Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 33: Spring Dream Wuhen

When Xu Jiaorong came to the tavern, it was already very late. She was somewhat dissatisfied because she had agreed to give her a result in half a month, but it was only the fifth day and Chen Jianchou was already doing it for the third time. He took the initiative to meet her, and it was just one day since the last time he met her.

However, she knew Chen Jianchou, and since he found her again, there must have been a problem that he couldn't solve, so Xu Jiaorong rushed over immediately.

After Xu Jiaorong saw Chen Jianchou, she didn't take the initiative to speak. Chen Jianchou had already told all his experiences and speculations.

Xu Jiaorong was shocked after hearing this. She had expected that the water inside was deep, but she didn't expect it to be so deep.

However, the first priority for a secretary is to be careful. Although Xu Jiaorong was shocked, he still noticed something unusual.

"You said, Chen Jianqiu's attitude is a bit strange?" Xu Jiaorong asked.

Chen Jianchou was slightly startled, then nodded.

Xu Jiaorong did not ask further, but instead said: "Tell me the details of your several meetings with Chen Jianqiu."

Chen Jianchou always listened to his adoptive mother's words and didn't think much about it. He told her everything from the first meeting at the bank of Guijian Lake, to the second meeting in the bookstore, to this late night rescue.

After hearing this, Xu Jiaorong pondered for a moment and asked, "After this period of contact, what is your impression of Chen Jianqiu?"

This sentence seems to be like a mother caring about her son's lifelong events.

Chen Jianchou blushed for the first time, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Xu Jiaorong did not feel relieved and happy about becoming a mother, but instead had a solemn expression on his face.

Of course she was not troubled because they had the same surname and clan, but she sensed a huge problem.

Xu Jiaorong said slowly: "You just said that when you met for the second time in the bookstore, you smelled a faint fragrance?"

"Yes." Chen Jianchou nodded, "I was... a little nervous at the time, so I took a deep breath and felt that this smell was all in my mouth and nose, so I was deeply impressed."

Xu Jiaorong asked: "Did you have this kind of fragrance when you first met?"

When Chen Jianchou was about to answer, Xu Jiaorong raised his hand and interrupted him: "Don't answer in a hurry, think about it carefully, think about it carefully, and then think about it."

Hearing what Xu Jiaorong said, Chen Jianqiu also came to his senses. He recalled it carefully for a moment and said, "It seems to be there, but because it is outdoors, the smell is lighter."

Xu Jiaorong's face was slightly cold: "Are you astonished by Princess Furui? Do you even feel love at first sight?"

Chen Jianchou was taken aback and said, "Foster did you know?"

"How do I know?" Xu Jiaorong said, "Silly boy, you have taken advantage of others."

Chen Jianchou said in astonishment: "Foster mother, you mean...Qiu, Princess, she..."

Xu Jiaorong said: "I thought she had something to do with the Holy Court before, but now it seems that I was mistaken. She is not from the Holy Court, but rather from the Ziguang Society."

"Ziguang Society?" Chen Jianchou said in shock, "The Ziguang Society, one of the three secret societies?"

Xu Jiaorong said: "The Ziguang Society is accustomed to using this method, so it's not surprising that you fell into the trap. Back then, one of our Taoist disciples was deceived by the Ziguang Society and allowed them to infiltrate into Jade Capital."

For a moment, Chen Jianchou didn't know what to say.

Xu Jiaorong took out a jade bottle from his sleeve and threw it to Chen Jianchou: "Take the medicine to wake up."

Chen Jianchou poured out a light blue pill from the jade bottle and swallowed it.

For a moment, he felt a chill rushing to the sky, the spiritual platform was completely clear, and he had never been so awake.

The emotions that had been lingering in my heart, the vague sadness, and the melancholy of inferiority and inferiority all disappeared.

At this time, when Chen Jianchou thought about his previous state of mind, he felt as if he was dreaming.

The so-called unforgettable feeling became very far away and very faint at this time, like a light mist, which was hard to see clearly and dispersed as soon as the wind blew.

Spring dream without trace.

After the false feelings dissipated, embarrassment and shame came to mind.

He is a grown man, but he is having an erotic dream like a young boy who is just starting to fall in love. If the news spread, he would lose face.

Fortunately, only the adoptive mother knew about this matter.

Xu Jiaorong said thoughtfully: "If Chen Jianqiu is really the secret agent of Ziguang Society, then why did she expose this matter?"

Chen Jianchou thought for a while and said, "Foster mother, I have an idea."

"Say." Xu Jiaorong said directly.

Chen Jianqiu said: "As my adoptive mother said, Princess Furui is the secret son of Ziguang Society. Then Ziguang Society placed the secret son next to the king, which is nothing more than influencing the king and then controlling the king. Now the king Because of some other reasons, or being seduced by others, he started to believe in Buddhism, and the Buddha he believed in was not orthodox Buddhism. It was probably related to the blood-robed Bodhisattva and the white-robed Buddha in the tomb murals. From this, we can draw a conclusion that these people are cultists. He was plotting a major event and bewitched the country's leader, which also gradually caused the country's leader to escape from the control of Ziguang Society. Chen Jianqiu was alone and unable to compete with this cult, so he simply broke the matter directly and used the Taoist sect to eliminate his competitors. , This is a plan to drive away tigers and swallow wolves.”

Xu Jiaorong slowly looked at his godson, encouraging him to continue speaking. The reason why she likes this godson is because he is indeed outstanding and she admires him from time to time, so she will leave this matter to Chen Jianchou.

Chen Jianqiu was encouraged by his adoptive mother's eyes, and he became more confident when he spoke: "The key now is, what role does Chief Chen play in this? After thinking about it, I have the ability and conditions to win. Chief Chen is one of the seven great eunuchs. Although it is not a taboo for people in the Taoist sect to contact secret societies, not everyone can contact them. The Zhang family, Li family, and Yao family can, and even they are some secret societies. The backstage of the association, but Chief Chen is not good at it. She was born in the royal family of the Dayu Kingdom, and she is already jealous of the Taoists. If she contacts the secret association, once the matter is exposed, there will be no room for improvement, and the risk is too great. "

Xu Jiaorong also started to think along this line of thinking: "According to theory, she, a person from the royal family of Dayu Kingdom, should not be responsible for the affairs of Dayu Kingdom. It was only because the Lord of the Palace trusted her that she made an exception. Now it seems, It's very possible that "the guards are stealing". Such a big thing happened right under the nose of the Sheji Palace. People from all walks of life came on stage and performed a big show, but the Taoist government still didn't know anything. Why? Someone held an umbrella to cover all of this. The Taoist government was condescending and could only see the surface of the umbrella, but could not see what was hidden under the umbrella. "

Chen Jianqiu said: "This reminds me of the three realms. Looking at the mountain is a mountain, looking at the mountain is not a mountain, looking at the mountain is still a mountain. At the beginning, we all thought that it was Chief Chen who attacked the king. This is looking at the mountain. It's the mountain. As the investigation deepens, we feel that the matter cannot be that simple. Chief Chen will not murder the king. It is the mountain rather than the mountain. Now, the matter has returned to Chief Chen. It is the mountain or the mountain. ”

Although Xu Jiaorong had rich experience, most of her energy was not spent on this matter. Her in-depth understanding of this matter was far less than that of Chen Jianqiu. She simply stopped thinking and looked at Chen Jianqiu. Qiu asked directly: "What do you think Chief Chen wants to do?"

Chen Jianchou thought about it seriously and said: "If you want to know what Chief Chen plans to do, you must first know what Chief Chen wants. If Chief Chen is the mastermind behind the scenes, she controls the king and then sacrifices seven The eunuch, the Bodhisattva in Blood and the Buddha in White are the resurrected ancient immortals. This move is to invite them to come to the world, so what good will it do to Chief Chen? Is she crazy and wants to drag everyone in the city to die? It still doesn’t make sense for Da Zhenren to be in charge personally.”

"I don't want to anymore. We are not roundworms in her belly. We can't even think about it." Xu Jiaorong made a decision, "Let's go directly to the underground tomb you mentioned. Seeing it is better than seeing it."

Chen Jianchou said: "I can calculate the approximate direction, but there is a formation to isolate it, and the tunnel has been blown up. How should I get in?"

Xu Jiaorong said: "Then break the formation. I will report this matter to the master in charge. He will take action personally. No formation can stop it. The matter is so important that I can't care about so much."

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