Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 174: Prepare to take action

`After the Hungry Ghost Festival, there was another heavy rain.

Xiao Yin and Lin Yuanmiao sat under the rain corridor and looked at the rain scene.

The rain was heavy, and the raindrops were almost indistinguishable from each other, just like a curtain of water. So-called pouring rain, this is it.

Countless rainwater fell on the tiles, washing them black and shiny, and then gathered into a trickle, pouring down along the eaves, like waterfalls that have been reduced many times.

Neither of them was particular about anything and sat directly on the threshold. Lin Yuanmiao patted his knees gently and recited: "I was lamenting that his life was not long, but I didn't know that he would come back to mourn! Because he thought the gauze hat was too small, the shackles were broken." . Luan Hengheng, you just finished singing and I came on stage, it's ridiculous, in the end, you are just making wedding clothes for others."

Xiao Yin put his chin in his hands, bored: "Old Lin, who are you scolding in such a weird way?"

"I'm not scolding anyone, I'm just sighing in my heart." Lin Yuanmiao looked out at the rain corridor. Taoist priests were walking around one after another, holding uniform yellow oil-paper umbrellas, just like fallen leaves. There were also some who did not hold umbrellas because of their cultivation. Comes like wind and goes like smoke.

Lin Yuanmiao sighed again: "Everyone in the world knows that gods are good, but they will never forget their fame."

Ke Qingqing walked over covered with moisture, complaining: "It's already autumn, how can it rain so much? It's really..."

Xiao Yin jumped up and stopped Ke Qingqing: "Where are the two of them? Did they go on a tryst behind my back?"

Ke Qingqing stopped, but he did not dare to offend the number one "favorite" in front of Chief Qi and Second Chief Zhang. Strictly speaking, everyone should like her. Neither Chief Qi nor Ci Xi Zhang can be said to be approachable, but they all like this little girl very much. Not only Chief Qi and Ci Xi Zhang, Ke Qingqing also knows the taciturn girl next to Xiao Yin. The man is a man of heaven, but he gets along very well with Xiao Yin and is often inseparable. There is also the ancestor of the Yao family who is the elder of Chief Qi. It is said that this elder is relatively stingy, but the little girl can get gifts from her, which can be seen.

Ke Qingqing knelt down and said, "How can Chief Qi and Cixi Zhang have so much free time? Cixi Zhang is dealing with some official documents from Yujing and Lingnan Dafu. Chief Qi..."

At this point, Ke Qingqing paused subconsciously, looked around, and lowered his voice: "Chief Qi has gone to see Master Jiang Dazhen."

Before Xiao Yin realized what this meant, Lin Yuanmiao had already stood up and said softly: "Where are the ancient and modern generals? The pile of grass in the barren tomb is gone."

Heavy rain fell one after another, washing all the vegetation in the wooden palace very clear, and the leaves were glowing with water. Water accumulated on the bluestone road and was trampled by clouds.

Qi Xuansu strode in front, followed closely by Chen Jianchou, holding a big umbrella in his hand.

The rain beat wildly on the umbrella surface, and the water droplets falling along the umbrella beads formed bright water lines.

Arriving at the gate of the wooden palace, a group of spiritual officers stood here, lined up in a figure of eight, letting the rain fall on the dark armor. When the leader of the Lingguan team saw Qi Xuansu approaching, he rushed over to greet him: "Chief Qi."

Qi Xuansu just nodded and walked straight forward without stopping.

Two spiritual officers had already pushed open the door just in time, without stopping Qi Xuansu's steps for even a moment.

However, Chen Jianchou was stopped by the spiritual officer. The leader of the spiritual officer was very polite: "I'm sorry, Secretary Chen. The great master has an order. This is a top-secret discussion and you are not allowed to observe. Please come here and wait."

Chen Jianchou put away his umbrella and said politely, "Please lead the way."

Qi Xuansu walked into the wooden palace alone. There were already five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry, filled with spiritual officials. Moreover, these spiritual officials had nothing to do with the Borneo Taoist government. They were all special gifts brought by Jiang Dazhen from Yujing. Spirit official.

However, these spiritual officials all recognized Qi Xuansu and made no move to stop him.

Qi Xuansu came to the meeting hall unimpeded and pushed the door open.

The layout inside is also a long table, but this time Jiang Dazhen is sitting on the main seat facing south and facing north.

In addition to Jiang Dazhen, there were already some people sitting on the left and right sides, many of whom were familiar faces, such as Jiayin Lingguan and Ding Chou Lingguan. The unfamiliar faces were those who came to Borneo with Jiang Dazhen. Spirit official.

Among the Liujia Lingguan, Qi Xuansu has already met Jiashe Lingguan, Jiachen Lingguan, and Jiayin Lingguan.

Jiawu Lingguan is a middle-aged man who is also taciturn. He has a completely different impression from Lin Yuanmiao. Lin Yuanmiao always gives people a somewhat gloomy feeling, while Jiawu Lingguan gives people a calm and reliable feeling.

The spiritual officials sat uniformly on Jiang Dazhen's right hand side, and the Taoist priests uniformly sat on Jiang Dazhenren's left hand side.

At this time, the position next to Jiang Dazhen's left hand was empty, obviously reserved for Qi Xuansu.

The Taoist sect respects the left, which undoubtedly shows that Qi Xuansu's status is second only to Jiang Dazhen. The reason is not complicated. This is the Borneo Taoist Palace. As the chief deputy palace master, Qi Xuansu, as long as the master in charge Wang Jiaohe is not around, he is the second-largest figure after the master in charge. As a local master, he has a natural advantage.

Qi Xuansu walked to his position. Under him, there were several Taoist priests with good strength. They were all created by heaven and were also members of the pursuit team.

When the Taoist government discussed matters before, because they were not from the Taoist government, they did not attend. They also lived in seclusion on weekdays and did not show up much. Therefore, Qi Xuansu did not interact with them much.

Qi Xuansu and everyone exchanged greetings.

After Qi Xuansu took his seat, several more people arrived one after another.

Master Jiang Dazhen looked around: "Everyone is here, let's start the discussion now."

The discussion convened by the real person in charge, Wang Jiaohe, was excluded from the discussion, so the content of the discussion was no longer known.

The theme of this meeting revolves around Chen Shuhua.

This is also the fundamental reason why Jiang Daren came to Borneo.

Although the early arrival of the storm caused some changes, Jiang Dazhen successfully calculated the trajectory of Tongzhen Palace.

The next step is to organize a siege. After all, Chen Shuhua's great rebirth and the recovery time of the "Fifth Innate Lady" are only forty-nine days. Most of the time has passed. If Chen Shuhua returns to his peak state, it will be very troublesome.

Because of this, Jiang Dazhen did not solve Wang Jiaohe's problem in advance. It was because time waited for no one and he was restricted by various rules and procedures. He could not directly take down Wang Jiaohe without sufficient evidence, collect evidence, and advance the case. The procedure takes time.

Master Jiang Dazhen personally formulated the siege plan, but Qi Xuansu, Zhang Yuelu and others were not included in this. It was still a bit too difficult for them to participate in the siege and killing of the immortal. Although Qi Xuansu has experienced many big scenes, such as overwhelming the ancestors of Xuanhuiyuan, fierce battles with Yi Zangnuozun, confronting Zhenwei Qingwei, defeating Zhenjun Siming, and surprise attacks on Wu Guangbi, etc., they all relied on external forces and only relied on their own realm. In terms of cultivation, Qi Xuansu is still far behind.

Some external means, such as the pages of the "Heritage Sutra", should be used once or less. They are not used as a last resort and there is no need to use them in this regard.

In another twenty years, that will be almost the case.

So Qi Xuansu just heard it and got a general idea, and didn't need to understand it in detail.

The other Taoist disciples, Sanxiu, did not participate in the discussion at all.

After Jiang Dazhen explained the plan, he said: "The errands assigned by Jinque must be done well, but there can't be any trouble on the Borneo Taoist side. After all, I am also the head of the Borneo Taoist House. In this regard, there is Chief Lauchi.”

Qi Xuansu said in a deep voice: "Please rest assured, Master Jiang Da."

Master Jiang Dazhen looked around again: "We are all here today, so I will say something directly. The key is that our master, Wang Jiaohe, has been involved in all the chaos in Borneo Taoist House over the past few years. They all have something to do with some of the top officials of the Borneo Palace. The former chief deputy palace chief Chen Shuhua has defected. Is there any problem with the real person in charge of the palace, Wang Jiaohe, who has been with her for many years? I can see that there is not only a problem, but a big problem. I will mobilize a lot of Taoist power this time, and several spiritual officials will accompany me. Will the real person in charge do something while I am away? "

Qi Xuansu said: "I have also considered this and made preparations."

Mr. Jiang Daren nodded slightly: "It is not enough to be prepared. We must strive to be foolproof."

At this time, Qi Xuansu no longer made up his own mind, but said: "Please give me your instructions."

Jiang Dazhen said: "It's not about giving any instructions. You have to pay attention to the following points. First, it is your personal safety. As the saying goes, having a sharp blade means killing oneself. Although I don't think Wang Jiaohe is motivated by motivation. "

"Second point, we must be careful to prevent some people from defecting to the enemy. I am not being alarmist. A few days ago, didn't the assistant manager named Lin almost go to Xibasazhou? Fortunately, he was captured. If he hadn't been captured, , our Borneo Taoist government has finally appeared.”

"If it's just embarrassing, it's a trivial matter. My old face is not worth a few peace coins. But because of the New World, the Holy Court has been very active recently and has been making small moves. If at this time, a master of knowledge and a big If the real person goes to the Western Holy Court, it will not be as simple as being embarrassed, but it will shake the Golden Palace. The key is that it will make the Taoist clan very passive."

Of course Qi Xuansu understands this truth. As one of the thirty-six Master Shenzhi, Wang Jiaohe has mastered too many secrets of the Taoist sect. If he is allowed to defect to the Holy Court, many of the Taoist sect's arrangements will have to be overturned.

A very simple truth. The confrontation between the two camps must be based on reality. But once the Holy Court has mastered the detailed deployment of the Taoist sect, there is no such thing as reality. The arrangement of many years has been completely destroyed in one day and must be disrupted and overthrown. If it comes back, it will even affect the situation in the New World.

To sum it up in one sentence, the consequences of Wang Jiaohe's defection to the enemy are very serious, and Wang Jiaohe must not be allowed to run away.

Qi Xuansu asked softly: "Master, when necessary, can you use some unconventional means on certain people?"

Master Jiang Da took a look at Qi Xuansu and gave an affirmative reply: "If someone really escapes, then on behalf of Jinque, I allow you to directly kill the relevant people without trial. It's empty talk, and I will give you a copy later. Formal Warrant."

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