Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 67 Afterwards

This time the Queen Mother's case involved the Qingluan Guard, so Qi Xuansu immediately asked Lingguan to station in the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion and control the senior officials of the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion.

It was always Qingluan Guard who arrested others. When had this situation ever happened to him? But facing the ferocious Taoist spiritual officials, the Qingluan guards couldn't show off their power, let alone resist. After all, "Yinglong" still hung high above the heads of Shenglong Mansion. The entire Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion was quickly taken down by the Spiritual Officers. Each and every Qingluan Guard squatted down and held their heads in the courtyard of the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion. The Spiritual Officers stood beside them, pointing with black holes in their guns. If they make the slightest move, they will be killed without mercy.

This shows the fact that the so-called "Emperor" is really not a joke. It’s not about whether Taoism can do it, but whether Taoism wants to do it.

Generally speaking, a Taoist sect should be careful about the influence and will not go into war at will. It's just that this time the division was famous, Qi Xuansu was assassinated by a trap, and Qingluan Guards participated, which was Taoist Zhanli. Even Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua could not stand up at this time and say that Qi Xuansu's behavior would have a bad impact. Instead, they had to support Qi Xuansu verbally and nominally. The basic principle is to distinguish between the inside and outside. Privately, the two sides are at odds with each other and are almost at odds with each other, but in the open, Qi Xuansu is still one of his own.

Under the personal protection of Jia Yin Lingguan, Qi Xuansu, who had changed into a brand new crane cloak, strode into the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion. The Qingluan Guards holding their heads in the yard could only see their hems and cloud shoes, and did not dare to raise their heads. .

Qi Xuansu walked straight into the lobby and asked, "Where is the Commander-in-Chief of Qingluan Guard?"

A middle-aged man who was guarded by two third-grade spiritual officers responded: "My subordinates are here."

After all, he was a senior member of Qingluan Guard, so he still had some special treatment. He could stand in the lobby instead of squatting in the yard with his head in his hands.

Qi Xuansu turned to look at this person: "You are not my subordinate, what is your name?"

Although he is the Commander-in-Chief of Qingluan Guard and a genuine heavenly being, he can only reply respectfully at this time: "Chen Shuhong."

"Do you know what happened?" Qi Xuansu asked again.

"I know a thing or two." Chen Shuhong replied bravely.

It was precisely because he knew what was going on that he was so humble. If Qi Xuansu forcibly took over the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion for no reason, he would have jumped up and protested, at least moving out of Chen Shuhua's family, or at worst threatening to go to Yujing to file a complaint . Considering the impact, Yu Jing would probably scold Qi Xuansu, which is the two words that many big shots like to use - nonsense.

But this time it was Qi Xuansu who took the lead. How could he have such confidence? He just asked not to implicate himself and did not dare to contradict or threaten Qi Xuansu. He could only humble himself.

Qi Xuansu said: "Now that you know it, I won't repeat it again. I want you to assist the Taoist government in detecting this case and make the merit of the crime be reduced. Do you have any objections?"

"No, no." Chen Shuhong said repeatedly.

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly and raised his voice slightly: "Yuzheng."

"Yes." Chen Jianchou responded loudly.

Qi Xuansu ordered: "You once served in Qingluan Guard and are familiar with the situation here, so you will be responsible for this."

Chen Jianqiu responded: "Yes."

Chen Shuhong's smile was a little stiff.

Of course he knew about this boy Chen Jianchou. Even though they both had the surname Chen and were members of the same clan, their actual statuses were thousands of miles apart. After all, there were so many people surnamed Chen that they had to distinguish between distant and distant relatives. He never expected that Chen Jianchou would quietly hug Qi Xuansu's lap and become Qi Xuansu's follower. The key is that this guy knows a lot about Qingluan Guard's inside stories, and it's hard to fool him. Now he's in trouble.

Of course, Qi Xuansu's immediate takeover of the Qingluan Guard's Governor's Mansion was not to show off his authority, nor to cause widespread implication, but because he took a fancy to the large amount of information Qingluan Guard had.

At first, Chen Jianchou secretly investigated the case and wanted to check many files. He also had to do so secretly and even used clever names. Now that Qi Xuansu has taken over the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion openly, he can naturally check various files at will. Many things that were not investigated at first can now be investigated again.

Chen Jianchou walked up to Chen Shuhong and bowed.

Chen Shuhong smiled reluctantly: "Yuzheng, speaking of it, your father and I are not real brothers, but we are better than real brothers. Back then we..."

Chen Jianchou interrupted softly: "Captain, please hand over the key to the warehouse."

The Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion is neither a bank nor an arsenal. The warehouse here naturally stores files from past years.

Qi Xuansu was by his side and could not tolerate Chen Shuhong's refusal, so he had no choice but to hand the key into Chen Jianchou's hands. At the same time, he cursed in his heart. The villain will be rampant when he succeeds. Now that he is close to Qi Xuansu, he will not take him seriously.

Qi Xuansu did not intend to stay too long at the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion, and left after leaving enough spiritual officers. Most of these spiritual officials are close subordinates of Jiayin spiritual officials and can be trusted.

Now that the palace and the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion are under Qi Xuansu's control, there is much to be done. It's just that it's not good to rush for results, you still have to take things step by step.

It was not until all this was arranged that Qi Xuansu returned to the Water Palace.

On the surface, Qi Xuansu seems to be fine. Everything is in order. However, Qi Xuansu knows that he is suffering. After all this trouble, he can only use the word "torture" to describe it. Now he just wants to sleep for a while. Sleep and recover well.

In a sense, the inheritance of human immortals has many similarities with dragons and wild beasts. They have strong bodies and strong blood. The best way to recover is to sleep. For example, dragons and the like will often fall into a long sleep after suffering heavy injuries. During the period, when he woke up, his injuries were almost recovered, just like humans and immortals.

It's just that Qi Xuansu can't sleep yet, there are still many things for him to deal with.

Chen Jianqiu also followed Qi Xuansu back to the Water Palace, because she was the one who led Qi Xuansu to see the Queen Mother Yang E. Now that something like this happened, she was naturally to blame, and she was even somewhat suspicious. She not only wants to clear herself of the suspicion, but also needs to get rid of the crime.

Qi Xuansu did not suspect that Chen Jianqiu was the mastermind behind the scenes, but he also wanted to see how Chen Jianqiu was going to get away with it.

In fact, Chen Jianqiu's way of atonement is very simple, which is to contribute more intelligence to Qi Xuansu. She didn't have direct information, the final word. If she had such information, she would probably have been silenced long before Qi Xuan came to Borneo. However, she can provide some indirect information, or clues.

Qi Xuansu had a feeling for a long time that Chen Jianqiu knew a lot, but because of her position, she would not say it easily. When Qi Xuansu pressed her, she would spit out a little bit; if Qi Xuansu didn't press her, she would remain silent. After Master Landa's accident, Qi Xuansu was busy with various things and had no time to take care of her. He just took this opportunity to force her.

Arriving at Qi Xuansu's signing room, Qi Xuansu sat behind the desk, while Chen Jianqiu stood beside him, like a student preparing to seek endorsement from his husband.

Chen Jianqiu carefully considered his words and said, "Second seat, do you know Wang Jiaoyan?"

Qi Xuansu said: "I know. This person is the sister of the king's master, and she is a junior sister from the same school as Sun Heyu's daughter-in-law."

Chen Jianqiu said: "At that time, Xi must also know that Wang Jiaoyan and Sun Jiaofeng were in partnership to run a business and followed the example of Westerners to open a company called Nanyang United Trading Company."

Qi Xuansu narrowed his eyes: "I heard that this Nanyang United Trading Company has done many illegal things. Do you know the inside story?"

Chen Jianqiu shook his head and said: "What I want to say is not the Nanyang United Trading Company, but Wang Jiaoyan himself."

Qi Xuansu said: "Tell me and listen."...

Chen Jianqiu said: "Second Chairman, you should know that most big Taoist families follow a pattern, that is, the pillars hold high positions in the Taoist sect for the sake of face and the backing of the entire family. And other members of the family operate under the shadow of face. Various industries serve as linings to provide financial support to the family. The headmaster Wang and deputy lord Wang develop within the Taoist government and hold great power for their sake. Wang Jiaoyan is actually the lining son of the Wang family. "

Qi Xuansu nodded: "Go on."

Chen Jianqiu said: "Wang Jiaoyan's husband is Lin Tianhe, the assistant manager of Shibo Hall."

In the Borneo Taoist Prefecture, there are three assistants sent by Yujing Jiutang. The assistants of Tiangangtang and Ancestral Temple are both from Qi Xuansu's side, and the assistant of Shibotang is from Wang Jiaohe.

However, this was not important information. Qi Xuansu had known it for a long time, so he still waited for the next step.

Chen Jianqiu continued: "Actually, Lin Tianhe is not from Borneo, but from Lingnan. The reason why he came to serve in the Borneo Taoist Government is also the result of the secret operation of the Wang family."

Qi Xuansu became interested, which was something he didn't know about.

Chen Jianqiu observed the words while continuing: "Wang Jiaoyan and Lin Tianhe met in the upper palace of Wanxiang Taoist Palace. It's just that after Wang Jiaoyan was promoted to the fourth-level wine-offering Taoist priest, he did not seek any position, but applied for the travel agency Taoist priests do not receive regular money from the Taoist sect, and generally do not need to listen to the orders of the Taoist sect. They are looking for their own way out. Lin Tianhe entered the Shibotang as the chief, and then steadily climbed up the ranks, and was eventually transferred to the Borneo Taoist House as the chief. The assistant manager of the branch hall and became a Taoist couple with Wang Jiaoyan."

Qi Xuansu had been a wandering Taoist priest, so he naturally knew what it was like to be a wandering Taoist priest. It cannot be said that he did not listen to the orders of the Taoist sect at all. If there was an all-out war, the Taoist sect would issue a first-class mobilization order, whether he was retreating to the mountains or a wandering Taoist priest. It is necessary to return to work, but this situation basically does not happen, so under normal circumstances, wandering Taoist priests just find their own way out, which can also be said to fend for themselves.

It is also very common for Wang Jiaoyan to have the status of a fourth-grade wine-provoking Taoist priest, such as Qi Muyu and Li Tianyue. They do not serve in Taoist sects, but do their own business. Going a step further, Qiniang is also a Taoist priest of the fourth grade of sacrificial wine. It's just that Qiniang found a new way, not only running a business, but also secretly developing her power. She even had the intention of breaking away from the family and establishing her own business. She was extremely energetic and was obviously at a higher level than these people. It's hard to generalize.

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