Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 43 Civil strife

The so-called internal battles within the Taoist sect usually only take two forms at the decisive moment after various plans, layouts, etc. are prepared.

One form is to use force, that is, a real fight, and the winner speaks.

The other is that no one dares to take action rashly, which is a contest between eloquence and sophistry.

All the previous plans and layouts are actually to increase one's confidence and chances of winning. However, no matter how great the chances of winning are, without this last move, it is the same as nothing.

Chen Shuhua said: "What does Qi Cixi want? Does Qi Cixi want to ignore the Taoist rules and directly go beyond the Taoist government to discuss affairs? Or does Qi Cixi want to act arbitrarily?"

Naturally, Qi Xuansu would not jump into the hole dug by Chen Shuhua in his words, and said: "Qi does not dare to go beyond the Taoist government to discuss matters, nor does he dare to go beyond the real person in charge. Qi just has two suggestions. The first one The suggestion is to report it to Jinque.”

Having said this, Qi Xuansu paused deliberately.

Chen Shuhua's face turned a little pale.

Qi Xuansu had already weighed the pros and cons. Reporting to Jinque would be the next best thing for him, but he had also determined that Chen Shuhua and others did not want to report to Jinque. For him, reporting to Jinque was a last resort, while for Chen Shuhua and others, reporting to Jinque was an absolute no-no. The difference between the two is huge.

As expected, Chen Shuhua asked directly: "What is Qi Cixian's second proposal?"

Qi Xuansu then said: "The second suggestion is also to hold a Taoist meeting, but it is not a meeting of the master of the palace, but a Taoist meeting!"

The highest decision-making of the Taoist government comes from the deliberations of the palace master, which is also called the deliberation of the deputy palace master. To put it bluntly, the deputy palace master is the lowest threshold for participating in the deliberations. The Taoist government deliberation mentioned by Chen Shuhua specifically refers to the deliberations of the palace master. However, Qi Xuansu's Taoist government meeting was to expand the discussion on the basis of the master's meeting, increase the number of people participating in the meeting, expand the scope, and include other people who are not qualified to participate in the meeting, such as two first-grade spirits. Officials also include assistants such as Xu Jiaorong.

There are thresholds for the Tao Mansion's Grand Council and the Palace Lord's Council, but the threshold for the former is rank, while the threshold for the latter is position.

As long as you are a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, regardless of whether you are the deputy palace master or not, you can participate in the Taoist sect's general meeting, including Lingguan. The specific level is that the first-grade Lingguan is equivalent to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, and the second-grade Lingguan is equivalent to the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. Taoist priest.

The Grand Immortal in charge is in charge of military affairs. In other words, the high-level spiritual officers are all members of the Grand Immortal in charge. With their addition, Qi Xuansu will no longer be alone. Furthermore, among the secretaries, Xu Jiaorong, as the secretary of the great master in charge, has the highest rank. He is the only third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, equivalent to the ordinary secretary of the third division and the chief secretary of the three princes. He is the only one who can participate The secretary of the Taoist Council, but the secretaries of other people do not have this qualification. In this way, Qi Xuansu's strength will also be enhanced without shooting himself in the foot.

Another point is the special status of the first-grade spiritual officer. Because the first-grade spiritual officer is not a member of the palace master's deliberations, he generally cannot express his opinions except in times of war, so he is often ranked behind the second deputy palace master. But if the pattern is enlarged, and in some major ceremonial occasions, it all depends on the grade, then the ranking of the first-grade spiritual officers is only after Wang Jiaohe, who is the real person who knows the knowledge, and before Chen Shuhua, the ordinary real person. After all, there are only twelve first-grade spiritual officers in the entire Taoist sect, and ordinary real people far exceed this number. The status of first-grade spiritual officers is still relatively transcendent.

Generally speaking, small discussions determine strategy, medium discussions determine tactics, and large discussions promote execution. In other words, the meeting is actually a mobilization meeting, not a place to discuss specific issues.

But Qi Xuansu didn't want to discuss anything at all.

Is now the time to discuss the issue? The key now is to stabilize the situation, even if it's just a stalemate.

Chen Shuhua frowned and said, "How can the Taoist government's meeting solve the problem?"

Qi Xuansu immediately said: "Why can't the Taoist government solve the problem? Everyone adds firewood and the flames are high. The so-called man can conquer heaven, but tens of thousands of people can conquer heaven, not just one or two people. Isn't it good to work together and brainstorm?"

The characteristic of great truth is that it has been refined over time and is close to the truth. Its advantage is that it is extremely difficult to refute.

Using big principles to suppress people is like using a big hat to suppress people. It works repeatedly.

The truth cannot be refuted, which makes Chen Shuhua in a dilemma. He deliberately refuses to agree, but he is afraid that Qi Xuansu will report it to Jinque.

This is a theory put forward by Westerners. The two parties in a conflict are like two carriages driving toward each other in the same lane. If both parties refuse to give way in order to show that they are not afraid of conflict, the outcome will be a head-on collision and both parties will be injured. If one party chooses to give in at the last moment, the party that chooses to give in will be regarded as a coward and its reputation will be damaged, but it will avoid a tragic conflict and greater loss of interests.

No one wants to lose both sides, it just depends on who can hold his nerve more and refuse to give in, forcing the other party to get out of the way.

The same is true now for Qi Xuansu and Chen Shuhua. Neither side wants to report to Jinque. Either both sides will suffer, or one side will take the initiative to give in and compromise.

It depends on who can't stand it anymore.

However, Qi Xuansu still has some advantages in this regard. After all, he is the person sent by Jinque, and Jinque must be facing him.

Qi Xuansu added to the fire: "If Chief Chen disagrees, then we have to report it to Jinque. I can draft an official letter on your behalf. If the real person in charge and Chief Chen have no objection after reading it, we can jointly report it to Jinque and wait for Jinque." instruct."

After Chen Shuhua was silent for a long time, he said: "Whether we want to hold a Taoist meeting or not, we still need to ask the real person in charge for instructions."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "This is natural."

Chen Shuhua turned and left with a gloomy expression.

Qi Xuansu stood there with his hands behind his hands and watched him leave.

Ding Chou Lingguan came to Qi Xuansu's side. Although she was older than Qi Xuansu and had a higher rank than Qi Xuansu, she actually admired Qi Xuansu at this time.

They originally hoped that Qi Xuansu would stand up and speak because only Qi Xuansu had the qualification to speak out. They had no choice. It was a bit like treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. But now it seems that Qi Xuansu's performance far exceeded their expectations and gave them a big surprise.

No wonder Qi Xuansu is able to hold a high position at such a young age, and is truly the fourth best in the Taoist sect.

Ding Chou Lingguan said: "I have separated some personnel from the five hundred Lingguan and placed them at key positions here to take charge of defense. There should be no problem in a short time."...

Qi Xuansu whispered: "Let's go to the Water Palace to see Xu Fuli. By the way, let's inform the Jiayin Lingguan so that the Lingguan can enter the city in batches and gradually take over the city's defense. 'Yinglong' will not fall for the time being."

Ding Chou Lingguan responded softly.

When Qi Xuansu arrived at the Water Palace, Wang Jiaoying and others had already retreated, leaving only Xu Jiaorong standing guard at the palace gate.

Previously, Xu Jiaorong explained most of the situation through subpoenas, such as the fact that Master Landa was attacked by Wu Luo and Zhenjun Siming, and that he could not report to Jinque, etc. However, the specific situation could not be discussed in detail until they met.

When Xu Jiaorong saw Qi Xuansu and Ding Chou Lingguan coming over, he breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling truly relieved. This is no wonder for her, the environment determines the character. For her, the comfortable environment for many years has made her better at overt and covert fights without the sight of swords and swords. She is not used to such bloody armed battles. The scene just now was really thrilling.

Qi Xuansu was different. He was a wild Taoist priest. He had experienced life and death several times and had been on the battlefield, so he was used to it.

In fact, what Qi Xuansu lacks is this kind of hands-off fighting method, but he is good at learning. Whether it is Zhang Yuelu, Donghua Zhenren, even Qingwei Zhenren, and his previous superiors, they are all role models for him to learn from, and he has indeed benefited from them. many.

After being polite for a while, the three of them entered the water palace.

Xu Jiaorong told the two of them the details of Landa Zhenren's current situation.

At this time, Master Landa was indeed in seclusion, and he was indeed injured. The situation was not very optimistic.

When Master Lan Da returned to the Water Palace, the situation was already very critical. He could not wait for Qi Xuansu to come back, so he could only explain to Xu Jiaorong and start retreating.

According to what Master Lan Da said, he was just a Wuluo, and he was not inferior. The key was that Master Siming made a sneak attack and broke his heart.

For immortals, a broken heart is not a fatal injury. Human immortals can grow one in seconds. Earth immortals are not as good as human immortals. They can also temporarily build a false "qi heart" with true energy. This It is not the key to letting Master Landa retreat to recuperate.

The key is that in order to escape, Master Landa continuously used the fourth level of "Taiyi Technique".

Theoretically speaking, the fourth level of "Taiyi Technique" is the limit. It consumes 80% of the true energy. There is no problem with normal use, as long as it cannot be used continuously.

The third level "Taiyi Method" consumes 40% of the true energy, and the fourth level of the "Taiyi Method" consumes 80% of the true energy. If used continuously, it consumes 120% of the true energy. If it exceeds its own limit, it will suffer backlash.

Master Lan Da used the third level of "Taiyi Technique" to block the joint attack of Wu Luo and Siming Zhenjun, and then used the fourth level of "Taiyi Technique", which not only broke Wu Luo's divine domain, but also It also completely shattered the divine bodies of Wu Luo and Siming Zhenjun, forcing the two ancient immortals to return to the Kingdom of God.

Of course Landa Zhenren won, but it was a miserable victory.

The backlash that occurred caused Landa to be overwhelmed.

This is like a laborious expedition, which cost countless people. Although they won in the end and defeated a powerful enemy, there was no real gain. The internal body was overwhelmed. The overly heavy expedition provoked a civil uprising, and a great chaos was imminent.

Master Lan Da only summed it up in one sentence: "The three corpse gods jumped violently, and smoke grew in the seven orifices."

Existences like immortals are dead and not stiff. They can't kill them all in a moment if they come in from the outside. Only when they commit suicide internally will they be completely defeated, or even die.

For example, Lin Lingsu, the Imperial Preceptor of the Jin Dynasty, was hit hard by so many powerful enemies, but in the end he died not in the hands of these powerful enemies, but in the hands of "himself".

No one knows how long it will take Master Landa to calm down the "civil strife" in his body.

During this period, Qi Xuansu could only try his best to maintain it.

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