Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 34 Wake up

After Xu Jiaorong left in a hurry, about an hour later, she returned to the tavern again, but there was an old man beside her.

The old man wore an ordinary Taoist robe. Although it is called a Taoist robe, Taoist priests generally do not wear it. Instead, Confucian scholars wear it more often. His white hair is tied up with a wooden hairpin. On his feet are half-new cloud shoes. Lift up the hem of the Taoist robe.

Just from this attire, it can be seen that the old man has a good background. The reason is also very simple. Jianghu people and poor people who work hard will not wear such elegant-looking clothes. Because they have difficulty moving, they usually wear short clothes with narrow sleeves and short brown clothes. Since there is no hem, the toes of the shoes will not have raised toes to hold up the hem, and generally have flat toes.

Obviously, this old man is a pampered person.

But what is so good about it, most people can’t see.

However, Chen Jianchou knew that this old man was Lan Hexu, the great master in charge, who was privately called one of the three emperors of Nanyang.

The Taoist sect respects the Taoist ancestor, and the Taoist ancestor transforms the three qing dynasties into one qi, and he is the founder of the three qing dynasties.

Looking at the whole of Nanyang, there are actually no emperors, only kings and kings. However, many good people say in private that there are actually three emperors in Nanyang, which correspond to the founders of the Three Qing Dynasties of Taoism. The leader is the great master Lan Hexu, followed by The Patriarch Jin Gong who traveled across the sea was finally the real person in charge, Wang Jiaohe.

This is true or not. If it were in a formal occasion, it would definitely be severely refuted by a Taoist priest. Taoism is not a Confucian school and does not behave like a monarch and a minister. However, it is widely recognized. In a sense, this is exactly what it is. There are three people who hold the highest power in Nanyang, two from temples and one from the world.

This was the first time for Chen Jianchou to see such a big shot. He was frightened and about to salute, but was stopped by Xu Jiaorong: "I don't need these false courtesy. Just lead the way."

When Chen Jianqiu entered the tunnel, he roughly deduced the location of the underground tomb based on his sense of direction. I can’t say it’s very accurate, and it won’t be too far off. He quickly led Xu Jiaorong and Lan Hexu out of Shenglong Mansion and to a mountain outside the city.

This place is deserted, not to mention villages, not even a Taoist temple. It is very desolate.

Master Lan Da looked around and just lightly stamped his feet.

The ground shook violently, the woods shook endlessly, and countless birds were frightened.

The earth's energy surges, clearly reflecting the specific conditions underground.

“I saw various bloody auras rising upward from the ground, like smoke and mist, and then slowly dissipated.

Master Lan Da waved his hand again, opened a deep portal, and walked directly into it.

Xu Jiaorong pulled Chen Jianchou and followed closely.

Chen Jianchou came back to his senses and was a little confused: "Is this the formation broken?"

"Otherwise?" Xu Jiaorong asked with a calm face.

The two passed through this portal, and Chen Jianchou found himself back in the underground tomb.

Master Lan Da was standing by the lake. At this time, there was only a quiet lake left, without the Blood-clothed Bodhisattva.

Chen Jianchou was shocked and said: "When I came in, there was indeed a huge blood-clothed Bodhisattva here. How could it be..."

Lan Hexu just raised his hand.

Chen Jianchou's voice stopped abruptly.

Countless ripples suddenly appeared in the originally calm lake, followed by a large amount of water splash, and a huge Bodhisattva head rose from the water.

Then the Bodhisattva rises higher and higher, and finally stands above the lake. The height of the entire underground hall is the same as the height of this Bodhisattva.

It was the blood-robed Bodhisattva that Chen Jianchou had seen before.

Master Lan Da raised his head slightly, looked at the blood-clothed Bodhisattva, and gave a four-word evaluation: "Pretending to be a god or a ghost."

At this moment, the Blood-clothed Bodhisattva seemed to come to life, and he slowly opened his eyelids, revealing a pair of bloody eyes, looking down at Master Landa condescendingly.

Master Lan Da continued to stare at the Bodhisattva statue, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and his face became colder and colder. When he spoke again, he seemed to be filled with great anger: "How bold, actually condensing the luck of the Southern Dragon."

Chen Jianchou clearly felt his adoptive mother standing next to him shake.

Chen Jianqiu is well-read and knows what Sanlong said.

Kunlun is not only the holy land of Taoism, but also the ancestor of thousands of mountains. The three major dragon veins in the world all originated from Kunlun. According to the trend of mountains and rivers and the hidden trend of dragon veins, from west to east, the winding terrain of dragon veins is regarded as Feng Shui veins and is divided into three trends, called three dragons. They are: Nanlong to the south of Dajiang, Dajiang and Changhe. Between them is the Zhonglong, and to the north of the Changhe River is the Northern Dragon.

Because the capitals of each dynasty were different, the reliance on the three dragon veins was also different. For example, during the Daqi period of Empress Mingkong and the Li family, they mainly relied on the middle dragon. By the time of the Jin Dynasty, it was more settled in the south of the Yangtze River, with Nanlong as the main one. When it comes to Dawei and Daxuan, Beilong is the main one.

All in all, Zhonglong was in its heyday, but now it is old. Therefore, the decline of Xijing Mansion and Longmen Mansion is a foregone conclusion, and they will no longer have the heyday of the East and West Capitals. The Southern Dragon is inherently deficient and retreats to the south of the Yangtze River to stay safe and cannot last long. Only the Northern Dragon is the most suitable.

But now, Beilong is also showing signs of dying, which is the biggest evidence of the coming of the end of the law.

The northern dragon is like this, and the southern dragon is not much better. However, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Some of the southern dragon's luck extends to the Dayu Kingdom in Borneo, so the Dayu Kingdom has always regarded itself as a small central plain. When the land of Shenzhou fell, they jumped out to compete with the Weiyuan Kingdom of Fenglinzhou for the orthodoxy of the Central Plains.

There is a reason why Thang Long Palace has the word "dragon" in its name.

Because of this, the people behind the scenes knew that Sheng Long Mansion was the seat of the Borneo Taoist Mansion, and had to act under the Taoist Mansion's nose. It was because other places did not have such abundant dragon energy.

The person behind the scenes also succeeded by chance. In Shenglong Mansion,

On a more serious scale, this is a matter that involves the fate of the country and shakes the foundation of the country. One can imagine the anger of Master Landa.

Master Lan Da said softly: "Jiao Rong, please leave here first."

Having said that, Master Landa waved his sleeves.

Chen Jianchou felt like the world was spinning. When his vision regained clarity, he found Xu Jiaorong standing next to him outside the gate of Sheji Palace, with a solemn expression on his face.

In the underground hall, Master Lan put his hands behind his back and shouted: "Monster!"

The Blood-clothed Bodhisattva finally woke up completely.

In fact, when Chen Jianchou came in for the first time, he did not disturb the blood-clothed Bodhisattva because he was too weak, just like a person would not be awakened by the crawling of an ant while sleeping. Master Kelan It was different, he was like a robber who kicked open the door, and the sleeping person couldn't wake up even if he didn't want to.

In fact, Landa Zhenren did not expect this situation.

When Xu Jiaorong reported it to him, he just thought it was an ordinary ancient immortal coming into the world, at most a pseudo-immortal stage, nothing like it, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

This is a narrow encounter.

No one on either side was fully prepared.

The face of the Blood-clothed Bodhisattva became alive, just like a living person. It seemed as if it was close in front of you, but also as if it was far away in the horizon, like a giant pillar holding up the world.

At the same time, the blood-clothed Bodhisattva was shrouded in a layer of golden light. It was solemn, sacred, and eye-catching, and there was no evil spirit at all.

Anyone who sees it must think that he is a righteous god and his true form, not an evil god.

However, Master Lan Da is an immortal in the immortal stage, and he can see the essence of this blood-clothed Bodhisattva at a glance.

This is just a shell.

Because of the restrictions of the heavenly tribulation, the gods cannot come to the world at will, otherwise they will face the heavenly tribulation. Izanozun's immortal body was destroyed by the heavenly tribulation.

If a god wants to come to the world, in addition to overcoming the tribulation, he will also need a container to shield the induction of the tribulation.

The more powerful and well-fitted the container is, the more the Immortal can unleash its full power, up to its full power.

This kind of container can be a person with a special destiny, a fairy, or even a creation, a group of people, or a massive amount of divine power.

There is no doubt that "Emperor Shitian" is the best container. It itself has the strength of an immortal, and many gods cannot ask for it. If the two can be added together, the strength of the One-Calamity Immortal may be unleashed.

The blood-clothed Bodhisattva in front of me is somewhat like "Emperor Shakti".

In addition to its divine power, it is mainly the dragon energy of Nanlong.

As long as the ancestors of Xuanhuiyuan of the Daxuan Dynasty are in the palace, they can be blessed by the dragon's energy and exert a strength that is not inferior to that of the immortals. The essence of the dragon's energy is the energy of the earth, and together with the heavenly calamity, it should be called the power of heaven and earth. right.

Therefore, dragon energy itself is one of the best "materials" for evading natural disasters in a short period of time.

The gods use this as a container, just like a cult demon who has blended into the Taoist system and acted more unscrupulously. This method of divine descent is far more suitable for exerting power than possessing people.

The Blood-clothed Bodhisattva woke up, which meant that the divine descent had been completed.

No one expected that this immortal war would come so unexpectedly.

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