Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 68 Wang Jiaoyan

Ziguang Society is extremely good at collecting intelligence. It once claimed that wherever there are women, there are their eyes and ears.

This is not alarmist, but it is true. After all, Dao Sect has personally verified that it can indeed penetrate in, making it impossible to guard against.

Wang Jiaoyan is also a woman, and there are many women among the people she comes into contact with. Qi Xuansu was afraid of being falsely accused again and fearing that his reputation and future would be affected, so he was very taboo about establishing too close relationships with women other than Zhang Yuelu. Wang Jiaoyan didn't have this worry. He had many close friends, and among these close friends, there might be people from the Ziguang Society.

However, Qi Xuansu was still curious and asked, "Where did you know these things? I'm afraid it wasn't hearsay, right?"

Chen Jianqiu smiled slightly: "I wonder if the second chair has ever heard of Biqing Villa?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a while: "I've never heard of it. Why, is this also a secret association?"

Chen Jianqiu shook his head and said: "Of course it is not a secret association, but it can be regarded as a small association and is recognized by the Taoist sect. There are various guilds in the imperial city, such as Jiangzhou guild hall, Qizhou guild hall, Wuzhou guild hall, etc., mainly composed of fellow bureaucrats and gentry , a place where scholars gather. This Biqing Villa can also be regarded as a guild hall, but it has nothing to do with fellow villagers, but a place where some women with special status drink tea and gather. "

Qi Xuansu asked: "What kind of women are these with special status? Are you included among them?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "I was indeed invited and am a member of this association, but I am only an ordinary member. There are more core members above me, as well as several owners of the villa."

Qi Xuansu became more and more curious: "You, the princess conferred by the Daxuan court, are just ordinary members, so who is the so-called owner of the village? Could it be that she is the princess of Daxuan?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "She is not a princess of Daxuan, but someone with a good background. In the earliest days, it was a poetry club organized by a few ladies from powerful families. This can be regarded as the predecessor of Biqing Villa. It was still elegant at that time. It turned out that the ladies from each family took turns doing posts, mainly reciting poems and painting. Later, these rich ladies got married one after another and needed to support their families. They were not as leisurely as being daughters at home, so they lost the leisure and elegance of reciting poems and painting. . This poetry club gradually changed its flavor and became a gathering place for ladies. Later, it simply became a business and expanded its business. If you want to join it, you must pay a certain membership fee and you can enjoy various services here. Wutong Garden in Imperial Capital."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Do the various services you mentioned involve matters between men and women?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "I am young and have never experienced it. I only go there a few times to drink tea. But according to my observation, most of them do. Those ladies are like wolves at thirty and like tigers at forty, and the men in the family are like tigers. Although I can’t say that I’m low on energy, I’m probably not interested in them, and if I do it occasionally, it’s just perfunctory. It’s not surprising that they have such needs.”

Qi Xuansu knew something clearly in his heart.

No wonder it’s called Biqing Villa. It’s not both green and green, but there’s no escape from the word “green”.

As Chen Jianqiu said, this is not surprising. Because the Taoist sect is divided into two factions, one is the conservative faction, and the four elites of the Taoist sect are basically from this faction. It can be said that this faction has the absolute upper hand among the top leaders of the Taoist sect, including the Grand Master and the Third Master, as well as seven ordinary people. Zhang Dazhen and the three princes are all conservatives. They either don't marry or stay together, because the affairs between men and women are easily linked to morality. In terms of the Taoist sect's strictness on morality, if you want to go further Even though I am far away, I still can’t let anyone take credit for this.

The other sect is the Xiaoyao sect, which advocates carpe diem. Most of these people have low positions, but that doesn't mean they don't have power. Most of the "lizi" of major families are members of this sect.

It is precisely because of the existence of Xiaoyao Sect that "Tianle Taoyuan", Wutong Garden and Biqing Villa have the value of existence.

The husbands of these women may not be unaware, but to the people of the Xiaoyao sect, it is nothing at all. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and there are even some young and beautiful men who have reached the sky in one step by relying on this shortcut.

Strictly speaking, Qiniang is also a conservative, because she is not married. Although she claims to have had a son, no one has seen this son, including her old acquaintances. Moreover, when she adopted her adopted son, she truly raised him as a son. She would beat him when he needed to be beaten, scold him when he needed to be scolded, support him when he needed to be supported, and focus on nurturing him. This is not the case for some people. There are many people who talk sweetly, focus on companionship, and sleep in the same bed with their godson.

There is a world of difference between nurturing and companionship.

Qi Xuansu asked: "You just mentioned Wang Jiaoyan, and now you mention Biqing Villa. Do you mean that Wang Jiaoyan is related to Biqing Villa?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "Second seat Mingjian. As far as I know, Wang Jiaoyan is one of the owners behind Biqing Villa. Not only that, she also has a lover in Biqing Villa."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but glance at Chen Jianqiu.

Chen Jianqiu continued: "I only found out after I went to Biqing Villa. There are also 'oirans' in Biqing Villa, but these 'oirans' are not women, but men. All of them have outstanding looks and fair skin. She is so beautiful and frail, I feel pity for her."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Now we are truly equal."

Chen Jianqiu was almost amused by these words. He suppressed his laughter and continued: "Among these 'oirans', there is one named Xi Ye."

Qi Xuansu said: "This name is a bit strange, and the surname is not common."

Chen Jianqiu said: "It's a flower name, not a real name. Women nowadays like this style."

Qi Xuansu said "Oh" but did not express any opinion.

Chen Jianqiu continued: "I have seen this Xi Ye once. He is indeed very beautiful. He is an undoubted handsome man. At first glance, he looks quite elegant, a bit like a humble gentleman. He is also thin and unpretentious. Those who are older When the women saw him, they wanted to hold him in their arms and love him. It was said that several members were jealous and even fought over him. Naturally, Wang Jiaoyan was attracted to such a person, and Wang Jiaoyan was used to being domineering. , didn’t want to share Xi Ye with others, and just wanted Xi Ye to be his beloved, so he found an excuse to transfer Xi Ye from Biqing Villa to Nanyang United Trading Company as her secretary.”

Qi Xuansu said: "The first to get the moon is the one near the water."

As a member of the Ziguang Society, Chen Jianqiu didn't feel too shy when talking about this kind of thing, and said directly: "I also heard about the next thing. It is said that Wang Jiaoyan takes this secretary with him every time he goes out, and she She usually does not live with her husband, but has a separate mansion, and her secretary often stays there to take care of her. As for whether there are any ulterior things happening between these two people, I don't know. Dare to make rash assertions, only the benevolent see the wisdom.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "Does Lin Tianhe know about this matter?"

Chen Jianqiu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. He may know, or at least heard some rumors, but due to the power of Wang Jiaohe and Wang Jiaoying, he didn't dare to do anything to Wang Jiaoyan, so he could only pretend not to know. It's also possible that Lin Tianhe doesn't care at all. I heard that Lin Tianhe is not so clean outside. He also has many beauties, red, white, and black. "...

"What's red, white, black..." Qi Xuansu suddenly woke up mid-sentence, and his words stopped abruptly.

Of course the color is not wine, but skin color.

I have to say that it’s not that the whole family doesn’t come to the same house, but the husband and wife have quite a lot of fun.

It can also be said that this is the norm for many people. People like Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu who dare to betray and draw their swords to kill are the minority among the minority. They are simply outliers.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "Stop talking about this, you continue to talk about Wang Jiaoyan."

Chen Jianqiu nodded and continued: "This Xiye is also somewhat ambitious. He is not satisfied with just being Wang Jiaoyan's male favorite and wants to be a Taoist priest. Secondly, you know, the first priority for a Taoist priest's identity is to be innocent. He has been investigated for three generations, so either Orphaned from a commoner family, or from an aristocratic family, there are many great people who can't get it. They can only be born as Taoist priests. How can he be a Taoist priest with his background? It is very difficult for Wang Jiaoyan to even be born as a Taoist priest. Unable to agree, Xiye started to get angry with Wang Jiaoyan. Wang Jiaoyan had no choice but to promise to promote him within Nanyang United Trading Company."

Qi Xuansu's heart moved.

At this point, Biqing Villa, Wang Jiaoyan, and Nanyang United Trading Company are finally connected. The key is this Xi Ye.

Chen Jianqiu continued: "Although Wang Jiaoyan is nominally one of the owners of Nanyang United Trading Company, in fact, Nanyang United Trading Company has many shareholders who are local snakes in Nanyang, including the Sun family. And Wang Jiaoyan is just Representing the Wang family, she also has Wang Jiaohe, so Nanyang United Trading Company is not Wang Jiaoyan's private property, and Wang Jiaoyan cannot have the final say in everything, let alone promote Xi Ye to the top of the company all at once. After all, it is difficult to convince the public. If the old people in the company make a fuss and complain to Wang Jiaohe, Wang Jiaoyan will also be in trouble. "

"So Wang Jiaoyan thought of a way to let Xi Ye start from the bottom first. In fact, it is gold plating. At least the qualifications are acceptable, so that she can promote Xi Ye without being too ugly. Xi Ye first worked in Borneo He worked in Bian's head office for several years. He didn't know much about trade, but he knew how to deal with people. He also had connections at Biqing Villa, and Wang Jiaoyan's care, but Xi Ye was successful. Wang Jiaoyan threatened to castrate him because of something, so Wang Jiaoyan had to send him to Lingnan to avoid the limelight. "

"As far as I know, Xi Ye has mastered many secrets of Wang Jiaoyan. If he can be taken down, Wang Jiaoyan will not be able to escape from the clutches of the second chair."

After Qi Xuansu heard this, he said thoughtfully: "Lingnan."

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