Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 83 Ghost Kingdom Yinsi

What the kingdom of God should be like, there are generally two situations.

One is from various legends, because the essence of divine power is the power of incense and wishes. Various myths and legends have been passed down for thousands of years, entrusting the wishes of countless people. The gods used legends to establish the kingdom of God, which is equivalent to stealing this part of the infinite power. Main divine power.

The most obvious example is the Moon Palace. Since the beginning of time, people have been able to see the moon by raising their heads. The legend about the Moon Palace has been around for a long time. With the help of the legend of the Moon Palace, Taiyin Zhenjun established the Guanghan Palace of the Kingdom of God, which is like giving a name to the originally unknown people. The Moon Palace was named Guanghan Palace. From then on, all the unowned divine power directed at the Moon Palace will converge into her divine kingdom.

To this day, legends about the Moon Palace are still circulating in the world. This is why the Kingdom of God still exists after the True Lord Taiyin ascended. Those legends are still providing divine power to Guanghan Palace.

The other is a reference from reality. People cannot create things beyond their own imagination out of thin air, even immortals are no exception. To establish the kingdom of God, you need a reference. Many divine kingdoms such as Hades are actually very similar to human governments. This is the reason.

The most obvious example of this is Wu Luo, whose divine kingdom is based on the spiritual mountain of the ancient witch religion.

Qi Xuansu gave up the first method and chose the latter method.

He was referring to the ghost country Cave Heaven.

True Lord Siming entered Qi Xuansu's divine domain and recognized the prototype at a glance.

If True Lord Siming were asked to choose between Jinling Mansion and Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, then True Lord Siming would definitely choose Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven without hesitation. If he can swallow the Ghost Kingdom Cave and bring the Kingdom of God to ascend, he can at least be like the True Monarch of Taiyin.

Ascend to death.

It's just that the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven has a special location. It's in the hinterland of the Taoist Sect. It's a neighbor of the Zhongzhou Taoist Palace, and it's not far from the Wuxu Palace and the Wanshou Chongyang Palace. It's heavily guarded, and people from the Zhiming Cult really can't get in.

Even if you sneak in, there is nothing you can do, because there are three great yin objects in the cave of the ghost country plus a first-grade spiritual officer. When the three great yin objects are combined, they are equivalent to immortals, plus a pseudo-immortal. Even if the true form of Lord Siming comes, Not necessarily an opponent. As long as it lasts for an hour and a half, the Taoist reinforcements arrive, and Zhenjun Si Ming is outnumbered and will immediately enter the first level of death.

It can be said that the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven is the place that Lord Siming dreams of. It is only something that the ancient immortals can't get, but Qi Xuansu has it in his hands.

Lord Siming glanced at the Pingtian crown on Qi Xuansu's head and said for the first time: "Are you also the Emperor of Netherworld?"

This ancient immortal's voice was not gloomy, but it made people fearful. As the saying goes, there is great terror between life and death. This fear is obviously a secondary authority derived from the authority of death.

In addition, this sentence is somewhat sarcastic.

Are you worthy of being the Emperor of the Netherworld?

Qi Xuansu said nothing, and retreated again and again, walking through the city until he reached the blood lake in the middle of the city.

Thick white fog filled the surface of the lake, and it was so white that it was hard to see clearly.

There is an island in the center of the blood lake, but it is not made of earth and rocks, but made of countless corpses.

This is truly a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

There is also a huge willow tree in the middle of the island, like a huge pillar reaching the sky. The huge tree crown almost covers the entire lake, and the hanging willow branches are as thick as an adult man's waist.

Peach wood is yang and willow is yin.

Peach wood can exorcise evil spirits and destroy ghosts, while willow wood can allow ghosts to reside in it.

Such a shadowy tree was born in the ghost kingdom of the underworld and took root on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Back then, the Zaoge Sect used endless corpse energy to corrode a line of cracks, connecting Jiuyou, causing the Yin energy to spread and permeate the entire Beimang Mountain, turning Beimang Mountain into a ghostland. In order to fill this gap, the Taoist sect planted this alien imperial willow tree here, which was planted by Quanzhen Taoism. It thrived on Yin Qi and fed on blood, water and corpses, and it grew to a height of two hundred feet in two hundred years.

Xiaoyin was born because of Emperor Liu.

Qi Xuansu also embodied this imperial willow tree in the divine realm.

The reason why Wuluo can manifest Lingshan in the Kingdom of God is because she is one of the ten witches of Lingshan and has a deep bond with Lingshan. If it was replaced by other gods, such as Izanozun, even if the realm is higher than Wuluo, he would not be able to manifest the spiritual mountain.

In the same way, the reason why Qi Xuansu can manifest the Emperor Liu is because he also has a bond with the Emperor Liu, and his Pingtian Crown is obtained from the Emperor Liu. Although Ping Tianguan no longer has much divine power, it is an excellent medium in itself, even without divine power.

This emperor willow tree is the core of the divine realm.

The essence of the Kingdom of God is to make the false into the real, and the false Emperor Willow that appears also has some of the magic of the real Emperor Willow.

Qi Xuansu injected a thousand moments of divine power into Emperor Liu.

Di Liu turned all these divine powers into Yin Qi.

Familiar taste.

Qi Xuansu waved his hand to induce the billowing Yin Qi, like the sea of ​​clouds and foggy mountains, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

Countless black mist gathered towards Qi Xuansu like a whirlpool, and finally turned into a portal.

This comes from

Gifts from the three great evil creatures in the Ghost Kingdom and Cave Heaven.

The birth of the three major evil objects requires a special environment. When he was in Fenglinzhou, such environments were everywhere, and Qi Xuansu could use them at will. However, there is no such environment in Borneo, especially Thang Long Mansion, which is a place where yang energy is at its peak and there is no room for any yin energy.

If there is no environment, then create the environment yourself.

So Qi Xuansu gave up the Guanghan Immortal Realm and chose the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven. He used Emperor Liu to transform the divine power into Yin Qi, and used the Yin Qi to build a portal to connect to the real Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven.

Although the Earth Master took back his authority, Qi Xuansu never needed permission to summon the three separate evil creatures.

Zhenjun Siming, who had always felt that he had a chance to win, finally realized something was wrong.

He no longer strolled around, unfolded his own divine domain, and relied on his higher level of cultivation to cover Qi Xuansu's divine domain with his own.

Viewed from above, the gray-black aura spread rapidly. Wherever it passed, the black city first became blurred, then distorted, and finally was annihilated in the gray-black aura.

It was replaced by another city.

The prototype of the Ghost Kingdom Dongtian is the Imperial Capital, which is basically modeled after the Imperial Capital before the Daxuan Dynasty, which is the "convex" Imperial Capital, not the completed Imperial Capital today.

Lord Siming's city is very special. Part of it comes from real prototypes in the human world, and part comes from legends. The two together build the kingdom of Lord Siming.

The real prototype from the human world is Pingdu Mountain of Taoism. This place is one of the seventy-two blessed places of Taoism. After the ancestor Tianshi defeated the ancient witchcraft, his son Tianshi established the "Tianshi Rule" in Pingdu Mountain. The full name "Pingdu is governed by the Heavenly Master".

Therefore, "Tianshi Seal" is also called "Pingdu Zhi Gong Seal" and "Yang Ping Zhi Du Gong Seal".

Just like the "Heavenly Master's Male and Female Sword" is also known as the "Three Five Male and Female Swords for Killing Evil".

The famous ghost town Fengdu Dongtian is located in Pingdu Mountain, and the prototype of the Kingdom of God of Siming Zhenjun came from Fengdu in Pingdu Mountain.

The legendary part comes from Buddhism, which is the so-called Ten Palaces of Yama and the Underworld. Like the Moon Palace, the Underworld also originated from various legends, and the power of incense and wish it entrusts is very huge, as much as the sun. For just one sun, there are several gods competing for it in the Eastern world, including Mahatma Sun Tathagata, Sun True King, Sunlight Bodhisattva, Himihu Zun, and Izanno Zun. The Yin Division is not something that Lord Siming can monopolize, so he chooses to take care of both.

Siming Zhenjun is known as the Emperor of the Netherworld and claims to control life and death. His divine realm is like the underworld, with both Buddhism and Taoism. Ten halls can be seen faintly. With the ten halls as the center, various Taoist temples have been expanded outwards. Continuously encroaching on Qi Xuansu's ghost kingdom and divine realm.

However, before Lord Siming's divine realm could capture the imperial city, the portal had already taken shape, and black mist could be seen billowing inside the door, as if leading to the Nine Yin Netherworld.

The next moment, a fist poked out of the portal.

Behind the fist is an arm composed of countless flesh and blood corpses, which continues to extend, ten feet long, twenty feet long, and one hundred feet long.

This punch traversed most of the imperial city and directly entered the divine domain of Lord Siming.

Although the divine realm of Lord Siming is filled with the aura of death, and living people will be killed on the spot if they enter, there is no threat at all to these corpses.

This punch came to the face of Zhenjun Siming in such a devastating manner.


Lord Siming has already identified the origin of this punch, and it is none other than the "Ten Thousand Corpses Dali Zun", one of the three great evil beings.

This is also the creation that he has longed for for a long time. If his true body comes to the world, it will definitely swallow up the "Ten Thousand Corpses of Dali Zun". Unfortunately, the divine vessel that can accommodate his true body has been shattered by Lan Hexu. At this time, he could only use the pseudo-immortal container, which at most was slightly better than swallowing it.

As a last resort, Lord Siming could only turn death into life, causing the corpses that made up the arms to temporarily come to life, like a living corpse, waving his arms randomly, as if countless tiny tentacles had grown out of the surface of the arm.

As a result, these corpses no longer gathered together inward, but scattered outwards. The entire arm tended to collapse and had to be retracted backwards.

Master Wan just punched, and he did not come to this world.

The reason is also very simple. Master Wan is more similar to a martial artist and is not suitable for fighting in this field.

There are others who are more suitable for this.

Soon, black mist billowed out of the portal, and an old man floated out.

It is Mr. Yin.

There are two people named Yin in the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven, Xiao Yin is Miss Xiao Yin, and Lao Yin is Mr. Lao Yin.

Among the three major ghosts, Mrs. Bai is the rising star of the second generation. Master Wan has suffered heavy losses, but Mr. Yin has always maintained his prosperity. Therefore, among the three major ghosts, Mr. Yin is the strongest.

After Mr. Yin showed up, he did not greet Qi Xuansu politely. After all, he was facing a dignified ancient immortal and could not tolerate any carelessness.

I saw him stretch out his right hand and push forward flatly.

The expansion of the Yinsi Divine Realm came to an abrupt end.

Those city scenes that had become distorted and blurred became real again, with the emperor

The city is the boundary, and the two form a confrontation.

Lord Siming's expression was still unclear, but his demeanor was not as relaxed as before.

Just a "Netherworld Jiuyin Lord" is no match for him, just like the ancestor of Xuanhuiyuan is no match for True Lord Ziguang. But if we add Qi Xuansu, who is in the creation stage, it will be hard to say, unless he can swallow up the entire Shenglong Mansion.

It's just that today's Shenglong Mansion is not the empty Jinling Mansion back then. It only has two first-grade spiritual officers and a "Yinglong", and there is no "gift" arranged in advance, so it is not something he can swallow if he wants.

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