Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 97 Allies

After Lu Yushu read out the two appointments, he was the first to congratulate Qi Xuansu: "Congratulations, Master Qi."

Immediately afterwards, as if they had made an agreement, the rest of the people also stepped forward, surrounded Qi Xuansu, and applauded to congratulate him.

Zhang Yuelu was the closest and said sincerely: "Congratulations to you."

Qi Xuansu clasped his fists and returned the greetings to everyone who congratulated him. He looked at Zhang Yuelu and said nothing.

There is a clear understanding in the heart, and everything is unspoken.

The others also had a tacit understanding, and no one disturbed the two of them at this time.

Once upon a time, most people were not optimistic about Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu. They thought Qi Xuansu was a high achiever and couldn't understand what Zhang Yuelu was thinking.

Today, there is no such thing. Most people think that the two are a match made in heaven. No one doubts what Zhang Yuelu thinks anymore. They can only say that Zhang Yuelu has good vision and his ability to pick Taoist couples. The best in the world and few can reach it. You said that there were so many people at the beginning, and Qi Xuansu was inconspicuous. How could Zhang Yuelu be able to tell at a glance that Qi Xuansu would have a bright future?

Many people can only console themselves that Zhang Yuelu is of noble birth and knows a lot of information that ordinary people don't know, so he appears to be discerning.

Xu Jiaorong was also among the people congratulating her. Qi Xuansu said to her again: "Xu Fuli, you should be called Xu Cixi now. I also want to congratulate you."

When Qi Xuansu was unconscious, Lu Yushu announced the appointment of Xu Jiaorong. Others had already congratulated him. Wang Jiaohe was also present at the time and showed great enthusiasm. He congratulated Xu Jiaorong personally. It seemed that Wang Jiaohe forced the palace. Things simply don't exist in general.

Xu Jiaorong is not stunned

Of course, Tou Qing would not quarrel with Wang Jiaohe, so he politely thanked Wang Jiaohe for his congratulations.

If people who don't know the inside story think that the Borneo Taoist government is already at peace, Chen Shuhua is the biggest mastermind behind the scenes. All the chaos in the past few years has been caused by Chen Shuhua. Now that Chen Shuhua has defected, the rest will naturally be Good fellow Taoist, this world still belongs to the Wang family.

But Xu Jiaorong knew that this matter was not over yet, otherwise why would Zhang Yuelu come here? Do you want to take a look at Qi Xuansu even if you are accused of being absent from duty? Zhang Cixi isn't such an emotional person, is he?

She came here in the name of investigating a case. What case did she find? Chen Shuhua's defection has nothing to do with Lingnan Province, it can only be a case of Nanyang United Trading Company.

There is still a fight to come.

Regarding Jinque's personal arrangements for her, Xu Jiaorong was not dissatisfied. She could not be a secretary for the rest of her life. Although "Pingzhang Xiaozhenren" was very powerful, Landa Zhenren was getting older and would eventually be promoted. of.

It will be too late to look for a way out until Master Landa ascends. They say that when people are gone, no one will take you seriously. Generally speaking, Master Pingzhang will arrange these posthumous matters before his ascension. However, sometimes, the closer to his ascension, the harder it is to speak. It’s not that others dare to oppose the Master openly, but No matter what the Great Master says, he should first respond, and then use the word "drag" to drag him back and forth until the Great Master ascends, and then pretend that there is no such thing.

It’s not that these people have to go against Da Zhenren, it’s that there are only so many positions, and those who want to be on top are so

More, everyone is staring at it. There are more wolves and less meat. Even if you sell favors, you have to sell them to those who have decades of life, so that they can be cashed in. Selling a favor to someone who is about to ascend will easily go to waste.

Therefore, for Xu Jiaorong, it is a good thing to leave Master Lan Da now to serve as the second deputy palace master. Firstly, Master Lan Da does not need to make arrangements anymore. Secondly, while Master Lan Da is still alive, he can borrow another one. With some help, maybe we can reach another level.

In fact, with Xu Jiaorong's qualifications, she can definitely be the second deputy palace master, instead of adding the word "generation" in front of it. However, the procedures for her promotion to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist Priest have not been completed and are still going through the process. Now she is still He is a Taoist priest of the third grade, so he had to add the word "generation". When she becomes a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, she can take advantage of the opportunity to remove the word "generation".

Some people may want to ask, why did Qi Xuansu's procedures go down? It can only be said that Qi Xuansu's situation is special, and he is a bit special. In fact, when Qi Xuansu just came back from Fenglinzhou, there was a discussion on whether to promote him to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, although it was later decided that " "Three steps", but since then, the promotion process for Qi Xuansu has been started. By the time Qi Xuansu went to Borneo, the procedures that should be taken have been almost completed. Only the last step is left. It can be said that everything is ready. He only owed Dongfeng, so Qi Xuansu could be promoted immediately after meeting the conditions.

After all, there are people in the court who are easy to do things. Qi Xuansu is one of his own who came from Ziweitang. The person who actually does things is either an old colleague or an old subordinate, although Qi Xuansu has not worked with these people.

For a few days, I couldn't resist my old boss Donghua Zhenren's words, and he was in charge of personnel power. How could he not be efficient?

Xu Jiaorong is incomparable. All procedures must be completed slowly from scratch, so he will have to be a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest for a period of time.

In fact, Xu Jiaorong also has an intuition, that is, Qi Cixi, now Chief Qi, Chief Qi will not stay in the Borneo Taoist House for too long. When his errands in the Borneo Taoist House are over, it should be very soon. He will return to the center and serve as the chief deputy head of the Nine Halls, changing from "frontier minister" to "pivot minister".

By that time, as an old man of the Taoist government, she has a lot to do. The position of the real person in charge of the government is unimaginable. Jinque will definitely parachute a real person to reorganize the old mountains and rivers. Her advantage is that the old man of the Taoist government is familiar with the situation. And she has a good relationship with the Grand Master and Chief Qi. Before Chief Qi leaves office, he will recommend a successor to the Taoist Government and Jinque. There is a high probability that they will recommend her. The Grand Master will also support her. Her second deputy The position of the palace master is very suitable for moving up a level.

Under normal circumstances, Jin Que would not reject the recommendation of the Grand Master and the former Chief Deputy Palace Master, as it was basically a done deal.

In this way, she completed the magnificent transformation from assistant secretary to chief deputy palace master. The next step depends on her fate. If she has a good relationship with Chief Qi, even if Master Landa is promoted, as long as Qi Xuansu can take over the position of Master Donghua. , or even further, whether Qi Xuansu became the eighth-generation master, or Zhang Yuelu became the eighth-generation master, it would not be difficult for her to occupy the position of a real master. If you think about it more broadly, the real person in charge of Zixiao Palace is also the real person in charge of the palace, which is not comparable to that of other Taoist palaces.


Although most of the time, Zixiao Palace is personally run by a great master Pingzhang. For example, Jiang Hedao and great master Jiang Daren serve as the master in charge of Zixiao Palace. However, there have been exceptions in the past. This kind of thing is hard to say. As long as you reach that position, immortality is not something out of reach.

This was not Xu Jiaorong’s blind confidence. Qi Xuansu and Landa Zhenren joined forces to fight against Wang Jiaohe and Chen Shuhua, which already determined that they were in the same camp. Later, Qi Xuansu asked Xu Jiaorong to investigate the matter of the ancient immortal, and Xu Jiaorong recommended Chen Jian Qiu served as Qi Xuansu's secretary, and a series of subsequent events deepened this connection.

Qi Xuansu liked Chen Jianchou not only because of Chen Jianchou's ability, but also to give Xu Jiaorong face. Just like Master Donghua's fancy for Qi Xuansu, it's not just because of Qi Xuansu's ability, it's to give Qiniang face. This kind of thing is all the same.

This personnel change strengthened Xu Jiaorong's determination to stand by Qi Xuansu's side. The so-called power was developed bit by bit in this way.

As the saying goes, a good man has three gangs. To achieve success in Taoism, you can't just have bosses and subordinates, but also need allies. Qi Xuansu now has two main allies, one is Zhang Yuelu, who is the closest to him, and the other is Xu Jiaorong, who has been through the test together and has a colleague relationship. In addition to the public-to-public relationship on the table, there are also closer personal relationships. For example, Zhang Yuelu is Qi Xuansu's Taoist monk, and Xu Jiaorong's adopted son serves as Qi Xuansu's secretary.

Then there are Pei Xiaolou and Lei Xiaohuan, who are a little further away, but still very reliable. On Zhang Yuelu's side are Bai Yingqiong, Xu Xiaoying, etc. In fact, the real person from Lanzhou is also

He can be regarded as an ally of Qi Xuansu, because Qi Xuansu helped Master Lan clean up the mess and preserve Master Lan's reputation. However, this master's status is too high, and it is far-fetched to insist that he is an ally, and he should be included in the ranks of his superiors.

Qi Xuansu's rise to power took such a short time, and it was extremely difficult for him to achieve such an impressive performance. This is why it is easier for children of aristocratic families to achieve success. Family members are natural allies, and blood relationships are more reliable.

It is foreseeable that as Qi Xuansu continues to "work", his power will further grow and his allies will gradually increase.

Of course, the boundaries between allies and superiors and subordinates are not so clear-cut. If Qi Xuansu really becomes a master, then they will all be subordinates.

Qi Xuansu is very sensitive to these. Qi Niang told him some basic principles, but did not teach him in depth. Qi Xuansu is self-taught, and it can be said that all his understanding is used in this aspect. As for realm cultivation, he can only It was driven by external forces.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu's reaction was also very interesting. He looked at Zhang Yuelu at the first moment, and congratulated Xu Jiaorong at the second moment.

This reflects the status of the two allies in his heart. There is no doubt that Zhang Yuelu ranks first and is the most important. Next is colleague Xu Jiaorong.

After these two people, Qi Xuansu expressed his gratitude to Lu Yushu.

In Qi Xuansu's view, the Lu family cannot be equated with the Li family. Even the Li family is divided into several factions, and they are not necessarily life-or-death factions. Lu Yushu has obviously shown goodwill to him this time, and of course he will not refuse.

Lu Yushu said softly: "My sister-in-law has benefited a lot from being with Master Qi. I will bother Master Qi to worry about it in the future."

Qi Xuan Su Xin

As he expected, it was related to Lu Yuting, and he was still polite: "As for you, Fellow Daoist Lu, Master Lu has shared a lot of my worries for me, and there is no such thing as 'worrying'."

Lu Yushu turned around and said: "If there was any misunderstanding before, I hope Master Qi will not take it to heart. After all, most of the people in this world are involuntarily, and this may not be the original intention."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "The Confucian sage said that the deceased is like a man, never leaving day and night. Things in the past are like rivers flowing eastward into the sea. After all, they are in the past. We still have to look forward. What do you think, fellow Taoist Lu?"

Lu Yushu nodded and said, "What Master Qi said is absolutely true."

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