Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 217 Newcomers, New Atmosphere

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to break the silence: "What do you call Zhenren? Just call me 'Tianyuan'."

Mo Qingdi said: "Master Tian... Master Yuan, I am really happy to know that you are coming to Longmen Mansion."

Qi Xuansu frowned and said: "Tianyuan is Tianyuan, no need for real people. Why are you so polite? We still talk as before."

"This... what kind of rules are these? Now that I am no longer a child, I have to follow the rules when I enter the Taoist sect and deal with real people's feelings." Mo Qingdi said this, but he still felt a little more comfortable and his expression relaxed.

Qi Xuansu asked: "By the way, you and Shi Yu have been together for so many years, and you are not young anymore. When do you plan to have a child?"

Mo Qingdi smiled, but there was no joy, only helplessness: "Child, how can I afford to raise a child?"

Qi Xuansu asked him how he was doing, and he just shook his head: "Compared to others, I'm already pretty good, so I don't dare to be greedy anymore. Lao Shi is also a good housekeeper. He just wants to buy a small house in Yujing. It doesn't matter which one. , It doesn’t matter how big or small you are, but no matter how you calculate, the peace money is always not enough. We have to cut down on clothing and live a diet. It doesn’t matter if we can save a little, but how can we dare to raise a child?”

Qi Xuansu suddenly felt a little emotional.

He and Zhang Yuelu could afford it, but they probably wouldn't have children. It was a pity, but things in this world were about giving and taking. On the other hand, Mo Qing was able to have children, but they couldn't afford to raise them. Maybe this is life.

Qi Xuansu asked again: "By the way, how is your book?"

Mo Qingdi couldn't help but sigh: "Last year, I wrote a book, but it was blocked for some reason. It was a year of busy work in vain. Fortunately, I was not blocked and could continue writing. Fortunately among misfortunes, …”

Qi Xuansu was silent for a while and said, "If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can come to me. I'll say hello over at Qingping Bookstore."

Mo Qingdi's face showed joy and he thanked him repeatedly, but he was a little humble, just like many of Qi Xuansu's subordinates.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but look out the window.

It is already autumn, the autumn wind is rustling, and several trees beside the road are covered with yellow leaves. A gust of wind blows, and the fallen leaves fall down, leaving a desolate place and paving the stone road.

Just like his mood at this time.

The two talked about the book Mo Qingdi was writing and talked about the Xuan Sheng card.

There was nothing left to say.

What else can be said?

They give advice on the country and the country, and talk about the world's major events. The two of them are in different positions, have different experiences, and naturally have different ideas. If they really want to talk about it, it is just like a chicken talking to a duck.

Fortunately, Mo Qingdi is no longer so reserved and can still reminisce about the past.

All that's left is to reminisce about the past.

After having a meal, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu said goodbye and went to the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven to pick up Xiao Yin.

Mr. Yin doesn't mind that little Yin becomes someone else's child.

The three evil things are like old people who have lived in poverty all their lives. They have been like this all their lives, but their children cannot be like them. It is best to go out, even if they are other people's children.

Xiao Yin probably couldn't understand this kind of mood. She was only happy at this time.

I'm so happy to be back in the Lion City and able to eat good food again.

Xiao Yin happily ran to Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu and waved to Mr. Yin who was seeing them off.

Mr. Yin also waved, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood on the top of the "Ghost Pass" and watched the three people go away.

The flying boat rose all the way, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds, and finally sailed above the sea of ​​clouds, heading towards Yujing.

After a short stay in Yujing, the two of them will return to Lingnan and Nanyang.

This meant that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were about to separate. At this time, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu asked Xiao Yin, who would they like to follow? Should we go to Lingnan or Nanyang?

Xiao Yin rolled her eyes and expressed that she really wanted to follow Lao Zhang to Lingnan, but Lao Qi had not yet fulfilled his promise. She had to continue traveling around Southeast Asia to prevent Lao Qi from becoming a dishonest person, so she decided to follow Lao Qi. Go to Nanyang.

Zhang Yuelu laughed it off.

In the past, we had strict fathers and loving mothers. It was the father's fault to raise but not teach. The task of educating children rests on the shoulders of the father. However, when the Taoist sects became equal, the situation changed somewhat. Mothers became extremely powerful in their children's education, and fathers often began to be absent because they were too busy.

Zhang Yuelu said that it is really not vulgar, but no one is perfect, and it is inevitable to fall into clichés in certain things.

For example, at this point, Zhang Yuelu has relatively high requirements for Xiao Yin, especially after she learned about the "Jianxiu Mountain Master Heren", she became even more worried about Qi Xuansu, so when they were about to part, Zhang Yuelu gave her Xiao Yin made a list of books and asked Xiao Yin not to just think about eating, drinking and having fun, but to read and memorize these books during this time. She will check it out the next time we meet.

If you fail the test, all pocket money will be cancelled, and you will be grounded and copied.

Of course, Xiao Yin was not happy because the boss was the boss. Her little mouth was so pouted that it could hang a bottle of oil, but she didn't dare to object, so she could only look at Qi Xuansu helplessly.

Qi Xuansu agreed and ignored Xiao Yin at all.

Going against Zhang Yuelu when she is being unreasonable, or in other words, opposing Zhang Yuelu when she is being unreasonable will easily get you burned.

In this way, Feizhou first stopped in Lingnan and dropped Zhang Yuelu, and then Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin went to Nanyang.

Qi Xuansu finally came back, which relieved Xu Jiaorong, who was left behind.

Although the real person of Lan Da is nominally in charge of the power, Xu Jiaorong is the only one who supports the specific matters. The Borneo Taoist Mansion is a Taoist mansion. The real person in charge is vacant, and the chief deputy master is absent, which means that all errands have been canceled. The pressure placed on Xu Jiaorong, the second deputy palace master, can be imagined. It just so happened that the Borneo Taoist Palace had just gone through a major purge, and there were also vacancies in positions such as deputy palace master, principal, and assistant manager.

That's even harder.

These days, Xu Jiaorong barely slept.

Now, not only is Qi Xuansu, the chief deputy palace master, back, but the new master is also coming.

As rumored, the new master is none other than Yao Shu, the former chief deputy master of Ziwei Hall.

The reason why it took so long is mainly because there are more procedures to go through before the real person can be promoted to the real person. After all, he is truly entering the Golden Palace and has the power to elect the chief master, so he must be cautious.

Yao Shu first resolved the grade of Shenzhi Zhenren, and then approved the appointment. If the identity of the real person is not known, then he can only be the real person acting in charge.

After the appointment is issued, Yao Shu will arrive at the Borneo Taoist Office in the near future. Also coming with him are the new deputy palace master Pei Xiaolou, who fills the vacancy of Wang Jiaoying, and the new deputy palace master Ji Jiaozhen, who fills the vacancy of Zheng Jiaohe.

These two are both serious second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests, but they do not serve as the first or second rank. They only serve as deputy palace masters, which is somewhat overqualified. However, considering that neither of them is very "working", one has insufficient cultivation, and the other does not like to take care of things like Master Landa, if they are really allowed to be the first or second in command, they are afraid that something will happen, so it is better to just let them Become a deputy palace master.

As a result, the standards of Borneo Taoist temples have been greatly raised. It is not that there are no second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests serving as ordinary deputy hall masters and deputy palace masters, but they are all extremely special Taoist halls and Taoist houses, such as Shangsantang and Kunlun Taoist House.

But having said that, the Borneo Taoist House was already equipped with a high-level master, who should have very high standards. However, in the past, the Borneo Taoist House was in a special situation. Jinque deliberately suppressed the Borneo Taoist House, but now it is replaced by one of its own. Naturally, the restrictions were relaxed and the Borneo Province returned to normal.

According to the rules of the Taoist sect, the top four rankings of the Taoist affairs are fixed, namely the Grand Master, the Real Master, the Chief Deputy Palace Master, and the Second Deputy Palace Master.

The next seven deputy palace masters will look at their grades first, with those with higher grades in front. Looking at the division of labor responsibilities, the division of labor is more important. For example, Wang Jiaohe, who was in charge of Dayu Kingdom in the past, was the third deputy palace master. Finally, look at the time when you enter the Taoist government to discuss affairs. Those who enter earlier and with more seniority are at the front.

In the current Borneo Taoist House, Lan Da Zhenren, Yao Shu, Qi Xuansu and Xu Jiaorong are the top four, the fifth is Pei Xiaolou, the sixth is Ji Jiaozhen, the seventh is Xie Jiaofeng, and so on. Sort.

This was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Qi Xuansu, because both Pei Xiaolou and Ji Jiaozhen were related to him and could even be regarded as one of his own, which greatly increased his voice in the Taoist government.

This kind of personnel arrangement is somewhat deliberate. Qi Xuansu knew that this was not like the arrangement of the Earth Master, but more like the arrangement of Master Donghua. Xie Jiaofeng was Donghua’s former secretary, Pei Xiaolou was Donghua’s brother, and Ji Jiaozhen probably had some kind of relationship with Donghua.

Such an arrangement would greatly restrict Yao Shu and even give Qi Xuansu the possibility to sideline Yao Shu. This was not in the interests of the Yao family, but it was in line with the interests of Zhenren Donghua.

It seems that food still has to be shared. No matter how good the relationship between the Yao family and the Pei family is, they are still two families, not one family.

Perhaps for Donghua Zhenren, he had no choice in the past but to be a transitional figure between Earth Master and Yao Pei. But now he suddenly found that he had a choice. Maybe he could change his path.

Of course, this is just Qi Xuansu's guess. As for what happened, only Master Donghua himself knows.

In addition, there are two people. One is Sun Yongfeng, who once worked with Qi Xuansu in Tiangang Hall. As one of the more advanced ones among the eight generations of disciples, after not seeing each other for a few years, he has successfully become a heavenly being and has also been promoted to the third level. Taoist priest Youyi was sent as the new secretary of Master Landa this time. The other one is Tang Yongde, the former chief director of the Baidi City branch of Shibotang. This time he was appointed as the acting assistant manager of Shibotang branch.

These two people are also acquaintances of Qi Xuansu.

Furthermore, Han Yongfeng and Lu Yuting were also promoted. It turned out that they were just the chiefs under the name of Qi Xuansu. This time Han Yongfeng was appointed as the chief chief of the Beichen Hall branch, taking over Wu Meirong's position. Lu Yuting was appointed as the chief director of the Huashengtang branch, which was a matter of course.

Other vacant positions will be filled by promotion within the Taoist government.

What else could Qi Xuansu say? Everyone in the Taoist government belongs to him, and the Nanyang United Trading Company is also under his control.

If he really works for twenty years, it doesn't even have to be twenty years, as long as ten years, this Borneo Taoist government will be his world.

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