Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 42 Taking over defense

These spiritual officers stationed at Shenglong Palace are not stupid. The second deputy palace master is walking at the front. Without orders from above, who dares to take action?

If someone really takes action and is held accountable afterwards, will it be the person who took action who will be held responsible? Or are the people above taking the blame?

This is a very simple truth.

At this time, let alone that there is no order from above, even if there is an order, it must be a clear warrant, not just a password.

When they really want to be held accountable, they will take out the warrant and say that they are following orders from above and will not be held accountable for public crimes. Otherwise, you will be used as a scapegoat for others.

Since there was no order from above, only a fool would stop the second deputy palace master. But if the second deputy palace master takes a step forward, they will take a step back.

Those who are qualified to give orders do not want to take responsibility, and those who execute orders do not want to take responsibility. The result is that there are no orders and no action.

As for Qi Xuansu, why didn't he need to issue any order?

Because he was at the forefront of the spiritual officials, he personally led the spiritual officials into Shenglong Mansion, and he personally participated in it instead of hiding behind the scenes. Naturally, it didn't matter whether he had a warrant or not.

If Wang Jiaohe or Chen Shuhua appeared here at this time, ordered the spiritual officials to stop Qi Xuansu, and personally participated in it instead of hiding behind the scenes, then these spiritual officials would not retreat again and again.

It's a pity that Qi Xuansu arrived too suddenly and caught the two of them off guard. They were still considering the pros and cons, but Qi Xuansu had already approached the inner city.

In addition, the "Yinglong" hanging high in the sky is also one of the reasons. It is still very stressful to fight against your own "Yinglong" with your own family.

When Qi Xuansu came to the inner city, the situation was irreversible.

Of course, Qi Xuansu also took great risks with this move. If he is not careful, his future will stop here. The reason why Wang Jiaohe and others were caught off guard by Qi Xuansu was because they underestimated Qi Xuansu's decisiveness.

With Wang Jiaohe's sophisticated calculations, he would not have expected Qi Xuansu to return to the Taoist government to stabilize the situation. But when he thought about it, Qi Xuansu, a young boy, suddenly learned of such changes. Even if he didn't panic, he still had to weigh the pros and cons before integrating the two spiritual officials. He might be indecisive and lose his footing. It was impossible. Came back in such a short time.

He had miscalculated. Qi Xuansu was not one of those noble men who came from the comfort zone, but a reckless person who had been on the line between life and death. The most important thing he lacked was decisiveness.

As for the integration of the two spiritual officers, not to mention the trust of Master Lan Da and the support of Xu Jiaorong, Qi Xuansu's decisiveness will make the two spiritual officers willing to believe in him. You appear confident because of your determination, and you appear strong because of your confidence. This kind of strength is not the strength of your realm, but the strength of your heart and spirit. Strength brings security, and security brings conviction.

On the contrary, if Qi Xuansu is hesitant and timid, the two spiritual officials will not trust him and will appear weak because of his hesitation.

More importantly, Qi Xuansu's decision was not a reckless move, but a thorough understanding of the importance of military strength and speed. It coincided with the ideas of the two spiritual officers, so the two spiritual officers naturally had to fully support Qi Xuansu.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu did not have to communicate and negotiate with the two spiritual officials as Wang Jiaohe expected, but quickly reached an agreement and rushed back to Shenglong Mansion as soon as possible.

At this time, Qi Xuansu stood still and said loudly: "Following the order of Master Lan, Lingguan Ding Chou will temporarily take over the defense of the city and the entire city will be under martial law."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed.

A third-grade spiritual officer hesitated: "May I ask the second deputy palace master, what is the reason?"

Qi Xuansu smiled: "The reason is naturally that there is a secret association in the city that is plotting evil."

The spiritual officer was stunned: "May I ask the second deputy palace master, if you have the warrant from Master Lan Da?"

Qi Xuansu suppressed his smile: "The first-grade spiritual officer is equivalent to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. Master Landa asked the first-grade spiritual officer to take over the defense, and asked me, the second deputy palace master, to announce the order on his behalf. How dare you question me?"

This statement makes no sense, but now is not the time to be reasonable.

This third-grade spiritual officer was suffocated by Qi Xuansu's aura and was speechless.

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment and then ordered: "If anyone disobeys orders, take them down immediately!"

The five hundred spirit officials behind him responded with a bang.

The shock caused dust to fall in the city gate.

On the other hand, the other spiritual officers were completely shocked and stood there without making any move.

If Qi Xuansu hadn't come, Ding Chou would be able to forcefully take over the city's defense by virtue of his status as a first-class spiritual officer. These spiritual officers would also be powerless in front of her. The key is that she will be in a very difficult situation after facing Wang Jiaohe and others. This has little to do with her level of cultivation and has a lot to do with her status and position, because it is an iron law of the Taoist sect that Taoist priests control spiritual officials. Once the master of Lan Da cannot come forward, Then considering Wang Jiaohe, the real person in charge, she, a first-grade spiritual officer, would be extremely passive.

So Qi Xuansu had to come. Since he came, Qi Xuansu would also take over the defense matter. On the contrary, Lingguan Ding Chou did not speak, but stood beside Qi Xuansu like a guard. She did not go up until Qi Xuansu gave the order. I named a few names before, all of whom are in key positions, and began to take over the defense here.

Until this time, Chen Shuhua arrived belatedly.

Qi Xuansu directly faced Chen Shuhua.

The second seat versus the chief.

The two titles "Second Seat" and "Chief" are not subjects, but prepositioned attributives. The subject is actually the omitted deputy palace master. Under the Taoist sect's system, both of them are lower than the real person in charge of the palace. They are both deputy palace masters. However, there is no clear distinction between them. At most, there is a difference in ranking.

Qi Xuansu bowed: "Chief Chen also knows?"

Chen Shuhua returned the gift and looked directly at Qi Xuansu: "What do I know? Qi Cixi, what are you going to do? Are you going to rebel?"

What a big hat was put down, but Qi Xuansu didn't take it seriously and said: "I told you, on the order of Master Lan Da, I took over the defense and put the whole city under martial law. The reason is that there is a secret association to cause chaos."

Chen Shuhua smiled coldly: "Where is the warrant? Others are not qualified to question you, but I am qualified to take a look at the warrant, right?"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "The incident happened suddenly. Master Lan Da just gave the command. The specific warrant will be made up later."

Chen Shuhua immediately grasped this point: "Password? How can such a big thing be trivial!"

Qi Xuansu said: "Is Chief Chen afraid that I will rebel and seize the throne? Not to mention the real person in charge and the real person in charge, there is also Jin Que. This position was appointed by Jin Que. It cannot be taken away or snatched away. Who can Anyone who dares to think wrong will face Jin Que's wrath. As for whether this password is true or false, he will know immediately when the master of Landa comes out of seclusion. Could it be that Chief Chen can't even wait for a few days? ? Who is the impatient one?"

"Qi Tianyuan!" Chen Shuhua was made very angry by Qi Xuansu's words, "You should know that no one will end well if you falsely pass on orders, fight against the Taoist government, and fight against the Taoist sect!"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Chief Chen, you should also know that secretly colluding with a secret society with the intention of murdering the real person in charge is tantamount to rebellion, and it will not end well!"

Chen Shuhua suppressed his anger: "Who do you think is colluding with the secret society?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Strictly speaking, it is colluding with the Lingshan Witch Cult and the Zhiming Cult, which are the most vicious and evil among the many secret societies. Being associated with them is not to fight against the Taoist sect, but to subvert the Taoist sect. As for what it is. Whoever colluded with the Zhiming Cult and the Lingshan Witch Cult will only be known by the person involved."

Chen Shuhua wanted to take down Qi Xuansu, a junior, by virtue of his own level of cultivation, but Ding Chou Lingguan was nearby and did not dare to act rashly. However, if Qi Xuansu was in Chen Shuhua's position, he would have to take a risk. After all, Qi Xuansu was born in a rough place, while Chen Shuhua was the princess of Dayu Kingdom, with golden branches and jade leaves. The two people's methods of doing things were naturally very different. .

Chen Shuhua didn't speak for a while, but Qi Xuansu took the initiative: "As I said just now, the reason why Landa Zhenren asked Ding Chou Lingguan to take over the defense and put the whole city under martial law was because of the secret association to cause chaos. The reason why he asked me to come from The Xuanwei Division in Jiugang brought three thousand spiritual officers because there are people in our Taoist government who are collaborating with the secret society, not only to assassinate the real master of Lan Da, but also to subvert the Borneo Taoist government!"

As soon as these words came out, it was no less than a thunder.

Everyone was so shocked that they looked at each other.

Chen Shuhua's face turned pale: "What do you mean by this?"

Qi Xuansu said coldly: "That's what it means literally."

Chen Shuhua stared at Qi Xuansu, almost gritting his teeth and said: "Qi Tianyuan, even if you are the second deputy palace master, if you fabricate and frame others for no reason, it is enough to have you dismissed from office and thrown into prison!"

Qi Xuansu and Chen Shuhua looked at each other: "Don't you want to know why Da Zhenren is in seclusion? I can tell you now that Da Zhenren was ambushed by a secret society and suffered some injuries. He is currently recovering from his injuries and will be out in a few days. Shuang Long Mansion is the center of the Taoist government in Borneo, and the leader of the Taoist government is the leader. As a result, our leader was ambushed at his door. If there is no insider to help, can I make it up? ?”

At this point, Qi Xuansu raised his hand and pointed to the sky: "I am the deputy hall master from Ziwei Hall. I have never had any contact with the Lingguan Mansion. I have been in Nanyang for less than half a month. If there is no order from Da Zhenren, the two of them will directly belong to the head office. Why should the Great Master's first-grade spiritual officer listen to me? Even if I have the skills of an ancient strategist, I can only persuade one spiritual officer. How can I persuade two spiritual officers at the same time?"

The two first-grade spiritual officers gave Qi Xuansu the confidence to speak at this time.

Chen Shuhua's eyes flashed, and he was already a little confused about how to answer, and he was even confused about whether Qi Xuansu's words were true or false. It was true that Master Landa was injured, but to what extent he was injured was hard to say.

After a while, Chen Shuhua said slowly: "If there is someone in the Taoist government secretly communicating with the secret association, we should investigate and deal with it immediately. But how to investigate and deal with it, there must be a charter, and it must be discussed by the Taoist government, not just one person who has the final say." ”

In the affairs of the Taoist government, without Qi Xuansu's master Lan Da, they had the absolute upper hand, and Qi Xuansu was no match at all.

Naturally, Qi Xuansu would not follow their routine: "I don't think it's appropriate to have to go through the Taoist government to discuss matters even though I know there is a mole at the top of the government."

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