Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 19: Visiting the Grave

Xu Jiaorong's words are undoubtedly a great encouragement to Chen Jianqiu. Needless to say, what does it mean to be the secretary of Qi Cixian? His adoptive mother Xu Jiaorong is the secretary of Zhenren Lan Da, and is now a third-level secretary. Youyi Taoist Priest may not be of high rank, but many real people would give her three points because she also represents the real people of Landa. Of course, Qi Cixian is not as good as Landa Zhenren, but he is better because he is young and has a bright future.

In addition, Chen Jianchou has already had the status of a Taoist boy. This is a necessary prerequisite for entering the Taoist sect. He is considered a half-member of the Taoist sect. Therefore, after he has made meritorious deeds, he will not be given the same origin as a Taoist priest, but will quickly become a Taoist. Entering a fast promotion channel is undoubtedly much better than directly arranging a seventh-grade Taoist priest.

More importantly, if he can become Qi Cixi's secretary, then he will be qualified to face Chen Jianqiu directly.

Of course, the premise is that he can find out this matter.

After Chen Jianchou left the tavern, he returned to his residence and stayed up all night, sorting through all the known clues from the beginning.

The answers given by his adoptive mother Xu Jiaorong overturned many of his speculations, such as the speculation that the Taoist sect assassinated the leader of Dayu, the speculation that the Taoist sect allowed Chen Shuhua to assassinate the leader of Dayu, etc.

But this also opened up another way of thinking for Chen Jianqiu.

The adoptive mother made it clear that those eunuchs who died suddenly had nothing to do with the Taoist sect, so who killed these eunuchs? What's the purpose?

In fact, the intention is easy to guess. The intention is naturally to frame Daomen, muddy the water, and cover up some other things.

The key is who killed these eunuchs?

Chen Jianchou is a member of the Qingluan Guard and has the responsibility of guarding the palace. There should be files on these eunuchs in the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion.


Early the next morning, Chen Jianqiu took advantage of his position to check relevant files.

Not surprisingly, the real cause of death would not be recorded in the file, it was all due to the so-called sudden illness. However, Chen Jianchou did not want to see this. He mainly wanted to know where those eunuchs were buried.

Since he died of a sudden illness, he cannot be treated as a sinner, and he still has to take care of his posthumous affairs.

As the personal eunuchs of the king of Dayu, these eunuchs had a good status, similar to the ceremonial supervisor Bingbi of the former Wei Dynasty. They also had adopted sons, nephews and even family members. Their affairs after death were more solemn and not easy to mess with.

Moreover, the Dayu Kingdom was deeply influenced by the Central Plains. Both Taoism and Confucianism emphasized burial. Only Buddhists would cremate them. In order to eliminate the suspicion that these eunuchs were Buddhists, it was naturally difficult to cremate them and they had to be buried.

This gave Chen Jianchou a breakthrough.

According to the records in the file, Chen Jianchou came to a place thirty miles outside Shenglong Mansion City.

The last eunuch who died suddenly was named Wu Fu and was buried here.

These eunuchs are what the common people call great eunuchs. They have private residences and properties. Their tombs are also geomantic treasures. They even have tombkeepers, so it is difficult to go there directly during the day.

Chen Jianchou could only wait until night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, and he sneaked into the cemetery under the cover of darkness.

He wanted to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy.

The tomb here is of course not a small earthen bag, but has an underground tomb.

In the past few years in Qingluan Guard, Chen Jianchou has been exposed to many methods of the three religions and nine schools. I can't say he is proficient in the ability of tapping acupuncture points to read Qi, but he still knows a little bit about it. He quickly determined the layout of the tomb chamber and the location of the tomb door, and then Then he began to dig the "robbery hole".

Although the tombs of these eunuchs

Although there is a tomb chamber, it is by no means like a large maze like the imperial mausoleum. The inside is at most the size of a folk tile kiln, divided into a main tomb chamber and two side chambers. The smaller one is about the size of a room. Chen Jian Qiu De Xu Jiaorong's true biography, his cultivation level is quite good, he is a veritable innate person, so Chen Jianchou dug in without much effort.

The tomb was very cold and dark, with a dark coffin placed in the middle.

The so-called coffin is composed of an inner and an outer part. The outer one is called the outer coffin, or the large coffin, and the inner one is the coffin that holds the body.

Chen Jianchou stepped forward and wanted to push open the lid of the coffin. He felt a biting chill. The entire coffin was like a piece of ice. He had to retract his palm and looked down. Just under the touch just now. , his palms were already covered with a thin layer of white frost.

Chen Jianchou couldn't help but secretly felt a terrible chill. There was indeed something fishy about the deaths of these eunuchs.

Chen Jianchou was a Qi practitioner. He immediately circulated his Qi to isolate the cold. At the same time, he used force to push the lid of the coffin open, revealing the smaller coffin inside.

I saw that the four corners of the coffin were nailed shut. Although there was no light in the main tomb at this time, it still shone with a deep luster.

Chen Jianchou lit a fire stick and looked carefully. He saw that above the nail, where the hammer struck, there was a seal character "kill" engraved. He couldn't help but change his expression: "This is the Taoist corpse-killing nail." '?"

The so-called "corpse nails", as the name suggests, are nails used to suppress corpses. Nailing them on the coffin can prevent the corpse in the coffin from mutating. The cemeteries chosen by these eunuchs were all

In this geomantic treasure land, if you die normally, you will definitely not transform into a corpse. Since the corpse cannot transform, why bother to use "corpse-killing nails" to nail the coffin?

There was also the chill just now, which also revealed something extremely abnormal.

Chen Jianchou was immediately caught in a dilemma. After a battle between heaven and man, he finally made up his mind and used the tools he had prepared to remove the "corpse-killing nails" from the four corners of the coffin.

Then Chen Jianchou pushed open the coffin lid, and the coffin was actually filled with green water, which was full of yin energy and exuded a blood evil aura.

Chen Jianchou's expression became more solemn, and he stretched out his hand to stand up the coffin, causing the green water in the coffin to pour out, revealing a skinny corpse. The shroud had been completely corroded, and the ribs were clearly visible. The corpse was close to the bottom of the coffin. Its skin was gray-white, its eye sockets and cheeks were sunken, its eyes were wide open, and its mouth was slightly open. It seemed to be extremely frightened and lifeless.

Chen Jianchou suddenly raised his brows, wrapped his palms with his true energy, reached out and touched the corpse lightly, and saw that the chest of the corpse collapsed completely.

This is the last eunuch who died suddenly. He died less than a year ago and ended up like this.

At this moment, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes and turned into a living corpse, biting towards Chen Jianchou.

Chen Jianchou was on guard for a long time and immediately struck out with a palm, holding the living corpse's chin and letting it close its mouth.

"What exactly is going on?"

Chen Jianqiu's thoughts suddenly changed. The corpse had mutated and seemed to have died under a "ghost curse".

The so-called "ghost curse" is a Taoist secret. According to what the foster mother said, after being hit by a "ghost curse", if it is discovered early, it may be possible to recover.

There is salvation, but if you wait until the body gradually decays, it will be too late. The "ghost curse" has penetrated into the bone marrow, and it is difficult for gods to save you.

That's all. The bodies of people who die from "ghost curses" will turn into living corpses. No wonder Chen Jianqiu said that these eunuchs died at the hands of Taoists.

Fortunately, the eunuch's corpse had just turned into a living corpse. Although it was ferocious and terrifying, it was not very powerful. It was quickly crushed into a puddle of flesh by Chen Jianqiu's powerful Qi.

Chen Jianchou searched around the tomb again. He found that the coffin seemed to have been moved. After pushing the coffin open, he discovered that there was a tunnel underneath it.

Why is there a tunnel in the eunuch's tomb? Where does that green water come from? What do the people behind the scenes want to do?

Chen Jianchou was full of questions. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go into the tunnel to investigate.

All the way down this tunnel, Chen Jianchou walked about a hundred feet, and stopped for a moment. At this time, the wall around him began to become damp, and water dripped down continuously. Not only did a small puddle accumulate in the corner of the wall, It also caused a lot of moss to grow on the surrounding walls.

Yin and Yang are opposite, water and fire are incompatible. The extreme Yang Qi can create fire, while the extreme Yin Qi can turn into water. There are water droplets falling here, which shows how strong the Yin Qi is.

When Chen Jianchou saw this scene, although he was not afraid, he was a little more wary in his heart.

He continued to move forward, not deliberately seeking speed, but walking at a normal walking speed. After walking for about half an hour, he found that the tunnel had turned into a tomb passage with a masonry structure. It seemed that he had entered a large underground tomb. among.

In addition, Chen Jianqiu also discovered several bodies that were beginning to turn into bones.

Judging from the degree of decomposition of the corpses, they should not have died recently. Looking at the clothes on these corpses, they have been severely damaged due to the age. However, when Chen Jianchou saw what looked like a short blade and a giant tooth hanging on the waist of one of them, he understood that these people were probably tomb robbers from many years ago. In the tomb, life goes in and out, and it stays here forever.

Just when Chen Jianchou leaned over to check the situation, one of the corpses suddenly opened his eyes and stretched out his hands to grab Chen Jianchou's neck.

In fact, ordinary living corpses are not a big threat to Chen Jianchou, because not only are they slow in movement, but they are not as strong as zombies. Anyone who knows a little bit about exorcism and exorcism can completely destroy them. Therefore, Chen Jianchou did not hesitate at all. While avoiding the zombie's hands, he took advantage of the situation and smashed the zombie's head with one palm.

After losing its head, the living corpse collapsed to the ground again.

Chen Jianqiu looked around and found that there were some murals on the walls, which were a standing female Bodhisattva. It was somewhat similar to the Bodhisattva Chen Jianqiu described in the king's dream. However, in addition to the female Bodhisattva, there was also a Buddha. , sitting on a lotus.

Could it be that he guessed wrongly that Blood Bodhisattva actually has nothing to do with Lingshan Witch Cult, but a certain branch of Buddhism?

Chen Jianchou thought so and continued to move forward.

After walking a distance of more than a hundred feet, a small light spot suddenly appeared at the end of Chen Jianchou's sight. After walking a few hundred feet further, the light spot became bigger and bigger, and it turned out to be an exit with light coming out.

Chen Jianchou's heart moved, and he took out the "Too Invisible Talisman" given to him by Xu Jiaorong, and used it to eat

Clamping it with the middle two fingers and shaking it slightly, the talisman spontaneously ignited without wind, and Chen Jianchou's figure also disappeared without a trace.

Chen Jianchou, whose figure had disappeared, was like a disembodied light smoke, floating silently towards the exit of the tomb passage.

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