Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 99 Ming Zhengdian Punishment

A bowl of black soup with unknown ingredients was held by Shangguan Ya with one hand and brought to the mouth of the Lord of Dayu.

At this time, the Lord of Dayu had fallen into a coma, his face was pale, and his eyes were closed tightly. Shangguanya pinched the Lord of Dayu's cheeks with his other hand, forced him to open his mouth, and then poured all the soup in.

After a while, Lord Dayu opened his eyes, and after a while, he was able to sit up.

No matter how you look at it, this is a scene that reflects back on the past.

The Lord of Dayu was very calm and asked: "The time has come?"

Shangguanya said: "I'm just following orders."

After that, she turned around and went out.

After a while, a group of spiritual officers walked in. Their faces were all covered with visors, and their appearance could not be seen clearly.

The leader was a second-grade spiritual officer, who said: "Prisoner Chen Shuzhen, it's time to get on the road."

Lord Dayu closed his eyes, opened them again, and stood up.

The second-grade spiritual official raised his chin slightly: "It's the last act of dignity to change his clothes."

The two low-level spiritual officers responded and stepped forward to change the clothes on the Lord Dayu.

Although Shangguan Ya's bowl of life-saving medicine brought Chen Shuzhen back from the gate of hell, it was limited to this. Naturally, he had no realm of cultivation, so Chen Shuzhen was unable to resist at this time.

Soon, the clothes were changed. Of course, they were not royal robes, but prison uniforms.

The second-grade spiritual officer waved his hand, and the spiritual officers escorted Chen Shuzhen away from this place.

This place is the Taoist prison. The place where Chen Shuzhen was previously imprisoned is located at the bottom of the prison, so he is walking all the way up.

The interior of the underworld is very complicated, with various roads crisscrossing it, like a maze. If no one is there to guide you, it is easy to get lost in it.

Chen Shuzhen was very calm and said leisurely: "I have heard about the name of the Taoist Hell Prison for a long time, but I never thought that I would be able to come in personally in this life."

The second-grade spiritual officer remained silent and did not speak.

After going up about two floors, I saw a figure appearing at the end of the passage. The spiritual officers stopped, and the second-grade spiritual officer stepped forward and said very politely: "Secretary Chen."

The secretary itself is nothing, but he often represents the big shot behind him. He is known as the "little real person", so he should not be underestimated.

The person who came was none other than Chen Jianchou.

Chen Jianchou was not arrogant just because he represented Qi Xuansu. He was still respectful and polite: "The real person wants to see him."

The second-grade spiritual officer nodded slightly: "Please lead the way."

Under the leadership of Chen Jianchou, a group of people came to an interrogation room.

In addition to Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin, many members of the Yu clan and ministers were also here. These people were very uncomfortable and did not even look at Chen Shuzhen.

"Master, we meet again." Qi Xuansu took the initiative to say.

Chen Shuzhen said: "Just now I was wondering which real person it was. It couldn't be the real person in charge of the palace. I didn't expect it to be Qi Cixi. It seems that Qi Cixi has made great achievements and is already a real person. I'm happy to congratulate you."

Qi Xuansu said: "It's a pity that Chen Shuhua defected before the full success was achieved, and the Taoist sect is pursuing him with all his strength."

Chen Shuzhen asked: "What does the real person want to do when he sees me now? It's not like the real person wants to show me, a prisoner, that the winner is king."

Qi Xuansu said: "I can give the king one last chance..."

"No need." Chen Shuzhen interrupted directly before Qi Xuansu finished speaking, "I don't need any chance. Thank you so much for Qi Xuansu's kindness."

Qi Xuansu nodded: "Everyone has his own ambitions and cannot be forced. In fact, I am very curious. You have been planning for many years and finally fell short. I wonder what the leader of the country thinks?"

Chen Shuzhen sneered: "One step away, I just wish I could drive your Taoist sect out of Borneo."

Qi Xuansu was still calm: "I would like to ask the king, how can Taoism fail Borneo?"

Chen Shuzhen said solemnly: "Borneo is the Borneo of the Borneo people, not the Borneo of the Central Plains people."

Qi Xuansu said: "Not to mention that most of the ancestors of the so-called Borneo people came from the Central Plains. The Taoist sect did not merge the Borneo countries into the Daxuan court, and still retained the relative independence of the countries. At the same time, Borneo people were implemented to govern Borneo. Zhou, Wang Zhangfu and Chen Shuhua are not from the Central Plains. The Taoist sect restricts Chen Shuhua not because she is from Borneo, but because she comes from the royal family of Dayu Kingdom. This is not just for the royal family of Dayu Kingdom, but also for the royal family of Daxuan Kingdom. The Royal Family of Java, the Royal Family of Funan, the Royal Family of Nero, the Royal Family of Weiyuan Kingdom, and Prime Minister Toyotomi’s Palace all treat each other equally.”

Chen Shuzhen sarcastically said: "You Central Plains people have moved all the businesses that Central Plains people don't do to Borneo, making Borneo people the de facto fourth class people. This is always a fact."

Qi Xuansu said: "The reason is very simple. Even if we are willing to give you the kind of livelihood that talents from the Central Plains can do, you can't take it. As for the ironclad ship, we can hand over the shipbuilding technology to you. Just to build an ironclad ship, in addition to the necessary shipbuilding technology , it also needs hundreds of supporting parts workshops, dozens of large steel workshops, two of the most advanced steam engine workshops in the world, and a unified imperial court, including the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of War, the Shenji Camp, and even the Taoist Sect. The Tianji Hall can only be accomplished by working together.”

"You know that ironclads are good things. If you want ironclads, you have to start in a steel workshop. Ironmaking requires coal. It took Daomen nearly a hundred years to dig coal and make iron to build ironclads that could compete with the Westerners. , How many generations of hard work have we achieved today? Now you are still in the coal mining stage, but you have to be on an equal footing with the people in the Central Plains, just like an apprentice wants the same wages as a master. Is this reasonable? "

"Before Taoism came to Borneo, people were still starving to death in the Yu Kingdom. Just like in the late Wei Dynasty in the Central Plains, after Taoism came, there was no large-scale starvation. Before Taoism came to Borneo, people were still starving to death in the country. The Yu Kingdom is still in war between the north and the south, and the Southern Dynasties supported by the Westerners are at war with you, the Chen family and the Northern Dynasty. It was Daomen who reunited the Yu Kingdom that had been divided into two halves, allowing you to secure your throne now. What’s the point of opposing Taoism?”

Chen Shuzhen was speechless for a moment.

Qi Xuansu said: "Let me tell you, the idea that Borneo is Borneo for Borneo people is just an excuse. When have you ever cared about the people at the bottom? What you care about is your own power. The Taoist sect can depose the leader of the country at will. , People from the royal family will never be able to live up to their will, this is what hurts your lungs and heart. It doesn’t matter how many people die from starvation. It doesn’t matter how many people die in the war, whether the people at the bottom are living well or badly. It still doesn’t matter. If it threatens your core interests, then it doesn’t matter, so you have to fight back, that’s it.”

"You also know that your thoughts are not worthy of publicity, so you pulled out a big flag and said it was for Borneo. You said it with righteousness and awe-inspiring. This is called the teacher's reputation. I raised the flag of rebellion, and a few people followed her to rebel. ? Since you are so noble, so great, so selfless, and so fair, all the princes and ministers of the Yu Kingdom are here today, who is willing to die with you? "

All the clan ministers in the room were watching, no one moved.

Chen Shuzhen's face was ashen and he said: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I have nothing to say."

Qi Xuansu sat up and straightened his upper body: "On behalf of the Taoist sect, I now officially depose Chen Shuzhen as the leader of the country. Jianqiu."

Chen Jianqiu stood up slowly and whispered: "Here you are."

Many clan ministers then all stood up.

Qi Xuansu announced: "From today onwards, Chen Jianqiu is the new king of Dayu Kingdom, and he is also the King of Yu canonized by the Daxuan Court, and is equivalent to the Prince of Daxuan. The corresponding canonization edict will come to Dayu together with the angel of Ziji Darenren country."

While Qi Xuansu was speaking, many clan members knelt down and saluted Chen Jianqiu.

For a while, only Qi Xuansu was still sitting.

The Lord of Dayu's lips turned white and he clenched his fists tightly.

After a while, the Lord of Dayu asked with difficulty: "I don't know what to do with me? A glass of poisoned wine? Or beheading me?"

Qi Xuansu said coldly: "I will punish you according to the law and take him away."

The two spiritual officers each put a hand into Chen Shuzhen's armpit, lifted him halfway in the air, and slipped him out.

Shenglong Palace was built in the shape of a "convex" in imitation of the imperial capital of the former Wei Dynasty. Above is the inner city and below is the outer city.

The West Market is located in the inner city, with two entrances to the east and west, each with archways. Because there are two different criminal laws, namely killing and mutilation, they are also divided into two places. The one who was killed was under the archway on the west side, and the one who was chopped was under the archway on the east side.

However, Daomen abolished executions and only erected a high gallows in the middle of the West Market, with a noose swinging leisurely in the wind.

When Chen Shuzhen was escorted to the West Market, many people were already waiting here. There were no ordinary people, only clan officials.

Qi Xuansu also arrived, but he only acted as a spectator on the high platform, and the Taoist priest in charge of the Fengxiantang branch acted as the supervisor.

The Taoist priest in charge took out an official letter from his sleeve, and first read out Chen Shuzhen's various crimes in public, mainly the crime of rebellion, supplemented by the crime of colluding with secret associations, and then announced his execution.

Chen Shuzhen was disheartened and walked slowly onto the execution platform, followed by the spiritual officer.

The spiritual officer stood aside expressionlessly, silently.

Chen Shuzhen put his head into the noose.

Lingguan tightened the noose and triggered the mechanism. The two thick movable flaps under the feet of the King of Dayu were released from the latches and separated to both sides at the same time. The Lord of Dayu, who was originally standing on the floor, suddenly had his feet dangling in the air, and his whole body was suspended by a rope around his neck.

This is a hanging specially made by the Taoist sect. The rope actually has a lot of mystery. Not to mention that Chen Shuzhen is a dying man, even when he is intact, he can be hanged. The empress dowager of the former Wei Dynasty died in this way. Under hanging.

Chen Shuzhen felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, and his vision gradually became blurry.

After a while, the vitality of the former king began to dissipate rapidly, and he became like an ordinary person. His body died and his body disappeared, his soul returned to heaven, his soul returned to the earth, and only three corpses were wandering around.

Qi Xuansu whispered to Chen Jianqiu beside him: "You can comfort Chen Jianqiu later and spend more time with her."

Chen Jianchou hesitated for a moment and agreed softly.

Seeing that the Lord of Dayu had lost his voice and his hands and feet were drooping, the blood drained from Chen Jianqiu's face. He covered his mouth with his hands, his shoulders trembled, but he did not dare to cry.

Qi Xuansu said to Chen Jianqiu: "Go and collect the body, as a filial piety to a child."

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