Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 173 The final peace

Li Changge took over the branch of Beichen Hall and naturally released Chen Jianchou.

Prior to this, the branch of Huasheng Hall conducted a comprehensive and thorough inspection of Chen Jianchou. If the people of the branch of Beichen Hall tortured Chen Jianchou, they would naturally have to add a sum when settling the accounts later.

Qiniang taught Qi Xuansu that if he loses, he will hold a grudge, but if he wins, he will counterattack and calculate.

In addition, it is also to ensure that no one leaves any behind-the-scenes tricks on Chen Jianchou. After all, there are many such methods, such as a thought, a breath, etc. Everyone is not an ordinary person, so naturally There will be corresponding prevention and detection measures.

After Chen Jianchou came out, Qi Xuansu was too busy and had no time to leave, so he asked Ke Qingqing to greet Chen Jianchou and calm him down.

Ke Qingqing came to the door of the Beichen Hall branch. After waiting for a while, he saw Chen Jianchou walking out accompanied by two Taoist priests.

After not seeing him for a while, Chen Jianchou's face looked a little pale, but he had no obvious injuries. It must have been a not so good memory.

The two Taoist priests from Beichen Hall kept their postures very low with smiling faces.

Anyone can see that Secretary Chen has gone out and been promoted to a high-level Taoist priest. He will definitely have a bright future in the future. Even if Chief Qi does not pursue this matter, Secretary Chen can pursue it himself. Who dares to offend? We have to make up for it quickly.

Chen Jianchou was not very gloomy, at least it did not show on his face, but he was deeply tired. After seeing Ke Qingqing, Chen Jianchou perked up and said, "Senior Sister Ke."

There is no relationship between the two as teachers. As Qi Xuansu's two secretaries, Ke Qingqing is considered the senior. He also led Chen Jianchou for a while, so he calls her senior sister.

Ke Qingqing smiled and said: "The chief is very busy, so let me greet you on his behalf."

Chen Jianqiu said: "I caused trouble for the chief. During my absence, Senior Sister Lao Ke was also present."

"One family doesn't have to speak the same language. This time, they are not just targeting you, and it is not just the chief who is intimidating you." Ke Qingqing waved his hand, "You have suffered, the chief has arranged for me to calm your nerves, let's go."

The two boarded the carriage and headed to the Taiping Inn in the city.

The distance between the Beichen Hall branch and the Taiping Inn was not short, so the two of them talked about what had happened in recent days on the carriage. Chen Jianchou did not expect that there would be such involvement, and he could not help but admire Chief Qi's methods.

Chen Jianchou couldn't help but ask: "Is there nothing wrong with the king?"

Ke Qingqing laughed: "With Chief Qi taking care of me, and Second Chief Zhang taking care of me, it is natural that nothing will go wrong."

Chen Jianqiu felt relieved.

On the other side, in the Tianfu Palace in the Lion City.

Xiao Yin was standing obediently, with his hands open. Zhang Yuelu took a small piece of clothing and put it on Xiao Yin's body, then buttoned it up for Xiao Yin.

Xiao Yin turned around and Zhang Yuelu combed Xiao Yin's hair.

To be fair, Zhang Yuelu was not a good wife and mother in the traditional sense. In a certain sense, she was completely unscrupulous and not good at housework. However, Xiao Yin was an exception.

Although she didn't like Xiao Yin very much at the beginning, her impression will change as time goes by. Especially this time, Xiao Yin has made great achievements again. If it hadn't been for Xiao Yin, the outcome would have been unpredictable.

All in all, Xiao Yin is usually very unreliable, but at critical moments he is surprisingly reliable.

As the saying goes, people cannot stand without faith.

Zhang Yuelu did not intend to break her promise. Since she had made a promise, she planned to fulfill her promise no matter what happened to Xiao Yin or not. If you don't keep your word, you will lose your child's trust.

After dressing up, the two of them started a one-day tour of the Lion City.

As Qi Xuansu launched a counterattack, this was probably his last free moment.

Zhang Yuelu led Xiao Yin and left Tianfu Palace through the side door. A carriage was waiting outside, and Lin Yuanmiao, who had mostly recovered from his injury, served as the driver. If Qi Xuansu were here, he would find that the black horse pulling the cart looked familiar. It was the "Bu Yue" he gave to Xiao Yin. It was originally just a bad horse, skinny and sickly, and it looked like he didn't have much life left. But now it can be regarded as a chicken and a dog ascending to the sky, with blood-red eyes, black and shiny fur, strong and powerful, and a faint layer of mist surrounding it.

Xiao Yin proposed to ride a horse in the Lion City. Zhang Yuelu couldn't refuse, and he was afraid that something would happen to her, so he made a compromise plan and took a carriage.

"Get in the car, great hero." Zhang Yuelu said with a smile.

Xiao Yin cheered and climbed onto the shaft first, followed by Zhang Yuelu.

The carriage moved slowly.

Xiao Yin lay on the car window watching the street scene.

Zhang Yuelu leaned against the wall of the carriage, talking to Lin Yuanmiao who was sitting on the shaft through the curtain: "Old Lin, how are you recovering from your injury?"

Lin Yuanmiao looked forward: "Probably has the strength to create heavenly beings."

Zhang Yuelu thought for a while and then said: "If I give you a page from the 'Xirui Sutra', will you be able to regain the strength of a pseudo-immortal in a short time?"

Lin Yuanmiao was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhang Yuelu sighed: "This kind of thing can play a greater role in your hands than us."

"But I need an external object to stabilize my mind." Lin Yuanmiao continued, "I'm afraid that after using the 'Xirui Jing', I won't be able to tell whether I am Lin Yuanmiao or the Great Master of the Jin Dynasty Lin Lingsu. "

Zhang Yuelu did not hesitate and agreed directly: "No problem, I can temporarily lend you the 'Six-Word Bright Curse Sword'. Or let Tianyuan lend you his 'Pure Bodhi' temporarily."

For Zhang Yuelu, without the cultivation level in the creation stage, it would still be a little difficult to control three semi-immortal objects at the same time, and he would not be able to take advantage of the three semi-immortal objects.

Lin Yuanmiao asked: "Has the situation reached this point?"

Lin Yuanmiao was not idle during the period of recuperation. He had a detailed understanding of the current situation in Borneo, including the various fighting methods between Qi Xuansu and Wang Jiaohe, etc. After all, he was not Xiao Yin. He had Lin Ling, the master of the Jin Dynasty. Part of Su's memory made Lin Yuanmiao very sensitive to power struggles. After all, Lin Lingsu's overwhelming power over Buddhism was indispensable for his tactics.

In Lin Lingsu's view, things had to be done one by one. The top priority was to concentrate on getting rid of Chen Shuhua, and then solve the problem of Wang Jiaohe.

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "We must be prepared on both sides. It would be best if we could solve them one by one, but they may not go according to our ideas. As the saying goes, you fight yours and I will fight mine. If Jiang Dazhen mobilized If I use all my strength to solve Chen Shuhua's problem, will Wang Jiaohe watch helplessly? I don't think so. Without the restraint of Master Jiang Da, this is his last chance. If I were Wang Jiaohe, I did something when Master Jiang Dazhen was surrounding Chen Shuhua. At that time, we couldn't count on Master Jiang Dazhen. After all, for Master Jiang Dazhen, letting Wang Jiaohe escape was nothing. If Chen Shuhua runs away, the consequences will be unbearable, so Chen Shuhua must be given priority."

Lin Yuanmiao nodded slightly and agreed with Zhang Yuelu's statement.

Zhang Yuelu said apologetically: "You are still injured, so I wouldn't have allowed you to take action by force, but we are really short on manpower."

Lin Yuanmiao said softly: "It's okay."

At this moment, Xiao Yin shouted: "Old Lin, stop the car quickly."

Lin Yuanmiao pulled the reins and the carriage stopped.

For Qi Xuansu, good news has come one after another these days.

In addition to Wu Mairong and several principals being arrested, there is also news coming from Dongpo Suazhou.

Lin Tianhe was arrested.

This is also reasonable. The East Posu Province Taoist Palace dispatched a second deputy palace master, the Borneo Daofu Palace dispatched a second deputy palace master, and the Yujing side dispatched a deputy hall master. Lin was still unable to be caught. Tianhe, that’s too unreasonable.

It is said that Lin Tianhe was identified when he was trying to cross the border of East Posu Continent and enter West Posu Continent. He tried to escape, but was later captured by a first-level spiritual officer who came after hearing the news.

Now Xu Jiaorong and Yao Pei have completed the relevant handover procedures and are preparing to escort Lin Tianhe back to Borneo from East Borneo.

This is undoubtedly good news. Among the three key figures of Nanyang United Trading Company, Sun Jiaofeng is dead, and Wang Jiaoyan still has not spoken. The remaining Lin Tianhe is the biggest breakthrough. I believe Lin Tianhe will not die for the Wang family. If he endures it to the end, he will most likely choose to sell the Wang family to save his own life.

It's like a dam. As long as a gap opens, it will be a matter of time before the entire dam collapses. In other words, after Lin Tianhe confesses, those principals, as well as Wang Jiaoyan, Lin Qingcheng, Wu Meirong and others, will all fall one by one.

In Qi Xuansu's view, after Wang Jiaohe's attempt to make a fuss about the secret association failed, there was no possibility of a comeback. What he needed to do now was not to press forward step by step, but to prevent Wang Jiaohe from jumping over the wall. Whether it was directly killing Qi Xuansu or fleeing to the West.

In a blink of an eye, the Hungry Ghost Festival celebration has arrived.

Qi Xuansu had to focus part of his energy on this. Blessings from heavenly officials are mainly aimed at living people and praying for the living people. The pardon of sins by local officials is aimed at the dead, to save the souls of the dead.

This celebration was coordinated and arranged by Qi Xuansu, but it was presided over by the leader Dazhenren personally. On July 15th, no matter how fierce the internal struggle was, Jiang Dazhen, Wang Jiaohe, and Qi Xuansu still attended the celebration together, maintaining the appearance of peace. of peace.

However, some people noticed that many familiar faces were missing. Considering the recent changes, anyone could smell the tension hidden behind the celebration.

This celebration is like the last calm before the storm.

Taking advantage of the celebration, Zhang Yuelu brought Xiao Yin and Lin Yuanmiao to Shenglong Mansion.

Chen Jianqiu and Star Master Yuheng still stay in Lion City.

The Protector-General, who had disappeared for a long time, finally finished his audience and returned to Lion City from the Imperial Capital. He was in charge of Lion City personally, so he was not afraid of causing any trouble. Moreover, Li Zhuyu, Xie Jiaofeng, Shangguan Ya and others also stayed in Lion City.

There is news that as the Fenglinzhou war is coming to an end, His Majesty the Emperor intends to re-establish the Siting Protectorate's Palace, that is, to supplement the East Courtyard Protector's Palace, and change the Xizhou Protectorate's Palace to the West Courtyard Protector's Palace. The Protector-General changed positions, which is why the Protector-General of Nanting stayed in the Imperial Capital for such a long time.

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