Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 96 The Taoist Priest Finally Wears the Sword of Wisdom

Once his long-cherished wish came true, Qi Xuansu no longer felt weak: "Help me up and go see the special envoy now."

Zhang Yuelu did not dampen Qi Xuansu's interest and actually helped him up and said: "This is not a secret. Now the entire Taoist government knows it. If you hadn't been unconscious, the people who came to congratulate you would probably have queued up from Sheji Palace. Dayu Palace."

Qi Xuansu was just pretending that he couldn't really go to see Lu Yushu. It would appear that he was too unsteady, babbling, and not stable enough. Besides, after experiencing so many things and seeing so many big people and big scenes, Qi Xuansu is no longer the same Qi Xuansu as before.

The more important point is that Qi Xuansu had already expected this. When Zhang Yuelu analyzed the "three steps" for him, the words were still in his ears, and he just followed the steps step by step.

So Qi Xuansu was more emotional than shocked.

Speaking of emotion, Qi Xuansu felt a little lost after the initial joy, and felt empty in his heart. He had always had a goal before, but now that the goal has been achieved, it seems that he has lost the direction of progress.

Is it possible to really compete for the position of chief leader?

To use an inappropriate analogy, someone bears a blood feud and spends his whole life thinking about how to get revenge. Once the great revenge is avenged, he just feels like he doesn’t know where to go.

However, Qi Xuansu is a man who has weathered many trials and tribulations. He quickly regained his composure and joked with Zhang Yuelu, "Second Chair Zhang, are you unhappy?"

Zhang Yuelu asked, "What am I unhappy about?"

Qi Xuansu put it bluntly: "In the past, you were always at the front and I was chasing after you. This time, I am in front of you. Will you feel uncomfortable?"


Only two people who are truly indifferent to each other can say this. If they were ordinary friends, or if they were petty-minded and had no grudges in their hearts, they would still feel unhappy after hearing Qi Xuansu's words of "judging the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart" .

Qi Xuansu knew that Zhang Yuelu had a bright heart and was always open-minded and did not care about such trivial matters, so he dared to say this deliberately.

Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at Qi Xuansu: "Yes, I am extremely sad and jealous. I wish I could eat your flesh alive. Can you give me the title of 'the youngest second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest'?"

Qi Xuansu laughed and said, "What a beautiful idea. Even if you eat me alive, I won't let you."

Zhang Yuelu was startled for a moment, as if thinking of some ambiguity, he glared at Qi Xuansu but said nothing.

Qi Xuansu suppressed his smile and said, "Qingxiao, if I remember correctly, you should be one year younger than me."

"Yes." Zhang Yuelu nodded, "Almost exactly one year old."

Qi Xuansu said: "In that case, you still have hope. As long as you can be promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest within one year. I am one year older than you. The title of 'the youngest second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest' will still be yours." ”

Zhang Yuelu waved his hand and said: "I have no intention of these false claims. Besides, I am unlikely to achieve great achievements like you. If it is regarded as a competition to see who can be promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest first, then I will be convinced that I will lose." "

This is what Qi Xuansu likes about Zhang Yuelu, he can take it up and let it go, unlike some proud men who always win all their lives, but lose once in a while and be put to death, which can range from depression to a heart-breaking moment. set.

Anyway, Qi Xuansu is long

So old, I don’t know what the so-called Taoist heart is, let alone the reason why losing once will lead to a lifetime of depression. In a sense, this kind of person is too fragile and embarrassed to hold a big responsibility.

If you are promoted within a Taoist sect, you will inevitably have ups and downs. If you encounter a slight setback and sink to the bottom, then it is better not to join the Taoist sect and just go back to the mountains and forests.

Although Qi Xuansu is always winning now, he has always been losing in the past. He was schemed by Yue Liuli, stepped on by Wan Xiuwu, almost died at the hands of Shen Yuxi, and even had a little-known Zhuge Yongming beaten half to death. Even after returning to the Taoist sect, there were still various setbacks. He encountered the Lingshan Witch Cult, the flying boat fell, he narrowly escaped death several times, his arm was broken by Zhao Fuan and humiliated with peace money, he was chased by Feng Bo like a bereaved dog, and he had no way to enter the sky. The earth has no door.

There are so many more.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu doesn't care about losing or winning once. He has become accustomed to it. It is not surprising that he can do this.

On the contrary, Zhang Yuelu can truly be calm and calm, which is not easy. Either he is indifferent to fame and wealth, or his vision is broad enough and the pattern is big enough to not care about such small fights.

Qi Xuansu thought it was probably the latter.

Because Qi Xuansu was a wounded patient, Zhang Yuelu took the initiative to help Qi Xuansu put on his coat very gently. Qi Xuansu actually had the ability to take care of himself, but he was not that good at it, but he was happy to pretend to be stupid and enjoy Zhang's service.

After cleaning up, the two planned to see the special envoy. Zhang Yuelu called Xiao Yin in and ordered her to invite Lu Yushu.

Xiao Yin was naturally reluctant to do so, but due to the majesty of her "mother" and the fact that she was sent back to the ghost world,

Guodongtian's threat has gone away honestly.

Speaking of which, when Lu Yushu met Xiao Yin for the first time, he was still shocked. This little guy was full of ghost and dragon auras, but he was not popular and had extremely high cultivation. He was really weird. Putting aside everything else, this guy Xiao Yin is quite important.

The real person in charge of the palace and the second deputy palace master were located on the left and right of the water palace respectively. In the middle was the main hall. When Qi Xuansu came to the main hall from his residence, Lu Yushu was already waiting here.

Qi Xuansu walked a few steps quickly: "I was supposed to go see the special envoy, but I have just recovered from a serious illness, so I had to move away."

Lu Yushu smiled and said: "In other words, Qi Cixi has lived up to Jinque's expectations this time and made great contributions to the Taoist sect. The injury was also due to the Taoist sect's official affairs. You are a meritorious official of the Taoist sect, so I should be the one to see you."

Qi Xuansu said: "I don't dare to take it seriously."

"You deserve it. First it was Fenglinzhou, and now it's Borneo. Who in the entire Taoist sect doesn't know the name of fellow Taoist Qi? He is truly a role model for our generation and a pillar of the Taoist sect." Lu Yushu made a good show of his appearance and insisted on following Qi Xuansu He was polite to the end, but what he said was highly suspected of flattery. Qi Xuansu felt embarrassed after hearing it.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to take the initiative to get to the point: "The special envoy came here this time with the mission of Jinque. I don't know..."

Lu Yushu then said: "Because I don't know when Taoist Fellow Qi will wake up, I have already announced the specific arrangements of the Taoist Mansion to the Wang Zhangfu and other relevant people in advance. Regarding the specific content, Fellow Taoist Qingxiao should also follow Fellow Daoist Qi has said it, so I won’t go into details. Now I will mainly announce the personal arrangements of Fellow Daoist Qi.”

This is a bit of a reading

The imperial edict means it. If it were the previous imperial court, they would have to kneel down to receive the incense table.

However, Taoism doesn't pay attention to this. Qi Xuansu only needs to stand up. He wasn't sitting down anyway.

Lu Yushu took out an official letter and read out: "Qi Xuansu, the deputy deputy head of the Borneo Taoist government, made a major meritorious service in the case of Chen Shuhua, the former chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist government, who colluded with a secret association, plotted evil, and defected from the Taoist sect. Recommended by Ziweitang and determined by Jinque’s research, Qi Xuansu was promoted from the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest.”

After Lu Yushu finished reading, he handed the official letter to Qi Xuansu.

After Qi Xuansu took it, he read it again.

In fact, there are many minor contents in this document, such as the opening title, some meaningless clichés, and the closing time, etc., all of which were omitted by Lu Yushu.

The key is the two seals and two signatures. One is the rotating Grand Master representing the Grand Master. The three characters "Li Changgeng" are written like a green edge out of a sheath. There is a sword meaning in the characters, and it will be dazzling if you look at it for a long time. The other is Donghua Zhenren, who represents Ziweitang and Jinque. The three characters "Pei Xuanzhi" are located under the national master. The writing is vigorous and vigorous, with its own mystery, like an exquisite talisman.

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath and put it away.

Lu Yushu signaled slightly, and her entourage presented Qi Xuansu with the prepared ultimatum, sutra urn, crane cloak, and crown.

There is nothing much to say about the scriptures. The key is the scriptures.

The conferment has nothing to do with the position, but mainly corresponds to the grade of the Taoist priest. Only those who have reached the level of a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest can be conferred.

Taoist priests of the fourth grade Jijiu were first awarded the "Chu Zhen Sutra Lu", Taoist priests of the third grade Youyi were promoted to "

"Zhongji Sutra Rui", the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest also awarded "Shangdong Sutra Rui", Shenzhi Zhenzhen taught "Taixuan Sutra Rui", the first-grade innocent Taoist priest taught "Tai Shangdu Gong Sutra Rui", and the deputy headmaster Dazhen taught it "The Supreme Tao Te Ching".

The Grand Master is not included in this list. He does not have a sutra, only a "Three Treasures Ruyi", and his authority corresponds to the Kunlun Cave.

The authority of the three deputy heads of Da Zhenren's "Tai Shang Dao De Jing Lu" corresponds to the Demon Suppressing Well Cave, the Demon Locking Tower Cave, and the Dragon Palace Cave respectively.

There is no authority over the Sutra Ruins under Shenzhi Zhenren, and Qi Xuansu doesn't care about it. The key is that the "Shangdong Sutra Ruins" can increase the number of contacts. In other words, he can add people other than Zhang Yuelu. It's quite practical.

In addition, there is the crane cloak. The crane cloak of the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest is very similar to the crane cloak of the third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. The key is that it has additional ribbons, about three feet long, and the lower end is in the shape of an arrow, which means "but "With the power of the Sword of Wisdom, one can escape from the five suffering gates of sinking", which means that one cuts off worries, the second cuts off lust, and the third cuts off greed and anger. This is the "Sword of Wisdom".

The crown on the head changed from the Five Mountains Crown to the golden lotus crown among the four lotus crowns of purple gold, white jade, platinum and gold.

Someone immediately helped Qi Xuansu change the crane cloak and crown. From today on, people outside the Taoist sect no longer have to worry about the two titles of Qi Gaogong and Qi Cixi. They can officially call Qi Xuansu as Zhenren Qi or Zhenren Tianyuan.

Lu Yushu read out the second appointment: "According to the recommendation of Ziweitang and after Jinque's research and decision-making, Qi Xuansu will no longer serve as the acting second deputy head of the Borneo Taoist Government and will be appointed as the acting chief deputy head of the Borneo Taoist House. job."

Qi Xuansu did not expect that his "generation"

"The word "cannot be removed", but it was directly promoted to one level, from acting second seat to acting chief. From now on, people within the Taoist sect will change their name to chief Qi.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Then who will be the second deputy palace master?"

Lu Yushu said: "Fellow Taoist Xu Jiaorong performed outstandingly in the major case of Chen Shuhua's defection. He was calm in the face of danger, commanded well, and cooperated extremely effectively with Daoist Qi. Therefore, Jinque decided that Daoyou Xu would succeed Daoist Qi as the acting deputy of the Borneo Taoist Office. Deputy Palace Master."

Qi Xuansu felt relieved.

The chief is given a second seat, and the offensive and defensive momentum is different.

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