Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 84 Mansion

After receiving Qi Xuansu's order, Ding Chou Lingguan and Jiayin Lingguan were shocked by Qi Xuansu's boldness, but decided to carry out the order.

Because the two of them understood the urgency of the situation at this time, if Qi Xuansu was wrong, Qi Xuansu would bear the primary responsibility, and they would be secondary responsibilities at most, and they would not even be held accountable. But if Qi Xuansu is right, and they refuse to implement it, and finally develop a huge rebellion, causing the situation in Borneo to become uncontrollable, then their fate is hard to say.

Although a first-grade spiritual official is important, it does not mean that he can do whatever he wants. Strictly speaking, first-grade spiritual officials are inseparable from Taoist sects, while non-Taoist sects are inseparable from first-grade spiritual officials.

The two spiritual officials came to Chen Shuhua's residence in Shenglong Mansion, which was not close to the palace and was even a little remote. The reason Chen Shuhua gave to the public was that she was at odds with the Lord of Dayu and deliberately stayed away from the palace. But now it seems that the real reason is that it is convenient for her to carry out some secret activities in the mansion that are not known to outsiders. If you are in a busy city and too close to the palace, you will be easily noticed.

The two spiritual officers asked their subordinate spiritual officers to surround the entire mansion, and then only the two of them entered the mansion.

At this time, the entire mansion was empty, and there was no one there. It seemed that Chen Shuhua had dismissed his family early, or it was possible that Chen Shuhua had silenced them.

No matter which possibility it is, it means one thing. Chen Shuhua has expected and prepared for today.

Qi Xuansu understood very well that his only advantage was the time difference. If Chen Shuhua even accounted for the time difference, then the final result of this operation would be

It's hard to say how.

Lingguan Ding Chou and Lingguan Jiayin looked at each other through their visors, neither of them spoke, a little heavy.

Soon, the two spiritual officers came to Chen Shuhua's study.

Everything here is neat and tidy, as if the owner has just left and will be back soon.

Jia Yin Ling Guan scanned for a week, and soon locked his eyes on a bookshelf. Then Jia Yin Ling Guan did not look for anything like a mechanism at all, he took out a huge ax and split the bookshelf in half.

A downward portal appeared in front of the two spiritual officials, like an originally erected gate that had fallen to the ground. Below the portal was a stone path winding downwards. The steps on the stone path were very rough and seemed to be just a temporary excavation. It has not been polished carefully.

Jia Yin Lingguan said in a deep voice: "Our Chief Chen is really hiding her secrets. Others only think of her as a yes-man for the king's office, but they don't know that she is using the king's office as a shield."

Official Ding Chouling said: "How can you be sure that the King's office was not involved? I think it is impossible that the King's office was unaware of it, and at the worst, it was intentional connivance."

Jiayin Lingguan was startled and did not refute.

Ding Chou Lingguan took out his big shield, almost like a wall, and walked in front.

Jiayin Lingguan took out a long spear and walked behind.

The length of this secret path was somewhat beyond the expectations of Ding Chou Ling Guan and Jia Yin Ling Guan. It was obviously made possible by the magical power of Sumeru Mustard Seed, and it has transcended the meaning of length in this world. There are many traps and restrictions in it. The two of them couldn't fly quickly, so they could only walk on foot, constantly eliminating traps, so it was destined to be a long journey.

The reason is very simple, Chen Shuhua just wants to delay as much time as possible


When the two spiritual officers finally reached the end of the passage, what stood in front of them was a huge formation.

The formation method is about the formation points. In the battle at Five Elements Mountain, the spirit officers and the men in black repeatedly competed for the formation points. In the end, the spirit officers were superior and defeated the men in black, and removed most of the formation points, leaving the Five Elements Mountain. The formation failed, allowing Qiniang to successfully banish the "proprietor".

The points of this formation were not hidden, they stood on the ground, like tombstones, arranged in a certain pattern.

Jiayin Lingguan said: "Is this the Shenglong Mansion that I know? There is a large tomb outside the city, which contains two immortal-level divine descending vessels. There is also such an underground city dug in the city, which is still here. A large formation was set up. Ding Chou, you are stationed in Shenglong Mansion, so you didn’t notice it at all?”

Ding Chou Lingguan stared at the activated formation in front of him and said: "It's not surprising. If Qi Cixi's speculation is true and it was Chief Chen and the Lord of Dayu who jointly planned this matter, then Chief Chen would use all his strength to block it. With the power of the Yu King's royal family, it is not difficult to do this even if it digs a little bit a year. And in my opinion, this place was not newly built. It may have existed for a long time and was then modified to become what it is now. "

The two spirit officers did not rush into the formation. The Jia Yin spirit officer squatted down and carefully observed the formation: "If I read correctly, this seems to be the formation of the ancient witch sect, but it is in collusion with the ancient immortal Wu Luo. That’s right.”

Official Ding Chou said: "One of the characteristics of ancient witchcraft is blood and cruelty, and they like to use living animals as sacrifices. Among many ancient immortals, Wuluo uses blood sacrifices the most, so

And karma fire is the heaviest. Preliminary inference is that this formation is no exception and has traces of a large number of blood sacrifices. These monuments are all condensed with blood. "

After saying that, Lingguan Ding Chou took out a big bow, drew it like a full moon, and shot an arrow toward the other side of the formation.

The arrows passed over the formation, and then became invisible after failing to pass through the formation.

The next moment, figures appeared above the blood tablets.

These figures vary, including people dressed as Taoists, people dressed as pirates, Buddhist monks, Confucian scholars, and wizards. There are people from the Central Plains, indigenous people from Southeast Asia, and even Western faces.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all dead.

Their bodies are illusory, blood-red, and in a daze, like puppets.

I don’t know how much effort and time Chen Shuhua spent to collect so many “people” and build such a bloody formation.

The Jiayin Spiritual Officer even recognized a few familiar faces: "Isn't that the owner of the Yuanbao ship? He was also a big force on the sea. At his peak, he had more than a hundred ships under his command. He was destroyed by the "Heavenly Court" a few years ago. I didn't expect that he would fall to such a state and could not rest in peace after his death." "This is the senior manager of Xipo Suozhou Company. I met him at the Lantern Festival celebration. He suddenly disappeared a few years ago. It is said that he may have mistakenly entered an unknown secret cave and was trapped in it. For this reason, the Xipo Suozhou Company made a fuss for a while, but it was eventually left unresolved. I didn't expect that it would become the collection of our Chief Chen." "I know this Taoist priest. It is said that he sat down and passed away. Was he dug out from the grave again?" "From this point of view, this Chief Chen is really a real person who does not show his face." Dingchou Spiritual Officer suddenly asked: "Jiayin, what realm is Chief Chen in?" Jiayin Spiritual Officer replied: "In the past, it has always been claimed to be a blessing. Now it seems that it is not that simple." Dingchou Spiritual Officer said: "Such a thing is difficult to pretend to be someone else's If all of this was done by Chief Chen alone, and he had to do it quietly, it would be unacceptable to rely on a realm cultivation of the stage of good fortune. At least he must be a pseudo-immortal. "

Jiayin Lingguan said: "I also have this suspicion, but how can she hide it from Master Lan Da?"

Dingchou Lingguan sighed: "It should be some kind of external object that allows her to suppress her realm cultivation. Master Lan Da has been very tired in recent years and is too lazy to deal with various affairs. He rarely sees her throughout the year. It is not difficult to fool her. Moreover, good fortune and pseudo-immortal are two stages of the same realm. In the past, there was no such thing as pseudo-immortal. "

Jiayin Lingguan's voice was a little solemn: "A pseudo-immortal, no wonder Qi Cixi insisted on letting us two come together."

Dingchou Lingguan said: "If it is just a pseudo-immortal, then the situation is still under control."

Jiayin Lingguan stood up and asked: "Break through?"

Dingchou Ling nodded and said: "It seems that this is the only way."

The two said no more, each took out a weapon, and rushed into the formation together. This formation is very powerful. Even if a master at the stage of good fortune enters it, he may not be safe. However, the two first-grade spiritual officials are not comparable to the gods of good fortune. With the two of them working together, this formation is nothing.

Soon, the blood shadows in the formation were killed by the two, and the blood tablets where the blood shadows were living also shattered one by one.

There is a saying, you can't do anything to me when you are alive, let alone when you are dead?

These blood shadows were not the opponents of the two first-grade spiritual officials when they were alive, so it doesn't make sense that they can defeat the first-grade spiritual officials after they die.

When the two first-grade spiritual officials passed through this formation, they finally saw the altar built underground.

At the top of the altar, Chen Shuhua, wearing a real crane cloak, was standing there, holding a blood-red stone in her hand.

"Jiayin Spirit Officer, Dingchou Spirit Officer, why did you break into my house?"

Unlike before, Chen Shuhua was no longer as kind as usual. He was full of mysterious and unpredictable gloomy aura, like a poisonous snake hiding in a cave, making the two spirit officers feel like they were facing a great enemy.

After a moment, the Ding Chou Spiritual Officer said, "Chief Chen, we are following the order of the Daoist government. Please go back with us to assist in the investigation."

"The order of the Daoist government?" Chen Shuhua sneered, "Or is it the order of Qi Xuansu?"

The Jiayin Spiritual Officer said, "Second Qi has reported to the Jinque. It is the order of the Jinque. I hope Chief Chen will stop at the brink and not make the same mistake again and again?"

"Stop at the brink?" Chen Shuhua did not hide his sarcasm, "The two spiritual officers treat me like a child. There are so many things, one by one, any one of which is enough to dismiss me from my post and investigate. If they are added up, will the Dao Sect let me go? No one can save me from the crimes I have committed, and no matter how great my merits are, they cannot compensate for them."

The two spiritual officers each clenched their weapons.

Chen Shuhua was not panicked at all and continued: "Qi Xuansu was self-righteous. He thought I didn't recognize Shangguan Ya's origins and that I didn't know that the Eight Tribes were involved in this matter. He thought I would misjudge and that there was still plenty of time. In fact, for me, the time is just right, but it is him who is in trouble." Jiayin Lingguan said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, don't blame us for offending you."

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