Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 101 Yuheng Star Master

Although they are both called secret societies, they are still different. For example, Lingshan Witch Cult and Zhiming Cult are in the form of sects, "Tianting" is between an independent kingdom and a large gang, Qibaofang is similar to a chamber of commerce, Qingping Society is more similar to a secret alliance, "Inn" is like an assassin organization, and the Eight Tribes The organizational structure of Daomen is still maintained.

Ziguang Society is more like an intelligence agency. They have few members, but they are everywhere. They usually have two identities. In this regard, they are somewhat similar to Qingping. It can also be seen that the styles of Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Tao are similar. Their requirements for secret societies are based on quality, while Taiping Tao is based on quantity. The "Tianting" is so powerful that it surpasses all secret societies. , the overall quality is worrying.

As the economic and trade center of Nanyang, Lion City is destined to be a mixed bag. In addition to being rich, it is also a place where all kinds of news converge. Many well-informed people will be stationed in Shenglong Palace and Lion City. Generally speaking, the former mainly listens for news and pays attention to the trends of the Taoist government, while the latter exchanges news and buys and sells intelligence.

Naturally, Ziguangshe also set up a branch in Lion City. Although it was Zhang Yuelu's first time to come to Lion City, she had done her homework beforehand, so Zhang Yuelu walked through the streets and alleys all the way, almost making Ke Qingqing mistakenly think that Zhang Cixi had lived in Lion City. Quite a while.

There are seven Star Lords under the command of True Lord Ziguang. Star Lord Xuanji once had a bet with Zhang Yuelu. If Zhang Yuelu loses, he will become one of the seven Star Lords. After Zhang Yuelu wins, others will take his place. The seven star masters are named after the Big Dipper, namely Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Yuheng, and Yaoguang.

, Tianquan, Kaiyang. The Xuanji Star Lord is not among the seven Star Lords. "Xuanji Star" refers to the North Star. He is the deputy of True Lord Ziguang and the superior of the seven Star Lords.

According to Star Master Xuanji, the branch in Lion City is headed by Star Master Yuheng among the seven Star Masters. It is not easy to meet the Yuheng Star Master. The identities of the members of the Ziguang Society are secret. If someone who is unaware of the inside story wants to find them, they will not be able to find them without some means.

However, this is not difficult for Zhang Yuelu. Xuanji Star Lord has informed Zhang Yuelu of the specific contact method and meeting place. As long as Zhang Yuelu follows the method given by Xuanji Star Lord, it will be fine.

After Zhang Yuelu took Ke Qingqing around the outer city, he made sure there was no tail behind him, and then turned into a deserted alley. It was getting late at this time and the alley was very dark. Zhang Yuelu walked quickly to a small door at the end of the alley and knocked gently, first four times, after a half-minute pause, and then three times.

After a while, the door opened from the inside. There was no lamp inside either. Just relying on the dim moonlight above their heads, Zhang Yuelu and Ke Qingqing entered.

The person who opened the door closed the door again and led the way for the two of them.

Walking through a long passage, through a courtyard, and came to a side hall, where a woman dressed as a maid was waiting, with a graceful figure and good appearance. Although she was wearing the clothes of a maid, she did not have the consciousness of being a maid. Not only did she not mean to serve tea to the guests, she also did not stand aside. Instead, she looked at Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Yuelu without concealing it.

Zhang Yuelu didn't say anything, just showed a bracelet, which was made of nine purple jade beads, one of which was eight-quarter-sized.

The jade beads symbolize True Lord Purple Light, one seven-quarter-sized jade bead symbolizes the Xuanji Star Lord, and the remaining seven six-cent-sized jade beads symbolize the seven star lords respectively.

After seeing the bracelet, the maid's attitude suddenly became respectful and asked the two of them to follow her.

Obviously, this side hall is just a waiting area, far from being a living room. The real living room is elsewhere.

Leaving the side door of the side hall, there is another long corridor, with big red lanterns hanging on both sides, swaying slightly in the night wind, making the shadows of several people confused.

The maid walked in front to lead the way. Her skirt was very long and hung down to the ground. No shoes could be seen, and there was no movement of lifting her feet when walking. It didn't look like she was walking, but more like she was floating.

After passing the long corridor, a portal appeared, with bright lights inside, making the maid's shadow suddenly lengthen.

This is the real living room.

"Star Master, we have a distinguished guest." After the maid entered the door, she stepped aside and retreated to Zhang Yuelu's right hand. Ke Qingqing stood on Zhang Yuelu's left hand.

The living room has typical Western furnishings, a large coffee table and a sofa set. This is not to say that the Chinese style Taishi chair and small coffee table are not good. The main reason is that they are too hierarchical and sometimes inconvenient. Western furnishings are also divided into priorities, which are not so obvious after all.

Sitting on a separate sofa facing the door is a gorgeous beauty. Like Chen Jianqiu, she is of Western descent. Her black curly hair is casually scattered like waves. Her purple eyes and scarlet lips are in sharp contrast. The white A shirt with an open collar, a black vest with dark gold patterns, black velvet trousers, and shiny black leather high-heeled boots.

It smelled of lilac, and the right hand wearing a ruby ​​ring held a goblet with bright red wine in it.

This is the Yuheng Star Master.

Only the Taoist sect requires not to rejuvenate too much, so the old beauties outside the Taoist sect do not need to limit themselves to the appearance of forty years old. The Yuheng Star Master looks about thirty years old.

"It turns out to be Master Qingxiao." The beauty did not stand up, but pointed to the separate sofa opposite her and motioned for Zhang Yuelu to sit down.

The Zhang family is a wealthy family, one of the three major Taoist families. There are countless real people in the family, so the title "Zhang Zhenren" is not commonly used. Most people use their first name or the word "Zhang Zhenren".

After Zhang Yuelu sat down, he leaned forward slightly and said, "This is the first time we meet, Zhang Yuelu is so polite."

Then the two of them fell into silence.

Although in other people's territory, the realm of Yuheng Star Master is higher than that of Zhang Yuelu, but in terms of momentum, Zhang Yuelu does not lose at all.

The most holy teacher said: "If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told. If his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told."

It is undeniable that the less selfish thoughts you have, the closer you can get to the state of fearlessness. Without selfish thoughts, one can be fearless.

Of course Zhang Yuelu has private thoughts, and she is by no means a selfless person. However, Zhang Yuelu has fewer private thoughts than most people, so she is always able to be unafraid when facing most people.

Otherwise, why would Qiniang "hate" Zhang Yuelu?

To put it harshly, not just anyone can be "disliked" by Qiniang, most people will just be ignored by Qiniang. Zhang Yuelu was "hated" by Qiniang again and again. This "hate" was not true disgust, but a sense of crisis.

In fact, under the sun

Conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are all about the struggle for voice and power. In the past, Qi Xuansu and Qiniang's small family, Qiniang was the head of the family, but now that Zhang Yuelu has been married, she is naturally the reserve for Qiniang's position, and the two are direct rivals. A fatal question arises - who has the final say?

Is Qiniang abdicating the throne to enjoy some leisure time? Or is Zhang Yuelu lying low and being small?

Qiniang found that she was a little unable to suppress Zhang Yuelu. The fundamental reason came from Zhang Yuelu's "righteousness".

Qiniang is a very "evil" person and is by no means a charitable person. If Qi Xuansu married a delicate and beautiful but shallow and vain woman who liked to lose her temper and manipulate Qi Xuansu's temper, maybe Qi Xuansu would be concerned about the influence and would not be able to get angry. But Qiniang will never be lenient when dealing with such a woman. She will let her know what a bad mother-in-law is like. If necessary, Qiniang doesn't mind doing some dirty work. This means that evil people will be punished by evil people.

But this doesn't work for Zhang Yuelu. Zhang Yuelu is ambitious and self-reliant. She knows what is right and walks on the right path personally.

Evil does not suppress good.

Star Master Yuheng also felt similar to Qiniang at this time. He wanted to put some pressure on this junior to take the initiative, but in the end he tended to be suppressed by this little girl. So she slightly adjusted her sitting posture, with her thighs crossed and her upper body slightly skewed. She supported the armrest of the sofa with her elbows, becoming more lazy and casual.

She took a sip of red wine, unable to tell where the boundary between lips and red wine was.

If I had to use two words to describe it, it would be "enchanting".

It's a pity that Zhang Yuelu is the only one who appreciates this scene. Not to mention she is a woman, even if she is

She is a man and will remain unmoved.

Zhang Yuelu was still sitting upright.

If Qiniang is the kind of person that the Fifth Generation Grand Master hates the most, then Zhang Yuelu is the kind of person that the Fifth Generation Grand Master likes the most.

The two seemed to be yin and yang Pisces with clear black and white, pulling Qi Xuansu, a half-black and half-white person, respectively. In the end, no one could completely pull Qi Xuansu to his side, but instead formed a kind of balance.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu has both Zhang Yuelu's ideas and Qiniang's methods.

However, if you regard Qi Xuansu as a vassal of two women, you would be underestimating him. He has his own ideas.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then Star Master Yuheng put down the wine glass in his hand and took the initiative to say: "I wonder what the purpose of Master Qingxiao's sudden visit is?"

Zhang Yuelu said straight to the point: "I would like to ask Master Yuheng to help check all the warehouses of Nanyang United Trading Company in Lion City, including secret warehouses registered under other people's names."

Star Master Yuheng looked embarrassed and said: "Ziguang Club is not like the other ones. It has very few members and does not support idle people. The branch only has so many people. Everyone has their own errands. There really is no extra manpower and no such funds. ”

Zhang Yuelu thought for a moment that he had met Qiniang.

Why are these elderly women from secret societies all speaking the same tune and speaking the same tone?

Star Master Yuheng continued: "It's not that I'm trying to shirk it, but it's the truth. I have no choice. If the real person can talk to the real king and send us a few more people, I will be very grateful."

Zhang Yuelu sighed and said: "I don't have the manpower. As for the funds, you can make a price."

She finally figured it out, Ziguangshe was not

The "Inn" is not open to the public, nor does it sell information or services to the outside world. The identity of the Zhang family is a key that allows Ziguang Society to provide services, but it is not free. Of course, Zhang Yuelu could use the name of the Xuanji Star Master to forcefully suppress the Yuheng Star Master, but the lack of effort is not unique to people from the Taoist sect. The Ziguang Society will also do this, and in the end it will still be a mistake.

Star Master Yuheng smiled: "Although the sisters in the club have errands and can't be distracted, they still have time to rest. If they work hard and are tired, if they stay up for a few more nights, they can earn money for rouge and gouache. This way Well, considering the friendship between our two families for many years, Master Qingxiao just needs to give me 20,000 peace coins."

Zhang Yuelu directly took out a stack of brand-new official tickets from the Xumiwu and placed it on the coffee table: "I will make another condition. In addition to searching for the warehouse, your branch must be at my disposal during the time I am in Lion City."

Star Master Yuheng said readily: "No problem."

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