Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 218 New Situation

What would Yao Shu think? Do you have any opinions on Qi Xuansu? Do you even think Qi Xuansu is a threat?

Qi Xuansu didn't know it, but he had to guard against it.

But if they really fight, Qi Xuansu not only has the strength to fight, but also has a good chance of winning.

Of course it is not a physical fight, but a discussion and discussion.

Whether it is a Taoist meeting or a Taoist meeting, Qi Xuansu has certain advantages.

News comes faster than people. Before the people arrive, the news arrives first.

After the personnel appointments were settled, Qi Xuansu began to make arrangements to welcome the new head master and a group of new colleagues.

At this time, there was another good news.

Chen Jianchou successfully passed the exam and obtained the official status of a Taoist priest. Because of his "Tian Zi Gong", he directly regained his origin as a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest and was promoted to a fourth-grade Youjijiu Taoist priest. It can also be understood as changing the origin of the Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine sacrifice to the Taoist priest of the fourth grade of wine sacrifice.

A "Heavenly Character Skill", this is an honor that Qi Xuansu has never received, but it is indeed worth it, after all, it involves the birth of two ancient immortals in their prime.

Another unexpected thing is that Xiao Yin has also been promoted, from a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest.

This is a bit abrupt, but there is also a foreshadowing, and that is Master Jiang Da’s promise.

Xiao Yin was called a little Taoist friend by Master Jiang Da. As soon as Master Pingzhang opened his mouth, wouldn’t it be simple to promote a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest?

Some people may say that Xiao Yin's promotion was too hasty, but if you think about it carefully, it is not hasty at all. Xiao Yin followed Qi Xuansu to Suzuka Mountain at the Fenglinzhou battlefield, and discovered that Yi Zangnuo Zun's left hand was meritorious, so Qingwei Zhenren gave him the status of a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest.

Later in Borneo, Xiao Yin also did a lot of things, including raiding Wu Guangbi, resisting Sun Heyu, and fiercely fighting Wang Jiaohe. These were all pseudo-immortal first-level figures, not to mention Xiao Yin arresting people alone. , can be said to have outstanding achievements.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for Xiao Yin to be promoted to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest.

As for Xiao Yin's suspension system, this is not a problem because Taoism has some supplementary regulations. Considering that some old Taoist friends are too old and cannot afford to wait, and after the age of sixty, both qualifications and experience are rich enough, so these old Taoist friends who are over sixty do not need to consider stopping their years when they are promoted. system.

Xiao Yin's real age must be over sixty, but her mental age is immature and she is still at the stage of a child. However, the Taoist sect doesn't care about mental age, so Xiao Yin is also an old Taoist friend. Judging from the time, he has stopped long ago.

Of course, this is also the case for Lin Yuanmiao. He is also over sixty years old. His advantage over Xiao Yin is that he is still a Taoist senior, similar to the original Taiyin Lord, so he was directly promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest.

Xiao Yin suffers because she is a creature of Taoism, so she needs to accumulate merit.

However, Xiao Yin still has no position and is still a wandering Taoist priest. This is exactly what she wants, not to mention whether she has the ability to deal with various affairs. Even if she has the ability, for her who is fun and active, it will kill her. If life is boring, she might as well Return to the cave of ghost country.

Finally, the new head master arrived, this time accompanied by the new chief deputy head of Ziwei Hall. The name of this chief deputy hall master is Shangguan Cheng. He was originally the chief deputy hall master of Huasheng Hall. Like Xu Dacheng, the head master of Huasheng Hall, he happened to have the word "cheng" in his name, so he was called With 20% of the Huasheng Hall, this time taking over from Yao Shu as the chief deputy head of the Ziwei Hall is a step forward.

Personnel changes always affect the whole body.

Qi Xuansu arranged a grand ceremony, and Master Lan Da also attended as usual and held a welcome party at Sheji Palace in Shenglong Prefecture.

Qi Xuansu personally went to Guijian Lake to greet him.

The last time it was Chen Shuhua, the former chief deputy palace master, who welcomed Qi Xuansu.

After the welcome was over, in theory, the real person in charge, the real person in charge, handed over the power to the new real person in charge, Yao Shu. In fact, it was Qi Xuansu and Yao Shu who handed over.

This also made Qi Xuansu sigh with emotion. The last time they met, Yao Shu sent him to the Borneo Taoist Palace as the second deputy palace owner. In the blink of an eye, he was already the chief deputy palace owner, and Yao Shu also became the real person in charge of the palace.

Chen Shuhua, Wang Jiaohe and others who came to greet Qi Xuansu have all passed away.

It can be said that things have changed and people have changed.

When the two meet again, they are boss and subordinate again.

Why do I say "you" because when I was in Ziwei Hall, Yao Shu was the chief deputy hall master and Qi Xuansu was the last deputy hall master. They were just one after the other, completely different. But now it is one step away, Qi Xuansu can already compete with Yao Shu.

In addition, Qi Xuansu was filled with emotion when he met his two old friends, Pei Xiaolou and Ji Jiaozhen. They were both his seniors and helped him in the past, but now they have become his subordinates.

The Taoist sect is like this. You can be idle or not seek advancement, but it is inevitable that your mentality will be unbalanced. After all, it is not pleasant to watch your former colleagues, peers, classmates, and subordinates climb over you and become your boss.

By the way, Qi Xuansu's position issue was also solved this time. He is no longer the acting chief deputy palace master, but has removed the deputy. He is the real chief deputy palace master.

The grade and position issues of Xu Jiaorong have also been solved. He is also a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, minus the agent, and is worthy of the name of the second deputy palace master.

After Yao Shu and Qi Xuansu handled the handover, they had a more private and private conversation.

This conversation involves the Yao family.

Because Nanyang United Trading Company redistributed its equity, Borneo Province was the largest shareholder and the Yao family was the second largest shareholder. This was not a small number. Although this part of the equity is in the hands of Qiniang, Qiniang is indeed the one who delivers the peace money to the Yao family. Otherwise, how could Qiniang mobilize so many resources.

From this point of view, the relationship between Qi Xuansu and the Yao family is still very close.

In this matter, Yao Shu wanted to thank Qi Xuansu and gave Qi Xuansu a gift that was hard to refuse on behalf of the Yao family.

"Xuan Jade" - a gift from fate that has already been secretly marked with a price.

Just as Qi Xuansu expected, he got the "Xuan Jade" from the Yao family.

The previous piece of "mysterious jade" was also obtained from the Yao family. It was a piece of "mysterious jade of death", and this piece of "mysterious jade" was a "mysterious jade of life".

This means human-immortal inheritance.

It also means the complete immortal body, or in other words, the true body of the great witch.

As long as he fuses this "mysterious jade", Qi Xuansu can reach the stage of creation, and then use the method of pseudo-ascension given by the heavenly master, using the "Heart of the Immortality Stone" as a guide, to go to the Lingshan Cave, the holy land of the ancient witchcraft, to explore him The secret of the body.

However, Qi Xuansu's last piece of "Xuan Jade" has not been completely digested yet, so he is not in a hurry to absorb it immediately.

As for more, the two said nothing more.

The two people's positions also determine that they cannot be too close.

Now Yao Shu is the real person in charge of the palace, and Qi Xuansu is the chief deputy palace owner. The two are partners. Of course, they can make peace with each other, but the premise is that Qi Xuansu is willing to obey the orders of the real person in charge. Just like how Chen Shuhua treated Wang Jiaohe in the past.

If you are unwilling, then the situation in Jiangnan Province is an example.

Is Qi Xuansu willing? Willing or unwilling.

Willing means that Qi Xuansu does not want to conflict with Yao Shu, but his original intention is to hope that the two can coexist peacefully. Unwillingness means that things often do not change according to people's will. This kind of thing is not just wishful thinking of Qi Xuansu. If the two people disagree, or Yao Shu wants to intervene in some things decided by Qi Xuansu, such as Nanyang United Trading Company, this will cause conflicts. .

In a sense, the two are also rivals.

Since he is an opponent, how can he reveal his heart and lungs?

After Qi Xuansu said goodbye to Yao Shu, he went to see Pei Xiaolou and Ji Jiaozhen.

The two of them happened to be together, which saved trouble.

Qi Xuansu has a different attitude towards these two people. From a utilitarian point of view, Qi Xuansu must win over these two people to compete with Yao Shu and maintain his status and power in the Taoist government. From a relationship point of view, this is an old acquaintance, and there is no need to say more about Pei Xiaolou. Although Qi Xuansu is closer to Lei Xiaohuan, his relationship with Pei Xiaolou is not bad either. Ji Jiaozhen, on the other hand, was kind to Qi Xuansu. Back then, when Qi Xuansu had not yet made a fortune, his hand was broken by Chen Fu'an, and it was Ji Jiaozhen who helped him out. This favor can be remembered by Qi Xuansu for a lifetime.

For this reason, Qi Xuansu asked Chen Jianchou to arrange a private banquet for two old friends. By the way, they also called Sun Yongfeng and Tang Yongde, and Xie Jiaofeng, the deputy master who was good at enlivening the atmosphere, accompanied them.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chief Qi was very aggressive and ambitious. He wanted to win over several deputy palace masters, intending to overpower the new master, and even establish himself as the Emperor of Nanyang.

As for what Qi Xuansu thinks, only Qi Xuansu knows.

In the vanity fair and the power field, the influence is always two-sided. How can public and private be truly separated? Qi Xuansu said that he was reminiscing about the past and it was private, but do others believe it? Once you are tainted with power, there is no distinction between public and private, they are inseparable. Power permeates every corner because there is no vacuum.

The location was chosen at the Taiping Inn, a private private courtyard with the best cook.

Qi Xuansu and others sat together, drinking and reminiscing about old friendships.

Xiao Yin sat next to him, engrossed in his meal.

Pei Xiaolou recalled: "I first met our Chief Qi on the flying boat. At that time, he was still a seventh-grade Taoist priest and was going to report to the Tiangang Hall in Yujing. The next step was to follow Lao Sun's path. I told him a fortune at that time, what did he say? "

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "It's not fortune-telling, it's fortune-telling. Master Pei claimed to be a disciple of Master Donghua and said that I was not simple. I was about to ask why I was not simple. Master Lei barged in and hit him with a raised hand. If the real person escapes, the matter of fortune telling will be over."

It's no secret that Pei Xiaolou is afraid of his wife. He no longer cares about it. He waved his hand and said: "Tianyuan, don't worry about whether I was telling fortunes or reading fortunes at that time. Just tell me whether it's accurate or not. Aren't you simple? It's only been a few years. You are already a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest. If you ask me, you can even compete with the eighth-generation master!"

Qi Xuansu waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't dare to talk nonsense."

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