The Kingdom of Funan is close to the sea, and the Kingdom of Java is separated from the Kingdom of Funan by a sea.

When it comes to Java, people in the Central Plains are familiar with it. As the saying goes, you have thrown something into Java.

The Kingdom of Java is an island country, but compared to the Fenglinzhou Weiyuan Kingdom, the Kingdom of Java is more fragmented, with nearly 20,000 large and small islands and a large population.

There is a strait in the middle of many islands, which is an important channel connecting the South China Sea and the Western Ocean. This is a maritime Silk Road. I don’t know how many merchant ships pass through it every year. If something goes wrong, the losses will be immeasurable.

Both the Daomen and the Daxuan court attach great importance to this place, so the Nanting Protectorate of the Daxuan court is located directly on both sides of the strait, and has Nanhai navy patrolling to ensure the smooth flow of the strait.

It is also worth mentioning that the main altar of the "Heavenly Court" is also in the Kingdom of Java, among nearly 20,000 islands, which means "it is only in this mountain, and you don't know where it is in the depths of the clouds".

In addition, this is also a place where countless pirates from the South Seas hide. Not all pirates can gather together like the "Tian Ting" and run rampant in the South Seas. Small pirates may only have ??????????? ?????A dozen people per boat are usually ordinary fishermen, so it’s hard to tell them apart.

Although the Daxuan Navy was invincible, it could not hide and seek among the nearly 20,000 islands. To completely eliminate pirates, an effective prefectural and county system must be established to extend the power of the court to every county. Now it seems that Daomen and the Daxuan court are not able to take care of the Kingdom of Java for the time being, and can only ensure the safety of the straits and land, so the pirates still have a free time.

The situation in Java was so special that Qi Xuansu of course wanted to visit Java, so he made Java the second stop of his trip.

Because he heard that there were many pirates, Qi Xuansu did not rush to fly over from the sky this time. Instead, he asked people to lower the airship and sail over the sea. Of course, the airship can be used as an ordinary ship. Even if he wants to sail on dry land, it is not No, it’s just that no one does it.

In addition to wanting to see pirates, Qi Xuansu also wanted to experience the "sea scenery" here.

It is already rare to see monsters in the Central Plains. Under the centralized control of the Taoist sect, the monsters must either surrender, flee, or die. After all, the naturally powerful dragons were almost wiped out by the Taoist sect, not to mention other monsters. On the other hand, Fenglinzhou was still in a state of chaos with demons dancing around.

The same is true here in Nanyang, but most of the monsters here are related to the sea, or can be called sea monsters. Most of them live in the sea. In addition to competing with the ships on the sea, they are on good terms with the people on land.

Gods and monsters are always at odds with each other. When it comes to monsters, we have to mention a local god here in Nanyang.

It is said that she became enlightened in the early years of the Jin Dynasty, even earlier than the Confucian Neo-Confucian saints. Legend has it that the evening before she was born, the neighbors saw a meteor turning into a red light shooting from the northwest sky, which was dazzling and illuminated the island. The rocks are all red, and it is suspected that the incarnation of an immortal has come to the world.

Because she did not cry from birth to two months old, her parents named her Mo and called her Mo Niang.

Mo Niang has been doing good deeds and helping others since she was a child, and she is determined not to get married.

She has been studying medicine intensively, treating people's diseases, teaching people to prevent epidemics and eliminate disasters, and often guide people to avoid evil and seek good fortune. Fishing boats and merchant ships in distress were often rescued by her, so people said that she could "cross the sea on a seat." She can also predict weather changes and inform boat owners in advance whether they can sail. Therefore, it is also said that she can "predict bad things" and is called "Goddess" and "Dragon Girl".

When Mo Niang was twenty-eight years old, she gathered the power of incense and aspiration and became an immortal. On this day, a colorful cloud slowly rose in the sky. From then on, sailing people also said that it was common for Mo Niang to fly on the sea wearing a red dress and rescue people who were in distress and calling for help. Therefore, her statues were gradually enshrined on ships at sea to pray for safe and smooth sailing, and she was honored as "The Queen of Heaven".

Of course, the Queen of Heaven has nothing to do with the Emperor of Heaven, and the two are not husband and wife. It is just that the man respects the emperor, the woman respects the future, and the sky is the highest, so she uses the term "Queen of Heaven" to show her lofty status.

The Confucian sect kept sealing him, and after the Taoist sect came to power, they also respected his status.

Taoism went through a period of darkness and depravity. During the period when Buddhism and Taoism merged, Taoism was influenced by Buddhism. They talked about magical powers and boasted all kinds of nonsense. They created many gods out of thin air. However, they couldn't boast about Buddhism and painted cakes to satisfy their hunger. However, Buddhism has abandoned the cosmic view of Taishang Taozu. Its ideas are confusing and its principles are nonsense. In terms of managing the world, benefiting the people, and governing the country, it is crushed by Confucianism. Under pressure, there is no trace of Huang Lao's grandeur when he was in power, and he has essentially fallen to the bottom of the three religions.

Therefore, after Xuansheng rebuilt the Taoist sect, he was very taboo about fabricating gods out of thin air. He sorted out all the Taoist gods and removed many gods. However, Wu Yang and Tianhou were retained. The Taoist title given to the Tianhou was: Fudou Zhaoxiao Chunzhengling. Ying Fuji protects the country and shelters the people. The wonderful spirit Zhao Yinghongren Puji Tianfei.

The belief in Queen of Heaven is very widespread, covering almost the entire Southeast Asia. In addition to the countries of Borneo, it also includes Qizhou, Jiangnan states, Lingnan, Fenglinzhou and other places. She is the most influential goddess in Taoism.

It's just that this god has ascended and passed away, so he gave the secret society the opportunity to take over Nanyang. However, it is said that the Queen's divine kingdom is still hidden somewhere in Nanyang, and it contains the Queen's inheritance. For hundreds of years, countless people have gone to sea to search for the inheritance of the Queen of Heaven, but they have all returned in vain.

There is also a legend that Lin Lingsu, the master of the Jin Dynasty, was born as an immortal because of the inheritance of the Queen of Heaven by chance. The reason for this rumor is probably because the Queen of Heaven and the Imperial Master of the Jin Dynasty both have the surname Lin, and they were mistakenly thought to be from the same clan.

It was a pity that Lin Yuanmiao was not by Qi Xuansu's side, otherwise he would really want to ask whether this rumor was true or false.

When it comes to Lin Yuanmiao, Qi Xuansu completely ignores it. The reason is very simple. Although he signed a contract with Lin Yuanmiao, he has no money now. All the Taiping money was used to buy a house, and he still owes him a hundred years of debt. He has a huge debt, and he has no spare money to buy "soul-returning incense". He is really powerless.

On the contrary, after Zhang Yuelu was appointed by the Heavenly Master, he had the Zhang family at his back, and the resources he could mobilize were truly enviable. Lin Yuanmiao followed Zhang Yuelu, thinking that he would soon be able to return to the state of cultivation in the creation stage, so he simply let him follow Zhang Yuelu and serve as a guard. After all, the immortals who were banished by nature were still more fragile than those who were banished by the day after tomorrow. This is especially true for Zhang Yuelu, a congenitally relegated immortal who doesn't practice much physical-related skills.

As for Qi Xuansu, he might consider training Xiao Yin, who also has a bright future. It's just that Xiao Yin's temperament is really a headache.

Qi Xuansu and Ding Chou Lingguan were standing on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea and talking about the pirate leaders on the sea.

The largest pirate leader, or the overlord of the sea, is naturally the leader of the "Heavenly Court", Patriarch Jin Gong. In the world, Patriarch Jin Gong is recognized as the number one pseudo-immortal, with almost the strength of an immortal. He is also capable of fighting against the master of Lan Da. There are also rumors that Patriarch Jin Gong has already reached the realm of immortals, but he deliberately hid his clumsiness and showed off his cultivation as a pseudo-immortal.

The specific situation is unknown to outsiders because Patriarch Jin Gong rarely appears in front of others, and Wu Guangbi, the leader of the Great Dao, is responsible for all major and minor affairs of the "Heavenly Court".

However, in recent years, "Heavenly Court" has tended to develop into the inland of the Central Plains, so Wu Guangbi often appears in the Central Plains. The person who takes over the overall situation in Wu Guangbi's hometown in Nanyang is the third person in "Heavenly Court", Liu Gui.

During the previous dynasty, there were several large merchants on the Nanyang sea. The Wang family, the Zheng family, and the Liu family were said to be maritime merchants, but in fact they were half merchants and half pirates. They were actually the overlords of one party.

Later, when the Taoist sect took over Nanyang, the Wang family not only submitted to the Taoist sect, but also went on an expedition to the Posas continent with the Five Dynasties Grand Master, and made great contributions, assisting the Fifth Generation Grandmaster to implement the surprise landing plan, and cut off the influx of the Western Posas Continent army? The whole army was defeated and had to withdraw from Dongbo Suozhou. After the five generations of great masters took charge of the Taoist sect, the Wang family also grew stronger and took full control of the Taoist government in Borneo. This is why the Wang family today regards Borneo as their own backyard private residence.

The beauty of a gentleman will be cut down in five lifetimes. No matter how bravely the ancestors of the Wang family fought and what great achievements they made, they could not protect their descendants for hundreds of millions of years.

So Qi Xuansu came to Borneo.

As for the other two families, the Zheng family was half a step too late, and they were inferior to the Wang family when they went to join the Daomen. They simply defected to the Daxuan court. Later generations of the family members mostly served in the navy in Lingnan and Nanhai.

The Liu family did not clean up and go ashore like the Wang family and the Zheng family, but became members of the "Tianting" team.

Just as the Zhang family and the Li family brought capital to the Taoist sect to invest in shares, the same is true for the Liu family in "Tianting". Therefore, the Liu family has strong internal strength in "Tianting", and Liu Gui is the head of the Liu family.

Outside of "Heavenly Court", there are several groups of pirates, which are not secret societies. They are either from the background of large merchants or local wealthy gentry. Their power is much smaller than that of "Heavenly Court", and their backers are also smaller. Much more.

Ordinary people may not know it, but those big shots who make the most of everything must know that the "Tianting" can gain a foothold and become powerful because they have the Li family and the Taiping Dao Li family behind them.

Therefore, some people joked that, regardless of their stance, it was fortunate that it was not the junior national master who came to Borneo with a mission. If the junior national master had arrived, he would not be so affectionate and affectionate, and the "Tianting" would not know how much trouble it would cause.

Of course, it was precisely because of his position that the young national master could not come to Borneo.

Qi Xuansu wanted to see what pirates looked like, but let alone pirates, merchant ships from all walks of life kept a respectful distance. After all, Daomen's flying boats were very easy to spot. After seeing them, they naturally hurriedly avoided them and collided with Daomen's big shots. That was a sin.

As for the sea monsters, they naturally don't dare to show up, let alone make trouble. After all, the flying boat is made of dragons. The breath of the dragon, as well as the unwillingness and resentment of the dragon when it died, are enough to frighten the monsters. Unless it was a peerless monster like Yamata no Orochi, no one would dare to cause trouble.

But just when Qi Xuansu thought that this time they would be in vain, a large ship galloped towards them.

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