove that saved him. The eight dragon melting day furnace has recognized him as the main one. The spirit and the eight dragon melting sun furnace are one, so naturally they recognize him as the main one. When he encounters a life and death crisis, it is not surprising that the spirit of the eight dragon rongri furnace came to his rescue.

However, his strength is too low now, so he is sorry to call the spirit of the eight dragon melting furnace. When he is strong, it will be another matter.

After Liu Xing called, the spirit inside the eight dragon melting sun furnace did not answer, but just a flame from one of the round holes. The flame, like a burning rope, flew out at the late day after tomorrow, when he fled to the distance. All of a sudden, it wrapped around his waist and pulled him back.

"Ah ~"


the master screamed and yelled for help. Originally, a big living man was pulled to the round hole, and it became smaller and smaller until all his body was pulled into the eight dragon melting furnace, and the scream became weaker and weaker, and suddenly stopped.

"Master, please let me get rid of the shackles of this net!"

Liu Xing doesn't know why the spirit inhaled the master into the eight dragon melting furnace. Now he is still trapped, so he can only ask the spirit for help.

"Well, boy, why are you so weak? A small spider web, you will be trapped can not move, let people kill. I really don't understand why the eight dragon furnace will recognize you as the Lord? "

A little girl's voice sounded beautiful.

"Master, I will continue to work hard, please help me out first!"

Liu Xing can only admit that he vowed to be strong as soon as possible and let the sword spirit be used by him.

"Don't worry, the boy's strength is too low, although activated the spider web, but not fully activated. If the spider web is fully activated, it can last for an hour. Now, at most, it can last three minutes. It will be over soon. "

The little girl's voice came from the furnace of eight wastes, and still did not rescue Liu Xing. But heard that only three minutes, Liu Xing is not in a hurry, slowly waiting, continue to suffer, he believes that soon passed.

Sure enough, less than three minutes later, Liu Xing felt light and stretched out his limbs. The net turned into a very small net and gathered around Liu Xing's belly. Liu Xing got up and grabbed a small net in his hand. He had to study it carefully.

"Boy, don't look at it. That little spider web is called trapped dragon web. It's a third-class spirit weapon. It's nothing. If you stimulate all of them, you can trap the master of Yuanying period for a while."

The little girl's voice came, the words are all a pair of indifferent tone.

Liu Xing was shocked to hear that. He has just built the foundation now. The next two great realms are the golden elixir period and the Yuanying period. All the trapped dragon nets are inspired and can trap the masters of yuanyingqi for a while. How about that?

What's more, Liu Xing's current state of practicing Qi is only a first-class spirit weapon master, and the trapped dragon net is a third-class top-grade spirit weapon. At least, he needs a third-class spirit craftsman to refine it, which is what he can only look forward to now.

And such a corrupt trap dragon net is so insignificant in the eyes of the eight dragons melting furnace? Such a inference, the little girl must have a lot of malpractice!

"Boy, it's useless. I'll give it to you!"

Liu Xing is thinking wildly. The voice of the little girl is ringing. He looks up and looks at the eight dragon melting furnace. He sees a flash of fire and a round bead with flame flies towards him. He stretched out his hand and grasped the bead in his hand. He felt that the palm of his hand was hot. When he opened his hand, he saw a red bead in his hand.

"Master, what is this?"

Liu Xing looked at the bead and was puzzled. The bead was the size of a pill, but he could clearly feel that the bead contained a violent breath, as if he was holding a time bomb instead of a bead.

"The bead was made from the body of the master dayuanman just after the day after tomorrow. It is the essence of his spirit, spirit and internal power. If you smash it directly against the enemy, it will be as powerful as his self explosion. Just now he activated the dragon net and injected a lot of internal power into it. As a result, he consumed a lot of internal power. The bead in your hand is only equivalent to a master who blew himself up in the early days after tomorrow! "After the little girl finished, Liu Xing was shocked.

He did not expect that this small bead is so corrupt that it is actually equivalent to the self explosion of a master in the early days after tomorrow!

Last time he saw Durex blow himself up, the power is not simple, it's just too terrible, the defense of such a strong red bull and black snake are blown to serious injury!

What shocked Liu Xing most was how to refine a master into a bead that could be used as a bomb. How did the little girl do it?

"Master, take the liberty to ask, how can we make the body into beads?"

There are countless bodies in Liu Xing's constant world, and there are not a few experts above the heaven level. If he can learn how to refine those masters into beads, it is not a malpractice? In the future, if you can't fight against the enemy, throw a handful of beads directly and blow him to death. Then refine his corpse into beads and blow down an expert. Isn't it quick?

"Simple. The principle is the same as alchemy. Try it yourself. But I'd like to advise you to practice well is the right way. Don't engage in those evil ways. I'm going to sleep

The little girl casually replied, no voice, the eight dragon melting furnace directly flew to Liu Xing's forehead, more and more small, finally did not enter Liu Xing's eyebrows.

Liu Xingkai had a beard, and he didn't care what was right and what was crooked. He only knew that killing the enemy was the king's way!

"Ishikawa, now, it's time for you to die!"

Liu Xing is not in a hurry to go to Hengjie to try how to make the corpse into beads. He moves, steps on the flying sword, holds the dragon net in his hand, and starts to run the true Qi and infuse it into the trapped dragon net.

At the same time, he felt the true Qi information from the tracking technique and quickly chased him in one direction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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