Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 100 Lion City Businessman

In fact, there should be a canonization ceremony, but that would have to wait until the angels from the Daxuan court arrived.

From the perspective of the Taoist government, this matter has come to an end for the time being.

Qi Xuansu can focus on the right path, which is the Nanyang United Trading Company.

Zhang Yuelu came to Borneo this time under the banner of investigating the case. She was not just talking about it. She really made some progress. The key is that "Xi Ye", whose real name is Xu Youyi, and whose official identity is Nanyang United Trading Company. A senior steward, secretly the lover of Wang Jiaoyan.

Xu Youyi knew the seriousness. If Wang Jiaoyan was surrendered, no one would be able to save him, so he kept carrying him without any move. However, Xu Kou's methods are really scary. It is true that the Taoist sect prohibits torture to extract confessions, but this man doesn't care. The worst he can do is be punished. It is undeniable that the effect of this method is indeed immediate.

So Xu Youyi still explained some other issues in an attempt to get through. According to Xu Youyi, the West Borneo Company had a secret warehouse in Lion City where the slaves they were preparing to sell were kept.

Qi Xuansu is no stranger to the Lion City. He had just inspected there, but had to return early because something happened to Master Lan Da.

If Thang Long is the political center of Borneo, then Lion City is the economic center of Borneo.

Geographically speaking, Thang Long Palace is too close to the inland and a little too remote. Lion City is the center of the entire Nanyang.

The last time Qi Xuansu went to the Lion City, he only visited the surface and did not get into the inner parts of the Lion City. Just like when Qi Xuansu first arrived at Shenglong Mansion, everything seemed harmonious on the surface. No one would have thought that Chen Shuhua, who took the initiative to greet Qi Xuansu and Yao Shu, was only one step away from immortality, nor would they have thought that there were two people hiding under Shenglong Mansion. A god-descending vessel at the level of an immortal will make Master Landa withdraw from the stage of Borneo for a long time.

This is not to mention Wang Jiaohe, Wang Jiaoying, Sun Heyu and other local gangsters.

So what did Qi Xuansu see in Lion City? Apart from the Taiping Bank's treasury, where we saw a little bit of the real situation, what else did we see? The special Xuansheng card prepared by wealthy businessmen together for him? Or is it the only customized brand store in Nanyang?

In fact, the water in Lion City is very deep.

In fact, it is a very simple truth. The more powerful or wealthy a place is, the more beauties there are. When Qi Xuansu was working at the bottom, he couldn't see many beautiful girls all year round. But after he arrived in Yujing, especially after entering Ziweitang, the beautiful Taoist priests walked from his pledge room to the east as if they didn't need money. You can see several of Huazhen’s signature rooms.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

In essence, not only so-called beauties, but everyone will gather in these places, and adventurers and careerists abound. It's just that these people can't be seen on the surface. After all, people's hearts are separated from each other, and no one will put a note on their forehead to explain who they are. However, good-looking people can't hide it and can see it at a glance. , so it gives people the stereotype that the more powerful and wealthy people are, the more beauties there are.

To put it bluntly, the more powerful and wealthy a place is, the more disputes there are and the more fights there are.

Thang Long Palace has power and Lion City has money.

Sheng Long Mansion was so troubled that it was split in half by Chen Shuhua's sword. How could the Lion City be a place of still water? It's just that the undercurrents are hidden beneath the surface.

Otherwise, why would the Daxuan court set up the Nanting Protectorate in Lion City? There are also reasons why the Borneo Taoist Office stationed spiritual officials in the Xuanwei Division of Old Port, not far from the Lion City.

On the surface, the Nanting Protectorate is the manager of the Lion City and the most powerful party. However, in fact, the Nanting Protectorate is far from being a dominant force. Although the Lingshan Witch Cult and the Zhiming Cult have strong influence here, It has been weakened, but the power of "Tian Ting" has been greatly increased. Many wealthy businessmen have the background of "Tian Ting". They are part of "Tian Ting". "Tian Ting" is half businessman and half thief, regardless of the goods they transport. , or the proceeds of robbery are sold through these merchants, the "Heavenly Court" is almost semi-public in the Lion City. The officers and soldiers and pirates are in the same room, which is also a unique scenery of the Lion City.

Secondly, there are secondary secret societies such as Qibaofang and Babuzhong. The former is a leading businessman, and the latter is a madman who focuses on creation. The two have one thing in common, they both need a lot of peace money. Lion City is the richest place in the whole of Nanyang. To put it harshly, these two families came here just because they smelled it.

Many merchants also have backgrounds from these two families. It can be said that the merchants in Lion City have complex backgrounds. They accept both black and white. They do business with secret societies on one hand and deal with the Taoist government on the other. In the words of businessmen, if two gold bars are placed here, which one is the right one? Which one is evil? Money is money, don’t struggle with money.

On the contrary, the Lingshan Witch Cult and the Zhiming Cult do not value the Lion City very much. Merchants value profits. In Western terms, merchants can sell the ropes used to hang themselves for profit. Such people will most likely not believe in the Ancient Immortal Cult. They believe that money can Channeling the gods and spreading the belief in ancient immortals here is a thankless task.

In addition, Xibasazhou Company is also a frequent visitor to Lion City, which is reasonable. Business is about coming and going. There is no reason not to let Xibasazhou Company come, so you can often see Western faces in Lion City. If there is any place in Southeast Asia that has been most heavily infiltrated by Westerners, it must be the Lion City.

If Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu want to jointly attack the Holy Court forces, they must start from the Lion City.

In addition, fleets from Lingnan, Jiangnan, Qizhou and other places will also travel to Lion City, docking or trading here. Most of these caravans have extraordinary backgrounds, with Daoist background behind them, or the background of the Daxuan court, which should not be underestimated. watch for.

For example, Qi Muyu is one of them.

Under such circumstances, the Nanyang United Trading Company, as a local leader, would naturally have a foot in the Lion City. It can even be said that the main focus of Nanyang United Trading Company is here, and its headquarters is located in the Lion City.

Before Qi Xuansu took office in Borneo, he naturally had to know something about Borneo. Thang Long Mansion and Lion City were his top priorities. This dragon and one lion determined the lifeline of the entire Nanyang.

It's a pity that Qi Xuansu's trip to the Lion City was interrupted midway, and he could only return to Shenglong Mansion in a hurry.

In fact, when Qi Xuansu served as the second deputy palace master, he did not need to deal with the Lion City too much because he was in charge of law. Now that he has been promoted to the chief deputy palace master and is in charge of financial rights, he has to deal with the Lion City. Got dealt with.

Qi Xuansu knew one thing very well. His next focus would inevitably shift from Shenglong Mansion to Lion City.

His fight with Wang Jiaohe, or in other words, his fight with the Wang family forces headed by Wang Jiaohe, was no longer a frontal fight, but a fight against the invisible lights and shadows of swords. The battlefield was in the Lion City.

As long as Qi Xuansu can obtain evidence of Nanyang United Trading Company's illegal crimes and prove that the Wang family is the boss behind Nanyang United Trading Company, then Jinque can justifiably take down Wang Jiaohe. Even an immortal is no match for Jinque.

But then again, the absence of head-on conflict does not mean that there will be no fighting and killing. Killing and silence is an old tradition of the Taoist sect. Even if the Jiangnan case is not mentioned, the Wang family will not sit still and wait for death. Fighting and killing in secret is still not allowed. To avoid it, in the end, whether "Qi Qingtian" becomes famous in Borneo or whether the Wang family survives the danger depends on the methods of both parties.

Zhang Yuelu's main target in this case investigation is Lion City, and she has already set off to Lion City first.

Qi Xuansu did not go with Zhang Yuelu because he had to deal with the affairs of the Yu King's royal family.

Zhang Yuelu was dressed lightly this time. Although he still took a flying boat, it was not a special flying boat that specifically served the second-in-command, chief, or master of the palace. It was just an ordinary public flying boat.

As for the accompanying person, there was only Ke Qingqing.

In any case, Zhang Yuelu is a heavenly being in the immeasurable stage, and he is on the territory of the Taoist sect, so there is no need to be overly cautious. Ordinary people are no match for Zhang Yuelu. As for those who can threaten Zhang Yuelu, such as Chen Shuhua, they will not attack Zhang Yuelu rashly unless she wants to face Tianshi He Zhengyi directly.

To kill Qi Xuansu, the Earth Master may not take action himself. But if Zhang Yuelu is touched, the Heavenly Master will definitely take action himself. Zhang Yuelu is a vital part of the Heavenly Master's future plan for the Zhang family. If Qi Xuansu dies and Yao Pei is there, there will be no other candidate if Zhang Yuelu dies.

Zhang Yuelu has also been to many big cities, such as Imperial Capital and Jinling Mansion, which are both huge cities with a population of more than millions. The Lion City is slightly inferior, but it has a population of more than one million, of which more than 500,000 are permanent residents, and the rest are foreigners.

After entering the Lion City, Zhang Yuelu's first impression was that it was prosperous, lively but orderly. It did not have the chaotic feeling that ordinary seaports give people. The people in black maintained the superficial order quite well. Anyone who fights and causes trouble will be blackmailed. The offenders are arrested and caned in varying amounts according to the seriousness of the case.

However, no matter how orderly it is, compared to other cities, it cannot be compared with Yujing. The two women Zhang Yuelu and Ke Qingqing were quite conspicuous, but when passers-by saw the Taoist attire of the two, they all kept away from them.

Although Zhang Yuelu did not wear a real crane cloak and was only dressed like a seventh-grade Taoist priest, to ordinary people, Taoist priests themselves were untouchable beings. If they collided with a Taoist master, the consequences would be serious. And as we all know, female Taoist priests of Taoist sects are relatively tough, and male Taoist priests dare not provoke them rashly.

When the people in black in the city see Taoist priests, they will show kindness and lose their usual coldness and seriousness.

Ke Qingqing asked softly: "Second seat, where are we going?"

Zhang Yuelu said something astonishing: "Ziguang Society."

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